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Amy S. Fleischer#, Kireeti Chintakrinda#, Randy Weinstein* and Carol A. Bessel&

Departments of #Mechanical Engineering, *Chemical Engineering and &Chemistry
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
Phone: (610) 519-4996
Fax: (610) 519-7312

ABSTRACT salts and metal hydrides are also occasionally used. Paraffins
are thermally and chemically stable as well as inexpensive,
Phase change materials (PCMs) exhibit excellent thermal leading to their popularity [8, 9].
storage capacity due to their high latent heat of transformation
While PCMS can be easily applied in small systems as
and have been successfully utilized in small volumes for
described above, the inherently low thermal conductivity of
transient thermal management of electronics. However, their
paraffin is a barrier to their application in larger mass systems
low thermal conductivity makes it difficult to utilize large
[2, 3,10-15]], where the low thermal conductivity can lead to
volumes of PCMs for transient thermal management of larger
the isolation of the melt process near the heat source [16].
systems. To improve the thermal performance, high thermal
conductivity graphite nanofibers are embedded into a paraffin The use of metallic and/or graphite fins, metallic honeycomb
PCM. The thermal effects of fiber loading levels, measured in and metal foams have been studied to provide a heat flow path
weight percent (0 to 10%) are examined for a system with to the center of the PCM module and alleviate the issue of
power loads between 100 and 700 W. The use of the isolation of melt process near the source [1, 11, 17-19].
graphite nanofiber enhancement is found to double the useful However, these materials take up large volumes, reducing the
performance time of the PCM and lower the system operating quantity of PCM in the module and thus reducing the energy
temperature. storage capacity.

KEY WORDS: phase change materials, PCM, transient The high conductivity and small volume of nanoparticles
thermal management, nanofibers, nanomaterials, graphite, make them an intriguing candidate for conductivity
thermal management of electronics enhancements without large volume requirements. Weinstein
et al. investigated the use of graphite nanofibers suspended in
paraffin PCM. The thermal performance of systems with
varying fiber loading levels (0 to 5 wt%), and graphite fiber
types are examined for a small volume system with power
loads between 3 and 7 W. It was found that the maximum
The benefits of using phase change materials (PCMs) in small system temperature decreased as graphite fiber loading levels
volumes for energy storage and the suppression of temperature increased and that the results were fiber-structure dependent
spikes in small portable electronic systems such as wearable [16].
computers and cell phones are well-documented [1-7]. In
systems such as these, the energy given off by the device is While this work is promising for low power applications,
stored in the PCM through the exploitation of the latent heat of research needs to be conducted on the effective use of graphite
fusion. For these transient applications the operating nanofibers for conductivity-enhancement of phase change
temperature of the device can be held constant near the materials for high power loadings. In this project, the thermal
melting temperature of the PCM. If the PCM containment performance and energy storage capabilities of large volume
module is properly designed, the device will reach the end of PCM modules (150 g – 2.8 kg) with graphite nanofiber
its transient duty cycle without reaching excessive enhancement, exposed to high power heat loads (50- 750 W)
temperatures and the PCM becomes a modular energy storage will be quantified. Additionally, the effect of aspect ratio on
device absorbing heat at a constant temperature during a thermal performance will be explored.
transient and rejecting it to the environment at a later time. The PCM modules used in this experiment mimic heat loads
Among the more commonly used PCMs are paraffin waxes and module orientations expected to be used in high power
such as eicosane, docosane and tricosane, although inorganic naval systems. The module designs allow the comparison of

