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Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

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Predicting the residual strength and deformability of corroded steel plate

based on the corrosion morphology
Youde Wang ⇑, Shanhua Xu ⇑, Hao Wang, Anbang Li
School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Conducted 3D profile measurement and tensile test to evaluate the corrosion effects.
 Quantitatively characterized the corrosion profile and developed a dedicated program.
 Summarized the empirical formulas used to predict residual performance.
 Established a morphology based numerical method to predict residual performance and fracture.
 Surface strain of corroded specimen was measured by using DIC technology.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effects of corrosion on the mechanical performance of steel were investigated by conducting surface
Received 2 March 2017 measurements and tensile tests on naturally corroded steel plates. With increasing corrosion damage,
Received in revised form 10 June 2017 significant degradations in strength and deformation can be observed. We summarized the existing
Accepted 4 July 2017
empirical formulas and elaborated a morphology based numerical method to predict the residual perfor-
Available online 12 July 2017
mance of corroded steel. With the aid of specially developed programs, it is easy to extract the pertinent
evaluation indicators from the corrosion morphology and generate the finite element model of corroded
surfaces. By conducting error analysis of predicted results, we found that most empirical formulas could
Steel plate
achieve satisfying predictions in tensile strength but were unworkable in predicting the deformability.
Morphology The profile based numerical method could not only achieve more reliable predictions in strength but also
Tensile test provide the degraded load-displacement curve of corroded steel plates.
Performance prediction Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Numerical simulation

1. Introduction The plate thickness and mechanical properties of structural

steel such as yield strength (fyi), ultimate strength (fu), elongation
Steel structures including transmission towers, steel bridges, at failure (d), as well as yield ratio (fyi/fu) are important in struc-
workshops, and offshore platforms exposed to harsh environment tural design according to the present standards. However, during
such as urban, industrial and offshore atmosphere for a long time the actual service, these properties are considered to be constant,
often show signs of apparently severe surface corrosion, when neglecting the corrosion-induced deteriorations that the steel
the protective coatings and cathodic protection systems either structures may suffer. Although the design of steel structures are
are non-existent or have become ineffective [1,2]. Corrosion has required to contain a certain allowance for corrosion wastage
been considered to be the predominate factor leading to age- and the safety factor in initial design may delay the occurrence
related structural degradation of steel structures due to the of structural failure, the priori negligence of corrosion in structural
harmful consequences including strength degradation, thickness integrity analysis may lead to significant overestimation of the
penetration, fatigue cracks, brittle fracture and unstable failure damage tolerance ability of existing steel structures [4,5].
[3]. These forms of damage can give rise to significant issues in Conventionally, the residual bearing capacity of corroded com-
terms of safety, health and environment. ponent is assessed using the required effective thickness, aiming to
meet the minimum strength requirement. This method is
convenient and simple to apply. However, up to now, this method
⇑ Corresponding authors.
has not been developed systematically and the associated evalua-
tion indicators are still less than satisfactory, for instance, the
E-mail addresses:, (Y. Wang), xushanhua@ (S. Xu), (H. Wang), (A. Li). determination of effective thickness. Moreover, how to determine
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
778 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

