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S.Y. 2022-2023

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What instrument is used in the song “La Campanella” by Niccolo Paganini?

A. Piano B. Violin C. Orchestral instruments D. Violin and Strings
2. What is the texture of the music “Liebestraume” by Franz Liszt?
A. Homophony B. Moderate C. Monophony D. Polyphony
3. Who is the composer known as the “Poet of the Piano”?
A. Camille Saint-Saens C. Hector Berlioz
B. Frederic Chopin D. Robert Schuman
4. What is an example of a dance composition of Frederic Chopin which is famous in Poland
until today that shows nationalism?
A. Ballade B.Carnival C. Polonaise D. Waltz
5. Which of the following explains the meaning of program music?
A. Composition that require a high level virtuosity with some reinventions of
sonatas from the Classical era
B. Composition using violin and string instruments to tell a short story with or
without text or lyrics.
C. Instrumental composition that conveys images or scenes to tell a short story
without text or lyrics.
D. Instrumental composition that conveys images or scenes to tell a short story
with text or lyrics
6. How would you classify the compositions of Hector Berlioz?
A. Dance Music B. Piano Music C. Program Music D. Violin Music
7. Which events happened during the peak of Camille Saint-Saens’ career?
A. Many beautiful churches and buildings were built in France including the Eiffel Tower.
B. Many churches were built and the music journal was founded by him in 1834.
C. Many beautiful churches and beautiful buildings were built in Poland.
D. Many students were taught music for free.

8. Which of the following statement is true about the Romantic period that shows its
characteristics evidently in music, art and literature?
A. These are Western music composed in the late 19th century to the 20th century.
B. This is a cultural movement that stressed emotion, imagination, individualism
and freedom of expression.
C. There is only one kind of popular music known in this period and that is piano music.
D. The great composers in this period were Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.
9. Your teacher instructed you to make a short narrative about the famous Romantic
composer Robert Schuman. Which of the following statements will you write?
i. He founded the “Jornal Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik”.
ii. He was a composer and music critic.
iii. He composed Symphonic Poems (Hamlet)
iv. He kept on transferring from on violin teacher to another.
A. i and ii B. i and iii C. iii only D.. ii,iii and iv
10. Your group was assigned to interpret Camille Saint-Saens recordings of instrumental music
by means of hand mime style. Which of the following music will you suggest to your
A. Overture C. The Swan
B. Symphonie Fantastique D. The Carnival of Venice

11. What choices of music would you have in mind to listen to if you were to write a
musical analysis on the compositions made by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky?

A. Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo & Juliet

B. The Swan, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo & Julie
C. The Swan, Romeo & Juliet, Carnival of the Animals
D. Swan Lake, Carnival of the Animals, Nocturne
12. What is the main story in the composition of Symphonie Fantastique?
A. A young woman got depressed and composed music.
B. A young woman and sensitive musician had nightmares.
C. A young man composed a music inspired by love for his country.
D. A young man and imaginative musician tries to kill himself with opium
due to depression by discouraged love.
13. Nationalism was also incorporated in the music of the Romantic period. What idea
supports this statement about Romantic music?
A. It shows pride in one’s own composition.
B. It shows pride for another country or culture.
C. It shows a strong feeling for one’s own nation.
D. It shows greater feelings for other country’s music than their own.
14. What are the visible lines in Romanticism?
A. Calm B. Foreground C. Linear Style D. Painterly Style
15. Who was the Romantic artist and most famous animal sculptor?
A. Antoine-Louis Barye C. Francois Rude
B. Berthel Thorvaldsen D. Jean-Auguste Dominque Ingres
16. What artwork was used to commemorate the Swiss Guards who were massacred in
1792 during the French Revolution?
A. Jeanne D’ Arc C. La Madeleine de Paris
B. Lion of Lucerne D. Departure of the Volunteers
17. Who was the commissioned Romantic painter by the King of Spain that created the “Saturn
Devouring His Son”?
A. Antonio Canova C. Jacques Louis David
B. Francisco Goya D. Jean-Auguste Dominque Ingres
18. How would you classify the artworks “Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss” and
A. Neoclassic Painting C. Romantic Sculpture
B. Neoclassic Sculpture D. Classical Architecture
19. What is the purpose of the symbolic burial of the past as shown in “The Burial of
Sardine” which is a Spanish ceremony celebrated during Ash Wednesday?
A. To allow the society to forget its tragic past
B. To allow the society to return to its faith to God
C. To allow the society to have a new government
D. To allow the society to be reborn, transformed with new vigor
20. If the Neoclassicism art stressed drawing with lines and smooth texture, what observable
technique and texture is shown in Romanticism art?
A. Order B. Subjective C. No brushstrokes D. Visible brushstrokes
21. Which of the following features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody carnage
brought by gladiator matches?
A. Spoliarium C. Siyam na Diwata ng Sining Sining
B. The Third of May D. The Christian Virgins Being Exposed to the Populace
22. Which of the following is/are illustrated in the “Oath of the Horatii” painting by J. David?
I. Scene from a Roman Legend
II. Murdered French revolutionary leader
III. Three brothers sacrificing their lives for Rome
IV. Napoleon in his decadent coronation costume
A. I and IV C. I, II and III
B. I and III D. IV only
23. Which of the following artwork will you choose as an inspiration if you are tasked by your
teacher to draw a Paladian style building?
A. White House C. British Museum
B. Palais Garnier D. St. Patrick’s Cathedral
24. What subject will you apply in creating a sample Neoclassisal painting like The Death of Marat?
A. Greek and Roman history
B. Passion and imagination
C. Untouched nature
D. Tradition
25. How will you create your own miniature building inspired by the Neoclassical period using
temple style?
A. Using balustrade with vertical supports along the edge of the roof.
B. Using a peristyle with continuous line of columns around the building
C. Using castellation with walls and towers are imitation of medieval castles
D. Using rectangular plan, with a flat roof and an exterior rich in classical detail
26. Which dance is performed to the strong beats of percussion instrument to
honor a patron Saint and as a way of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest?
A. Cultural dance B. Festival dance C. Folk Dance D. Social dance

