Internship Report 2022151040 Shihab Matin

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Bangladesh University of Professionals

An Internship Report on
“Evolution Of Electrolyte Drink by SMC Enterprise Ltd”

Prepared by:
Shihab Matin
Student ID: 2022151040
Section: B
Session: 2019-20
Department of Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Supervised by:
Sarabia Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Date of Submission: 20th April 2024

Letter of Transmittal

04th April 2024

Sarabia Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Subject: Submission of Internship Report titled “Evolution Of Electrolyte Drink by

SMC Enterprise Ltd”

Dear Madam,

I, Shihab Matin (ID-2022151040) am writing to transmit my internship report titled

"Launching of SMC+ Electrolyte Drink in Bangladesh," as per the requirements of my
internship program with SMC Enterprise Ltd. This report aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of the strategies, challenges, and outcomes associated with
the launch of SMC+ electrolyte drink. Throughout my internship period, I have had the
opportunity to delve deep into the market research, product development, marketing
strategies, and consumer feedback related to the launch. I believe the insights and
recommendations presented in this report will be valuable as it navigates the dynamic
landscape of the beverage industry in Bangladesh.
I hope you find this report to your satisfaction.
Sincerely yours,
Shihab Matin
Student ID: 2022151040
Department of Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Faculty of Business Studies, BUP


I, Shihab Matin (ID-2022151040), hereby declare that the internship report titled
“Evolution Of Electrolyte Drink by SMC Enterprise Ltd”, submitted by me to the
Department of Finance And Banking, in fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in the
Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking, Faculty of
Business Studies (FBS), Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), is a
record of a bona fide internship work carried out by me under the supervision of
Assistant Professor Sarabia Rahman. I further declare that the work reported in
this project is presented only for academic requirements, and not for any other
purpose, and that all references are duly provided for the presented data.


Shihab Matin


Session: 2019-20

Department of Business Administration in Finance & Banking

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Date: 4th April 2024


First and foremost, praise to Allah the Almighty, for His showers of blessings
throughout my internship period to complete my internship report successfully.

I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Assistant Professor Sarabia

Rahman, my research supervisor, for her patient guidance, enthusiastic
encouragement, and useful critiques of this internship report. I would also like to
extend my appreciation to my superiors at SMC Enterprise Ltd for their assistance
and help, offering me resources for the smooth progression of this internship
report, and being unwavering sources of encouragement.

Next, I would like to extend my heartiest appreciation to all the supervisors at my

office who I was directly or indirectly involved with. With this being my very first
exposure into the workings of a professional corporate office, I could no have
asked for better mentors. For this I would like to send my sincerest gratitude to
Market Research Manager Mr Shibhashish Ghosh, Mr Azaz Ul Islam and
everyone else involved. I would be forever grateful to their teachings and
unwavering support in guiding me along, providing me with their wisdom with
easing into the corporate culture and allowing me the opportunity to improve my
personal life from this experience.

Finally, I wish to thank my parents for their continued support and encouragement
throughout my study. They were the constant pillar of support throughout my
entire life, was always there when I could not turn to anyone else, listened to all
my concerns without ever raising a complaint, and gave me the opportunity to
continue my studies without any hindrance through providing both financial as
well as emotional support.

Certificate of Supervision

This is to certify that Mr Shihab Matin has worked under my supervision in

preparing the internship report entitled “Evolution Of Electrolyte Drink by SMC
Enterprise Ltd” submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in the Department of
Business Administration in Finance and Banking, Faculty of Business Studies
(FBS), Bangladesh University of Professionals BUP). This report is prepared with
sincerity and dedication carried out by him alone and to the best of my knowledge.


Sarabia Rahman

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

Bangladesh University of Professionals



Executive Summary
This paper aims to summarize my experience of working as an Intern at SMC Enterprise
Ltd, as a market research intern at SMC Enterprise Ltd., I embarked on a journey to
explore the dynamic landscape of the FMCG market. This report encapsulates my
immersive internship experience, intertwined with an in-depth analysis of the market
evolution within the purview of SMC Enterprise Ltd.'s operations.

The journey begins with an introduction outlining the scope and objectives of the
internship report and the duties that I had to carry out as an Intern in three months.
Delving into the electrolyte drink market, I elucidate SMC Enterprise Ltd.'s pivotal role
in introducing the first electrolyte drink SMC plus in the market.

Employing a qualitative approach, I embarked on a methodical analysis of SMC

Enterprise Ltd.'s endeavors within the electrolyte drink market. Through meticulous
data collection and analysis, I unearthed trends, challenges, and opportunities, shedding
light on the company's competitive positioning and growth prospects.

From market segmentation to consumer preferences, the internship afforded me a

holistic understanding of the factors driving success in the introduction of goods in the
market. I engaged in hands-on research, leveraging both primary and secondary data
sources to enrich my insights and inform strategic recommendations.

Reflecting on my internship experience, I recognize the profound impact it has had on

my professional growth and development. The mentorship, exposure, and hands-on
experience have equipped me with invaluable skills and knowledge that will
undoubtedly shape my future endeavors in the field of market research.

In conclusion, this internship report serves not only as a testament to my personal

growth but also as a comprehensive analysis of SMC Enterprise Ltd.'s journey within
the electrolyte drink market. Through a blend of experiential learning and rigorous
analysis, I aim to contribute to the company's continued success and innovation in this
dynamic industry landscape.

