Tesda Circular No. 053 2023 Guidance Program

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SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 063 series of 2023

Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 1 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017


Vocational/Career Guidance aims to assist TVET learners in making informed

decisions about their education and career paths.

Career Guidance and Job Placement System in TVET started back in 1979
under the then National Manpower Youth Council (NMYC). It was emphasized
under RA 7796 in 1994 with the following goals and objectives: (1) to promote
and strengthen the quality of technical education and skills development
programs to attain international competitiveness, and (2) to focus technical
education and skills development on meeting the changing demands for
quality middle-level human resources.

As provided for in TESDA Order No. 02, 2014, the National Institute for
Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD) was tasked to develop
and orchestrate the implementation of a national career guidance program
and system, specifically, to integrate career guidance in the development and
implementation of training technology and delivery models.

Following this development, TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016 (Establishing a

Job Linkaging and Networking Services in Public and Private TVIs and TTIs),
and TESDA Circular No. 05, s. 2017 (Continuing Programs for TESDA
Alumni [Graduates]) required the public and private TVIs to assist the TVET
learners and graduates in shortening the job search length, establishing post-
training services, providing practical information on job searching, etc.

The 2018-2022 NTESDP cycle also ensured that the global competitiveness
and workforce readiness of the TVET sector graduates is galvanized and
strengthened. And, in consistency with the trends and updates on career
guidance, one of the strategies stated in the 2023-2028 National TESD Plan
is to ensure linkage of trainings to the employment platform of the Department
of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to attain decent, sustainable, quality jobs
and livelihoods. The linkage will allow the TVET graduates to have access
towards various employment facilitation services, opportunities for
entrepreneurship as also specified in the Republic Act No. 10691 or PESO

To sustain the effort of holistic support to TVET learners in choosing the right
career path towards gainful employment, it is necessary to institutionalize the
Vocational/Career Guidance Programs and Services in the public and
private TVIs with the framework pointing to the front-end, the mid-
program, and the back-end guidance interventions.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance Page 2 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017


These guidelines shall cover all the public and private TVIs offering TVET-


This circular aims to ensure that all the public and private TVIs offering TVET-
programs shall:

1) Operationalize the TESDA Vocational/Career Guidance Framework;

2) Establish a Vocational/Career Guidance Unit (V/CGU); and
3) Update, enhance, operationalize, and integrate the general function of the
Jobs Linkaging and Networking Services (JoLiNS) into the established
Vocational/Career Guidance Unit.


a) Career Advocates, or CAs, refer to non-registered and non-licensed

career and employment counselors who implement career advocacy
activities. (CGA Plan 2013-2016)
b) Career Guidance refers to the provision of services such as career
information, career education, guidance, and counseling intended to assist
people at any age and at any point in their lives to make education,
training, and occupational choices and manage their careers. (European
Union Council, 2004, 2008, OECD, 2004/Memorandum No. 027-2021 Glossary of Terms)

c) Career Profiling, as used in TESDA, refers to a career guidance service

geared towards helping students, out-of-school youth, and unemployed
adults decide intelligently on what career to pursue by having them
undergo self-assessment of their abilities and occupational interests. The
results are processed into an individual profile, which shall serve as the
basis for the individual to decide on what particular program to undergo in
pursuit of that job best suited to their strengths. (Career Profiling Handbook,

d) Front-end guidance interventions are various vocational/career

guidance activities or interventions the training institutions extend to help
learners decide which career to pursue. The series of learning activities
shall cover the intellectual and mental windows of the framework.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 3 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

e) The Holistic Learning Approach is an approach that seeks to fully

activate all aspects of the learner's personality (intellect, emotions,
imagination, body) for more effective and comprehensive learning.
(International Bureau of Education, UNESCO)

f) Holistic development is a comprehensive approach to learning which

aims to develop multiple facets or abilities of a human brain. Holistic
growth aims at the development of physical capabilities, intellectual
abilities, cognitive or mental abilities, emotional abilities, and social skills.

g) Labor Education refers to teaching basic knowledge on labor rights and

other skills relating to negotiation, fostering smooth interpersonal relations
in the workplace, and mechanisms for redressing grievances and other
concerns. (RA 11551, Section 3, letter b)

h) Mid-program guidance interventions are activities that may be

integrated into the curriculum and executed within the training program
duration, which shall cover the emotional, social, physical, and mental
abilities windows of the framework. The institutions shall ensure the
alignment of the various learning activities/performances of the different
windows of the framework to the basic, common, and core competencies
of the qualification.

