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(3 X 3 MW)


EPC Contractor
P & R Infra Projects Ltd.

Hanu Small Hydroelectric Project is located in Laddakh District of Jammu & Kashmir on Hanu
Nala, a tributary of river Indus. The project site is located at about 160 km from Leh city.

The revised project layout comprises of diversion structure having ungated crest weir with crest
level at El. 3043.5 m, intake with crest level at El. 3042.0 m, feeder channel of size 1.5 m
(W),2.16 m (H), 11.5 m long, one desilting basin of size 26 m (L) X 6 m (W) X 6.05 m (D),
embedded steel pipe of 1.5 m dia. and 11 m long, D-Shaped head race tunnel of size 1.8 m (W)
x 2.0 m (H), 3671 m long, penstock of 1.2 m dia, 294 m long and three unit penstock of 0.65
m dia., surface power house which accommodates Pelton turbines, tailrace and switchyard.

The water conductor system as per tender drawings comprises of covered concrete channel of
3574 m length and 1.6 m x 1.85 m size running along the hill slope with bed slope of 1 in 250.
A forebay is provided at the downstream end of power channel to take care of the surges due
to water hammer pressures. Water from forebay is conveyed to the three pelton turbines in the
power house through a surface penstock.

An underground tunnel is proposed instead of surface power channel in the revised layout in
view of geological challenges and access constraints in a surface power channel as per details
presented in “Report on Review and Optimization of Project Layout”. The revised layout is
approved by JKPDC.

A D-shaped Head race tunnel having finished dimensions of 1.8 m (W) x 2.0 m (H) and total
length 3671 m is provided. Upstream of HRT inlet portal, an embedded steel pipe of 1.5 m dia.
of length 11 m is provided from desilting basin to HRT inlet portal. In head race tunnel, steel
liner (1.2 m dia.) is proposed in length of 250 m upstream of outlet portal in view of low rock
cover in this reach. Two nos. of construction adits (170.828 m and 281.33 m long) of size 2.5
m x 2.5 m, D-shaped have been provided for timely completion of the project.

Downstream of HRT outlet portal, a surface penstock of 1.2 m dia. 294 m long is provided to
carry water to surface power house.

Head race tunnel (HRT)

Total Length 3671 m
Shape D- shape
Finished Diameter 1.8 m (W) x 2.0 m (H)
Invert Level at start El. 3030.00 m
Bed Slope (average) 1 in 26
Design discharge 4.25 cumecs
Adit 1 L = 170.83 m
Adit 2 L = 281.33 m
Finished Size of Adits 2.5 x 2.5 m D-Shaped
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The 3671m long & 1.8 m (W) X 2.0 m (H) D-shaped HRT is aligned through granitic rocks
of Ladakh Granitic Complex. The minimum and maximum ground cover over the tunnel is
81m and 303m, respectively. The granitic rock is exposed for most of the tunnel alignment
with intermittent colluvium covered zones along gullies. No drainage, but a few gullies cut
across the tunnel alignment. The tunnel will be driven through fair to good quality granite for
its entire length. The destressing limit in granitic rock is estimated to be about 10m and
tunnel is expected to traverse through fresh rock. Normal ground water conditions are
expected during tunnelling, however, presence of perched water table cannot be ruled out.

Two 2.5 m dia. D shaped adits (Adit-1: 170.83 m long and Adit-2: 281.33 m long) are proposed
for construction of the HRT. Both the adits will pass through granite for their entire length.

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Drill and blast method is mostly used method for the excavation throughout the world. The
method can be used in all types of rocks and the initial cost is lower than the mechanical method
like TBM. This tunneling method involves the use of explosives. Compared with bored
tunnelling by Tunnel Boring Machine, blasting generally results in higher duration of vibration
levels. The excavation rate is also less i.e. 1m to 1.50 m a day).

The typical cycle of excavation by blasting is performed in the following steps:

a. Drilling blast holes and loading them with explosives.
b. Detonating the blast, followed by ventilation to remove blast fumes.
c. Removal of the blasted rock (mucking).
d. Scaling crown and walls to remove loosened pieces of rock.
e. Installing initial ground support.
f. Advancing mucking, ventilation, and utilities.

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a. Potential environmental impacts in terms of noise, dust and visual on sensitive receives
are significantly reduced and are restricted to those located near the tunnel portal;
b. Compared with the cut-and-cover approach, quantity of C&D materials generated would
be much reduced;
c. Compared with the cut-and-cover approach, disturbance to local traffic and associated
environmental impacts would be much reduced;
d. Blasting would significantly reduce the duration of vibration, though the vibration level
would be higher compared with bored tunnelling;

a. Potential hazard associated with establishment of a temporary magazine site for overnight
storage of explosives shall be addressed through avoiding populated areas in the site
selection process.