the influence of localized corrosion using the required effective summarized the existing empirical formulas and elaborated a cor-
thickness approach is still full of controversy [5], because corrosion rosion morphology based numerical method to predict the residual
discontinuities (pits) can lead to stress/strain concentration [1,6–9] performance of corroded steel. Their effectiveness and applicability
and even premature fracture. were also investigated by conducting a series of experiments
The method of introducing degradation mechanism into mate- including corrosion morphology measurement and characteriza-
rial constitutive relation may be a near-perfect approach to con- tion, uniaxial tension and surface strain measurement on the nat-
sider the corrosion effects, which can achieve a good balance in urally corroded steel plates. Special programs were also developed
predicting precision and computational efficiency. The standard to extract the morphological parameters and generate the finite
tensile test provides an intuitive and convenient way to evaluate element (FE) models based on the surface data. The research
the influence of corrosion on the mechanical properties of steel results would provide technical support for the residual perfor-
plate and have been successfully conducted in a laboratory setting mance evaluation of existing corroded steel structures.
[10–15]. However, for existing structures, this approach is destruc-
tive in nature. For this reason, many empirical formulas used to
2. Experimental procedure
predict the residual performance of corroded steel were proposed
based on the experimental results. 2.1. Material and specimen preparation
A good prediction of the corrosion effects by using the empirical
formula is largely dependent on the quantification of corrosion The test specimens were all cut out from an H-beam steel truss (shown in
itself. Recent years, several physical probe techniques (SEM [16], Fig. 1a) with 8 years nature expose at Xi’an (a city in western China). The appear-
ance after removing the rust is shown in Fig. 1d. The tested material was a normal-
AFM [6], X-ray tomography [17–19], white light interferometry ized 0.2% low-carbon steel (named Q235 in China), which is widely used in
(WLI) [20], white light axial chromatism [21,22], etc.) have been infrastructure and civil engineering. Its chemical compositions are presented in
proposed and applied to characterize the corrosion features and Table 1. According to the different position and obliquity (see Fig. 1a), the truncated
quantify the corrosion level. All these investigations promote the components were categorized into three general types: horizontal (H), vertical (V)
and sloping (S) members. One specimen was cut from the severely rusted top
innovation of corrosion measurements and also provide a new
flanges (TF), bottom flanges (BF) and webs (W) of each selected member. In
way for non-destructive evaluation (NDE). Extensive literatures addition, one corrosion-free specimen (NC) was fabricated to act as a control and
and standards [21,23–28] have presented numerous parameters determine the material properties of flanges and webs by removing the corrosion
to characterize the corrosion morphology and quantify its severity. features using a milling machine.
Many empirical formulas based on the morphological parameters
were also proposed by researchers to estimate the degradation of 2.2. 3D corrosion profile measurements
mechanical properties. However, these formulas were established
by making some simplifications, and their application conditions The dimensions of specimen for profile measurement are shown in Fig. 2a.
were not described in detail by researchers. Therefore, the practi- Before conducting the surface measurements, corrosion products were removed
carefully by using the electric wire brushes. Note that the two corroded surfaces
cality have not been widely verified and recognized.
of each steel plate were scanned separately, therefore the relative position of the
More recently, due to improved computational capabilities, the two surfaces need to be determined before conducting the quantitative character-
numerical method based on corrosion morphology has gained ization and establishing the finite element (FE) model. To solve this problem, a
greater emphasis. Initially, researchers typically focused on the reference zone with the width of 7.5 mm shown in Fig. 2a was prefabricated at
the edge of specimen using a milling machine.
simplification of corrosion morphology [29–32] and forming the
A PS50 non-contact 3D profiler produced by NANOVER was employed to obtain
surface degradation by utilizing the empirical corrosion models the 3D morphology of corroded surface. The vertical and horizontal resolutions
[3,13,33–35]. A disadvantage of this simplification is that the pre- were 280 nm and 8 lm, respectively. Each corroded surface had one measurement
dicted mechanical properties are dependent on how the actual cor- region of 32.5 mm  50 mm, which covered the whole parallel part of tensile test
rosion is interpreted or the corrosion model behavior [5]. After specimen and the reference plane. The equipment and the schematic of measure-
ment area are shown in Fig. 2. The longitudinal and transversal scanning steps (S)
that, the direct scanning [1,6,9,10,22,28] from a corroded surface
were both 50 lm. Thus, a regular grid with 651  1001 points was generated by
was also applied in modeling. Pidaparti [1,6] and Kainuma [9] this arrangement. After the profile tests, the thickness of reference zone (Tsa) was
developed a numerical method based on the scanned corrosion measured with an ultrasonic thickness gauge or vernier caliper.
morphology to evaluate the stress concentration level around pits.
A similar method was also employed in our previous work [22] to
2.3. Tensile test procedure
predict the possible nucleation site of pitting induced crack and
then predict the fatigue life of corroded steel plate. Appuhamy The geometry of dog-bone specimens (see Fig. 2c) for standard tensile test was
[10] discussed the feasibility of establishing a numerical methodol- designed based on GB/T 228.1–2010 [36]. The distance between the two black
ogy to preliminary predict the residual strength of corroded steel markers in Fig. 2c denotes the initial gauge length. All specimens should be
machined with no residual stress, surface damage, and deformation.
plates using fewer number of scanning points. In the work of Ahm- All specimens were tested according to GB/T 228.1–2010 [36] at room temper-
mad [13], the quasi-static tensile tests and numerical simulations ature in laboratory air. The uniaxial tension was performed by an Instron Model
were both conducted on replica specimens. 1341 electro hydraulic test frame with a 200 kN load cell. The temperature and
The corrosion morphology is identified as the most intuitive humidity were 25 ± 3 °C and 65 ± 5%, respectively. In each test, the coupon was fully
clamped at both ends and stretched up to fracture under strain control at a constant
data because it can comprehensively reflect the corrosion levels
strain rate of 2.5  104/s. An extensometer was utilized to track the elongation of
without any simplification or quantification. Although a few liter- parallel part in real time and control the crosshead speed.
atures have utilized the corrosion morphology to evaluate the
effects of corrosion on material properties, it has not been paid
2.4. Surface strain measurement
enough attention in the field of NDE of existing corroded steel
structures. There is almost no literature involved the prediction A stereo digital image correlation (SDIC) system produced by XTOP was
of loading and deformation behavior of corroded steel plates dur- employed here to measure the in-plane displacements at the specimen surface. In
ing the whole process of stretching, especially for the large defor- this system, two 2448  2048 pixels CCD cameras and a REGER-100 electromechan-
mation behavior after necking. In addition, most conclusions, ical materials testing machine were used. Before the measurements, a fine speckle
pattern was required on the area of interest (AOI) where the full-field displace-
methods and empirical formulas in previous studies were obtained
ments were measured (see Fig. 3b). The initial size of AOI was 25 mm (width) 
or proposed under artificial or specific corrosion conditions, their 50 mm (initial gauge length). During the tensile test, a series of digital images
applicability still needed to be verified. In the present study, we corresponding to AOI were firstly captured and then processed by SDIC analysis
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 779

Fig. 1. The corrosion state of tested H-beam steel truss.

Table 1
Chemical compositions of Q235 steel (wt%).

Fe C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu N
96.8 0.2 0.35 1.4 0.045 0.045 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.008

Fig. 2. (a) Specimen for surface measurement, (b) equipment for surface measurement and (c) specimen for uniaxial tensile test.
780 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

Fig. 3. Experimental implementation of the SDIC system for surface strain measurement.

program to generate the local distribution of in-plane strain components. In this described as a rather non-uniform general corrosion, and the
paper, a NC and a SW specimens were used to measure the surface strain fields,
effects of pitting and general corrosion are combined. Before con-
ducting morphology analysis, the centimeter scale waves were fil-
tered out to eliminate the effect of noises. It should be noted
3. Experimental results and discussion especially that the original surface was not preserved during the
atmospheric exposure. Therefore, the corrosion depth in this sec-
3.1. Morphology characterization and parameter extraction tion refers in particular to the perpendicular distance between
the vertex and each scanning point (see Fig. 7a). Table 2 lists the
Fig. 4 clearly shows the corrosion morphology of both surfaces maximum (Dmax) and average (Dave) corrosion depth of each
of all test specimens. It can be seen the corrosion form may be specimen. Apparently, varying corrosion morphologies appear on

Fig. 4. Corrosion morphology of the both surfaces of all test specimens (A and B represent the sky-ward and ground-ward surface in H and S members).
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 781

Fig. 5. (a) Principle diagram of CroEva for extracting the pitting features, and the extracted results of (b) HTF-A, (c) VW-A and (d) SW-B.

Fig. 6. Aspect ratio (R/h) of pits as a function of pit depth (h) in all specimens.
782 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

Fig. 7. Procedures for extracting the cross-sectional parameters and volume loss ratio.

Table 2
Results summary for corrosion depth and pitting shapes of all corroded specimens.