Rear-end guidance interventions are services/assistance extended for

the learners to sustain and maintain their chosen career path. The training
institutions design a program that helps the students/learners improve
holistically and be ready for the job application or the world of work.

j) Vocational Guidance involves helping individuals learn about

opportunities for education, training, and work and facilitating their career
planning. It includes vocational orientation and counseling and may be
given in schools, training centers, or undertaken in specialized offices or
institutions. (NCVER, Australia, VOCEDpIus: Glossary of VET)

k) Vocational/Career Guidance Advocate refers to the non-registered

guidance counselors/personnel of TESDA who shall be designated to
manage the implementation of various vocational/career guidance
activities, in the absence of a Registered Guidance Counselor.

I) Vocational/Career Guidance Unit is a unit in the public and private TVIs

that manages the vocational/career guidance services for their learners
and TVET graduates/alumni.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 4 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017


The TESDA's Vocational/Career Guidance Framework, as shown in Figure 1,

covers the holistic development of the TVET leaner, which involves nurturing
skills, knowledge, and personal attributes to make them well-rounded,
capable, and employable individuals.

This framework provides the platform for the holistic development of a TVET
learner during the learning process that includes the intellectual, mental,
social, emotional, and physical abilities to be competently skilled responsible,
adaptable, and successful TVET graduates.

Enrolled Graduated Assessed Certified Employed

Front-end 111110 Back-end
Guidance IMO Intellectual Social Guidance
Intervention Intervention
Mental Emotional
Mid-Program Guidance Intervention

Labor Market Information & Education


Figure 1. TESDA's Vocational/Career Guidance Framework

The framework shall strengthen the institution's comprehensive approach on

front-end, mid-program, and rear-end guidance interventions in
supporting the TVET learners at the different stages of their technical
vocational education and training, including career development. The learner
is being hand-held from enrolment to employment to ensure they gain a
deeper understanding of the technical aspects of their chosen field.

I. Front-end guidance interventions typically occur before a learner begins

their formal TVET program. The services offered at this stage aim to help
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 5 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

individuals make informed choices about their education and career


The interventions shall ascertain all the necessary mechanism to be

carried out during the admission or the pre-enrollment period, such as
provision of career assessment, counseling/advising, or coaching services.

II. Mid-program guidance interventions take place during a learner's TVET

program. The interventions help students stay on track as they
progress in their education and training.

The intellectual, mental, social, emotional, and physical abilities will be

enhanced by engaging the learners through:

• skills development monitoring

• soft skills training/enhancements
• provision of opportunities for research and innovation in their
chosen field
• complex projects and case studies
• workshops on time management and study skills
• promotion of physical health and wellness through fitness programs
and stress-reduction activities, and
• ensure that the learning environment remains safe and accessible.

III. Rear-end guidance interventions occur toward the end of the TVET
program and after graduation. The interventions or services aim to
support learners in transitioning to the workforce or further

Assisting the graduates in finding suitable employment opportunities,

providing information on pursuing further education, advanced
certifications, or upskilling, support in navigating the job market, career
advancement, maintaining and expanding their professional networks
through alumni associations and industry events, creating long-term career
development plans, continuous career counseling/coaching, promotion of
work-life balance to maintain physical health and well-being are the
primary services that the institution should uphold.

These various guidance interventions illustrate that all the required

mechanisms, systems, programs, and services for establishing and
implementing workable career guidance or vocational guidance programs and
services for learners in the various public and private TVIs are institutionalized.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 6 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017



To operationalize the Vocational/Career Guidance Framework in TVET, the

public and private TVIs shall:

1. Establish and operationalize a Vocational/Career Guidance Unit;

2. Update its organizational structure and harmonize the different focalships

related to vocational/career guidance programs and services, industry
partnerships, and advocacy campaigns;

3. Designate personnel to oversee the operationalization and

institutionalization of the institution's vocational/career guidance programs
and services, preferably headed by a Registered Guidance Counselor when
available, or designated Career Guidance Officer; and

4. Ensure that data privacy is exercised in the maintenance of databases and

analysis of data as specified in these guidelines, including sharing the
learners' information with prospective employers and archiving the referred
sensitive cases as stated in RA No. 8042 or the Migrant Workers and
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 & TESDA Circular No. 093, s. 2021.


