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Annual Impact Report

European Committee of the Regions


January 2024
Foreword in the Committee and with the Cohesion Al-
liance to make sure cohesion policy remains a
children, and the enlargement of the pro-
gramme for Young Elected Politicians to all
pillar of the European project. candidate countries. Our Committee took part
for the first time in the 2023 London Ukraine
The Committee also contributed to building
Recovery Conference, representing the Eu-
more sustainable local and regional commu-
ropean Alliance of Cities and Regions for the
nities. With the release of the Green Deal Go-
Reconstruction of Ukraine. The European Par-
ing Local handbook, we provided an unprec-
liament reflected several recommendations of
edented tool to help implement the Green
our opinion in its report on the establishment
Deal at local and regional level. The European
of the Ukraine Facility.
Commission incorporated several recommen-
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dations of the opinion on Fit 4 Future, followed In many other areas, including the requests
by the Council and the European Parliament. for opinions from the Swedish and Spanish
We also stepped up our international en- Presidencies of the Council of the European
gagement on the Sustainable Development Union, we contributed to strengthen the voice
Goals and the fight against the climate crisis, of regions and cities such as improving the
In 2023, the European Committee of the Re- with successful participation in the High- EU economic governance, the fight against
gions has, once again, proved its importance Level­Political Forum in New York that marked disinformation or developing strategic fore-
for European democracy. Thanks to the hard the first-ever meeting with the UN Secretary sight capacities, among many others. And we
work of its members and its administration, General, and at the COP28 in Dubai. The Com- went to the ground, to Kiruna and to Logrono,
the Committee succeeded in bringing EU mittee’s position in the opinion “Preparing for to better understand the issues in these terri-
legislation closer to citizens and the territorial and dealing with crises: strengthening the re- tories and bring back the needed answers, in
realities. We adopted 53 opinions and six reso- silience of the Union, its regions and cities” was two relevant declarations.
lutions, but the CoR’s impact goes beyond its largely echoed by the European Commission,
formal role as a consultative body. The CoR, Last but not least, as we enter the year of the
including with the development of the territo-
as the political assembly of local and regional European elections, we reinforced our cooper-
rial vulnerability scoreboard.
representatives, has successfully provided the ation with the European Parliament by signing
essential contribution of regions and cities to Our commitment to gender equality was fur- a Memorandum of Understanding. In 2023,
address the main challenges the EU is facing. ther strengthened this year, with the adoption the European Parliament made references to
of the opinion for stopping gender-based vio- enhancing the role of the Committee in sev-
Our impact in promoting the economic, so-
lence and the adoption of a Gender Equality eral reports, acknowledging its contribution to
cial and territorial cohesion of the European
Action Plan by the Bureau last October. strengthening European democracy. This will
Union and the added value of cohesion policy
be key as we celebrate our 30th Anniversary
for Europe’s regions and cities was one of our Our work went beyond the current EU’s bor-
and look forward to the future of our insti-
key milestones in 2023. The Committee unan- ders, with the strong support to Ukraine and
tution and beyond. With the 10th European
imously put forward a vision on how to make all candidate countries. I had the opportunity
Summit of Regions and Cities, which will take
the EU’s regional policy stronger and better to meet with President Zelenskyy and various
place in Mons on 18-19 March 2024, we will
equipped to address new challenges and representatives in Kyiv in April 2023 to show
make our voice heard for building a stronger
growing disparities. The Council conclusions our firm support for Ukraine’s reconstruction
and fairer Europe for all.
on the future of cohesion policy adopted by and path to enlargement. Our response in-
the General Affairs Council last November cluded the promotion of the summer camps Vasco Alves Cordeiro,
took on board many aspects of our opinion. for Ukrainian children, thanks to which many President of the European
Our work will continue in 2024 and beyond, cities and regions welcomed more than 3000 Committee of the Regions