Member Specimens Dmax/um Dave/um Pd(pits/cm2) have/um Rave/um (R/h)ave

H HTF 331/1253 113/515 20.2/6.4 169/713 1293/2249 7.3/3.3
HBF 945/1106 361/399 6.9/7.5 508/536 2231/1976 4.0/3.2
HW 868/692 286/298 9.4/11.5 413/391 1772/1690 3.9/3.9
S STF 437/1282 134/466 15.7/7.6 202/586 1345/1981 6.2/3.2
SBF 737/910 228/341 13.4/10.7 309/473 1499/1863 4.9/3.9
SW 888/1097 247/385 8.6/6.8 375/576 2183/2272 5.3/3.6
V VTF 466/751 152/192 15.3/14.6 269/301 1337/1314 4.8/4.3
VBF 810/730 279/171 11.0/13.3 433/282 1552/1410 3.4/4.8
VW 593/487 163/179 12.2/14.5 319/293 1679/1473 5.3/5.1

different specimens. Great majority of large corrosion pits dis- supposed to be related to the link up of adjacent pits during atmo-
tribute on the bottom flanges and webs of H and S members, par- spheric exposure. As for the pitting shapes, the variation of aspect
ticularly the ground-ward surface. The evolution of corrosion in ratio (R/h) with pit depth (h) in different specimens is discussed
these specimens can be partly ascribed to the extension of wetness here and depicted in Fig. 6. It can be seen that, the aspect ratios
time induced by gravity and accumulation of raindrops. In the of pits in almost all measured surfaces are in the range of 0.5–10,
work of [9,11], the same phenomenon was also observed. except HTF-A and STF-A that have the majority of aspect ratios
Some studies [22,23,27,28,37–41] exhibited the statistical anal- in the range of 0.5–18. That is to say the corrosion pits on the
ysis associated with pitting corrosion. In this paper, the pit density sky-ward surface of HTF and STF tend to be ‘‘sharper”.
and shapes including depth (h), diameter (R) and aspect ratio (R/h) Many researchers confirmed that the tensile strength of cor-
are also investigated. From Fig. 4, it can be seen the corrosion- roded steel plate was governed by the smallest cross-sectional area
induced pits are distinctly separated from the matrix and the [11,13,14] or volume loss ratio [15]. Fig. 7 illustrates the procedure
geometry is essentially irregular. Consequently, a special program for extracting these associated parameters. When the thickness of
named CorEva written in Matlab code was developed by us to reference zone (Tsa) has been obtained, the vertical distance
address the particular requirements of parameters acquisition. This between the vertexes (Tmax) of the two corroded surfaces can be
program created an image slice-by-slice in height, and then determined by:
employed a Floodfill algorithm to extract the manually picked con-
nected regions (i.e., pits) as shown in Fig. 5a and calculate the asso- T max ¼ Dre re
A þ DB þ T sa ; ð1Þ
ciated shape parameters. With lowing the slice plane, all connected
where Dre re
A and DB are the relative depth of reference plane. Note
regions (pits) would be extracted, as shown in Fig. 5b–d. Note that
that the vertexes on the both surfaces generally do not have the
the average value of pitting length and width was employed as the
same (x, y) coordinates, as shown in Fig. 7b. Since the reference
diameter R, since the pits were extremely irregular. The computed
plane was no longer useful for the subsequent analysis, only the
results are summarized in Table 2. Examinations of HTF-A and
corroded surface with a region of 25 mm  50 mm which was cor-
VW-B surfaces in Fig. 5b and c reveal a large number of narrow
responding to the parallel part, was extracted from the original
pits, while on the surface of SW-B (see Fig. 5d), wider pits tend
data. Then the Z coordinate of each point on the two surfaces
to appear. Another phenomenon is that crowded pits generally dis-
(ZA and ZB) can be easily determined from the measured corrosion
tribute on the surface of V member, while the pit density (Pd) is
much smaller on the H and S members, except for the sky-ward
surface of HTF and STF. The reduced density and wider pits are Z A ðx; yÞ ¼ T max  DA ðx; yÞ ð2Þ
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 783

Z B ðx; yÞ ¼ DB ðx; yÞ ð3Þ volume loss ratio (q) are also summarized in Table 3. Since the
webs are mainly used to resist shear force and generally designed
The regular grid generated by the extracted points was then uti-
to be much thinner than flanges, relatively higher volume loss ratio
lized to discretize the 3D entity bounded by the upper and lower
(q) can be observed. That is to say, in assessing the residual perfor-
surfaces. Then the cross sectional area can be calculated by adding
mance of corroded steel structures, the corroded webs can to some
up the areas of all squares at this section (see Fig. 7b):
extent be determined as the ‘‘weak links”, especially for the webs
SðZ A ðxi ; yÞ  Z B ðxi ; yÞ þ Z A ðxiþ1 ; yÞ  Z B ðxiþ1 ; yÞÞ of horizontal components. The above results indicate that various
AðyÞ ¼ ð4Þ evaluation indicators can be conveniently extracted from the cor-
rosion morphology. These parameters will also provide supporting
where S is the scanning step and M is the number of squares. data for Section 4 to predict the residual properties of tested plates.
Similarly, the volume of corroded steel plate can be described as
the sum of the volume of all columns generated by grid points 3.2. Tensile test results and discussion
(see Fig. 7c). Then the volume loss ratio can be expressed as:
The tensile test results of all specimens are presented in Table 4
q ¼ qn þ qu ; ð5Þ
and Fig. 8. Note that the strength (yield strength fyi and ultimate
strength fu) in Table 4 is a nominal value, which is defined as the
ðT 0  T max Þ
qu ¼ ; ð6Þ ratio of applied load to nominal area. To investigate the effects of
T0 non-uniform volume loss, the maximum residual thickness (Tmax)
is employed here as the nominal thickness. This figure clearly illus-
trates that the loss of bearing capacity is directly proportional to
TðjÞ  s2
the volume loss ratio. A reduction of ultimate load of about
qn ¼ 1   qu : ð7Þ 18.7% and 27.9% is respectively observed for 9.0 mm flanges and
W  L  T0
6.5 mm webs. The ultimate load of the corroded webs of HW and
where T0 is the initial thickness of un-corroded steel plate, SW has reduced to a value comparable to the yield load of non-
MN is the total number of columns contained in the grid corroded webs.
(M  N = 500  1000), and T(j) is the average height of four vertical The reduction of bearing force can be divided into two parts
sides of the jth column. qu and qn refer to the uniform and non- which are induced by uniform and non-uniform volume loss (as
uniform volume loss ratio, respectively. shown in Fig. 7), and their proportions are both listed in Table 4.
The developed program CorEva was also employed here to It can be seen, the uniform volume loss usually plays a main part
implement these procedures and the results are summarized in in the load degradation, but for the specimens with higher propor-
Table 3. From Table 3 it can be seen that, the uniform thickness loss tion of pitting corrosion (V members), we find the exact opposite.
(tu) of H and S members fluctuates around a constant value (about The reduction of bearing capacity resulting from uniform volume
1.1 mm), while the value of V members is significantly lower loss can be assessed based on the measured residual thickness,
(about 0.6). This indicates that the member position may play a however, things are quite different for localized volume loss. The
decisive role in uniform volume loss. On the other hand, the non- degradation induced by localized corrosion could be depicted indi-
uniform thickness loss (tn) exhibits high discreteness, which rectly by the reduction of strength or the non-uniform volume loss
demonstrates that the non-uniform volume loss is more random ratio. Specimens with larger non-uniform volume loss ratio gener-
and sensitive to the external environment. Moreover, greater value ally present lower yield and ultimate strength. For the specimens
of tn tends to appear on the bottom flanges and webs of H and S with moderate corrosion, yield strength and ultimate strength
members. Here, it is also likely the results of the accumulation of are reduced by 8.2–14.3% and 3.2–11.7%, respectively. The
raindrops. In order to preliminary assess the severity of corrosion, decreased yield strength also results in the expected decrease of
three types of corrosion levels are categorized here in terms of the elastic modulus (Es) and yield ratio (fyi/fu).
minimum thickness ratio l [10]: 1) minor corrosion, l > 0.75; 2) On the aspect of deformation, a shorter yield plateau accompa-
moderate corrosion, 0.75  l  0.5; 3) severe corrosion, l < 0.5. l nied with a range of angle can be observed for corroded steel in
is defined as Tmin/T0 and the corrosion levels are listed in Table 3. Fig. 8, and eventually the well-defined yield plateau even
It can be seen most specimens present moderate corrosion after disappears for specimens with severe corrosion (SW specimen),
8 years of exposure, except for VTF (minor corrosion) and SW which is consistent with the conclusions of previous works in
(severe corrosion). The minimum cross-sectional area (Amin) and [10,12,13]. This is logically because the cross-sectional area varies

