Zain Chandio HRM Assignment

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Appraising The Secretaries At Sweetwater U Case Study Answers

Name: Zain Khan Chandio (2111158)

Program: BBA-6
Subject: Human Resources Management
Submitted to: Mam Fatima
Assignment: 2
Do you think that the experts' recommendations will be sufficient to get most of the administrators
to fill out the rating forms properly? Why or why not? What additional actions (if any) do you
think will be necessary?

In considering the recommendations provided by experts, such as altering the rating form and
disconnecting appraisals from salary increments, administrators may find themselves more inclined to
approach the evaluation process with greater seriousness. However, ensuring adherence to these
recommendations may necessitate additional measures. For example, implementing training sessions to
assist administrators in conducting impartial evaluations and establishing transparent expectations,
coupled with delineated consequences for non-compliance, could serve to bolster the effectiveness of the
proposed adjustments.

Do you think that Vice President Winchester would be better off dropping graphic rating forms,
substituting instead one of the other techniques we discussed in this chapter, such as a ranking
method? Why or why not?

Yes other methods could be used. He has already had a taste of what would result if he went to a forced
distribution or other ranking method. A BARS system might be best, but it could be costly to develop if
the clerical staff has positions that are significantly different.

What performance appraisal system would you develop for the secretaries if you were Rob
Winchester? Defend your answer?

If the expenses for development are manageable, implementing the BARS system would offer the most
effective solution to the current dilemma. The inclusion of behavioral anchors would make it harder to
solely rely on the rating scale during appraisals. Additionally, it would aid in standardizing
interpretations, reducing discrepancies in evaluation criteria.

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