Table of Contents
Chapter One – Introduction 09
1.1 Background of the Study 10
1.2 Purpose of the Study 10
1.3 Data collection for the Study 11
1.4 Scope of the Study 11
1.5 Limitation of the Study 11
1.6 Report Preview 12
Chapter Two – Organizational Overview 13
2.1 An overview of SMC EL 14
2.1.1 Brief history of SMC EL 15
2.1.2 Introduction of SMC EL 16
2.1.3 Policy of SMC EL 16
2.1.4 Competitors of SMC EL 16
2.2 Organizational structure of SMC EL 17
2.2.1 Organizational hierarchy chart 17
2.2.2 Number of employees 18
2.2.3 Main offices 18
2.2.4 Departments 18
Chapter Three – Internship Duties and Responsibilities 19
3.1 Brief introduction of area office of organization of internship 20
3.2 Starting and ending dates of internship 20
3.3 Names of the departments in which I received training 20
3.4 Main responsibilities I held as a Marketing Research Intern 21
3.5 Weekly Reports of Duties 22
3.5.1 Week 1 22
3.5.2 Week 2 23
3.5.3 Week 3-4 23
3.5.4 Week 5-6 24
3.5.5 Week 7-8 24
3.5.6 Week 9-10 25
3.5.7 Week 11-12 25
Chapter Four: Learnings/Experiences from Internship Program 26
4.1 My Contribution to SMC EL 27
4.2 Learnings from the Internship 27
4.3 Problems/Difficulties faced 28
4.4 Recommendations for Future Interns 28
Chapter Five: Methodology 29

5.1 Research Objectives 30
5.2 Research Methodology 30
5.3 Type of Research 30
5.4 Data Collection 31
5.5 Sample of the Study 31
5.5 Survey Questionnaire Analysis 31
5.5.1 Rationale of questions for inclusion 32
Chapter Six: Analysis and Discussion 33
6.1 Research Findings and Analysis 34
Chapter 7: Conclusion and Recommendation 46
7.1 Conclusion 47
7.2 Recommendations of the Study 47
References 48
Appendix 49

Figure 01: Age of the sample 34

Figure 02: Gender of the sample 35
Figure 03: Monthly Income of the sample 36
Figure 04: Occupation of the sample 37
Figure 05: Consumption Frequency of the sample 38
Figure 06: Brand Factor Preference of the sample 39
Figure 07: Brand Preference of the sample 40
Figure 08: Ratings of the sample 41
Figure 09: Pricing of the sample 42
Figure 10: Health Benefits of the sample 43
Figure 11: Dietary Restriction of the sample 44
Figure 12: Primary Reason of the sample 45

Chapter 01 - Introduction

1.1: Background of the Study

The electrolyte drink market has experienced significant evolution in recent years,
driven by shifting consumer preferences, advancements in formulation technology, and
increasing awareness of hydration and sports nutrition. Electrolyte drinks, also known
as sports drinks or hydration beverages, are specially formulated to replenish
electrolytes lost through sweat during physical activity. Traditionally, these beverages
were primarily consumed by athletes and fitness enthusiasts. However, their usage has
expanded to include individuals seeking hydration solutions for various purposes,
including everyday wellness and recovery from illness.

Understanding the historical context and the factors driving the evolution of the
electrolyte drink market is essential for comprehending its current landscape and
predicting future trends. Factors such as changes in consumer lifestyles, emerging
health and wellness trends, and innovations in product formulations have all played
pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of this market. Additionally, increased
competition among manufacturers and the rising demand for functional beverages have
further intensified the market dynamics, prompting companies to innovate and
differentiate their offerings.

1.2: Purpose of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of the electrolyte drink
market, with a specific focus on understanding the key drivers, challenges, and trends
that have influenced its development over time. By conducting a comprehensive
examination of the market dynamics, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscape,
this study aims to provide valuable insights for industry stakeholders, including
manufacturers, marketers, researchers, and policymakers.

Furthermore, this research seeks to identify opportunities for growth and innovation
within the electrolyte drink market, helping companies like SMC EL to strategically
position themselves and capitalize on emerging trends. By gaining a deeper
understanding of consumer preferences, nutritional requirements, and purchasing
behaviors, companies can tailor their product offerings to meet evolving market
demands effectively.

1.3: Data Collection for the Study

To achieve the objectives outlined in this study, a multi-faceted approach to data

collection will be employed. Primary research methods, such as surveys, interviews,
and focus groups, will be utilized to gather insights directly from consumers, industry
experts, and key stakeholders within the electrolyte drink market. Additionally,
secondary research will be conducted to analyze existing literature, market reports,
industry publications, and online databases to supplement primary findings and provide
a comprehensive overview of the market landscape.

By combining both primary and secondary research methodologies, this study aims to
gather diverse perspectives and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.
Moreover, by utilizing a variety of data sources, this research endeavors to capture the
dynamic nature of the electrolyte drink market and provide actionable insights for
informed decision-making.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study will focus specifically on the evolution of the electrolyte drink market, with
an emphasis on understanding the factors influencing its growth, innovation, and
competitive dynamics. While the primary geographical focus will be on the global
market, regional variations and market trends will also be explored to provide a nuanced
understanding of the industry landscape. Furthermore, this study will analyze the
strategies adopted by key players in the electrolyte drink market, including product
innovation, marketing campaigns, distribution channels, and partnerships. By
examining both historical trends and future projections, this research aims to offer
valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges facing companies operating in
this dynamic and rapidly evolving market.

1.5 Limitations of the Study:

The study's limitations encompass various factors that may have constrained the depth
and breadth of the research. Time constraints and resource availability could have
limited the scope of the investigation, potentially hindering a comprehensive analysis
of SMC Plus's evolution within the electrolyte drink market in Bangladesh. Moreover,
reliance on secondary data sources might have introduced biases or inaccuracies, as
primary data collection methods such as interviews or surveys may not have been
employed. Additionally, the absence of comparative analysis with similar products or
industry standards may have restricted the contextualization of findings and the ability
to draw robust conclusions about SMC Plus's evolution within the broader market
landscape, thus constraining the comprehensiveness of insights provided in the
internship report.

1.6 Report Preview

The internship report titled "Evolution Of Electrolyte Drink By SMC Enterprise Ltd."
provides a comprehensive exploration of the development process and market
positioning of electrolyte drinks by SMC Enterprise Ltd. Through the lens of an
internship experience, the report offers valuable insights into organizational dynamics,
market analysis, and strategic considerations involved in creating and promoting
electrolyte drinks. Chapter One lays the groundwork, detailing the study's background,
purpose, data collection methods, scope, limitations, and previewing subsequent
chapters. Chapter Two provides an organizational overview of SMC Enterprise Ltd.,
including its history, policies, organizational structure, and competitors. Chapter Three
focuses on internship duties and responsibilities, while Chapter Four delves into the
intern's learnings, experiences, and recommendations. Chapter Five outlines the
research methodology, and Chapter Six presents an analysis of research findings.
Finally, Chapter Seven offers concluding remarks, limitations, and recommendations
for the future. The report is supported by cited references, ensuring credibility and
thoroughness in research. Through its exploration, this report contributes significant
insights into the evolution of electrolyte drinks within SMC Enterprise Ltd.

