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LESSON 3  Tycho Brahe

- Provided evidence that supported

 Discoveries
Copernicus heliocentric theory
 Scientific Revolution
- Brahe set up an astronomical observatory-
- 16th to 17th century Planets movement
- It is a series of events that marked the
 Johannes Kepler
emergence of modern science during the
- His calculations also showed that the planets
early modern period, when developments in
moved in oval shaped orbits, and not perfect
mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology
circles, as Ptolemy and Copernicus believed.
and chemistry transformed the views of
- German mathematician and astronomer who
society about nature
discovered that the Earth and planets travel
- Much of these events happened in a period
around the sun in elliptical orbits
now known as Intellectual Revolution
 Three fundamental laws of
Methods in Scientific Inquiry planetary motion
1. Planets move in orbits
1. Faith
shaped like an ellipse
2. Religion
2. A line between a plant
3. Theological
and the:
Renaissance Period 3. Sun covers equal areas in
equal times
- Renaissance is a French word meaning - He also did important work in optics and
“rebirth”. geometry
- Refers to a period in European civilization
 Nicolas Copernicus
that was marked by a revival of Classical
- Heliocentrism
learning and wisdom. The natural world
 Francis Bacon
includes plants and animals, soil, rocks,
- Leading figures of philosophy and in the
water, air.
field of scientific methodology in the
- Things can be described, compared and
modern period of transition from the
classified on the basis of their
Renaissance to the early modern era.
characteristics. Nature includes living and
 Rene Descartes
non-living things. Living thins need food,
- French philosopher, mathematician and
water and shelter and cam move, grow and
scientist who invented analytical geometry
and linking the previously separate fields of
- Led scientist to question traditional beliefs
geometry and algebra.
and the church about the workings of the
universe. It was a new way of thinking about  Charles Darwin
the natural world. - Theory of Evolution
- Before 1500, The Bible and Aristotle was - Modern organisms evolved over long
accepted as truth periods of time through descent from
common ancestors
Causes or Genesis of the Scientific Revolution  Sigmund Freud
1. Johannes Kepler - An Austrian Neurologist who became
2. Robet Hooke fascinated with studying hysteria
3. Isaac Newton - Father of Psychoanalysis
4. Charles Darwin - Psychology was considered more of an art
5. Nicolas Copernicus rather than a science
6. Francis Bacon - Psychoanalysis is the study that explain
7. Galileo Galilei human behavior
8. Rene Descartes Levels of Consciousness: Iceberg theory
 Isaac Newton
- changed the way we understand the 1. Conscious mind – like the top of the
Universe. Revered in his own lifetime, he iceberg, only a small portion of our mind is
discovered the laws of gravity and motion accessible to us.
and invented calculus. 2. Preconscious mind – material that is
- He helped to shape our rational world view. unconscious, but can be easily brought into
He is popularly remembered as the who saw awareness. Moves back & forth easily
a apple from a tree and was inspired the between conscious & unconscious.
theory of gravity
3. Unconscious mind – is completely outside
of our awareness (could produce anxiety if
made conscious).

Structures of Personality
1. Id – “pleasure principle”
- unconscious impulses that want to be
gratified, without regard to potential
- Original Core of an Individual personality
- Biological Driven
- Primarily Unconscious
2. Ego “reality principle”
- tries to satisfy id impulses while minimizing
punishment & guilt.
- Self- Identity which arises out of ID
It controls voluntary motion and self-
reservation behavior
3. Superego
- the “moral principle” of our personality
which tells us right from wrong our
- Developing out of the Ego
- Serves as conscience

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