Introduction EU actions promoted or initiated by the CoR,

including the ones fostering democracy and
I am particularly pleased that we were able
in 2023 to set new standards in the adminis-
The Annual Impact Report (AIR) provides a enhancing our Committee’s visibility. tration, with remote interpretation, artificial
summary of the work and of the key achieve-
Thanks to the strong commitment of its mem- intelligence-based machine translation and
ments of the European Committee of the
bers and staff, the CoR continued to achieve its new ways of working resulting in significant
­Regions in 2023. Our 329 elected politicians
in regions, cities, villages and municipalities of mission successfully in 2023, as proven by the cost savings.
the 27 Member States of the EU, give voice and six resolutions and 53 opinions adopted. This
While looking at the good results of 2023,
visibility to the more than one million locally considerable endeavour was accompanied
let’s already prepare our action for the future.
and regionally elected representatives. by a consistent number of actions and initia-
I am convinced that our past achievements
tives that helped to maximise our Committee’s
The 2023 Report assesses the CoR’s impact on will ­inspire us for the coming year, recognis-
­visibility and credibility.
the EU’s decision-making process looking at ing the challenge that going for impact is a
its influence on preparatory or final legal texts As we demonstrated during the external Bu- process that requires continuous effort and
adopted by the EU institutions; the visibility of reau meetings in Kiruna and Logroño, as well
local and regional aspects in EU agenda-set- as with our meetings in Kyiv and Lviv, the CoR
ting; changes in the EU’s working methods; EU and its Members have engaged with local Petr Blížkovský,
legislation enhancing the daily life of citizens; communities in the EU and beyond. Secretary-General

Bringing Europe closer to its citizens

The CoR’s strong influence The CoR’s contribution to Explicit reference to the
and engagement in strengthening European CoR’s work in the first EU
high-level discussions on democracy was recognised Sustainable Development
skills policies during the by the European Goals (SDGs) Voluntary
European Year of Skills Parliament in different Review drafted by the
(EYS) reports European Commission

Why it matters? Why it matters? Why it matters?

By actively engaging in high- The European Parliament The CoR helped to give
level discussions on skills has recognised the CoR’s more visibility to SDGs and
policies during the EYS, the contribution to strengthening to show how essential the
CoR reinforced its position as European democracy and role of regions and cities is in
a key stakeholder in European made references to enhancing reaching them. The European
policy-making and ensured the role of the CoR, including Commission repeatedly refers
that the perspectives and in the AFCO opinion on to the CoR’s valuable work
requirements of Local and European Union regulatory and integrated the CoR’s
Regional Authorities (LRAs) fitness and subsidiarity and recommendations in the EU
are incorporated into broader proportionality – report on Voluntary Review.
European strategies. Better Law-Making.
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How it will be followed up

The CoR will continue its work

on the EYS in 2024 and will How it will be followed up How it will be followed up
strive to further enhance skills
development and awareness The key theme with the The Voluntary Review of the
in Europe, organising an event greatest potential for political European Commission was
and commissioning a study impact in 2024 related to presented jointly with the
on the involvement of LRAs a new chapter for participatory Commission, Council, CoR
in shaping skills development democracy. and European Economic and
and training policies. Social Committee (EESC) at the
United Nations in July 2023.
It contains a forward-looking
point indicating explicitly that
it will work with the CoR on
SDGs to better communicate
on it and accelerate

See more:

The Council Conclusions The New Young Elected The European Network
on SDGs adopted on 27 Politicians (YEP) programme’s of Regional and Local
November 2023 focused cohort was launched for 2023, Councillors has reached
exclusively on the local and bringing the total amount 3 000 participants and
regional level and took on of participants in the YEP gathered local and regional
board the CoR’s positions programme to 836 politicians from all 27 EU
such as on the need to Member States
have an EU overarching
strategy and an EU multi-
stakeholders platform Why it matters?
Why it matters?
156 YEPs participated, covering
all EU Member States and, for It is generating relevant
Why it matters? the first time, all EU candidate impact by bringing Europe
countries. Their participation closer to local communities
The Council Conclusions in the EURegionsWeek and encouraging local
recognised the role of the CoR contributed to maximise and regional councillors to
as a key driver in boosting the visibility of the CoR, thus organise EU and CoR related
SDG localisation, referring to increasing the reach-out to activities within their regions,
CoR work three times. These the over 1 million regional and cities and villages.
Conclusions also supports local representatives across It is also a key tool to
the CoR position that SDG the EU. cooperate with the European
localisation is a key pillar of Parliament in view of the next
SDG implementation and that EU elections.
regions and cities are crucial
partners in achieving them.
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How it will be followed up

Mainstreaming YEP support to

© European Union, 2023

rapporteurs through Youth-

Say and maintaining efforts to How it will be followed up
have YEPs as speakers in the
CoR plenaries and commission Efforts ongoing to build on
meetings. its success and make sure
that the network continues
How it will be followed up
to grow in the years to come,
by offering new products,
The Council Conclusions services and networking
together with three CoR initiatives, in full coordination
participations in five months with the parallel project
in the Council Working Party ‘Building Europe with Local
meetings pave the way for Councillors’ (BELC) run by the
increased cooperation with European Commission.
the Council on SDGs.