Chapter 02 Organizational Overview

2.1 An Overview of SMC EL
2.1.1 Brief History of SMC EL
SMC, the Social Marketing Company, has been a pivotal player in Bangladesh's
national health and family planning initiative since its inception in 1974. Over the years,
it has diversified its offerings to encompass a comprehensive range of public health
products, including family planning items, Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS), Micronutrient
Powder (MNP), Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS), deworming tablets, zinc
supplements, as well as food and beverages.
SMC's impact in the market is significant, boasting the largest ORS manufacturing
facility in the country, capturing approximately 61% of the market share as of 2019.
Their product portfolio extends to the production of sanitary napkins, oral contraceptive
pills, and nutritional supplements, all contributing to improving maternal and child
health outcomes nationwide.
With an extensive sales and distribution network, coupled with field-level operations
across Bangladesh, SMC ensures widespread accessibility of its products. Furthermore,
it has expanded its presence in the digital marketplace to bolster brand promotion
The company's commitment to growth is evident through investments in manufacturing
and infrastructure development, with notable facilities including the ORS
manufacturing plant in Bhaluka, food manufacturing division, and health and hygiene
factory in Cumilla.
SMC's program implementation is bolstered by its five Star networks, engaging various
levels of private sector providers to deliver quality healthcare services. These networks,
such as the Blue Star Program and Gold Star Network, cater to different segments of
the population, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
Moreover, SMC is actively involved in community mobilization initiatives, particularly
in rural and peri-urban areas, to promote healthy behaviors and improve access to
healthcare services. This includes adolescent health programs and the expansion of
pregnancy care services through its Star Network providers.
In 2014, SMC established SMC EL, a for-profit subsidiary, to manage profitable
ventures effectively. This subsidiary encompasses the Pharmaceutical Division, which
strives to provide affordable quality medicines to the less privileged.
Additionally, SMC operates two clinics in Dhaka to offer affordable healthcare and
diagnostic services, furthering its commitment to enhancing access to quality healthcare
As a key partner of the Government of Bangladesh and USAID, SMC continues to play
a crucial role in various public health initiatives, contributing to reproductive health,
maternal and child health, tuberculosis control, and nutrition services.
Through its relentless efforts, SMC aims to create sustainable social impact and
promote the wellbeing of women, children, and families across Bangladesh.

2.1.2 Introduction of SMC EL
In 2014, Social Marketing Company established SMC Enterprise Limited as a for-profit
endeavor. The enterprise distributes Social Marketing Company's products and
channels profits back to the parent organization. Additionally, it conducts awareness
campaigns on menstrual health. SMC EL plays a pivotal role in providing high-quality,
affordable medicines and consumer goods. Its focus areas include family
planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and other socially beneficial
domains. By collaborating with the government, development partners, and the private
sector, SMC EL strives to make a positive impact on public health.

2.1.3 Policy of SMC EL

SMC EL adheres to a robust set of policies that prioritize organizational interests,
quality, and customer satisfaction. These policies underscore values such
as integrity, respect, and fairness for all. In collaboration with government entities,
development partners, and private sector stakeholders, SMC is dedicated to enhancing
the health and welfare of women, children, and families. Through the strategic
promotion of products and services in areas such as family planning, maternal and child
health, and nutrition, SMC aims to drive positive social impact.

Similarly, SMC Enterprise Ltd (SMC EL) is committed to bolstering SMC's status as a
thriving social enterprise. By generating surplus funds through profitable ventures,
SMC EL facilitates investment in program operations aimed at fostering social good.

SMC aspires to be a globally renowned social enterprise, celebrated for its contributions
to the advancement of social marketing principles and practices. The organization
envisions a world where profit serves as a catalyst for societal progress, with a particular
emphasis on improving the health and wellbeing of women, children, families, and
society at large.

Central to SMC's ethos are its core values:

• Prioritizing organizational interests

• Upholding unwavering standards of quality and customer satisfaction
• Embracing continual improvement and striving for excellence
• Holding integrity, respect, and fairness as fundamental principles in all

2.1.4 Competitors of SMC EL

While SMC EL operates in a competitive landscape, its commitment to excellence and
affordability sets it apart. Competitors include other pharmaceutical and consumer
goods companies operating in similar domains. SMC Enterprise Ltd (SMC EL) faces
stiff competition in the health and wellness sector from a variety of companies, both
local and international. Other pharmaceutical firms in Bangladesh, like ACI Limited,
Incepta Pharmaceuticals, and Renata Limited, offer similar products and services, such
as family planning items and healthcare products. Additionally, global giants like
Nestlé, GSK, and Unilever present formidable competition with their wide range of
health and wellness offerings. Domestically, companies like ACME Laboratories Ltd,
Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd, and Opsonin Pharma Ltd also vie for market share by
catering to the specific needs of the Bangladeshi population. Furthermore, social
enterprises and nonprofits like BRAC and Gonoshasthaya Kendra, though not profit-
driven like SMC EL, still offer products and services that overlap.

2.2 Organizational Structure of SMC EL

2.2.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart
SMC EL’s organizational structure comprises various levels of management, from
executives to frontline staff. A simplified version of the organizational hierarchy from
board of directors to managers is given :.