Ensuring the effectiveness of the operationalization of the Vocational/Career

Guidance Unit (V/CGU), the following implementation parameters are hereby


The front-end guidance interventions provide a comprehensive orientation,

design, and development of needed learning materials for orientation,
assessments to identify the learner's strengths and weaknesses, and set
specific career and educational goals based on their interests and abilities.
These may include, but not limited to the following:

I.A Reinforce the development of information, education, and

communication (IEC) materials of the training institution for
strengthened life skills, values education, and TVET advocacy service.

The public and private TVIs shall:

SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 7 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

I.A.1 Coordinate and disseminate updated Labor Market Information

(LMI) and area-based demand-driven skills map or regional/
provincial/sectoral skills priorities; and
I.A.2 Maintain an archive or official repository of the IEC materials
developed, if applicable, and a list of the number of IEC
materials distributed.

1.13 Actively collaborate in the strengthening or establishing linkage(s) and

partnerships for the job facilitation, industry immersion of the learners,
building professional networks, helping learners manage their finances
or potentially start their own business, and ensuring wellness/healthy
learning institutions partnerships.

1.6.1 Coordinate and work with the designated Industry

Coordinator(s) of the institution in the implementation of
strategic alliances for the learners to give them opportunities to
enhance their competencies in the workplace;
I.B.2 Ensure linkage to DOLE's employment platform, PESO and
LGU coordination for possible partnerships with financing
institutions within the locality that can help build the
entrepreneurial skills and financial literacy of the learners; and
I.B.3 In dealing with sensitive cases on guidance counseling
(absence of a Registered Guidance Counselor) and MNS
disorders (absence of authorized medical personnel), the public
and private TVIs shall collaborate with the LGU and/or a duly
recognized DOH service provider/facility through a MOA/MOU,
and establish a Referral System to endorse the case(s) properly.

I.0 Organize the admission or pre-enrollment process.

I.C.1 Establish and provide frontline services using the Public

Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD) of the institution
regarding client inquiries;
I.C.2 Administer and document the conduct of an aptitude or
ability test and interest assessment with the use of either the
Youth Profiling for Starring Careers (YP4SC), Multiple
Assessment Test Battery (MATB), Power Test, Occupational
Interest Profiler (01P), NCAE result evaluation, or any available
profiling instrument of the institution;
I.C.3 Provide the learner-applicant thereafter with applicable
vocational/career guidance coaching/advising/counseling
based on the result of the admission assessments as against
the institution and nearby TVIs with TVET program offerings,
the current LMIR (local, national, or international), and the area-
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 8 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued( 5 Nov 2023 Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

based demand-driven skills map/regional/provincial skills priority

sector; and
I.C.4 Maintain a database of all the frontline services extended,
results of the administered aptitude or ability test, and interest

I.D Conduct a pre-training orientation program for the learners

regarding the institution's rules and regulations, learner decorum,
institutional activities, and the training delivery flow prior to the conduct
of the training.


To continuously promote holistic development, public and private TVIs shall

ensure the inclusion of components related to life skills and values
education in the various TVET program offerings. These could include the
integration of learning activities/fora/discussion on interpersonal skills,
communication, professionalism/ethical standards, teamwork, problem-
solving, adaptability, integrity, critical thinking, lifelong learning, cultural
awareness, leadership, physical and mental well-being, etc. The following
are some of the activities the institution may employ:

II.A Endorse to the TTI Administrator/TVI Head the applicable and feasible
structured interactive training programs on life skills found in the
TESDA Online Program (TOP)/Multi-Regional TOP based on the
institution's trained/available trainer for a specific/related program.

The following interactive materials on life skills shall augment the

institutions' intended learning activities during the training proper in
building up the learners' intellectual, mental, social, and emotional
abilities, to wit:

II.A.1 ILO Online Courses/Job Readiness Courses

II.A.2 Lifelong Learning Skills
II.A.2.1 Go Digital ASEAN
II.A.2.2 Skills to Succeed Academy (S2SA)
II.A.2.3 Financial Literacy

II.A.3 USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program on Work Readiness Now

(WRN), Be Your Own Boss (BYOB), and Work-Based Learning
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 9 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs —
Date Issued: Effectivity:
1 5 NOV 2023 TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

II.B Schedule and conduct fora about the following mandates, but not
limited to, for purposes of augmenting the learners' awareness, their
rights, and responsibilities in support of the further enrichment of their
mental, social, and emotional abilities.

