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Ralfh Joshua M.

BSHRM-IV Block-2
November 26 to 30

November 26, 2021 is the first day of OJT at the leisure coast resort to plan and
discuss the upcoming event and this event is a top speed anniversary with 1,100
guests attending and it started with a simple meeting with sir benji and sir
jonathan to divide the 30 students who will be assigned to set up the event place
and who will serve the guests and food prep who will stay in the kitchen.

November 27, 2021 the beginning of the preparation of the event place many
renovated and removed inside the gym to begin the transfer of tables and chairs
and other items that need to be placed inside the gym where the top speed
anniversary will be held. And those assigned to food preparation started slicing
the ingredients for the cook to be eaten by the guests. On November 29, 2021.

November 28, 2021 final preparation for the top speed event and simple dry run
on what to do before the event and put everything missing in the design of the
event place as well as the food preparation teams we need to sleep in the LCR to
prepare all the recipe and ingredients will cook at 5am in the morning of
November 29, 2021.
November 29, 2021 day of the top speed anniversary we were in food
preparation we woke up early to help in the kitchen to accompany the others
who were cooking the food of the guests and after cooking the other OJT’s also
ready to help with the preparation of food which is lunch of the guests by 12:
00nn we have already given the food of the guest here in providing food you must
be fast and alert so that the guest is satisfied and they are not hungry as well as
we did in the evening after cooking all the dinner of the guest we prepared again
and around 8pm we gave the food they had again even a little bit of problem but
everything was successful and we all finished

November 30, 2021 last day of OJT we all fixed the gym all the used chairs, tables
and the other decoration we removed and bought it in its place. We fixed all day
worth it because we also finished everything in 1week OJT

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