Table 3
Results summary for the cross-sectional parameters and volume loss ratio.

Specimens T0 Tmax Tmin Tma Tave Tsd tu tn l Corrosion level Amin qu qn q

(mm) (mm ) (%)
NC 9 4.72 4.72 – 4.72 – – – – – 118.0 – – –
HTF 9 7.98 6.40 7.22 7.35 60 1.02 1.58 0.711 Mod 180.4 11.3 9.5 20.8
HBF 9 7.93 5.88 6.95 7.17 97 1.07 2.05 0.653 Mod 173.7 11.9 11.9 23.8
HW 6.5 5.28 3.72 4.61 4.70 63 1.22 1.56 0.572 Mod 115.3 18.8 10.5 29.3
STF 9 7.86 6.14 7.11 7.26 64 1.14 1.72 0.682 Mod 177.7 12.7 10.5 23.2
SBF 9 7.80 6.15 7.09 7.24 52 1.20 1.65 0.683 Mod 177.2 13.3 8.9 22.2
SW 6.5 5.27 3.29 4.49 4.64 72 1.23 1.98 0.498 Sev 112.1 18.9 14.7 33.6
VTF 8 7.36 6.14 6.93 7.02 33 0.64 1.22 0.768 Min 173.4 8.0 8.9 16.9
VBF 8 7.30 5.76 6.74 6.85 43 0.70 1.54 0.720 Mod 168.5 8.7 10.5 19.2
VW 6 5.42 4.24 4.97 5.08 33 0.58 1.18 0.707 Mod 124.3 9.7 9.8 19.5

T0–the original thickness of intact plate; Tmax–maximum residual thickness (i.e., the vertical distance between the vertexes); Tmin–the minimum thickness: Tmin =
Tmax  (DAmax + DBmax); Tma–the average thickness of the minimum cross-section, defined by Amin/W; Tave–the average thickness; Tsd–the standard deviation of thickness; tu–the
uniform thickness loss; tn–the non-uniform thickness loss: tn = DAmax + DBmax; Amin–the minimum cross sectional area; Mod–Moderate, Min–Minor, Sev–Severe.
784 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

Table 4
Results summary for all tensile tests.

Specimens Tmax (mm) q qn Fyi Puyi/Pnyi Fui/Fu Puu/Pnu fyi fu eu De1 d Es (GPa) fyi/fu
(%) (kN) (MPa) (%)
NC 4.72 – – 34.5 – 51.3 – 292.6 435.0 20.0 2.16 35.2 207.0 0.673
NC-F 9.0 – – 65.8 – 97.8 – 292.6 435.0 20.0 2.16 35.2 207.0 0.673
NC-W 6.5 – – 47.6 – 70.6 – 292.6 435.0 20.0 2.16 35.2 207.0 0.673
HTF 7.98 20.8 9.5 53.5 7.5/4.8 80.3 11.1/6.4 268.2 402.7 17.5 1.97 31.7 194.6 0.666
HBF 7.93 23.8 11.9 52.3 7.8/5.7 79.2 11.6/7.0 263.8 399.7 18.5 1.45 31.3 184.5 0.660
HW 5.28 29.3 10.5 33.1 8.2/6.2 50.8 13.2/6.6 250.7 384.5 17.2 1.45 24.1 189.7 0.652
STF 7.86 23.2 10.5 53.1 8.3/4.4 79.3 12.4/6.1 267.0 403.6 18.7 1.66 31.5 200.3 0.669
SBF 7.80 22.2 8.9 52.3 8.8/4.7 79.4 13.0/5.4 268.1 407.1 18.9 1.72 32.4 198.9 0.659
SW 5.27 33.6 14.7 31.9 8.3/7.3 51.1 13.3/6.2 242.4 388.2 17.2 1.39 21.6 187.3 0.624
VTF 7.36 16.9 8.9 48.7 4.7/5.1 76.5 7.0/3.5 264.8 415.6 18.3 1.41 32.3 203.9 0.637
VBF 7.30 19.2 10.5 48.3 5.1/5.1 75.2 7.6/4.1 264.5 412 19.3 1.46 31.8 200.7 0.642
VW 5.42 19.5 9.8 36.8 3.9/3.6 55.9 6.2/2.2 271.6 412.5 19.1 1.38 30.8 195.4 0.654

Puyi and Pnyi refer to the degradation of yield load induced by uniform and non-uniform volume loss. Puu and Pnu refer to the degradation of ultimate load induced by uniform and
non-uniform volume loss.