978-1-4244-1701-8/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

aspect ratio and volume effects on thermal response of an of 5% and 10% by weight. Each nanofiber was 10 to 25 nm
enhanced PCM system. Five different test cells are used. wide and 20 to 70 m long as measured by TEM.
Three of these test cells are cubes (sidewalls of 5.08 cm, 10.16
Solid paraffin wax is melted completely at 54C and the
cm and 20.32 cm) and two are rectangles (10.16 cm x 20.32
appropriate weight of GNF is weighed out on an electronic
cm x 5.08 cm and 10.16 cm x 5.08 cm x 20.32 cm). These
balance and then carefully added to the liquid paraffin wax.
modules allow the comparison of the same aspect ratio with
The liquid PCM/CNF mixture is sonicated for 4 hours using a
different volumes of PCM (the three cubes) and the same
SONICS VC505 Ultrasonic Processor with a 0.25 in. stepped
volume with different aspect ratios (the 10.16 cm cube and the
microtip to ensure even distribution of the GNF throughout the
two rectangles).
PCM. Following sonication, the liquid mixture is poured into
the module completely filling it. It is cooled to room
The PCM modules are fabricated using aluminum walls and
temperature before the testing takes place so that the PCM is
base with a coldplate lid. The higher power levels used in this
in the solid phase. A volume decrease takes place upon
testing plan prohibit the use of the acrylic/PVC walls with
phase transition from liquid to solid, creating a concave ullage
epoxy bonding used in previous studies [16] due to
space at the top of the module.
temperature limitations on the epoxy. While the PVC test
boxes had been used previously to create an insulated Upon initiation of a test run, power is supplied to the heater
boundary condition at the sidewalls, the metallic boxes used in and cooling water flow is initiated to the cold plate. The
this study will more closely mimic actual field designs and the system is allowed to come to steady-state while the
results will help in design of future modules for thermocouples record the system temperatures. After each
implementation. experiment the PCM/nanofiber mixture is re-sonicated if the
test is to be repeated. If re-sonficiation is not completed,
Each test cell is mounted to a heater block which uses high settling of the GNF is observed after multiple
power cartridge heaters to simulate a heat source and provide melting/solidification cycle. Future work will focus on the
the flux to the thermal control module. The modules and the continued suspension of GNF through multiple cycles.
heater block are design to create a uniform heat flux condition
For each test run, the temperature within the module is
at the module base and both heater block and thermal control
recorded to track the transient thermal response.
module are insulated to prevent heat losses. Inevitably, some
Temperatures are recorded at 5 positions within the module as
heat does travel through the aluminum sidewalls and creates
well as at the base, at the heater location and in the cold plate.
thermal penetration into the module from the sides, actually
The response of these thermocouples gives insight into the
increasing thermal penetration and improving performance.
thermal penetration path of the heat into the module and its
effectiveness in storing energy and controlling the temperature
For these test runs, a copper cold plate forms the top of the test of the heat source. Temperature monitoring at each location
cell creating a constant temperature boundary condition. A allows the study of the progression of the melt process. The
high flow rate of a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze melt process is analyzed for duration and uniformity
maintains the cold plate at a constant 5ºC. This is intended to throughout the module. The thermocouples within the module
create a primary heat flow condition from top to bottom of the are numbered 1 through 5 with positions as given in Figure 1.
module and to improve thermal response in the resolidification

PCM volumes used range from 100 g to 2.8 kg, and the
applied power ranges from 50 W to 750 W. Tests are run in
each module for a range of applied powers. In each case, the
effective conductivity of the thermal control module is
enhanced by using either PCM with suspended graphite
nanofibers (GNF) or carbon foam impregnated with PCM.
Pure PCM is used as a control case.

The graphite nanofibers are fabricated using a process which

allows precise production with the desired thermal
characteristics, particularly fiber style, length and diameter.
This process uses a catalytic decomposition of various
hydrocarbons by a method already well described in a
previous paper [20]. The GNF growth process is a batch
process which takes 7-9 hours per batch. In a previous study Figure 1: PCM module illustrating thermocouple hole spacing.
[16], three different types of graphite nanofibers were Three are in the same place top to bottom at the middle and
investigated and the preliminary results showed that the three in the same plane side to side at the midheight. The
herringbone design exhibited the best thermal enhancement, spacing between thermocouples is uniform and evenly spaced.
thus, this study used herringbone-style GNF at loading levels

Thermocouple 5
With highly localized and intense thermal loads, large Thermocouple 1
100 Thermocouple 2
quantities of PCM are needed to absorb the heat loads, but the
Thermocouple 4

low conductivity material is not able to quickly absorb and 80 Thermocouple 3
suppress the transient heat loads. Rather, the portion of the
PCM volume closest to the heat dissipating source gains 60
temperature quickly while the PCM farthest away does not
respond to the applied heat load, or contribute to the thermal 40
management. Previous results [16] have shown that the low
thermal conductivity of the base PCM material can slow the 20
thermal response and limit the effectiveness of PCM.
However, by enhancing the effective conductivity, the thermal 0
control module is expected to exhibit a lower steady state 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
temperature and a delay to steady state as heat spreads more Time(min)
effectively through the PCM module. These characteristics Figure 3: 5.08 cm cubic thermal control module with
should improve the effectiveness of PCM modules for the PCM/10% herringbone fibers and 300 W of applied power
thermal control of large heat loads illustrating that thermal
abatement using PCM is possible with larger modules and The thermal response of the 10.16 cm cubic module with 750
higher powers. W of power can be seen in Figures 4 and 5. With pure PCM
(Figure 4) a fast response is again seen from the thermocouple
Effect of higher power conditions closest to the heat source with a rapid rise to 100C within 11
minutes. A large temperature differential is seen within the
Tests were conducted in the five different modules with system due to the poor thermal penetration and isolation of the
powers from 50 W to 750 W. Without conductivity heat flux near the source. In contrast, with 10% herringbone
enhancement, the smallest module (5.08 cm cube) could fiber enhancement (Figure 5), the large temperature
handle powers up to 300 W for only very brief transients of differentials within the system have been controlled. The
less than a minute. As seen in Figure 2, the thermocouple rapid temperature spike seen in thermocouple 1 occurs when
closest to the heat source (Thermocouple #1) responds very molten PCM from at the melt front reaches the thermocouple
quickly surpassing 80C in 5.5 minutes and 100C in 20 more location. These spikes occur from time to time during the
seconds . With conductivity enhancement of 10% herringbone melting process due to the movement of molten PCM within
GNF (Figure 3), the same module maintains an operating the module. A thermocouple which may have been embedded
temperature below 80C, the limit in many cases for in solid PCM may have that last bit of solid melt off, suddenly
electronics, for up to 8 minutes and below 100C for 10 exposing it to higher temperatures in the liquid phase. These
minutes, a 40% improvement in effectiveness. Due to the higher temperatures typically moderate with convective
rapid response of this small module to the 300W of power, it mixing. It is shown that the PCM/GNF mixture is effective at
was not tested at higher power loads. However, the larger controlling the higher powers and is a viable option for
modules handled the higher power loads quite well. passive transient thermal control modules.