• Board of Directors
• │
• ├─ Chairman - Mr. Waliul Islam
• │
• ├─ Managing Director & CEO - Mr. Toslim Uddin Khan
• │
• ├─ Chief Engineer - Mr. Masum Ahmed Jaigirdar
• │
• ├─ Company Secretary - Mr. Syed Mohammad Zubeyr Ali FCMA
• │
• ├─ General Manager, HR & Admin - Mr. Md. Nazir Aziz Chowdhury
• │
• ├─ General Manager, Field Implementation - Mr. Md. Moshiur Rahman
• │
• ├─ Chief Financial Officer - Mr. Tapan Bala FCMA FCA
• │
• ├─ Additional General Managers
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Kawchar Alam Chowdhury
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Jashim Uddin FCA
• │ ├─ Dr. Salah Uddin Ahmed
• │
• ├─ Senior Managers
• │ ├─ Mr. Mohammad Mohiuddin Ahmed
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Hasibul Moin Chowdhury
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Feroz Iftekher FCA
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Akhter Weysal
• │ ├─ Mr. A. S. M. Shahidul Alam
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Rezaul Hoque
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Ahsan Rajib
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam
• │ ├─ Mr. Md. Billal Hossain
• │ ├─ Dr. Mahmudul Hassan Khan
• │ ├─ Mr. Shohel Aman Chowdhury
• │ ├─ Ms. Laila Tabassum
• │ ├─ Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mamun
• │ ├─ Mr. Rashed Reza Chowdhury
• │
• └─ Managers
• ├─ Ms. Sonia Akter
• ├─ Dr. Musharrat Jahan

2.2.2 Number of Employees

The exact number of employees at SMC EL is not specified. However, SMC EL likely
employs a diverse workforce across different functions and cities.

2.2.3 Main Office

SMC EL’s primary office is located at 33 Banani C, Banani Model Town, Dhaka,
Bangladesh. This central hub serves as the nerve center for its operations.

2.2.4 Departments
SMC Enterprise Ltd (SMC EL) operates through a range of departments, each playing
a crucial role in fulfilling its diverse mission of enhancing public health and social
welfare. These departments encompass various functions and activities, ensuring the
seamless execution of SMC EL's operations. Here's a more detailed overview of some
key departments:

1. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: This department is responsible for the

production of high-quality medicines, ensuring adherence to strict regulatory
standards and quality control measures. SMC EL's pharmaceutical
manufacturing division focuses on the formulation and manufacturing of
essential drugs and healthcare products, including oral rehydration salts (ORS),
antibiotics, analgesics, and other essential medications. Through state-of-the-art
manufacturing facilities and stringent quality assurance processes, this
department ensures the availability of safe, effective, and affordable
pharmaceuticals to meet the healthcare needs of the population.

2. Field Promotion Activities: The Field Promotion Activities department plays

a pivotal role in SMC EL's marketing and outreach efforts. This department is
tasked with developing and implementing comprehensive promotional
strategies to raise awareness about SMC EL's products and services among
target audiences. Field promotion activities may include organizing health
camps, conducting educational workshops and seminars, distributing
promotional materials, and engaging with healthcare providers and community
leaders. By fostering strong relationships with stakeholders at the grassroots
level, this department enhances SMC EL's visibility and promotes the adoption
of healthy behaviors and practices.

3. Food Manufacturing: SMC EL's Food Manufacturing department is dedicated

to ensuring the production of safe, nutritious, and high-quality food products.
This department oversees the manufacturing process from sourcing raw
materials to packaging and distribution, adhering to stringent food safety and
quality standards. SMC EL's food manufacturing division produces a diverse
range of food items, including fortified snacks, ready-to-eat meals, and
nutritional supplements. Through innovation and continuous improvement, this
department contributes to addressing malnutrition and improving dietary
outcomes among vulnerable populations.

4. Supply Chain and Logistics: The Supply Chain and Logistics department
plays a critical role in managing SMC EL's extensive distribution network and
ensuring the timely delivery of products to customers and end-users. This
department oversees inventory management, warehousing, transportation, and
logistics planning to optimize efficiency and minimize costs. By maintaining
robust supply chain processes and leveraging technology, SMC EL's supply
chain and logistics team ensures the availability of products across various
distribution channels, including pharmacies, clinics, and retail outlets, thereby
maximizing accessibility for consumers.

5. Research and Development: The Research and Development department

focuses on innovation and product development to address emerging health
challenges and market demands. This department conducts research, clinical
trials, and product testing to identify new opportunities and enhance existing
products. By staying abreast of scientific advancements and consumer trends,
SMC EL's research and development team drives continuous improvement and
innovation, ensuring that its products remain relevant, effective, and
competitive in the marketplace.

Overall, these departments work collaboratively to support SMC EL's overarching

mission of improving public health and wellbeing through the provision of high-quality
healthcare products and services.


Chapter Three – Internship Duties

and Responsibilities

3.1: Brief introduction of area office of organization of internship

I worked at SMC tower which is the head office of both SMC and SMC Enterprise ltd
located at 33 Banani C, Banani Model Town, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The whole tower
consists of 18 floors dedicated to to each of the departments and having offices starting
from the Managing Director to the Managers. All official work and board meetings are
conducted in the tower where each floor is dedicated to collaborate on 5putting their
best effort to bolster the company’s growth.

3.2: Starting and ending dates of internship

My Internship Period lasted for 03 (Three) months, beginning in 2nd of January 2024
and ended in 2nd of April 2024

3.3: Names of the departments in which I received training

The department I was assigned as an intern to was the market research department
which is a subdivision of the Marketing Department located on the 11th floor of the
tower. I was supervised under the Manager of Market Research Mr Shibhashis Ghosh
and Assistant Manager of Market Research Mr. Azaz Ul Islam who have aided me in
getting familiar with the activities of the department and simultaneously giving me
required tasks.

3.4: Main responsibilities I held as a Marketing Research Intern

During my tenure at SMC Enterprise Limited, my primary responsibility was to

conduct primary research aimed at identifying market gaps and opportunities. This
involved an extensive process that encompassed various stages:

1. Designing the Research Instrument: In this capacity, I was tasked with

developing research instruments such as questionnaires, discussion guides, and
experimental protocols. Working closely with my team leader, I contributed to
crafting the research framework and ensuring that the instruments were
structured effectively to gather relevant data.

2. Data Collection: I was responsible for executing the research plan by collecting
data from diverse segments of the population across different regions of the
nation. This involved administering surveys, conducting interviews with key
stakeholders, observing consumer behavior in real-world settings, and
analyzing existing data sources to gather comprehensive insights.