Methodology Sequences:

3.1 Drilling Pattern:

The drilling pattern ensures the distribution of the explosive in the rock and desired blasting
result. Several factors must be taken into account when designing the drilling pattern: rock
drillability and blastability, the type of explosives, blast vibration restrictions and accuracy
requirements of the blasted wall etc. The basic drilling & blasting factors, and drilling pattern
design are discussed below. Since every mining and construction site has its own
characteristics, the given drilling patterns should be considered merely as guidelines. Many
tunnel and excavation sites still plan their drilling patterns manually

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Drilling pattern design in tunneling and drifting is based on the following factors:
a. Tunnel dimensions
b. Tunnel geometry
c. Hole size
d. Final quality requirements
e. Geological and rock mechanical conditions
f. Explosives availability and means of detonation
g. Expected water leaks
h. Vibration restrictions
i. Drilling equipment

Depending on site conditions, all or some of the above factors are considered important enough
to determine the tunnel drilling pattern. Construction sites typically have several variations of
drilling patterns to take into account the changing conditions in each tunnel. Drifting in mines
is carried out with 5 to 10 drilling patterns for different tunnel sizes (production drifters,
haulage drifters, drawpoints, ramps etc.) The pattern is finalized at the drilling site. Tunnel
blasting differs from bench blasting in that tunnels have only one free surface available when
blasting starts. This restricts round length, and the volume of rock that can be blasted at one
time. Similarly, it means that specific drilling and charging increases as the tunnel face area
decreases. When designing a drilling pattern in tunneling, the main goal is to ensure the
optimum number of correctly placed and accurately drilled holes. This helps to ensure
successful charging and blasting, as well as produce accurate and smooth tunnel walls, roof
and floor. A drilling pattern optimized in this way is also the most economical and efficient for
the given conditions.
3.2 Drilling:
Before the blasting takes place, the drilling riggers bores the drill holes – determined in advance
in a blasting plan – in the foremost front wall of the tunnel (working face). The more solid the
rock, the more explosives are required.
A Pneumatic Jackhammer with Leg Pusher will used to drill holes in the rock face
simultaneously by 02 No Drillers. It is run by; a hose brings water to the drills & drills are
pneumatic. That means that the drill bits both hammer and rotate. Broken bits of rock are
flushed out by water. These drill holes are 1.0 -1.2 metres long.
The first sets are straight holes (parallel cut) located around the edge of the face and in the
middle. A second set (V-cut) is angled toward the center. These allow the rock to be blown
away from the face into the drift (tunnel).

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3.3 Loading and Blasting:

The drill holes are then filled with explosives, detonators are attached to the explosive devices
and the individual explosive devices are connected to one another. The holes are blasted in a
proper sequence, from the center outward, one after the other. Although number of explosions
may be set off, one after the other, the blast sequence is completed in several seconds. The
devices should not explode at the same time, but rather one after the other at specified intervals.
Only when the blast master has ensured that nobody is left in the danger zone can the explosion
be triggered by the blasting machine.

3.4 Ventilating:
The blast causes lots of rock to be flung through the tunnel, dispersing clouds of dust that then
mix with the combustion gases of the explosion. So that the miners can resume work in the
tunnel, the bad air must be removed from the tunnel. This is done by using so-called air-ducting
systems, long steel or plastic pipes, which are attached to the roof of the tunnel and blow fresh
air onto the working face. This gives rise to localized excess pressure and the bad air is pushed
towards the tunnel exit.

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3.5 Dislodging:

Dislodging refers to the stripping away and removal of loose pieces of rock, which were not
completely released from the rock during the blasting procedure. This working step is
completed by a robust tunnel excavator.

3.6 Removing rubble:

After the loose pieces of rock have been dislodged from the working face, the blasted material
– the rubble or spoil or muck – is carried out of the tunnel. The material is either loaded onto
dump trucks or trolley with wheel loaders and taken from the tunnel to an outside landfill or it
is transported from the site of excavation to selected disposal land.

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The quickly drying shotcrete used for this purpose in particular enables a cavity-free connection
of the securing mechanism to the rock. Depending on the type of rock, a variety of securing
measures can be implemented: wire mesh, ribs, stakes or so-called bolts, which can be driven
into the rock.

The final method for stabilizing rock faces is most commonly rock bolting. A jumbo is used
here to first drill holes into the rock. The holes vary from 0.5 to 1.2 metres long. Next a steel
rod with a wedge threaded on the end is inserted in the hole. When it is in place, the rod is
turned so that it pulls out against the wedge, forcing it into the walls of the hole. The outside
end of the rod is secured with a steel plate and large nut. Geologists and engineers will
determine the spacing and depth of rock bolts required for the conditions at their site.