11.B.1 Health and Wellness, the Mental Health Act or RA No. 11036
II.B.2 Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act
of 2012 or RA No. 10354
11.B.3 Safe Spaces Act or RA No. 11313
II.B.4 Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 or RA No. 11053
II.B.5 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 of RA No. 7877
II.B.6 Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 or RA No. 10627
11.13.7 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons or RA No. 7277 and RA No.
10754, An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of Persons
with Disability (PWD)
II.B.8 Preventive Education and Advocacy Programs against Drugs

II.0 Establish the learner support services system.

11.0.1 Institutionalize a system for learners' organization (e.g. student

government), supervise, and manage current learners'
organizations, and maintain a directory of the organized
batch/es for tracing purposes; and
11.0.2 Encourage the active participation of learners in any greening
TVET activities.

11.D Establish a healthy learning institution environment by ensuring that

appropriate guidance and counseling or advising sessions are in place,
mental health and wellness activities are undertaken and further
enhance the learners' physical, social, emotional, and mental abilities.

11.D.1 Ensure to maintain a workable referral and proper turnover

system, and a database for sensitive guidance counseling cases
and mental, neurological, and substance use (MNS) disorders;
11.D.2 Promote physical health and wellness through fitness programs/
stress-reduction activities, and nutrition education.


The holistic development of the learner continues until the transition to the
workforce by ensuring the facilitation of job placement services, assisting the
TVET graduates in finding suitable employment opportunities, continuing
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 10 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
15 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017

education opportunities, career advancement planning, social development,

and promotion of a work-life balance. The public and private TVIs shall
ensure the conduct of but may not be limited to the following:

III.A Conduct of Job Induction Program (JIP)/Job Orientation Program

(JOP), or the like, to help the TVET learners/graduates with their
ongoing professionalism build-up or to augment their capability in
preparing for their job application or engagement in the world of work.

The following are the topics that should be included in the JIP/JOP,
but not limited to;

• Labor Education (employees' rights and privileges)

• How to Ace an Interview/Interview Skills
• Resume Building and Job Application Writing
• Portfolio Preparation and Packaging

1113 Establish and strengthen the graduate support services system.

III.B.1 Maintain a directory of the TVET graduates/alumni for easy

and accessible tracking, and expansion of their professional
networks through the alumni associations and industry events,
such as:

III.B.1.1 Innovation, upskilling, and reskilling programs, either

as beneficiary, program sponsor, trainer, accredited
assessor, or technical resource person
11113.1.2 Entrepreneurship training
III.B.1.3 Local Skills Olympics competition as sponsor,
coach, etc. Alumni Homecoming
111.B.1.5 Community-Based Training and Community
Extension (Outreach) Program as a trainer, sponsor,
111.B.1.6 Job fairs, employment facilitation, National Tech-Voc
Day, and WCO activities Greening TVET Marketing and Networking

III.0 Continuous counseling/advising/coaching services to address the

emotional well-being during the transition to the workplace and offer
support in navigating the job market.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 11 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 Immediately TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017



1 Submit to the Provincial Office the list and contact details of personnel
designated at the Vocational/Career Guidance Unit; and
2. Submit the Vocational/Career Guidance Programs and Services
Implementation Report using Annex 1, to the Provincial Office quarterly,
including issues and concerns, if any. Copy furnish electronically the
Iddnitesdtesda.gov.ph of the Annex 1.


1. Disseminate and promote the institutionalization of the Vocational/Career
Guidance Program and Services in all the public and private TVls;
2. Monitor the establishment of the Vocational/Career Guidance Unit in the
public and private TVIs; and
3. Consolidate the public and private TVIs' quarterly submission of report and
submit to the Regional Office using Annex 2, including issues and concerns
in the implementation (if any).