3. Data Analysis: Upon collecting the data, I meticulously organized and analyzed
it using appropriate statistical and analytical techniques. This step involved
identifying patterns, trends, correlations, and insights that provided valuable
answers to the research questions posed by the company. By employing robust
analytical methods, I ensured that the findings were accurate, reliable, and

4. Reporting the Results: Finally, I compiled the research findings, insights, and
recommendations into a comprehensive report. This report served as a vital
resource for the company, offering a detailed summary of the research outcomes
and actionable recommendations for strategic decision-making. Through clear
and concise communication, I effectively conveyed the significance of the
findings and their implications for the company's market strategies.

3.5: Weekly Reports of Duties

I have listed the duties I have carried through the 12 months of my internship starting
from Week to Week 12 below as weekly reports. They are given below.

3.5.1: Week-1

Working Part: Understanding the works of all five teams and data management

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: I met all the members of the group and understood their
work area. In the first week, I was assigned to my group. I was working as an Intern,

1. Knowing about the products: Comprehending each of the company's products

appropriately is one of the most crucial responsibilities for a marketing associate. First,
I carefully reviewed the SMC's product list.

2. Understanding the Goals: I was briefed about the goals of the company and my
responsibilities to achieve the goals as a market research intern.

3. Receiving Laptop and other Accessories: The office provided me with various
equipment’s such as: (Laptop, Notebook, Printer Connection etc.) to assist me with my
research work. These were provided during my first week of internship.

Learning Outcomes

➢ Understanding the job responsibility properly

➢ Knowing about the products category and market segment

➢ Acquire the ability of coordination while upholding work norms in an office


3.5.2: Week-2

Working Part: Coordinating with other Department of the Organization.

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: In the 2nd week of my internship, I started working with

the team who taught me how to coordinate with other departments while conducting
research work. I learned the following tasks:

1. Creating the Expense Sheet: I have to claim a particular amount of expenses from
the firm in order to travel to the field. The Department of Finance and Administration
is in charge of this. I became acquainted about the entire procedure for appropriately
claiming this expense.

2. Engaging with HR: I occasionally had to travel for several days when I was in the
field. I had to inform the HR beforehand when I was going to field work.

Learning Outcomes

➢ Department Coordination

3.5.3: Week- 3-4

Working Part: Field Visit

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: I was sent to Eastern region of the country to investigate

the state of the market.
1. Obtaining Research Sheets: There are few sheets developed by the organization for
conducting research. My Supervisor instructed and demonstrated me on how to fill up
these sheets while conduction the research works.

2. Onto Field Work: I went on a four days work visit where I investigated three areas
(Cumilla, Feni, Chattogram). SMC’s Taste Me had been underperforming for the
previous few months so I had to dive deep to understand the root of the matter.

3.5.4: Week- 5-6

Working Part: Report Writing

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: Returning from the visit I had to write an in-depth report
on my findings.

1. Accumulating Data: Throughout my travels, I gathered a variety of data that I had

to enter into Excel and represent concisely.

2. Report Write-up: I had to develop a number of trends regarding the state of the
market, consumer behavior, etc. using the information in the Excel sheet.

Learning Outcomes

➢ How formally write organizational report

➢ How to input data from qualitative research into excel sheet

3.5.5: Week-7-8

Working Part: Field Visit

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: Competitive Analysis of Sanitary Napkins and

Understanding Consumer Behavior.

1. Gathering Information: I visited the Northern Region (Rangpur, Bogura), where

SMC's "Joya" Sanitary Napkin was falling behind rival products.

2. Investigating SR Performance: I conducted follow-ups in multiple markets to

ascertain if the sales representatives were carrying out their responsibilities accurately.

Learning Outcomes

➢ Understand the Sanitary Napkins Market

➢ Evaluating SR performance

3.5.6: Week- 9-10

Working Part: Report (Write-up)

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: Returning from the visit I reported to my supervisor on my

findings and began working on the report writing

1. Write-up reports: Writing SOD followed a specific pattern. Firstly I went through
the previous report to understand the format. Then write up my SOD with necessary
information like root cause, solutions etc.

2. Taking management response: I shared the SOD with my supervisor first and took
response. Without management response, SOD could not present to the board

Learning Outcomes

➢ How to write SOD formally

3.5.7: Week- 11-12

Working Part: Conducting Survey and Creating Presentation

Working Location: SMC Head Office, SMC Tower, 33, Banani C/A

Working Hours: 45 Hours

Responsibility Performed: I created a questionnaire, targeting market segment of

Luxury Sanitary Napkins, took data and began working on the PowerPoint presentation.

1. Accumulating Data: I started by surveying 50 people, I then put all the information
into an Excel file. I used the data analysis to produce bars and charts for a PowerPoint

2. Presentation of Findings: I had to give a brief presentation to my supervisor

outlining the trends, underlying issues, and potential solutions.

Learning Outcomes

➢ How to make and present corporate slides.

Chapter 04: Learnings/Experiences
from Internship Program

4.1: My contribution to the company

During my three-month Internship period, I found various scopes of development for

the company which is related to product development and minimizing market gaps.
First off, the distribution channels were frequently insufficiently effective. Retailers
were not obtaining merchandise on schedule, despite consumer demand. For this
reason, I investigated the accuracy of the allegations in several areas where they were
made. My investigation revealed a significant market distribution gap in the Eastern
region, where SRs were not providing all the stores with adequate supplies. Second, I
discovered that a lot of goods, such Smile Baby Diaper, SMC Fruity, and SMC Bolt,
need more market exposure. These products are yet unknown to many shops. Thirdly,
I discovered that 73% of retailers carried SMC's contraceptive pills (Norix, Femicon),
which are prominent in the market. SMC items are widely available in the Northern
Region. Nonetheless, sellers should be informed of any alterations to the price policy.
The responsible parties received all these findings. to enable them to set them right. I
contributed to the business in this way.

4.2: Learnings from the internship

The organization offers a plethora of learning opportunities, which is the primary
advantage for any student. There's no set job to do. The marketing team introduces fresh
concepts and modifications each month, posing fresh difficulties. I was instructed to
become familiar with the team's whole workflow throughout the first two weeks of my
internship. I gained knowledge about department coordination, procurement, and other
topics during that time. Students can gain the greatest benefit from the organization by
having access to a vast learning scope. These are just a few advantages of being a

1. Exposure to Business operation: The marketing department works with almost every
products and section. For this reason, interns have the chance to learn about how each
department operates. For instance, I worked in sales, HR, finance and administration,
and other areas throughout my internship. Thus, this company offers a significantly
greater possibility for learning than any other.

