CHAPTER 3 Group 3

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Through the use of comprehensive interviews and narrative analysis, the

researchers were able to come up with a conclusion that was based on the impacts of
excessive gaming towards the classroom performance of students.


Through the interviews, the researchers were able to identify various common
themes emerged from the various aspects of the study which are stated in the following:

1. Excessive online gaming is shown to have multifaceted impacts on students'

communication within the classroom, as revealed through participant responses. One
prominent effect observed among six participants is the habitual use of inappropriate
language acquired through gaming experiences, this theme was named using bad words
and seven of the participants are in this theme. This tendency to employ profanity,
ingrained from online gaming environments, permeates classroom discourse, diminishing
formality and respect in interactions with peers and teachers. Additionally, some
participants highlight a lack of awareness induced by excessive gaming, leading to
decreased engagement with classmates and a compromised classroom atmosphere. This
lack of attentiveness often results in misunderstandings and conflicts, exacerbating
communication challenges, and this theme got 3 participants. Furthermore, excessive
gaming is linked to heightened stress and anxiety levels in one participant, which can
serve as barriers to effective communication, hindering social interactions within the
classroom. Overall, these insights underscore the intricate relationship between excessive
online gaming and communication dynamics in educational settings, emphasizing the
need for awareness and intervention strategies to mitigate its adverse effects.

2. All of the participant responses highlight a consistent theme of how excessive

online gaming detrimentally affects their learning engagement, primarily by leading to
distractions. The allure of gaming often overrides their ability to focus during classroom
lessons, with thoughts of games persistently intruding upon their academic pursuits. This
distraction not only hampers their concentration but also results in procrastination, as
time that could be spent on learning is instead consumed by gaming. Participants
acknowledge the negative impact on their academic performance, with some attributing
lower grades directly to their prioritization of gaming over schoolwork. Additionally,
there's a shared sentiment of frustration over their inability to concentrate on lessons due
to the pervasive influence of online games.

3. The impact of excessive online gaming on social interaction among students is

explored through two key themes: emotional conflict and social isolation/disregard for
social norms. In the theme of emotional conflict, highlighted by participants 1 and 2, the
competitive nature of gaming often leads to heated arguments and strained relationships
with peers and educators. Meanwhile, social isolation and disregard for social norms are
exemplified by participants 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. These participants describe how
excessive gaming leads to prioritization of virtual experiences over real-world
connections, resulting in withdrawal from social engagements and a lack of respect for
teachers. Additionally, immersion in gaming environments erodes traditional social
norms, leading to casual attitudes towards language and teachers.


In conclusion, the examination of participant responses reveals the intricate and

far-reaching impacts of excessive online gaming on students' communication, learning
engagement, and social interactions within the classroom setting. Across these themes, a
consistent narrative emerges of how the allure of gaming often supersedes academic
responsibilities, leading to distractions, procrastination, and a decline in academic
performance. Moreover, excessive gaming is shown to infiltrate classroom discourse,
eroding formality and respect through the habitual use of inappropriate language.
Additionally, the competitive nature of gaming can give rise to emotional conflicts and
strained relationships among peers and educators, while also fostering social isolation and
a disregard for established social norms.


1. Students should lessen their time on playing online games as it may affect their
communication, learning engagement, and social interaction in the classroom.

2. Parents should limit their son or daughter’s screen time in playing online games
because online games may impact their son or daughter’s communication, learning
engagement, and social interaction in the classroom.

3. Students should have proper time management so they would not get distracted in
online games.

4. Teachers and school administrators should teach or inform students that online games
can affect their communication, learning engagement, and social interaction in the

5. Teachers should also rebuke students that play online games in his/her time of the

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