Building resilient and innovative local communities

Recognition at The European First-ever meeting of Strong influence of

European and global Commission’s the CoR delegation the CoR opinions
level of the role of proposal, following with UN Secretary on the Critical Raw
the CoR and LRAs in the CoR opinion General Guterres at Materials Package
adaptation to climate on Fit 4 Future, High-Level Political and on the Short-
change incorporates many Forum in New York Term Rental Sector
recommendations, on the European
and the Council Parliament position
Why it matters? and the European Why it matters?
Parliament also took
Strong reference to the up other points Increasing synergies Why it matters?
role of LRAs in the EU of the CoR’s work on
mandate for UNFCCC climate, environment The CoR aimed to
COP28. Leading CoR Why it matters? and the Sustainable build a visible position
role in proposing a Development Goals, through the promotion
revision of EU Green which culminated of its opinions and by
The CoR was closely with the successful
Deal initiatives for cities influencing the co-
involved in shaping participation of the CoR
and regions. Formal legislators, including
a newly created commission in the High-
recognition of the CoR during the trilogue
system of a European Level Political Forum on
as a key partner to negotiations, targeting the
interoperability SDGs in New York, July
implement UN COP future involvement of LRAs
governance and will 2023.
15 and other relevant and strengthening their
have a key role to play
activities on biodiversity. voice in EU policy-making.
in representing the
interests of local and
© European Union / Leandro Pereira Montero

regional administrations
in the newly created
Interoperable Europe
© European Union, 2022

© European Union, 2022

How it will be
How it will be followed up
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followed up
The CoR will continue How it will be
In 2024 the CoR will developing this followed up
capitalise on this work integrated approach in
in preparation for a EU- 2024, also boosting its Aiming to secure a seat
based COP29, where the internal reflection on the for the CoR, as the LRAs’
institution is expected How it will be crosscutting dimensions representative, in relevant
to have a reinforced followed up of the Green Deal. managing/monitoring
presence. At EU level, the bodies for European Critical
Green Deal Going Local Raw Materials Act and Net
Practical arrangements
Handbook will provide Zero Industry Act. The CoR
of the functioning of the
guidance and support will also closely follow up
Interoperable Europe
for LRAs engaged in on the implementation
Board are currently in
the climate and energy of the regulation on
transition. short-term rentals and
continue to engage with
stakeholders and public
authorities to evalute the
impact of the new law.

See more:

The joint Horizon Several agriculture The CoR position in Successful follow
Europe and and food policy the opinion Preparing up of the Fit for 55
Interregional related CoR opinions for and dealing with package, including
Innovation were highly reported crises: strengthening pilot action to
Investments call on in the European, the resilience of the influence trilogues
Regional Innovation national and local Union, its regions negotiations.
Valleys was launched press and cities was
by the European largely echoed
Commission by the European Why it matters?
Why it matters? Commission
Several CoR proposals
Why it matters? Both the CoR and EP have been included in
reports underline the the final legislative texts,
Why it matters?
This responded to the need to strengthen namely an enhanced
CoR’s appeal for better food security in the support to the local
The European energy production
synergies between European Union and
Commission shared via renewable energy
the regional policy enhance the strategic
the CoR objectives, communities and
funds and the Horizon autonomy and resilience
especially concerning strengthened multi-level
programme in support of its agricultural sector
societal preparedness governance (RED), and
of regional innovation. while reducing our
and mapping of the inclusion of one-
dependence on imports
territorial vulnerabilities, stop-shops for energy
from third countries and
while also highlighting efficiency (EED) and the
diversifying the supply
the need to focus on the recognition of energy
of critical imported
local level, since the EU sharing schemes in
is only as resilient as its the reform of the EU
cities and regions. electricity market design.
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How it will be
followed up
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The CoR will collaborate

How it will be with the European
followed up Commission’s Joint
Research Centre in
The European Parliament How it will be the development
is currently preparing followed up and publication of a How it will be
its contribution for the vulnerability dashboard followed up
continuation of the The CoR will continue consisting of social,
Partnerships for Regional pleading for a economic, political With the key Fit for
Innovation (PRI) in 2024, framework law to and environmental 55 files now having
which will allow more facilitate the transition vulnerability indicators reached the finish line,
regions to become to more sustainable and and capturing the CoR will look at the
involved, as the CoR has healthy food systems, in vulnerability to disasters implementation of the
been requesting. cooperation with other across administrative Green Deal policies to
relevant stakeholders, levels and over time. ensure that targets and
such as ICLEI or commitments set on
Eurocities. paper have adequate
resources and support
on the ground.