2. Skill development: While working in a big team a student can be able to develop
his/her soft skills like time management, leadership, critical thinking, etc. One of the
greatest advantages of working here is that I also learnt a lot about PowerPoint, and
Excel functionalities.

3. Networking opportunity: In the corporate world networking is one of the most

important factors. I worked directly with the department in charge of the organization.
That's why the networking scope is comparatively bigger in this department which is a
very big benefit for any intern.

4.3: Problems/Difficulties (faced during the internship period)

1. Tight timeline: The marketing department is required to provide its monthly report
each month. For reporting purposes, it needs to speak with several people from different
departments. It takes a long time to receive data from them, which shortens the timeline
and puts pressure on the reporting deadline.

2. Understanding the complex process: Students studying marketing typically work in

the department that handles sales and marketing. However, marketing is not the only
aspect of this work. They must gain a thorough awareness of how each department and
segment operates as a business. It makes a marketing associate's job extremely difficult.

4.4: Recommendations (to the company on future internships)

For its interns, the company can create a comprehensive overview. Making the best out
of the interns and obtaining their finest work will benefit the company. However, it will
make it easier for the learner to get used to how things operate.

Chapter 5: Methodology

5.1 Research Objective:
The research aims to comprehensively understand the dynamics of the electrolyte drink
market in Bangladesh. This involves analyzing consumer demographics, preferences,
and behaviors related to electrolyte drinks, as well as their perceptions of health
benefits, taste preferences, and purchasing patterns. Additionally, it seeks to evaluate
the effectiveness of SMC Plus's current marketing strategies, pinpointing areas for
improvement in branding, advertising channels, and promotional activities. Market
share analysis will be conducted to compare SMC Plus's performance with competitors
and identify factors contributing to its competitive position. Furthermore, the financial
performance of SMC Plus's electrolyte drink product line will be assessed, focusing on
revenue, costs, and profitability margins, with an exploration of pricing strategies and
their alignment with consumer demand and competitor pricing. The research also aims
to identify growth opportunities for SMC Plus in the Bangladeshi market, including
avenues for product innovation, diversification, and market expansion strategies.
Finally, consumer feedback and satisfaction will be gathered to pinpoint areas for
product enhancement, ensuring alignment with consumer preferences and market

5.2 Research Methodology:

The research methodology involves a combination of quantitative research methods
and comparative analysis to comprehensively understand consumer preferences and
perceptions regarding electrolyte drinks, particularly focusing on SMC Plus.
Quantitative methods such as surveys will be utilized to gauge consumer preferences
and perceptions, ensuring a systematic approach to data collection. Purposeful
sampling will target key customers of SMC Plus to gain insights into product
development and marketing strategies, while random sampling across diverse
demographics will ensure representativeness in consumer perception studies. Data
collection will involve distributing surveys among consumers and analyzing secondary
data from various sources to supplement primary data. Statistical analysis will be
conducted on survey data to identify trends and patterns in consumer preferences and
perceptions, with findings compared to existing literature on electrolyte drinks and
consumer behavior to provide comprehensive insights into the market landsc

5.3 Type Of Research:

The research for this report adopts a primarily qualitative approach, which is then
translated into quantitative data through the use of surveys. In this context, a Google
Forms survey was employed to gather responses from 32 potential electrolyte drink
consumers in Bangladesh. Through the survey methodology, the aim is to directly
capture insights from potential consumers regarding their awareness in electrolyte

drinks consumption under study and their behaviors and perceptions concerning the
consumption of SMC Plus.

5.4 Data Collection

The data utilized in this study is predominantly primary data, obtained through a survey
conducted using Google Forms. This survey was disseminated among potential
consumers of SMC Plus electrolyte drinks via different social media platforms. In
addition to primary data collection, we also gathered information from public data
sources and conducted an extensive review of existing research to explore correlations
between demographic factors, income levels, brand preferences, and pricing. Drawing
from this, we established a framework for data collection and defined the structure of
the dataset.

5.5 Sample

The sample for the survey is selected using a combination of purposive and random
sampling techniques. Purposive sampling is utilized to target key customers of SMC
Plus, ensuring insights into brand loyalty and satisfaction levels. Random sampling is
employed to ensure representativeness across diverse demographics, including age,
gender, income levels, and geographic regions, thereby enhancing the generalizability
of the findings.

5.6 Survey Questionnaire Analysis

The survey provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and habits regarding
electrolyte drinks. Through the gathered data, it's evident that factors such a brand
reputation, price, flavor, and nutritional content significantly influence consumers'
choices. Additionally, respondents' willingness to pay more for electrolyte drinks
offering additional health benefits highlights a demand for functional beverages.
Understanding consumers' primary reasons for consuming electrolyte drinks, whether
for hydration, sports performance, health benefits, or taste preference, provides
essential context for product development and marketing strategies. Overall, the survey
analysis provides actionable information to enhance product offerings and better meet
consumer needs in the electrolyte drink market. The questionnaire is provided in the

5.6.1 Rationale of questions for inclusion

1. Age: Age groups can indicate the primary consumers of electrolyte drinks and
help identify target markets. Different age groups may have varying needs and
2. Gender: Gender data can provide insights into consumption patterns and
preferences, which may be useful for targeted marketing strategies.
3. Monthly Income: Understanding the income brackets of consumers can help
determine the pricing strategy and affordability of the products.
4. Occupation: Occupation can influence lifestyle choices and purchasing power,
which in turn affects consumption habits.
5. Consumption Frequency: This question aims to gauge the regularity of
consumption, which is crucial for estimating market size and demand.
6. Influencing Factors: Identifying what factors influence consumer choice can
help companies tailor their products and marketing efforts to meet consumer
7. Preferred Brand: Knowing the preferred brands allows for competitive
analysis and understanding brand loyalty in the market.
8. Price Willingness: This question assesses the price sensitivity of consumers
and the potential price range for new products.
9. Health Benefits: Willingness to pay more for additional health benefits can
guide product development towards functional drinks.
10. Dietary Restrictions: Dietary restrictions can affect consumer choices
significantly, and this information can lead to product innovation to cater to
specific needs.
11. Primary Reason for Consumption: Understanding the primary reason for
consumption can help align the product’s benefits with consumer expectations.

