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The 2022 presidential Election in the Philippines was near so many politicians and candidates started
their campaigning and strategies to get the vote of many Filipinos, especially the presidential aspirant.
One of the most popular and controversial presidential candidates is former senator Ferdinand “Bong-
Bong” Marcos Jr. (BBM) the son of the late former president of the Republic of Philippines (1965-1986)
and dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Since the election is a hot topic in the Philippines many misinformation,
fake news, and political propaganda is spreading in many internets and online platform, especially
across social media one of the misinformation and fake news that is a hot issue and topic, is the Marcos
political propaganda that contains many reversals of history and truth it includes the false information
about Marcos family and history and Marcos myths that spread by Marcos Supporter or called Marcos
loyalist/apologies that take advantage for BBM to win in Presidency in the upcoming election.

Marcos political propaganda is disturbing and a lot of negative effects especially in the history of the
Philippines by revising or reversal of history and truth that continuing spreading of misinformation about
Marcos’s history, especially across the social media and many Filipinos sadly believed it and because of
that they support Bong-Bong Marcos Presidency because many Marcos Supporter and allegedly
Marcos’s troll farms or paid supporter they continuing spread it. Bong-Bong Marcos is taken advantage
of many Filipinos on his running in the presidency. Because of the Marcos fake history or Marcos’s
myths, many Filipinos have praised the Marcos family, especially late dictator Ferdinand Marcos for
their good done in the Philippines during the Marcos era but that is a false claim only and that is only to
help BBM to win this upcoming election.

Nowadays we need proper education and facts information to teach our many Filipino youth
generations to learn about the real history and never be fooled against fake information and history and
become a Filipino fighter against the evil ruler. Marcos’s revisionism is one of the big threats against the
truth, justice, and history many Filipinos have fooled this political propaganda when the in-depth
investigation and analysis for seeking the real truth and history are so significant to do not forget the
history, to give justice to many Marcos regime victims, and more importantly the justice of the
Philippines to not be able to get elected a dictator and a thief again that our next future generation
never suffered again under the evil hands. In the hands of many Filipinos, that depends on the truth,
justice, and future generation and bright tomorrow of the Philippines.


Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. was elected the 10th president of the Republic of Philippines from 1965 to 1986
during his presidency He declared Martial Law in the Philippines on September 21, 1972. that he claims
to protect many Filipinos against the threat of communists or terrorists (NPA) and enforce law and order
but the truth is to extend his rule and he made a new constitution to stay longer and power. Under his
dictatorship and implementation of martial law many Human rights cases of abuse were rampant during
the martial law era, with over 100,000 victims, according to Amnesty International including some
70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 were tortured and over 3200 were killed from 1972 to 1981.
During the Martial Law era, many media outlets and entertainment are being shut down only media
outlets under the control of Marcos can continually in airing and service.
Many corruptions have been recorded during his era that until now an only small number of percent has
been returned, much ill-gotten wealth and a lot of tons of money is still being pursued and wants to be
returned to our government from Marcoses. During the Marcos era, the Philippines was buried in huge
debt from the country loan fund in the world bank to use it in many infrastructures and many projects
during Marcos’s era and until now many Filipinos pay it. The Philippines suffered an economic failure
during Martial Law many researchers have pointed out an elusive state of the country's development as
the period is marred by a sharp devaluing of the Philippine Peso from 3.9 to 20.53. The overall economy
experienced a slower growth GDP per capita, lower-wage conditions, and higher unemployment
especially towards the end of Marcos's term after the 1983–1984 recession. Marcos doctorship is a long-
suffering of the Philippines not to mention many controversies and worst happening aside from it under
Marcos’s era.




Claim that Marcos era is the golden era of the Philippines but the truth is this is not real it is opposite in
reality Marcos’s era was darkest era of the Philippines because the country has suffered an economic
failure and the Philippines was buried in huge debt from the country loan fund in the world bank to use
it in many infrastructures and many projects during Marcos’s era and until now many Filipinos pay it
during Martial Law many scholar have pointed out an elusive state of the country's development as the
period is marred by a sharp devaluing of the Philippine Peso from 3.9 to 20.53. The overall economy
experienced a slower growth GDP per capita, lower-wage conditions, and higher unemployment
especially towards the end of Marcos's term after the 1983–1984 recession.


One of the famous Marcos Myth is the Tallano Gold or the million tons of gold owned by Marcos story
claims that one royal family here in the Philippines the Tallano royal family that close on Marcos that a
lot of tons of gold that come from Yamashita tressure that’s another urban legend in the Philippines
because of the connection and their friendship Tallano royal family has give it to Marcos and the
conspiracy if Bong-Bong Marcos wins presidency in upcoming election that will give it to many Filipinos
and use it to save the Philippines from the collapse but the truth is this is not true the fact is the gold
reserved around the world is only 200,000 metric of tons only so how Marcos own a million of tons of
gold if the world gold reserve is only 200,000? In fact, Bong-Bong Marcos spokesperson Atty. Vic
Rodriguez say that Bong-Bong Marcos says he knows nothing about that and also his siter Sen. Imee
Marcos she did not know that about that thing.

Their claims that Marcos created Nutribun project in order to solution malnourishment and fed free
every week many Filipino kids in school but the rumor is not true Marcos merely took credit for this
project because the truth is the nutribun was an imitative of the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) to solve the severe malnutrition in the Philippines in the ‘70s. and also the USAID
creating the ingredients and formula of the nutribun to make it nutritious food for Filipino kid and add
according to Nancy Dammann members of the USAID she say that the packages of Nutribun were
labeled with the slogan (courtesy of Imelda Marcos – Tulungan Project) even though the project had no
connection with the former first lady.


The Truth is Bong-Bong Marcos is he did not obtain his degree from this institution and in an exclusive
report in 2015 by RAPPLER found out that although Marcos Jr. did enter in Oxford University but he did
not complete the programs he enrolled in, which is why their records do not show Marcos their list
of graduates because Marcos Jr in 1976 out of 3 preliminary exams that he take the only passed 1 so he
cannot graduated in that university so in the help of Philippine government they requested a special
circumstances on Oxford so he can a get special diploma in 1978.


But the truth is he not own and idea this project that fact that even Marcos Jr. Say in the interview “one
thing people seem to think it’s a government project but it’s not it’s a private commercial enterprise”
like he said this is private commercial enterprise project so the owner of this project is the North Wind
Power Incorporation and the budget for this project came from world bank and the government of
Denmark the idea of planting this in the Bangui, Ilocos Norte because of the good location in wind
farming came from USA based National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

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