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Isaiah 59:1-21 "When Doves


"When Doves Cry!"

In this day and age there is nothing that can shock the public. We have
seen it all. Through today's media coverage there is nothing that cannot or will
not be told. We have seen many things, tortures, dismemberment, parents
killing their children and children killing their parents. We have had front row
seats to grotesque murders and unmentionable acts.

I have had brought to my memory many times the numerous accounts of

teen suicides, now I read of pre-teen suicides. I personally have seen the
results of abusive behavior , the physical and mental scars. My heart screams
out tonight, I am talking about "When doves cry! "

My mind goes back to Albert! Too late to stop now! To late to turn back. It's
to late the match is lit and it's to late. How many times have you heard a story
about a saint being to late. They thought God was speaking to their heart about
urging someone to the altar. They were sure God was compelling them to
reach out to this lost soul, but the next time that person was seen was at their
I am talking about "When doves cry. "

The one thing I want to live you with tonight is the burning desire to reach
out. I want to leave you with a burden that will keep you awake at night. As I
read and studied this scripture I could hear the cry of the dove. The dove
builds a weak nest made of loosely fit sticks or twigs. Often times the dove will
build on another's nest. The dove is probably the most gentile animal that has
been created. the only animal that will not fight back when attacked. It is
documented that even when the Doves young are being attacked and
devoured that it will not strike back , but the only sound is the mourning of the
I am talking about "When doves cry."

As I studied this I noticed something that was disturbing. Something that

made me look deeper into my heart. Verse 2-8 were written in the third person.
It was pointing an accusing finger toward them and they. Then the cry of the
dove took on a different meaning. Because at the start of verse 9 the writer
changes from the third person to writing in the first person. The Finger that
pointed away now points back at me. What is happening to me? I look to be
enlightened, to learn and to grow. I don't seem to be getting anywhere, I can't
find my way around. I can't seem to find any stability.
'owr Pronounced: ore Strong's Number: Hebrew_216
from Heb_215; illumination or (concr.) luminary (in every sense, including
lightning, happiness, etc.):-bright, clear, + day, light (-ning), morning, sun._

choshek Pronounced: kho-shek' Strong's Number: Hebrew_2822
from Heb_2821; the dark; hence (lit.) darkness; fig. misery, destruction, death,
ignorance, sorrow, wickedness:-dark (-ness), night, obscurity._

negohah Pronounced: neg-o-haw' Strong's Number: Hebrew_5054
fem. of Heb_5051; splendor:-brightness._

'aphelah Pronounced: af-ay-law' Strong's Number: Hebrew_653
fem. of Heb_651; duskiness, fig. misfortune; concr. concealment:-dark, darkness,
gloominess, X thick._

I am so disoriented that I am using my hands as I would my eyes. I am

blind, spiritually blind. Why is all this happening. What can be the cause. Why
is there a stumbling in the Church? Why is there no spiritual growth? What
caused this all?
Why does verse 14 say that truth has fallen in the street?
Why does verse 15 say that truth faileth?
Verse 16 tells us "When doves cry," because there is no man.... There is
no intercessor.

When we give ourselves to prayer an fasting for the lost, is when wounds
will heal, broken hearts will mend. We can't stand no longer and watch those
around us become prey of the enemy.

To many times have I seen saints get caught up in the cares of life and
forget the cry of the lost. We to often found ourselves in a saved state and grow
comfortable in our position, thinking we made it and there's nothing more. We
can not survive without being an intercessor. We can not press toward the
mark without a burden for the lost.

I will never understand pride that gets in the way of saying we're sorry.
There should always be a brokenness within our hearts. Always bending to the
will of God in all that He would have us to do.
When doves cry

I have heard tell that most sacrifices can be lead, but tying them down to
be sacrificed is a struggle, but the dove is such a docile animal that it will
where you place it. With a its open chest and head tilted back it will stay until
the knife comes down.

We need to lay ourselves on the alter of sacrifice, a willing sacrifice for His
When doves cry.

We need to lock on to the horns of the alter, for the faces we see. In the Church
as well as outside. We need to stand in the gap, and do the work that has been
called for the Church.

All rebuttals can be answered with the first verse. God in His infinite wisdom
strategically placed this verse here. 59:1


Genesis 8:9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she
returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole
earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into
the ark. At that moment Noah became an intercessor.
They need us Family,
and we need each other!

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