Thermocouple 5
Thermocouple 5
140 120 Thermocouple 1
Thermocouple 1 Thermocouple 2
Thermocouple 2

120 100 Thermocouple 4


Thermocouple 4 Thermocouple 3
100 Thermocouple 3 80
80 60
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2: 5.08 cm cubic thermal control module with pure
Figure 4: 10.16 cm cubic thermal control module with pure
PCM and 300 W of applied power.
PCM and 750 W of applied power

70 Effect of aspect ratio
Thermocouple 5
60 Thermocouple 1 While the effect of module size is directly related to the mass
Thermocouple 2
of PCM contained within, the effect of aspect ratio is related

50 Thermocouple 4
to the size of the heated surface area and the height of the
Thermocouple 3

40 module in the direction of heat flow. A significant aspect ratio

effect is found as seen by comparing Figures 6-8. These
30 figures show the response of the 10.16 cm cubic module, the
10.16 cm x 20.32 cm x 5.08 cm module and the 10.16 cm x
20 5.08 cm x 20.32 cm module to 750 W of applied power with
the PCM/5% herringbone enhancement. Each of these
modules contains exactly the same mass of PCM and GNF,
0 but the thermal responses are different. However, they are all
0 5 10 15 20 effective at controlling the operating temperature for extended
periods of time. The short flat module (10.16 cm x 20.32 cm x
Time(min) 5.08 cm) exhibits the most difficulty controlling large
differentials throughout the box as the thermocouple closest to
the heat source heats up more rapidly than the others (Figure
Figure 5: 10.16 cm cubic thermal control module with 6) which is due to the large heated surface area in this case.
PCM/10%GNF and 750 W of applied power The 10.16 cm cubic module exhibits the strongest effect of
developed internal Rayleigh-Benard convection currents with
the melted PCM from the lowest level circulating up to the top
Effect of module size of the module and warming thermocouple 5 (Figure 7).
Despite this internal circulation the module is still extremely
The effect of module size is directly related to the increased effective at controlling temperatures with a steady-state
mass of PCM within the module. With greater mass, the situation occurring after 14 minutes and most of the module
module can absorb more heat energy and control high power remaining in the solid phase, indication that the module can
loads. The choice of mass depends on the length of the handle higher power transients. The tall thin module (10.16
desired transient operation. For instance, Figure 3 shows that cm x 5.08 cm x 20.32 cm) is best at distributing heat within
for 10% GNF mixtures the effectiveness of the 5.08 cm cubic the module with the thermocouples responding almost
module is limited to about 10 minutes for 300 W of power for uniformly as seen in Figure 8. It does appear that with limits
steady-stat loading. In contrast, the 10.16 cm module with of space in some applications that all aspect ratios will be
10% GNF mixtures can handle 750 W of power with ease for effective within transient limits.
any duration transient as it reaches steady-state below 50C
and can be pushed even higher as necessary for shorter
transients. 60
Thermocouple 5
50 Thermocouple 1
90 Thermocouple 2
Thermocouple 5
80 Thermocouple 4

Thermocouple 1
40 Thermocouple 3
Thermocouple 2
70 Thermocouple 4

60 Thermocouple 3 30

30 10

20 0
10 0 5 10 15
0 Time(min)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 7: 10.16 cm cubic module thermal control module with
PCM/ 5%GNF and 750 W of applied power
Figure 6: 10.16 cm x 20.32 cm x 5.08 cm thermal control
module with PCM/ 5%GNF and 750 W of applied power

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