LP 9

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in the shape of a ship's prow. "I wonder why it is shaped like a ship," said Jose.

A man with glasses who

had just bought a newspaper from Jose heard him, and said, "It is supposed to represent the Ship of
State." "What's that? asked the two boys.

"That means the government of our country. The govern- ment of our country is like a ship sailing in the
sea. If the government is good and the government officials are wise and honest then the ship will have
a good voyage. ment is bad and the officials are ignorant and dishonest, then If the govern- the ship will
have rough sailing and may sink in a storm. And we shall all sink with it." "Oh, my!" exclaimed the boys
somewhat frightened.

By that time the crowd was becoming larger and larger. Both sides of the street in front of the
grandstand were lined with people. There were people as far back as the Legislative Building which was
almost a kilometer from where the boys were standing in front of the grandstand. Every once in a while
a car drove up and stopped in front of the grandstand. Some important people would get out. The men
were wearing black coats and grey pants striped with white and the women were wearing ternos in all
kinds of pretty colors. "What are they all dressed up for?" Rufo wanted to know. "Are they going to a
party?" The man with glasses laughed and said, "This is a party

in a way-

a party to celebrate the birth of the Republic."

Suddenly there was a murmur in the crowd: "MacArthur is

arriving." Jose was all excited. He had heard of MacArthur, the great American general who had
liberated the Philippines from the Japanese. "Rufo," he cried, "MacArthur is coming. Let's get nearer to
the grandstand so we can see him. I want to be able to tell my sister that I really saw MacArthur." The
man with the glasses said, "Let's go together."

They pushed their way through the crowds until they were see a black car stop. They saw a tall American
in khaki uni- quite close to the grandstand. They got there just in time to form come out of the car. was
an army officer's cap with the brim covered with gold braid. On the shoulders of his khaki shirt, the boys
saw five He wore dark glasses. On his head


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