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Formal communication channels are an organization's official communication networks

and routes.

AL should adopt two-way communication. This involves quick communication with sales
managers and allows sales managers and other staff to contribute to a debate about the
current decreases in sales of standard light bulbs. As previously, AL has been using
written communication as one-way communication about sales of standard light bulbs
and the increase in the demand for LED lights, and it took the sales manager four
weeks to relay this information to Metta, moreover, the message from the sales
manager was read by several other managers before Metta received it. Changing to
two-way communication will allow Metta and the sales managers to communicate with
each other more quickly, as Metta can start two-way communication by using
one-to-one communication. This means that AL's business director has the right to
contribute and debate with Metta about AL's current business situation in full and in
detail. This also helps AL's sales director to have more motivation through discussion
with Metta to jointly come up with implementation plans to increase sales of standard
light bulbs, which will have a positive impact on AL's sales of this product because both
Matte and the sales manager agree on specific strategies.

AL can think about using horizontal communication as a communication method as well.

This involves people from the same levels in AL’s hierarchy communicating with each
other. Since AL's takeover of Bangkok Brighlights last year AL has doubled in size as a
result of integration, in which they have employed more managers and staff, leading to
the level of hierarchy being created. Changing the horizontal communication will allow
Metta to coordinate the team of both same-level departments like the sales department
and the production team of AL together for the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and
ideas on trying to sell out the inventory of light bulbs, and discuss new ideas about LED
lights promotion, design, and production. This leads to better problem-solving,
decision-making, and innovation of the main AL’s product together. When AL’s sales
and production team can freely communicate with each other, they can work together
more effectively towards common goals.
In evaluation, the current communication methods of AL are not effective at all.
Although AL uses one-way communication like written communication allows detailed
information and figures, however, it does not allow for immediate feedback and the
classification of the message to other employees cannot be obtained quickly. Also, there
is a possibility communication that AL can think about is electronic communications as it
is low costs, saves time and money on transferring messages, and in this case,
electronic communication can improve the flow of information from Metta to AL’s
manager, and enabling that manager have motivated to control the business as well.
Having effective internal communication can increase the motivation and productivity of
AL’s employees if they are encouraged to participate through group discussion, then
effective communication will aid in motivation, and if AL doesn’t approach effective
internal communication, AL’s employees will feel out of touch and isolated. Moreover,
besides thinking about effective communication methods, AL should look at external
factors that have affected their communication system, such as the autocratic
management style that Metta used. For example, the way Metta communicates with his
production team is very curt, and blunt, does not take full responsibility for himself, and
is somewhat lacking in motivation toward that team's employees, to avoid this situation,
Metta should change to using democratic leadership, because two-way information
allows feedback and new ideas from staff, and is also suitable for using horizontal
communication. Additionally, AL's organizational structure needs to be changed. For
instance, moving to a matrix structure can encourage and promote more practice
between each department, which is crucial for AL to become profitable and reputable.

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