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The purchase behavior of Pakistani consumers on counterfeit goods

 Survey questions
This questionnaire is a part of the academic research project. The purpose of this survey is to understand
the purchase behavior of Pakistani consumers on counterfeit goods. The respondents in this regard are
requested to fill out this questionnaire, the information provided will remain confidential and will be used
for academic purposes only. Heap of thanks in anticipation.
Demographics (Please tick one of them as appropriate)

Gender: Male Female

Age: 18-25 26-33 34-41 42-49 50+

Education: Bachelors Masters PhD Others

Marital Married Single Widows status:

SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree N: Neutral D: Disagree SD: Strongly Disagree

S.No. Questions SA A N D SD

I am very concerned about low prices, but I am equally concerned

about product quality.

I generally shop around for lower prices on products, but they still
2. must meet certain quality requirements before I will buy them.

I always compare the prices of different brands to be sure I get the

value for the money.

I achieve a sense of belonging by purchasing the same products and

brands that others purchase.

If I want to be like someone, I often try to buy the same brands that
they buy.

I often identify with other people by purchasing the same products
and brands they purchase.
I rarely purchase the latest fashion style until I am sure my friends
agree with them.

When buying products, I generally purchase those brands that I think

others will approve of.

When other people can see me using a product, I often purchase the
brand they expect me to buy.

When purchasing a product, I always try to maximize the quality I get

for the money I spend.

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