Under the poorest ground conditions, it may be necessary to put steel ribs in place to hold up
the walls and roof of a tunnel. In other situations, a steel mesh may be secured to the walls and
roof to prevent other loose materials from falling on workers below.

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The working face is now freely accessible and the geologist has a few minutes to map it. In the
process, he determines what type of rock is present and how the rocks lie, i.e. whether they dip
in a flat or steep manner, whether they are folded or even broken. with a special compass as an
aid to measure the angle of incidence and direction of incidence of the rock structures. At the
same time, the strength of the rock, the reaction of the rock mass to the excavation process and
any mountain water infiltration are also documented. The mapping report created from this –
with sketches and photos – serves as the basis for the selection of appropriate supporting
measures (refer Barton chart).

In faulted ground, consolidation grouting will be carried out to prevent caving at the face of
the tunnel excavation.
Grout Pressure
The following grout pressures are recommended:
Back fill grouting pressure - 300 kN/m2
Contact grouting pressure - 250 kN/m2
Consolidation grouting pressure - 500 kN/m2
Based on available site conditions, the maximum external pressure on concrete lining in this
reach shall occur during consolidation grouting. Hence the design external pressure should
have considered as 0.5 Mpa. The internal pressure varies between 0.2 Mpa and 0.25 Mpa and
design pressure of 0.25 Mpa considered.
6.1 Contact Grouting Pressure:
Contact grouting shall be executed through rings of 5 and 4 nos. Holes drilled alternating
through concrete with 300 mm penetration in rock. This pattern shall be repeated at 3000 mm
centre to centre.

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6.2 Consolidation Grouting Pressure:
If the surrounding rock has Q value ranging from 0.1 to 1, uniform high pressure consolidation
at a pressure of 500 kN/m2 grouting may be required to stabilize surrounding rock.
Consolidation grouting shall be executed through 4 nos. Holes drilled alternating through
concrete with 2.5 m penetration in rock. This pattern shall be repeated as per site requirement.

The HRT is proposed to be concrete lined with M-20 grade concrete. As per codal requirements
(clause no. 7.6 and 7.6.1 of IS: 4880_5), it is recommended that the minimum thickness of
plain concrete lining should be 15 cm. In view of very small size of HRT (1.8 m x 2.0 m) the
lining thickness of 150 mm is sufficient and the same lining thickness of 150 mm has ben
The velocity in the tunnel corresponding to finished size of HRT of 1.8 m (W) x 2.0 m (H) with
design discharge of 4.25 cumecs is 1.31 m/s. The concrete lining provided in HRT can safely
handle the flow velocity of 1.31 m/s without any possibility of erosion. Where the rock cover
is not available in the tunnel, steel liner of 1.2 m dia. in the last 250 m reach of head race tunnel
has been proposed to be provided.

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An adit is a horizontal or near-horizontal passageway to a larger underground excavation for
the purposes of ventilation, water removal, or auxiliary entrance. The short tunnels are used in
both mining and tunneling to access the main tunnel at strategic points. Adits are used in
trenchless construction, particularly in larger tunnels with significant boreholes.
The adit plug should be constructed as a monolithic structure with no transverse joint. To
facilitate grouting, a gallery may be arranged in the plug. Adequate provisions should be made
for dewatering during construction. The concrete plug may be placed in lifts. To ensure proper
bonding between two successive lifts of concrete, chipping or roughening the joints should be
performed, along with provisions for suitable dowels. For gated concrete plugs, reinforcement
is generally required.

Tunnelling can be an extremely hazardous operation involving working at height, working
in confined spaces, sprayed material and the operation of heavy plant. Careful risk
assessment and risk management and a high level of training and supervision are required .
There are a number of safety schemes in place for personnel, Code of Practice for
the management of risk in tunnel works, the adoption of which may be required by insurers.
Potential hazards include:
 The movement of soil.
 Rock falls or rock burst.
 Collapse.
 Failure of the working face.
 Heave or settlement.
 Flood or inflow of mud.
 Blasting and explosives.
 Dust and fumes.
 Escape of gas.
 Noise.
 Movement of plant.
 High temperatures.
 Seismic action.
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10. References:
1. Grimstad and Barton (1993)
2. IS 4880_3 – Code of Practice for design of tunnels_ Hydraulic design
3. IS 4880_5 – Code of Practice for design of tunnels_ Structural design of concrete lining in
soft strata and soils.
5. IS 5878_2/1- Code of Practice for construction of tunnels_ drilling & blasting.
4. IS 11625 – Hydraulic design of penstocks

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