Fig. 8. Experimental load-displacement curves (F–DL) of all test specimens. (Note that the load-displacement curves of un-corroded specimens for comparison are plotted by
amplifying the load of NC coupons based on the ratio of original (T0) to actual thickness.)

along the specimens due to randomness in the corrosion attack in the center of the fracture surface are observed, indicating that
[10]. Since uniform volume loss does not give rise to discontinu- crack initiates from the center and the fracture is ductile. While
ities, this degradation should be attributed to non-uniform volume for corroded specimens, the shear zone on fracture section
loss. From Table 4, we can find that the yield plateau after corro- increases due to the pitting damage, and crack generally initiates
sion is shortened by 9–37%. Also shown in that Figure and Table, from the surface or root of corrosion pits, so that an obvious tearing
the elongations d at fracture of 21.6–32.4% are obtained for rusted crack is observed. The visual evidence of the shift of crack initiation
coupons, which are significant less than that of non-corroded steel site can be seen by comparing the scanning electron micrographs
(34.9–35.2%). The loss of ductility mostly can be attributed to the of fracture surfaces [42]. For internal initiation, the fracture surface
premature necking and a shorter descending branch of the load- is relatively rough and characterized by fairly equiaxed dimples
displacement curve past the necking point. The inset picture of (see Fig. 10e), while for surface initiation, the fracture surface is
Fig. 8 also reveals that corrosion has a more significant effect on smoother and characterized by asymmetric dimples representative
the material properties after necking (at high strain levels). Take of shear dominated deformation (see Fig. 10f).
SW specimen for instance, a brittle fracture occurs just after
exceeding the ultimate load, accordingly, the breaking elongation 4. Residual performance prediction
decreases by up to 38% but the breaking load is still higher than
85% of the ultimate load. This fully indicates that the ductility of 4.1. Summary of empirical formulas
corroded steel is not sufficiently developed after necking, as is evi-
dent from the fractures of corroded steel plates with less obvious In this section, we summarized the existing empirical formulas
necking in Figs. 9 and 10. used for predicting the residual performance of corroded steel.
Fig. 9 illustrates the fracture position of corroded steel plates. It Most of these formulas involved the yield load, ultimate load,
shows that most of the corroded specimens break near a section and total elongation.
with the minimum area (Amin). The fracture morphologies of two
types of specimens (un-corroded and corroded) are also shown in 4.1.1. Residual strength
Fig. 10. It can be seen the fracture morphology changes signifi- Matsumoto [43] and Nakai [11] confirmed that the ultimate
cantly with the increasing corrosion degree. For corrosion-free load of a corroded steel plate was governed by the smallest
specimen, a typical necking with a cushion-like shape and a dimple cross-section, i.e.:
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 785

Fig. 9. Variation of thickness along Y direction and the fracture position: (a) HTF, (b) HBF, (c) HW.

Fig. 10. Fracture morphology of (a) NC, (b) HTF, (c) HBF, (d) HW and the SEM images of fracture that initiated from the center of intact specimen (e) and the surface of
corroded specimen (f).

F u ¼ WT ma f u0 ; ð8Þ T 0  T ma
Rm ¼ : ð11Þ
where Tma refers to the average thickness of minimum cross-
section, defined by Amin/W. fu0 is the ultimate strength of
F u ¼ WT 0 f u0 ð1  Rm Þ0:73 : ð12Þ
corrosion-free plate. Sheng [14] found that ultimate load (or yield
load) and minimum cross-sectional area exhibited a good linear Muranaka [44] and Kariya [45] suggested using the average
relationship for Q235 steel: thickness (Tave) and standard deviation of thickness (Tsd) to predict
the ultimate load:
F u ¼ 486:7WT ma  5245; ð9Þ
F u ¼ WðT av e  aT sd Þf u0 ; ð13Þ
F y ¼ 185WT ma þ 24528: ð10Þ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u k
u1 X
Ahmmad [13] introduced a damage index Rm, which depended T sd ¼t ðT i  T av e Þ2 ; ð14Þ
on the average thickness of minimum cross-section, to predict the k i¼1
ultimate load:
786 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

where a is a coefficient, 0.7 and 1.3 were adopt in [44] and [45], Rather, it seems have a good correlation with the surface roughness
respectively. Ti is the average thickness of the ith cross-section, k parameter Rs:
is the number of cross-sections, and Tave is the average value of
T av e  T ma
all Ti. Based on the previous researches, Appuhamy [10] proposed Rs ¼ ; ð21Þ
a universal formula to predict the yield load and ultimate load of
corroded steel plates:
d0 ¼ ð1  8:14Rs þ 26:4R2s Þd0 : ð22Þ
F y;u ¼ Wð0:2T 0 þ 0:8T min Þf yi0;u0 : ð15Þ
In the work of Garbatov [15], the volume loss ratio q was also
Here Tmin refers to the minimum thickness. In the work of utilized to predict the degradation of total elongation induced by
Garbatov [15], the volume loss ratio q was also used to quantify corrosion:
the corrosion severity. Through regression analysis, he established
d0 ¼ ð0:0015q2  0:35051q þ 22Þ%: ð23Þ
the empirical formulas for predicting the yield and ultimate load of
corroded steel (235 MPa): Sheng [14] believed that the deformability of corroded steel
plate was mainly affected by the pit depth and denseness, and pro-
F u ¼ ð0:0068q  2:3599q þ 400ÞWT 0 ;
ð16Þ posed an empirical formula based on a multivariate regression
F y ¼ ð0:0229q2 þ 0:5551q þ 235ÞWT 0 : ð17Þ
d0 ¼ 1:589Rt  0:3Ra þ 0:32; ð24Þ
Since the corrosion studied in the present paper is a rather non-
uniform general corrosion, the reduction of bearing force can be T 0  T min
divided into two parts which are induced by uniform and non- Rt ¼ ; ð25Þ
T ma
uniform volume loss:
F yi;u ¼ WðT 0  t u  ðten Þyi;u Þf yi0;u0 : ð18Þ Ra ¼ : ð26Þ
In this expression, tu and (ten)yi,u
refer to the (effective) thickness where Rt and Ra refer to the pit depth factor and pit denseness fac-
loss induced by uniform and non-uniform volume loss, respec- tor, respectively. Ap is the area that pits occupy the steel surface.
tively. Once (ten)yi,u is determined, the bearing force can be easily With the aid of corrosion morphology measurements and anal-
calculated according to Eq. (18). However, it seems that the influ- ysis, all evaluation indicators mentioned in this Section have been
ence of non-uniform volume loss was never investigated sepa- extracted by CroEva in Section 3.2. The accuracy of the summa-
rately. As a matter of fact, the damage mechanisms of these two rized empirical formulas would be compared and discussed in
parts on the bearing capacity are entirely different. In general, Section 4.3. Through the above summary, we found that the cur-
the uniform thickness reduction will only cause the reduction of rent empirical formulas rarely involved the other important
bearing load without affecting the strength and ductility. Localized parameters in the constitutive models of corroded steel such as
volume loss can cause not only thickness loss but also stress/strain elastic modulus, yield strain, yield platform, ultimate strain and
concentration which will further lead to premature hardening and hardening coefficient. Therefore, further more studies still need
strength degradation. In the work of Flaks [46], an approximate to be carried out to establish more comprehensive and systematic
method was proposed to calculate the effective thickness loss empirical formulas which can be applied to existing corroded
(Ten)y,u induced by localized corrosion according to the features steel structures.
of pits:
4.2. Numerical predictions based on corrosion morphology
ðT en Þyi;u ¼ Q yi;u MW yi;u ; ð19Þ

qffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffi 4.2.1. Material properties

A 2 B 2
M¼ PdA ðhav e Þ þ PBd ðhav e Þ : ð20Þ Before conducting numerical analysis, the material true consti-
tutive relationship and fracture toughness of Q235 steel need to be
where Qyi,u and Wyi,u are empirical coefficients determined from calibrated firstly.
Table 5. have and Pd are average pitting depth (mm) and average In structural analysis, a power law constitutive relationship was
pitting distribution density (pits/cm2), respectively. Then the yield usually employed. However, it has been demonstrated that this
and ultimate load of corroded steel plate can be further predicted constitutive relationship may underestimate the actual stress-
by Eq. (18) . strain curve beyond the uniform elongation (after necking) if we
simply extrapolate the measured stress-strain data [47–49]. In this
4.1.2. Deformability study, a recently developed advanced technique making use of DIC
The cross-sectional parameters, such as Tma, Rm, and Tmin may be technique and FE simulations was used to determine the true
useful for estimating the residual strength. However, these param- stress-strain relationship [50]. Fig. 11 shows the digital images of
eters are completely unworkable in predicting the degradation of the strain field of tested NC coupon under different loads. The
deformability, because deformation is the behavior of whole paral- DIC technique measured average axial strain-average axial stress
lel part rather than a single cross-section. It has also been proved by curve (ey  ry ) was employed as an initial guess of material true
Ahmmad [13] that the deformability does not have a good correla- constitutive relation and imported in the first FE analysis (FEA) ses-
tion with the maximum pit depth or damage parameter Rm directly. sion. Then an iterative procedure was used to implement the suc-
cessive corrections on the initially assumed true stress-strain curve
based on the ratio between the experimentally measured (DIC) and
Table 5
FE computed average axial stress-strain curves. Fig. 12 summarizes
The values of Qyi,u and Wyi,u [46].
the FE model and results of the tested NC coupon. It can be seen
Index M < 0.3 M > 0.3 four FEA sessions are finally carried out to obtain the satisfactory
Qyi 0.15 0.26 true stress-strain curve.
Qu 0.21 0.34 Since corrosion is a mesoscopic damage, the microscopic
Wyi,u 0.448 0.836
fracture models VGM (void growth model) [51] and SMCS (strain
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 787

modified fault strain model) [52–55] are used here to predict the
fracture behavior of corroded steel:

Z etp
VGM ¼ 1 expð1:5TÞdep  gt ð27Þ

SMCS ¼ ep  etp ¼ ep  at expð1:5TÞ ð28Þ

where ep and ep t are current and critical equivalent plastic strain,

T = rm/re is stress triaxiality (ratio of hydrostatic stress rm to effec-
tive stress re), gt and at are material dependent toughness param-
eters determined by tensile test of intact specimens. To calibrate
toughness parameters gt and at, the FE model for calibrating the
material true constitutive in Fig. 12 was also employed here. Once
the critical plastic strain and traxiality (at the center of the cross
section) corresponding to the critical displacement at fracture were
obtained, they were substituted into VGM and SMCS criteria to
back-calculate the critical toughness parameters. The calibrated
toughness parameters of gt and at for the tested material are
2.336 and 3.461, respectively. Besides, the parameter of character-
istic length should also be determined, which means that a macro
crack is triggered once the fracture index exceeds zero over the
Fig. 11. Selected digital images of NC coupon: (a) before the application of axial characteristic length l⁄ [56]. According to the test results in [57],
yield loading; (b) at the maximum axial load point; (c) prior to final fracture. 250 um is appropriate.

Fig. 12. Procedures for determining the material true constitutive relationship: (a) detailed mesh of 1/8 FE model, (b) assumed (or corrected) true stress-strain curves
imported in the analysis sessions; (c) comparison of measured and computed ey  ry curves; (d) comparison of measured and computed F–DL curves.
788 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

