Mr. Me

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Mr Me

Links and References Used

 Illustration (paperback) is made on MS Powerpoint
 Prompt 2 used.
 Activist =
 Activist Edited *Help Nature Help Yourself* via
Paint app.
 Poacher =
 Hat of Mr Me =
 Hat is cropped from rest of the body
 Leg of Mr Me (Rock used) =
 Rock image is tilted and then showed as legs
 Hands of Mr Me (Fire used) =
 Fire image is tilted and then showed as hands
 Body of Mr Me(Water used) = http://clipart-
 Water image is cropped and shown as a body

~ Vansh Kushwaha

Lotus Valley International School, Noida Extension

Dedicated TO

The People of the World


 Harshul Kumar(a poacher and activist(later))

 Mr Me(unnamed man)
 Alok Laghari(News Reporter)
 Prakriti Kumar(Harshul’s wife)
 Balvinder Kumar(Harshul’s brother)
 Anumaan, Jashan, Kartik(Harshul’s friend and poachers)
 Mr Roy(CEO of DESH(news channel) )
 A Blind Deer

“We wear shoes to look handsome in other’s eyes, expensive jewellery, maybe to show our
fortune but do we know that these items are made by engraving the sacrifices of the
animals?” These were the first line of my life while shooting in the studio. I was really happy
when I was selected by Mr Roy to interview Mr Harshul Kumar, who is a popular Indian
activist. Mr Roy advised me, “Alok, be very clear and calm with Mr Kumar as he is a much
respected person in the eyes of the nation. Try to ask personal questions as well because
the world doesn’t know much about him.” He said, “Remember don’t be frightened of
asking questions that are not coarse.” I nodded my head and started to practice my lines.
The time ran like cheetah chasing its prey and finally the clock struck 8. I was excited to
meet Harshul Kumar but I was also having nervousness in one of the portions of my
confidence. The DESH channel’s episode ‘Inside the DESH’ was running live and I started my

“We wear shoes to look handsome in other’s eyes, expensive jewellery, maybe to show our
wealth but do we know that these items are made by engraving the sacrifices of the
animals? You probably will say yes, but are we really concerned about this?”

I continued...

“Namaste, Salaam, Sashriakal and Welcome to your own show ‘Inside the DESH’. I am your
new host Alok Laghari and I welcome Mr Harshul Kumar who is our Indian activist working
for the protection of wildlife and natural resources. He has started over 250 camps all over
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. This 48 year old man from a village Amjhira in
Bhopal of Madhya Pradesh is known for closing more than 150 factories around Taj Mahal
and played a key role in capturing 50 poachers. Welcome Sir.”

He accepted my greetings with a smile.

“Sir, the stage is all yours. Please tell us about yourself and how you are motivated to
become an activist.”

He started by setting himself comfortably on the couch.

“Mr Laghari, I am here to share my life moments, so that the youths can be inspired by my
story and they can also work for the welfare of nature.”

He continued...

“My father was a post man and I was his only child. He always taught me the rule of ahimsa
and satya. We have seen the worst streets full of insects feeding on the unclean
environment, walls having a proportion of water more than clay or bricks. The water always
trickled down from the walls as if a leaked tap was dripping. We have slept empty stomach
at night and never had a brush inside our mouth.”

He said that he had lived all his life on his father’s income but an accident took his father’s

“I was 30 when this happened. I was left with my mother, my wife and 3 sons.”

“I asked my cousin Balvinder for help. He told me to become a poacher for earning money
faster. At that time I was okay with it but my wife Prakriti restlessly debated not to take
poaching as an occupation.’ He said that he had killed over 15 rhinoceros, 24 deer and more
than 15 elephants in Kaziranga National Park, Assam along with his gang of 10 poachers. I
was amazed when he told his techniques of poaching and how he was one of the most
wanted poachers in Assam.”

He added...

“After earning approximately 50 thousand, I returned to my village along with my friends.