Promoting cohesion as a fundamental value of the EU

The own-initiative The CoR secured The Council The European

opinion on The future future ESPON Recommendation Parliament’s New
of cohesion policy support on Territorial on developing social European Bauhaus
post-2027 allowed Impact Assessment economy framework (NEB) Pilot Project
the CoR to assume a in the context of the conditions includes on a voucher scheme
pro-active role in the new ESPON 2030 several requests from was an EU action
various discussions programme the CoR opinion initiated by the CoR
on the matter

Why it matters? Why it matters? Why it matters?

Why it matters?
Since 2015, the CoR The CoR’s outlook opinion This role has solidified
It allowed the CoR, as the has organised 30 ex on Creating an enabling the Committee’s position
first institution working ante Territorial Impact environment for the as the advocate for
on the matter, to assume Assessments (TIAs) with social economy helped local and regional
a pro-active and leading the support of ESPON. to kickstart collective interests in the NEB at
role on the future of This concerns European efforts to give the social EU level, and it has been
cohesion policy. The Council Commission initiatives economy higher priority, acknowledged as a key
conclusions on the future of for which potential not only on the EU partner in the successful
cohesion policy adopted by asymmetric impacts on interinstitutional agenda, implementation of the
the General Affairs Council the different EU territories but also in the Member NEB. It shows how the
on 30 November took may have been missed in States. The subsequent CoR has had a substantial
on board many aspects the design phase. European Commission impact on policy work.
that were put forward by Proposal and the adopted The EP Pilot Project will
the (draft) CoR opinion as Council Recommendation receive EUR 1 450 000 on
adopted by unanimity at included several of the commitments and EUR
the COTER meeting of 26 CoR demands from the 362 500 on payments.
September (and plenary on opinion.
29 November).

© European Union, 2022

How it will be
How it will be followed up
How it will be followed up
followed up
The CoR rapporteur
The renewed ESPON
The CoR will continue continues the work on
support will enable
promoting the opinion How it will be
its work on the future of the CoR to continue
and advocating for a more followed up
cohesion policy, including conducting TIA / Rural
by reacting to the 9th level playing field for the
Proofing, thereby The results and lessons
Cohesion Report (expected social economy to fully
contributing to Better learned from this project
in March-April 2024) by tap into its potential to
Regulation and could feed into the work on
means of an opinion, deliver sustainable and
supporting the “Do long-term NEB financing.
enhancing its cooperation inclusive local growth and
no harm to cohesion” The operational activities
with the European services, including for the
principle (“no action under this Pilot Project
Parliament, reaching out more remote/rural regions.
should hamper the would be implemented by
to Member States and in Moreover, at the November
convergence process or the European Commission’s
particular the upcoming conference on social
contribute to regional JRC, partnering with the
Council presidencies, as economy, the CoR signed
disparities”). European Committee of
well as continuing its the San Sebastian Manifesto
cooperation with the key for the Social Economy, the Regions.
partners in the renewed together with 19 Member
Cohesion Alliance. States and the EESC.

See more:

The importance Campaigning for a The CoR was able to The 21st edition of
of the CoR’s input just and sustainable present its views in the European Week
to the report on a transition for a crucial stage of the of Regions and
long-term vision automotive regions legislative process Cities confirmed
for the EU’s rural through the CoR’s for the opinions itself as the largest
areas was publicly Automotive Regions Towards zero emission event dedicated to
acknowledged at the Alliance road transport and cohesion themes
High-Level Policy Guidelines for the across the EU
Forum under the development of
Spanish presidency Why it matters? the trans-European
Transport Network Why it matters?
The phasing out of internal (TEN-T)
Why it matters? combustion engine cars The event provided an
as of 2035 will have a impactful platform to
The report contains profound effect on the Why it matters? continue to mobilise all
several CoR positions regional automotive and regions, cities and other
such as the demand for supply industry. Through stakeholders around the
The CoR analysed the
a holistic approach for its Automotive Regions Cohesion Alliance, and
state of the negotiations
rural development using Alliance (ARA), the CoR to share ideas based on
and suggested concrete
all existing EU funds, the has underlined the need the CoR outlook opinion
proposals for several
demand for reconsidering for policy and budgetary on the future of cohesion
issues that were still in
the solutions for rural measures for a just transition. Policy.
negotiations, bringing in
development in the The ARA and the CoR have
the regional dimension
future multiannual been referred to explicitly in
based on the relevant
financial framework and Regulation (EU) 2023/851 as
earmarking in the future the key partner to ensure a
cohesion funds. successful transition.
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How it will be
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followed up