4.2.2. Establishment of finite element model VGM and SMCS were both adopt to predict the fracture, and the
The high variability in corrosion morphology makes traditional damaged elements were removed from the analysis when reaching
FE modeling approach not well suitable, since the mesh is required the critical state of rupture.
to accurately reflect the fine details distributed over the entire cor-
rosion patch [58]. In the literatures of [1,3,6,9,10,13,22,28,59–64],
4.3. Predicted results and validation
many researchers have proposed their own special method. In gen-
eral, shell element is typically used for compression analysis and
In Table 7, the yield load, ultimate load and elongation at frac-
solid element is usually utilized in tension simulation. However,
ture predicted by empirical formulas for each test specimen are
the existing solid models (see Fig. 13) more or less possess the fol-
compared with experimental values. From Table 7, it can be seen
lowing ‘short slab’: 1) established based on the simplified geome-
that the equations proposed by Muranaka [44] and Kariya [45] pro-
try instead of actual corroded surface [13,64], 2) overly refined
vide relatively more precise values of ultimate load with the max-
element size and large model information [1,6,28], and 3) neglect-
imum errors of 2.5% and 3.3%, respectively. In addition, the
ing the mesh dependency at large strain [9,10].
ultimate loads predicted by the empirical formulas established
Considering that hexahedral element has fewer nodes under the
with Tma [11,13,43] can also satisfy the engineering requirements,
same size condition and provides higher computation precision
as most of the errors are within 5% of the experimental values. This
especially for the position with large strain gradient, the hexahe-
is consistent with the observation that most of the corroded spec-
dral solid element with 8 nodes were employed here. Firstly, the
imens break near a section with the minimum area (Amin). Given
Z coordinate of each point on the two corroded surfaces (ZA and
that Flask [46] focuses on the effect of corrosion pits, Eq. (18) can
ZB) was determined by Eqs. ((2)(3)) and then a series of points
also provide relatively accurate predictions with the maximum
with the intervals (I) in Table 6 were equidistantly extracted from
percentage error of 3.3. Although the empirical formula proposed
the original 500  1000 points. Subsequently, the Z coordinate of
by Garbatov [15] is not a dimensionless expression, the ultimate
the ith node on the jth layer between the lower and upper surface
load can be predicted by Eq. (16) with an acceptable error, as we
was calculated by using the linear interpolation method, as shown
employed the steel with same Grade. However, a large deviation
in Fig. 14:
would be predictable for other steels with different strength. The
Z ij ðx; yÞ ¼ Z iA ðx; yÞ  ðj  1ÞðZ iA ðx; yÞ  Z iB ðx; yÞÞ=n; ðj ¼ 2 . . . nÞ: ð29Þ same conclusion can be reached for the formula proposed by Sheng
[14]. Unexpectedly, Eq. (15) does not provide accurate and stable
where n is the element number along the thickness direction. Then, predictions in this paper and the maximum error reaches 16.3%,
the Z coordinate of every generated node is orderly assigned to the which is contrary to the conclusion in [10]. For yield load, the com-
eight nodes of solid element to generate the FE model by using an parisons show that the existing empirical formulas could not work
ANSYS interface specially written in MATLAB code. An example of up satisfactory in predictions. In addition, the total elongation
the established FE model is shown in Fig. 14a, and the meshing predicted by Eq. (22) deviates from the testing results greatly,
information of all FE models is listed in Table 6. especially for W specimens, which indicates that this formula
The mesh dependency is examined in Fig. 15 by comparing the may not adequately take into account the effects of plate thickness.
stress contraction factor, load-displacement curve, yield load, ulti- Regardless of the predicting accuracy, the difference in the
mate load and ultimate displacement of 7 FE models (taking HW expression of empirical formulas indirectly demonstrates that they
specimen for instance). The shapes of load-displacement curves may not fully consider the severe randomness of corroded surface.
before necking are roughly same for all models, and the errors of The inaccurate predictions do not mean that the empirical formu-
yield load and ultimate load are always kept below 1% irrespective las have no usefulness for predicting the residual performance of
of the mesh density. Although the mesh density has a significant corroded steel, but rather that these empirical formulas may have
influence on the error of simulated ultimate deformation, it is specific application conditions. Moreover, the empirical formulas
shown to converge at the mesh size of 750 um. Moreover, the are all unworkable in predicting the degradation of deformability.
stress distribution remains about the same and the error of stress Therefore the degraded constitutive relation of corroded steel
concentration factor is with 1% when I  750. Naturally, the ele- cannot be determined based on the empirical formula method.
ment size of 750 um is eventually selected for the FEA before neck- However, the same cannot be said for the morphology based
ing occurs. numerical method. Although the evolution of corrosion is extre-
Since the mesh size effect is more evident after the necking mely random, the mechanical properties are unique for a steel plate
occurs, a local refined mesh was implemented at the expected with a particular corrosion morphology. This correspondence can
necking region by using our ANSYS interface. As shown in greatly reduce the stochastic of predicted results. Moreover, this
Fig. 14c and d, the element size was refined to about 250 um, method can provide continuous load-displacement curve of cor-
which was consistent with the characteristic length l⁄ mentioned roded steel plate, which can be further transformed into the
above. The micromechanics based ductile fracture criteria of stress-strain curve (or constitutive relation). To verify the accuracy

Fig. 13. Existing solid modeling methods for corroded plates:(a) [1,6], (b) [64], (c) [10],
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 789

Table 6
Summary of FE models.

Specimens Convergence checking Refined mesh

Tmax Interval I, or No. of extracted Selected No. of Refined Size of refined No. of refined Total No. of
(mm) mesh size (um) points on surface interval I (um) elements zone (mm) element (um) elements elements
HTF 7.98 600, 43  85, 750 33  66  11 25–45 250 224334 238854
HBF 7.93 750, 34  67, 33  66  11 25–45 224334 238854
HW 5.28 900, 29  57, 33  66  7 20–40 142758 151998
STF 7.86 1050, 25  49, 33  66  11 25–45 224334 238854
SBF 7.80 1200, 22  43, 33  66  11 15–35 234135 248292
SW 5.27 1800, 15  29, 33  66  7 26–46 142758 151998
VTF 7.36 2500 11  21 33  66  10 20–40 203940 217140
VBF 7.30 33  66  10 15–35 212850 225720
VW 5.42 33  66  7 15–35 148995 158004

Fig. 14. (a) Principle for the establishment of corroded FE model, (b) FE model of SW specimen established with the mesh size of I = 1200 um, (c) refined FE model of SW
specimen with a local refined mesh at the necking region.

Fig. 15. Examinations of mesh dependency performed on HW specimen: (a) stress distribution under the displacement of 45 um (I = 1800, 750 and 600 um); (b) effects of
mesh size on load-displacement curves; (c) variation of stress concentration factor, yield load, ultimate load and ultimate elongation with mesh size.
790 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

Table 7
The results predicted by empirical formulas.