But my wife kicked that money with her harsh words.”

Harshul was then given the poaching task in Bhandavnagar National Park where he killed
more than 70 wild animals including lion, tiger, elephant and deer.

“How you managed to kill animals in such a large number?”

“We gave commissions to the deputy owners and caretakers of the area.”

“And what amount did it cost?”

“At that time we gave 45% of what we earned after selling the body parts of those animals.”

He told many things about himself like how he was behind the bars for a year and then was
released on bail, how he became a headache for the DM of Umaria and Forest Minister of
India but the incident that made him an activist was incredible.

“I can’t forget 29th June, 2010 when there was a massive forest fire in the Gir Forest in
Gujarat. I along with my three friends Anumaan, Jashan, Kartik went to the popular Gir
Forest in Gujarat for hunting lions and deer. We were walking like a ghost making no noise
as we saw a lion sitting tranquilly, licking its claws with a confusing comfort under a huge
tree which was fighting the cruel heat of the sun. We had not taken any action till now but
the lion ran towards his right as if he was running away from the fire.”

Jashan said, “Oh, dude! We missed the king of Gir”

“We all laughed on that. After walking for a mile in the East we found the forest fire coming
towards us. The immense heat that it generated started crumpling our skin. Kartik and
Anumaan exclaimed Hurry! Run! Look there’s fire trying to pounce on us. I went to the
north side and the rest went to east. After running for a minute or two, I saw a sightless
beautiful deer with usual four legs, two eyes, ears and a nose but unusual power of smell
and sight that a man equipped with these organs can’t have. I became greedy and loaded
my Berdan rifle and was aiming on the deer. In spite of his astounding smell power that hale
and hearty deer didn’t move. I was amazed at this sight and saw it with astounding eyes
disturbing my own aim.”

He said that the deer ran towards him and he fearfully shot the deer on his leg, still the deer
ran and thrust Harshul with its forelegs.

He continued...

“The tree full of fire fell on the deer and it got inside the fire, started bleating.”

“I was numbed and I along with my tears of remorse saw the death of the hero.”

“Why didn’t you try to protect the deer.” I asked.

“It was too late...”

With tears in his eyes he said, “I still regret...”

“I still regret...”

“I still regret...”

He tried to calm himself and continued, “I cremated the blind deer as per Hindu rituals and
put its ashes in the nearby river.”

“I thanked the deer with my heart and went to the tent where we were living. On that day
we heard the news that an aeroplane going from Saudi Arabia to Gandhinagar crashed in
between. Both the engines failed and the last words of pilots were Me De...”

No doubt, the forest fire was because of the plane crash. Harshul’s two friends died in that

“I was sad on such a vast causality and wished peace by god for all the souls that were
affected. I prepared my guns, ropes and doses for poaching next day.”

“I slept early than usual on that day and had a weird dream.”
“There was a tall man forward-facing me with his neck down and a black rounded hat
completely covered his face. His body till stomach was made of water, legs made with rocks,
hands with fire. We both were in a beautiful garden.”

“He said to me that I am you but not what you are right now.”

I asked him, “Express yourself clearly.”

“He said that he is the positivity, mercy, happiness and love inside me. He added, “I want
you to take revenge of the death of the deer by organising rallies against the poachers,
closing industries causing pollution, helping nature so that it can help humankind.”

“That man’s identity and words pierced my heart like an arrow penetrating its target. I woke
up and left the Gir forest and handed myself over to the police.”

“I was punished with 1 Lakh rupees and 5 years imprisonment. Then I obeyed the rules that
Mr Me (which I started calling him) told...”

Harshul’s emotional narrative moved Alok and made him think that despite being blind, that
deer (blind deer) helped this deer (Harshul Kumar) because that sightless animal had
humanity. He thinks that we all have Mr Me in one of the corners of our cruel heart. Let’s
make our life more comfortable by easing the nature’s work towards us.


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