Next year comes with the

How it will be challenges of renewing
How it will be followed up
How it will be followed up the EU’s strategic agenda,
followed up the European elections
The development in the and the institutional
The CoR will continue to be negotiations is of crucial renewal of politicians
The CoR is represented the voice of the automotive interest to the CoR to in all three main
in the Rural Pact’s regions at European level fulfil its obligations under institutions. CoR efforts
Coordination Group, and make sure to fulfil its the Treaty and represent will focus on conceiving
providing strategic role attributed in Regulation regional interest in the and implementing
guidance to the work (EU) 2023/851. The ARA European legislative a successful
of the Pact and thus the will further consolidate process. EURegionsWeek in 2024.
implementation of the its leading role as the
long-term vision. key regional automotive
network in Europe.

Supporting Ukraine, an overarching priority of the CoR
See more:

The European The CoR has promoted The CoR, representing The European
Parliament referred the summer camps the European Alliance Parliament
to the European for Ukrainian of Cities and Regions reflected several
Alliance of Cities children initiative for the Reconstruction recommendations
and Regions and it further by increasing of Ukraine, participated of the CoR opinion
highlighted the CoR’s coordination efforts for the first time in the in its report on the
guiding principles and reaching out to 2023 London Ukraine establishment of the
in its Resolution partners Recovery Conference Ukraine Facility
on the sustainable (URC). CoR political
reconstruction and representatives visited
integration of Ukraine Why it matters? Kyiv and Lviv, to support Why it matters?
into the Euro-Atlantic LRAs on the field
community It has contributed to The European
welcoming more than Parliament is
3 000 children in 2023, supporting the
Why it matters?
compared to 1 250 in CoR’s calls to take
Why it matters?
2022, in diverse cities into account the
and regions all over the The role of LRAs in partnership principle,
The European Alliance of EU. the reconstruction to meaningfully
Cities and Regions for the of Ukraine has been involve LRAs in the
Reconstruction of Ukraine recognised at the implementation of the
launched by the CoR in highest international Ukraine Facility, and to
partnership with the EU level. upgrade the role of the
and Ukrainian associations European Alliance of
of LRAs with the aim Cities and Regions for
to coordinate joint the Reconstruction of
efforts directed towards
© European Union, 2022

helping the recovery
and reconstruction of
© © European Union / Ian Barber

Ukraine, has experienced

continuous growth,
strengthening How it will be
cooperation among followed up
partners and expanding
© European Union, 2022

the collective impact of The CoR will continue

their action. to invest in the
coordination and
negotiation process How it will be
How it will be with its members, How it will be
followed up
followed up associations and followed up
Ukrainian partners
The CoR will continue
The activity of the Alliance in order to extend The CoR will
to work with the URC
is constantly progressing the summer camps continue to follow
organisers and bodies
and the CoR is promoting initiative throughout the developments
bringing together
the principles of the 2024. and monitor the
EU and Ukrainian
Ukrainian reconstruction implementation of
cities and regions to
process in the run-up the Ukraine Facility, as
maintain the focus
to the Ukraine Recovery well as of the recently
on the local and
Conference 2024. revised roadmap to
regional dimension of

The regions and cities of the European Union

27 240 1 350 600 90 000 400 44% 36% 20% 35.5% 1/2 1/3 1/4

Regional and local

administrations account for
Member States


and districts



million EU
of the EU population live in
predominantly urban regions

in intermediate

in rural regions

in cross border

of public investment

of public expenditure

of tax revenues
8% Presidents of
Members of regional
25% regional parliaments/
Mayors parliaments/ assemblies
3% assemblies
of municipal of local Members of a
councils councils regional

Presidents of
22% regional
of municipal
councils %
by political 8%
role Others


5 56
European 50
Commissioners 46

Members of
the European
Parliament Opinions

attended CoR Resolutions

Plenaries in 2023 12
9 8 8 9
related to CoR 6 7
4 5 6
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Catalogue number: Catalogue number:
QG-02-24-146-EN-C QG-02-24-146-EN-N
ISBN: 978-92-895-3054-5 ISBN: 978-92-895-3053-8
DOI:10.2863/37270 DOI:10.2863/144737

© European Union, January, 2024

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