Chapter Six: Analysis and Discussion

6.1: Research Findings and Analysis
This chapter presents the findings and discussions derived from a survey aimed at
understanding the consumer behavior of electrolyte drink consumers, with a specific
focus on highlighting the market demand for SMC Plus. The research methodology
involved the utilization of surveys to directly collect data from potential consumers,
focusing on aspects such as demographics, pricing preferences, income levels, and
brand preferences. The survey questionnaire was carefully crafted to align with the
objectives outlined in Chapter 5.1, ensuring the relevance and accuracy of the collected
data. The subsequent analysis explores the obtained responses, providing insights into
various aspects of the demand for electrolyte drinks in the beverage industry. By
thoroughly examining the dataset and survey results, this chapter aims to offer valuable
insights into the effectiveness of SMC Plus's overall market demand as utilized by SMC
Enterprise Ltd. The analysis of the data are given below with figures.

Figure 01: Age of the sample

Out of the respondents, a significant portion, accounting for 48.4%, primarily consumes
electrolyte drinks for hydration purposes. Approximately a quarter, comprising 25% of
respondents, utilize these drinks to boost their energy levels. A smaller percentage,
around 12.9%, consumes electrolyte drinks for post-workout recovery. Taste preference
plays a role for a minority of respondents, with 9.7% selecting these drinks based on
flavor. The remaining respondents, constituting 3.2%, hav3other reasons for consuming
electrolyte drinks. It can be constituted from the analysis that most electrolyte drink
consumers belong to an age group of 19-25.

Figure 02: Gender Of the Sample

The pie chart illustrates the gender distribution of 32 responses from Electrolyte Drink
Consumers in Bangladesh. Many respondents identify as male, constituting the largest
segment. Females represent a smaller portion in comparison to males. The category of
"Other/Prefer not to say" appears to be negligible. It's important to note that this data
offers insights into the gender preferences among electrolyte drink consumers in
Bangladesh, based on the sample of 32 responses collected.

Figure 03: Monthly Income of the Sample

The pie chart illustrates the monthly income distribution of 32 electrolyte drink
consumers in Bangladesh. It reveals that the majority, constituting 50%, fall into the
lowest income bracket, earning below BDT 15,000. This is followed by 31.3% in the
BDT 15,000 - BDT 30,000 range, suggesting that electrolyte drinks are popular among
lower to middle-income groups. A smaller segment of 15.6% earns between BDT
30,000 and BDT 50,000, indicating some market penetration in the middle-income
bracket. Notably, a very thin slice represents consumers earning between BDT 50,000
and BDT 75,000, while no respondents reported earnings above BDT 75,000. This data
could imply that electrolyte drinks are perceived as a necessity or accessible indulgence
for those with limited disposable income, rather than a premium product targeted at
higher-income consumers. The absence of high-income earners in the survey might also
suggest a potential untapped market segment or a preference for alternative beverages
within that demographic where SMC plus can evolve,

Figure 04: Occupation of the Sample

The pie chart summary indicates that students and professionals are the main
consumers of electrolyte drinks in Bangladesh, making up 75% of the respondents.
This suggests that these drinks are particularly appealing to younger, active individuals
and working adults who may need hydration support due to their lifestyle or work
demands. Business owners and homemakers also contribute to the consumer base,
albeit to a lesser extent, while retirees represent a minimal portion. The absence of
unemployed individuals in the survey sample could point to a consumption trend linked
to active engagement in work or studies. Overall, the data underscores the importance
of targeting marketing efforts and product development towards the student and
professional demographic, which could drive most sales in this market segment.

Figure 05: Consumption Frequency of the sample

The pie chart depicts the frequency of consumption of electrolyte drinks among
respondents, with the majority, 46.9%, indicating consumption once a week. While
specific percentages for other categories such as "A few times a month," "Rarely," and
"Never" are not provided, it's evident that electrolyte drinks are commonly consumed,
especially on a weekly basis. However, the lack of precise data for certain consumption
patterns limits the depth of analysis. Overall, the chart underscores the popularity of
electrolyte drinks among consumers, particularly in weekly consumption routines.

Figure 06: Brand Factor of the sample

This chart offers crucial insights into the factors driving consumer choices among
electrolyte drink consumers in Bangladesh. Brand preference emerges as the most
significant influencer, with 43.8% of respondents indicating its importance.
Additionally, price and flavor hold equal weight, each influencing 18.8% of consumers'
decisions. Attention to nutritional content is also notable, with 12.5% of respondents
considering it. While other factors like packaging, availability, recommendations, and
advertising have a lesser impact, companies seeking success in the Bangladeshi market
should prioritize building a strong brand identity, ensuring competitive pricing, and
offering appealing flavor options to cater to the preferences of the majority of

Figure 07: Brand Preference of the sample

The pie chart shows that most consumers are inclined towards SMC+ and Aktive+ with
SMC+ having more demand in the market and more than half of the market share,
showing a competitive edge that SMC Enterprise Ltd has from its competitors.

Figure 08: Ratings of the sample

The graph illustrates the results of a survey where 32 respondents rated their preferred
energy drink on a scale of 1 to 5. The majority of respondents (40.6%) rated their
preferred energy drink as 3, indicating a moderate level of satisfaction. Additionally,
34.4% of respondents rated their drink as 4, suggesting significant satisfaction. Ratings
1 and 5 received the fewest responses, indicating less extreme opinions. Overall, the
survey depicts a generally positive sentiment toward energy drinks, with varying levels
of satisfaction among respondents. While the majority expressed moderate satisfaction,
there were still differing opinions, showcasing both consensus and divergence in
preferences among respondents.

Figure 09: Pricing of the sample

The pie chart depicts survey results concerning consumer preferences for a 250ml bottle
of electrolyte drink across different price ranges. The varying sizes of the slices indicate
the percentage of respondents willing to pay at each price level. It suggests that
consumer preferences are diverse, with some respondents inclined to pay higher prices
while others prefer lower ones. This highlights the importance of offering a range of
pricing options to cater to different consumer segments and most consumers are willing
to pay on the range of 20 to 40 tk.