1. Organize region-wide dissemination of this Circular;
2. Monitor the region-wide implementation of the guidelines;
3. Ensure multiplier activities or continuous echo of information for all operating
units to be kept updated; and
4. Consolidate submission of the POs using Annex 2, including issues and
concerns in the implementation (if any), and forward this to NITESD

CO (NITESD) shall:
1. Ensure conduct of deployment of the circular for the common understanding
of all the implementers;
2. Ensure the conduct of necessary capability-building programs of the
Vocational/Career Guidance Programs and Services (V/CGPS) focal person
of the ROPODOTI as needed;
3. Maintain the database of ROPODOTI focal persons and regularly update
4. Conduct quarterly meetings with the ROPODOTI V/CGPS; and
5. Consolidate reports submitted by the ROs regarding the public and private
TVIs' implementation of the vocational/career guidance program and
services, issues, and concerns, and prepare an annual evaluation report for
the improvement of the said guidelines.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines in the No. 053 series of 2023
Institutionalization of Vocational/Career Guidance
Page 12 of 12 pages
Programs and Services in the Public and Private TVIs
Date Issued: Effectivity:
TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2016
1 5 NOV 2023 TESDA Circular No. 5, s. 2017
. .• I i


When, for any reason, a provision of these guidelines is amended, declared

unconstitutional, or contrary to law, the other parts or provisions hereof which
are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.


This Circular shall take effect as indicated unless superseded or revoked.


l ecretary/Director General, TESDA



Name of TTI/TVI: Province: Region:

Vocational/Career Programs/ Projects/ Activities Actual Output Mode of Date of Person In- Remarks/
Guidance Conducted Implementation Implementation Charge Status
Programs & (Sample entries below) Target (F2F/Blended/ (ongoing/done/
Services F Total Online) for
(Shade/tick the applicable activity)
Interventions implementation)

I. Front-End 0 Development of IEC Materials for

Guidance Advocacy
Established partnerships:
(tick applicable
TOP program 0MOA Forged
undertaken) OMOU Forged
Admission/Pre-Enrollment Activities
°Aptitude or Ability Test
0Interest Assessment (Profiling)
°Provision of counseling (with RGC)
°Provision of advising/coaching (with
Orientation Program

0Others: (write down here other activity/ies not

included in the short list)

II. Mid-Program ILO Online Courses/Job readiness

Guidance Courses
Lifelong Learning Skills
(tick applicable
TOP program 0Go Digital ASEAN
Vocational/Career Programs/ Projects! Activities Actual Output Mode of Date of Person In- Remarks/
Guidance Conducted Implementation Implementation Charge Status
Programs & (Sample entries below) Target (F2F/Blended/ (ongoing/done/
Services F Total Online) for
(Shade/tick the applicable activity)
Interventions implementation)
undertaken) OSkills to Succeed Academy (S2SA)

OFinancial Literacy
OUSAID Opportunity 2.0 Program on Work
Readiness Now (WRN)
OBe Your Own Boss (BYOB)

°Work-Based Learning (WBL)

Conduct forum/fora: (tick applicable)
0 Health and Wellness (Mental Health
Act or RA 11036)
O Responsible Parenthood and
' Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act of
2012 or RA No. 10354
0 Safe Spaces Act (RA No. 11313)
0 Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 (RA No.
°Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
(RA No. 7877)
0 Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA
0 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
or RA No. 7277 and RA No. 10754
O Preventive Education and Advocacy
' Programs against Drugs
Learner Support Services System
0 Student Government Body
Vocational/Career Programs/ Projects/ Activities Actual Output Mode of Date of Person In- Remarks/
Guidance Conducted Implementation Implementation Charge Status
Programs & (Sample entries below) Target (F2F/Blended/ (ongoing/done/
Services F Total Online) for
(Shade/tick the applicable activity)
Interventions implementation)

O Learners' Batch Organization of

' Officers
0 Greening TVET activities
Healthy Learning Institution
O Sensitive Guidance & Counselling
" Session(s)
0 MNS Referral/Case Turnover

III. Rear-End °Job Induction Program/Job Orientation

Guidance Program
n Alums/Graduates Database
' maintained/established
Alums activities: (list down here
conducted activities)

Prepared by: Approved:

Registered Guidance Counselor or Administrator or School Head/President

Designated Vocational/Career Guidance Advocate
.. ;J



Part I

Province Number of Total Output Number of Total Output Number of Total Output
Interventions Inclusive Dates Interventions Inclusive Dates Interventions
M F M F Dates M F
Implemented Implemented Implemented
(a) (d) (e) (9 (9) (h) U (I) (k) ()

Part II
Name/Contact Details of Personnel assigned in the VGUs
Province TTI with Established V/CGU
(a) (b) (C)
Full Name Designation Contact Number Email Address

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted and Approved by:

Regional/Provincial Focal Person ROD Chief Regional/Provincial Director

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