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Editing in Word 2016

Word processor is an application software that is used to type text. In the

previous class, you have learnt how to open, save, print and close a document in
Word. In this chapter you will learn to edit text. Making changes in the existing
text is called editing the document.


Word 2016 is a word processing software. It is developed by Microsoft. Word can
be used to:
1. type letters, stories, reports, etc., in a simple way.
2. copy and move the text wherever required.
3. save document for future use.
4. changing Case in document.
5. check the document for spelling and grammatical errors.
6. insert pictures in document.
Let us recall some topics you have learnt in the previous class.


In Word, you create document by typing text. To 1
create a new document, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click on File tab.
Step 2 Select New option from the left pane.
Step 3 Click on the Blank document option.
A blank document will appear on the screen.



Shortcut to open a new document is Ctrl + N.

When you have finished typing in your document, you need to save it for future
To save your document in Word, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click on File tab.
Step 2 Select Save or Save As from
the left pane.
Step 3 Select This PC option from
the center pane. Then click
on Browse option.
You can also click on the Save icon
on the Quick Access toolbar.
Step 4 The Save As dialog box opens.
Select the location of the file.
Type a name for your file in the
File name: box.
Step 5 Click on Save button.

Let us learn about the various editing
tools of Word 2016.

To make changes in the existing text, we need to select it. Look at the selected
text in the paragraph below. Let us learn the methods to select text.

Selecting Text Using A Keyboard

To select a letter on the
Press Shift +  or Shift +
right or left of the cursor

To select one line up or

Press Shift +  or Shift + 

To select a word on the

Press Ctrl
+ Shift + 
right of the cursor

To select a word on the

Press Ctrl
+ Shift +
left of the cursor

To select entire document Press Ctrl
Selecting Text Using A Mouse
To select a word Double-click on the word.
To select a line Click on the left margin next to the line.
Click the left button of mouse while holding the
To select a sentence
Ctrl key.
Click the left button of mouse thrice in that
To select a paragraph

If you have made a mistake while typing the text, you can easily remove the text
by using either Backspace or Delete key.
For using Backspace key, click to the right of the cursor and press
key. The character to the left of the cursor gets deleted. You can use
Ctrl Backspace
+ key to delete the word to the left of the insertion point.
For using Delete key, click to the left of the cursor and press key. The
character to the right of the cursor gets deleted. You can +
use to delete a word on the right of the cursor.
To remove large text such as a sentence or paragraph, select it using any
method and press Backspace or key.
While writing you may find it necessary to add some more text to already written
document. You can easily insert new text in your document.
To insert the text, place the pointer at the required position where you want to
insert the text and click. Insertion Point (cursor) appears on the screen to indicate
the position where the inserted text will appear. You can now type the new text.

Cutting the text means the selected text will disappear from its original location
and will appear at another location where it is pasted.
Copying the text means the selected text will remain at its original location as
well as the place where it is pasted.
To cut/copy or move the text, follow these steps:
Step 1 Select the text that you want to copy or move.
Step 2 Click on Home tab.

Step 3 Click on Cut or Copy from the Clipboard group.

Step 4 Go to the required place where you want to paste.

Step 5 Click on Paste from the Clipboard group.


After Cut Paste After Copy Paste

Undo is used to cancel the command. Redo is used to reverse the action of
Undo command.
To undo, click on the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

To redo, click on the Redo button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Whenever we type in Word, we may do some mistakes. But, don’t worry, we can
get error free documents using Spelling and Grammar check feature in Word.
In Word spelling mistakes are shown by red wavy line and grammatical mistakes
by green wavy line.
Check spelling and grammar through right-click:
If you see red wavy or green wavy line under a word right click on it. Choose and
click the correct spelling or word from the suggestions to replace the incorrect word.

Spelling check Grammar check

Steps to check spelling and grammar through Spelling and Grammar button:
Step 1 Click at the beginning of the document.
Step 2 Click on the Review
tab on the ribbon. 2
Step 3 Click on Spelling
& Grammar from
Proofing group.
The first spelling or 1
grammar mistake 4
will be selected and
displayed in the side 5
panel with options.
Step 4 Suggestions are also
displayed to correct
the error. Click the suggestion you want to use for correcting the error.
Step 5 Click Change button to replace the wrong word.
After you change the spelling, it will display the grammar correction. Similarly, you
can change the grammar correction and apply changes.
FactTo skip error and continue working in your document, click Ignore
Once or Ignore All option.

While creating a document you might require a word with similar meaning. You
can use Thesaurus to find a synonym for a word in your document. To use the
thesaurus, follow these steps:
Step 1 Select the word you want to look for.
Step 2 Click on Review tab.
Step 3 Click on the Thesaurus option from the Proofing group.
Step 4 Right-click on the appropriate word and click on insert. The word will be
inserted in the document.


 Word processor is an application software that is used to type text.
 Cutting the text means text will disappear from its original location and will
appear at another location where it is pasted.
 Copying the text means the text will remain at its original location as well
as the place where it is pasted.
 Undo is used to cancel the command and Redo is used to reverse the
action of Undo command.
 We can get error free documents using Spelling and Grammar check
feature in Word.
 Thesaurus is used to find the most appropriate word for your document.

Tick the Correct option.

1. Word 2016 is a word ................................ software.
a. processing b. calculating c. painting
2. To select a sentence, click the left button of mouse while holding the
................................ key.
a. Ctrl b. Shift c. Alt
3. In Word, spelling mistakes are shown by ................................ wavy line.
a. blue b. green c. red
4. Making changes in the existing text is called ................................ .
a. undo b. editing c. thesaurus

Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Hints: editing, delete, backspace, green, select

1. To delete large text, ................................ it and press ................................ key.

2. Grammatical mistakes are shown in ................................ coloured wavy line.
3. Making changes in the existing text is called ................................ the
4. You can easily remove the text by using ................................ key.
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.
1. Cutting the text means text will disappear from its original
position. .....................
2. Undo is used to reverse the action of command. .....................
3. Ctrl + Backspace key is used to delete a word on the right
of the cursor. .....................
4. Paint is word processing software that is used to delete text. .....................
Match the following.
1. To select a letter on the right a. Ctrl
+ Shift + 

2. To select one line up b. Shift + 

3. To select a word on the right c. Ctrl

+ Shift +
4. To select a word on the left d. Ctrl
+ A

5. To select entire document e. Shift + 

A. Short answer type questions.

1. Write any two features of Word 2016.
2. How can you delete your text using Backspace key?
3. What do you mean by thesaurus?
4. Differentiate between undo and redo commands.
Long answer type questions.
1. Differentiate between copying and cutting text.
2. How can you identify the spelling and grammatical mistakes in your
3. Write short note on:
a. Selecting text
b. Inserting text

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