Figure 10: Health Benefits of the sample

The chart indicate that over 53% of consumers are willing to pay more for electrolyte
drinks with added health benefits, presenting a significant market opportunity.
However, there is also a segment of consumers (34.4%) who are uncertain but open to
persuasion, suggesting the potential to educate and inform them about the benefits.
Additionally, 12.5% of respondents prioritize affordability, indicating a need for cost-
effective options without compromising quality. In summary, there is growing demand
for electrolyte drinks in Bangladesh, and companies should focus on promoting health
benefits while ensuring affordability to capture a larger market share.

Figure 11: Dietary Restriction of the sample

The pie chart, based on responses from 32 participants, reveals insights into how dietary
restrictions influence the choice of electrolyte drinks among consumers. A significant
majority, comprising 56.3% of respondents, indicated no dietary restrictions,
suggesting openness to various options. However, approximately 25% reported dietary
restrictions affecting their choices, emphasizing the importance for businesses to offer
options catering to specific needs, such as low-sugar or gluten-free varieties.
Additionally, 18.8% remained undecided or neutral, indicating an opportunity for
education and awareness initiatives to clarify the compatibility of available electrolyte
drinks with various dietary restrictions. Overall, while most consumers in Bangladesh
may not have dietary limitations, businesses should still address the needs of those with
restrictions by offering a diverse range of options.

Figure 12: Primary Reason of the sample

The survey findings indicate that hydration is the primary reason consumers choose
electrolyte drinks, followed by usage for sports performance and health benefits. While
taste is a lesser factor, it remains relevant. To capitalize on these insights, marketing
strategies should prioritize highlighting the hydrating properties of the drinks, targeting
athletes and fitness enthusiasts for sports-related promotions, educating consumers
about health benefits, and introducing diverse flavor options. By emphasizing hydration
benefits, collaborating with sports entities, providing educational content, and offering
flavor varieties, companies can effectively cater to consumer preferences and enhance
their market presence in the electrolyte drink segment.

Chapter 07: Conclusion and

7.1: Conclusion

In conclusion, the internship experience at SMC EL has provided invaluable insights

into the evolution of electrolyte drinks, particularly SMC Plus, as a pioneering product
in Bangladesh. Through hands-on involvement in various stages of production,
marketing, and distribution, I have witnessed firsthand the meticulous attention to detail
and innovation that SMC EL employs to ensure the quality and effectiveness of its
electrolyte drink. The journey from conceptualization to market dominance exemplifies
the company's commitment to addressing consumer needs while maintaining a
competitive edge in the market. This internship has not only enhanced my
understanding of product development and marketing strategies but has also deepened
my appreciation for the role of research and development in creating impactful
solutions for consumers. Looking ahead, the skills and knowledge acquired during this
internship will undoubtedly contribute to my future endeavors in the field of business
and product management.

7.2: Recommendations of the Study

To address the limitations and enhance the depth of understanding in future research on
the evolution of electrolyte drinks, particularly SMC Plus in Bangladesh, a multifaceted
approach is recommended. This approach should integrate primary research methods
such as interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gain a nuanced insight into consumer
preferences, market dynamics, and competitive strategies. Additionally, conducting a
comparative analysis with similar products or industry standards would provide
valuable context, allowing for a thorough assessment of SMC Plus's positioning,
strengths, and areas for improvement relative to its competitors. Incorporating
longitudinal data collection methods is essential to accurately track long-term trends
and patterns, providing insights into market performance, consumer trends, and
strategic adaptations over time. Collaboration with industry experts, market analysts,
and key stakeholders is also recommended to enrich the research process with valuable
insights, expert opinions, and access to proprietary data, thereby enhancing the
credibility and relevance of the study's findings within the electrolyte drink industry in


Social Marketing Company. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Social Marketing Company. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from
SMC EL. (n.d.). LinkedIn. Retrieved from
International Business, Independent University Bangladesh. (n.d.). [Final report as
signment]. Retrieved from
The Daily Star. (2021, April 25). SMC introduces SMC Plus electrolyte drink.
Retrieved from
Scribd. (n.d.). MKT402 SMC PLUS. Retrieved from
TBS News. (2022, February 10). SMC shakes beverage market with new electrolyte
drink. Retrieved from


“Electrolyte Drink Consumption Survey”

Thank you for participating in our survey about electrolyte drink consumption habits.
Your feedback will help us better understand consumer preferences and improve our

Personal Information

1. Age:
• Under 18
• 18-24
• 25-34
• 35-44
• 45-54
• 55-64
• 65 or above

2. Gender:
• Male
• Female
• Prefer not to say

3. Monthly Income:
• Below BDT 15,000
• BDT 15,000 - BDT 30,000
• BDT 30,000 - BDT 50,000
• BDT 50,000 - BDT 75,000
• Above BDT 75,000

4. Occupation:
• Student
• Professional
• Business Owner
• Homemaker
• Retired
• Unemployed
• Other (Please specify): __________

Consumption Habits

5. How often do you consume electrolyte drinks?

• Daily
• Several times a week
• Once a week
• A few times a month
• Rarely
• Never

6. What factors influence your choice of electrolyte drink? (Select all that
• Brand reputation
• Price
• Flavor
• Nutritional content
• Packaging
• Availability
• Recommendations
• Advertising

7. What is your preferred brand of electrolyte drink?

• SMC +
• Aktive+
• Bruvana Sports +
• Recharge


8. How much are you willing to pay for a 500ml bottle of electrolyte drink?
• BDT 20 - BDT 40
• BDT 40 - BDT 60
• BDT 60 - BDT 80
• BDT 80 - BDT 100
• Above BDT 100
9. Would you be willing to pay more for an electrolyte drink that offers
additional health benefits?
• Yes
• No
• Maybe

Health and Lifestyle

10. Do you have any dietary restrictions that affect your choice of electrolyte
• Yes (Please specify): __________
• No

11. For what primary reason do you consume electrolyte drinks?

• Hydration
• Sports performance
• Health benefits
• Taste preference
• Other (Please specify): __________


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