Specimens Fu/kN Fyi/kN d /%

Nak. [43,11] Ahm. [13] Mur. [44] Kar. [45] App. [10] Gar. [15] Eq. (18) App. [10] Gar. [15] Eq. (18) [46] Ahm. [13]
HTF 78.5 83.3 79.5 79.1 75.3 78.3 81.8 50.6 53.2 55.8 31.1
HBF 75.6 81.0 77.2 76.6 70.7 76.5 81.2 47.6 52.9 55.4 28.7
HW 50.1 53.5 50.6 50.2 46.5 52.8 52.5 31.3 37.6 36.7 31.5
STF 77.3 82.4 78.5 78.0 73.0 76.9 81.4 49.1 53.0 55.4 30.6
SBF 77.1 82.2 78.3 77.9 73.1 77.5 80.9 49.2 53.1 55.0 30.8
SW 48.8 53.9 49.9 49.4 42.8 50.9 52.8 28.8 37.0 36.2 28.9
VTF 75.4 78.4 76.1 75.9 70.8 71.6 77.5 47.6 47.6 52.5 32.3
VBF 73.3 76.8 74.2 73.9 67.5 70.4 76.0 45.4 47.4 51.6 31.3
VW 54.0 56.9 55.0 54.8 49.9 52.7 56.3 33.6 35.6 38.3 30.3
Errors (%) 4.6 5.5 2.5 3.3 16.3 6.4 3.3 9.8 16.0 13.5 33.7

Table 8
The results predicted by the morphology based numerical method.

Specimens Fyi/kN Fu/kN E/GPa eu /% d/% (VGM) d/% (SMCS)

HTF 53.3 80.2 195.6 18.9 32.7 33.4
HBF 52.4 78.9 193.8 19.1 32.6 33.5
HW 32.9 51.3 185.7 17.8 26.2 26.8
STF 52.7 79.1 196.6 19.1 33.7 33.7
SBF 52.4 78.9 197.5 19.2 32.2 32.2
SW 32.7 51.4 183.1 19.2 24.0 24.3
VTF 50.6 75.7 200.0 19.3 32.6 33.6
VBF 49.5 74.6 199.2 19.0 33.1 34.0
VW 37.3 55.5 201.4 19.9 32.6 33.3
Errors (%) 0.2–3.8 0.1–1.0 0.5–5.0 1.7–11.6 0.6–11.0 0.6–12.3

Fig. 16. Comparison of experimentally measured and numerically predicted load-displacement curves (H member).

and effectiveness of the numerical method, the computed results precisely predict the critical section, including its location and even
such as the yield load, ultimate load and percentage errors are sum- the angle of shear band (15 degree). The critical elongations at frac-
marized in Table 8. Compared with the empirical formulas, the ture predicted by VGM and SMCS models are also listed in Table 8
numerical method can provide more accurate and stable results and pointed out in Fig. 16 with different marks. As can be seen,
as the errors always remain within 1%. Here, a greatly improved FEM computations tend to over-predict the fracture elongation.
accuracy of the predicted yield load is also indicated in Table 8. Fur- This can be attribute to the shift in crack initiation from internal
thermore, the numerical method can also provide appropriate val- to surface, which may have an impact on the fracture mechanism.
ues of elastic modulus and ultimate strain based on the computed The FE results of plastic strain distribution at the fracture surface in
load-displacement curves, which are essential in structural analysis Fig. 17c also demonstrates the existence of such shift, which is con-
but have not been fully assessed by the empirical equations. Fig. 16, sistent with the experimental observations of fractography and our
taking H member for example, shows the predicted load versus dis- previous work in [64]. The ductile fracture criterion VGM and
placement curves, which are overlaid on the experimentally mea- SMCS are derived on the assumption that equiaxed void growth
sured results. Good agreement can be found, especially for the will control the initiation of fracture, whereas the surface fracture
uniform deformation phase before necking. initiation may be controlled by the nucleation and asymmetrical
Fig. 17, taking STF specimen for example, compares the experi- distortion of voids in a shear dominated stress state [65].
mental fracture position and predicted critical cross-section. This Although a more accurate model that accounted for this limita-
illustration further indicates that the numerical method can tion was proposed in [66,67], too many parameters in this model
Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793 791

Fig. 17. (a) Experimental and (b) predicted fracture position of STF specimen, and (c) plastic strain distribution at fracture surface.

accurate predictions obtained by VGM criterion is visible in

Fig. 16. On the other hand, VGM and SMCS criteria are actually
uncoupled models, which only describe the critical condition for
fracture initiation according to the stress and deformation evolu-
tion, but not incorporate the material damage into the constitutive
model directly. Hence, from Fig. 16 it can be clearly seen that
several predicted load-displacement curves are slightly higher
than the experimental curves after necking, for instance, SBF and
VTF specimens.
The comparison of experimental and predicted load-
displacement curves is a straightforward and convenient way to
check the effectiveness of proposed method but not sufficient.
Fig. 18 presents the measured and simulated axial strain distribu-
tions on a corroded surface of SW specimen at the maximum load
and fracture. Higher strains are generally found in most of the val-
leys of the corroded surface or at the critical section, consistent with
the previous reports [6,68]. The comparisons illustrate that there is
a good agreement between the predictions and experiments in
terms of the surface strain distributions, despite the slightly higher
value of prediction in magnitude. This slight deviation can be attri-
bute to the working principle of DIC technology, i.e., the surface
strain in a single point is not directly obtained but calculated from
the average displacement of several neighboring subsets of pixels,
typically containing 5–15 pixels [69].
The above analysis indicates that the numerical methodology
based on corrosion morphology for residual performance predic-
tions can capture the significant influence of corrosion on mechan-
ical properties. Through this method, the residual performance of
corroded steel including strength and deformability could be
accurately predicted without destruction and experimental tests.
Fig. 18. Axial strain distributions on a corroded surface of SW specimen: exper-
Once the load-displacement curve of corroded steel plate has been
imentally measured at (a) maximum load and (b) fracture; numerically simulated obtained, the degraded constitutive relation can be easily
at (c) maximum load and (d) fracture. determined and then imported into the structural analysis to fur-
ther assess the service performance of existing corroded steel
need to be calibrated. Because of the lower experimental and com-
putational costs, the VGM and SMCS models are still effective tools 5. Summary and conclusion
in practical applications to predict the fracture of corroded steel
plates. Actually, the errors of predicted values are kept about 5.1. Experimental results
11%. For security, a reduction factor of 1.1 is appropriate in
engineering application. Furthermore, given that VGM takes into The objective of this investigation was to assess the effects of
account the effect of entire stress history on fracture, more corrosion on the mechanical performance of steel. For corrosion
792 Y. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 777–793

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