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Daniel 7 th April 2020

.Look at the tree and finish the sentences. Use the saxon genitive :
Liz = Philip
| |
Charles Ann = Ted
1-Philip is …………… husband
2-Liz is …………………. wife
3-Charles is ……………….. brother
4-Charles is....………………. son
5-Ann is ………………….. wife.
6-Liz is ………………………... grandmother
7-Ann is …………………... sister
8-Ted is …………………. husband
9-Ted is ………………………….. father
10-Robert ¡s ………………………... son

Draw the family tree and then complete the sentences about the family:
Liz and Philip are married. They have two children, Charles and Ann. Ann is
married. Her husband is Ted. Ann’s and Ted’s children are Robert and Susan
Charles isn’t married but his girlfriend’s name is Linda

Philip is …………………………husband
Liz ………………………………………wife
Charles is ……………………………….brother
Ann is ………………………………wife
Liz is ……………………………………grandmother
Ann is …………………………………..sister
Ted is …………………………………..husband
Ted is ………………………………………father
Linda is Charles’ ………………………………..
Charles is Linda’s ………………………………
Write the meaning of each word and then write a question in English:
Who -
How -
Where –
When –
Why –

Change these sentences

I visit my parents on Monday (negativa)

She is from Germany (negativa)

We watch TV every night (negativa)

I play football on Saturday (negativa)

They eat chocolate (negativa)

They live in Australia (negativa)

I am from Africa (negativa)

They work in a restaurant (negativa)

You live in this street (negativa)

He is a good student (negativa)

Do you work in an office? (afirmativa)

Do you like pizza? (afirmativa)

Do you work in a hospital? (afirmativa)

Do they like in Spain? (afirmativa)

Are they from Spain? (afirmativa)

Is she a woman? (afirmativa)

You eat apples (pregunta)

They live in France (pregunta)

They are in France (pregunta)

You are from England (pregunta)

Read the text. Make questions or answer the questions:

My name is George Brown. I am twenty years old. I live in a small town in the
south of the USA, near Los Angeles. I have two brothers and one sister. I work
in a factory. I like my job. It is very interesting. I like cars and I like money. I
usually eat fish and chips because I like it very much. I don’t like vegetables.
1. ………………………………………….. ? My name ¡s George Brown
2. …………………………………………… ? I am twenty years old.
3. Where do you live? ………………………………..
4. Where do you work?.........................
5. …………………………………………………………..? My favourite food is fish and chips.
6…………………………………………………………….? No, I don’t like vegetables

Correct the mistakes:

My name it is John
He has fourteen years old
Saturday and Sunday is my favourite days
You and Sonia you are in my class
When are you from?

Complete with “is, are, do, don’t”

………….. you like pizza? Yes, I ………..
Where ……………… Jorge from? He ………………. from Spain.
……………….. he a teacher? Yes, he ……………
Dina and Vicky ……………………… hairdressers.
………………… they work in a bookshop? Yes, they ……………..
……………….. you from France? No, I’m from Germany.
……………… live in Spain? Yes, I ………………
……………….they like wine? No, they ……………..
Do you like dancing? -I’m a policeman
Where do you live? -At eight o’clock
Do they like chips? -Yes, I do
Are they from New York? - In Athens
What is your job? -No, they don’t
When do you finish work? -Yes, they are

Write in English
Hola , ¿Qué tal? Nuestros nombres son María y Daniel. Nosotros somos de
Argentina. Nuestro padre es dependiente y nuestra madre es profesora en una
escuela para niños. Ellos trabajan de lunes a viernes. Nosotros no trabajamos.
Somos estudiantes. A nosotros nos gusta la carne y el pescado pero no nos gusta
el vino.

Choose the correct sentence

-This is a interesting book / -This is an interesting book
-I not live in London / -I don’t live in London
-Is this your bag? / -It your bag?
-Where you work? / -Where do you work?
What’s his job? / What’s he’s job?
Eat you meat? / Do you eat meat?
.Make questions for these answers: Haz preguntas para que te respondan lo que
está subrayado o si no hay nada subrayado para que te respondan lo que pone. Por
ejemplo: I like swimming -> What do you like?
1-I wash the car in the morning.

2- I drink tea because I like ¡t. ...

3-We go to the cinema by bus. ...

5-This man is Mr Smith.

8-They eat fish because they like ¡t

9-I wash my hair in the morning.

10-I live in London.

11-I watch TV every day.

12-I have lunch at home.

13-I go to the cinema

14-I go to work by bus.

15-I get up at 7.

16-At the weekend I go to the cinema.

18-My mother is from Spain.

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