27. What is the intensity level of the activity that is experienced by a person who
can hardly catch his breath off while executing festival dance movements?
A. Heavy B. Light C. Moderate D. Moderately light
28. How would you demonstrate appropriate first aid when somebody got sprain
while practicing festival dance routines?
A. Immobilize the fractured part of the body. C. Apply R.I.C.E. method.
B. Let the victim sip an electrolyte beverage. D. Keep the victim cool.
29. What movement is executed in bending the joint?
A.Flexion B.Jump C. Rotation D. Step
30. What do you call the gathering and battle of all festivals within the country
held every month of April?
A. Aliwan Fiesta B. Dinagyang C. Mother of all festivals D. Panagbenga
31. How can one best benefit from festival dancing activities?
A. It makes one become physically inactive.
B. It contributes to the enhancement of political awareness.
C. It gives you an opportunity to give critic on other’s way of living.
D. It develops one’s awareness of own and other’s culture through festivals.
32. Why is festival dancing an excellent way to reduce or maintain one’s weight?
A. It burns the desired number of calories stored in the body depending on the intensity
of the activity.
B. It exhausts one’s energy to the extent that he can hardly catch his breath off.
C. It makes one achieve a desired body figure.
D. It easily burns fats off.
33. How can you prove that festival dancing contribute to one ’s fitness and well- being?
A. It increases the risk of cardio-respiratory diseases.
B. It can develop teamwork and a sense of community.
C It can be a good form of exercise only for those who like dancing.
D. It maximizes our use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory health.
34. How will you execute the step pattern mincing?
A. Point L in place (and), Step R in place (1), Point L in place (and),
Step R in place (2)
B. Cross R over L (1), step L sideward (and), step R in place (2)
C. Step R (1), Close Step L to R (and), Step R in Place (2)
D. Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2)
35. How would you classify the following movements: release, recover and twist?
A. Elements B. Locomotor C. Motor D. Non-Locomotor
36. Which of the following explains the execution of direction as it adds variety of movement?
A. It may be slow, moderate or fast.
B. It may be done in low, medium or high level.
C. It may be limited depending on the space provided.
D. It may be performed forward, backward, sideward or even upward.
37. Maria visited her grandmother in Baguio City last February. Which of the
following festivals was she also able to watch during her visit?
A. Bambanti Festival C. Higantes Festival
B. Ibon Ebon Festival D. Panagbenga Festival
38. What designs may be created on the floor as the dancer’s body moves?
A. Geometric or non-geometric formations C. Low or high level
B. Regular or irregular beat D. Drop or regain
39. What is the third step in assessing emergency situations?
A. Open the airway C. Move to the quietest victim
B. Check for breathing D. Look for signs of circulation
40. What is used when the victim is conscious or has revived?
A. Perform CPR C. RICE method
B. Primary Survey D. Secondary Survey
41. What is used as cloth that covers a wound to prevent infection and/or to stop bleeding?
A. Bandage C. Dressing
B. Cold compress D. Square knot
42. Jake experienced heat exhaustion while playing basketball in long hours in
an open court. What is the first step that you will do in applying first aid?
A. Transport the victim to a cool place.
B. Give him/her plenty of water.
C. Check for vital signs.
D. Seek medical help.
43. What is the best thing that you will do if the condition of a person who
suffered from food poisoning got worsen even after giving first aid?
A. Help the person to lie down and rest.
B. Continuously give fluids to drink
C. Ask the person if he is choking
D. Call for medical help
44. How would you classify the bandaging used for wounds on top and back of
the head, chest, back, hand, and foot and as arm sling?
A. Cravat phase C. Open phase
B. Cold compress D. Square knot
45. Which of the following statement explains the meaning of ABC in doing the
primary survey of the victim?
A. Abrasions, Burns, Contusions
B. Airway, Breathing, Circulation
C. Airway, Bleeding, Circulation
D.. Allergy, Bleeding Circulation
46. There’s a small victim in the incident place and you realize he/she is smaller
than you. What is the appropriate transporting technique will you use?
A. Pack Strap Carry C. Piggy Back
B. Shoulder Drag D. Tied-Hands Crawl
47. Which of the following shows the proper application of dressing to a wound?
A. Secure the dressing with any material.
B. Unwrap the dressing as close to the wound as possible.
C. Use a dressing that is enough to extend at least 1 cm. beyond the
edges of the wound.
D. If the dressing slips over the victim’s skin while you are trying to position
it, just pick it up and use it again.
48. Which of the following procedures explains the proper technique in bandaging?
A. Always use a square knot.
B. Use any available cloth near you.
C. Use a dressing that is large enough.
D. Bandage firmly over bleeding and secure over the broken bone very tight.
49. When transporting an injured person to a safer place, how would you prioritize
the use of blanket drag?
A. When the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted
B. When the floor is smooth and for short distance transport
C. When there are three first aiders.
D. When the victim is conscious
50. Luisa helped her friend Jake who drowned. After laying Jake down on his
back, she checked the breathing, opened the airway and gave rescue
breaths. If you were Luisa, what is the next important thing you should do if
your friend is already breathing?
A. Treat the victim for shock.
B. Place him in the recovery position
C. Check again the breathing and maintain open airway.
D. Treat for hypothermia by removing wet clothing and covering him/her
with a dry blanket.

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