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President Roxas then went down the steps towards the flagpole.

The band then started to play our

National Anthem. Slowly, as President Roxas pulled on the ropes, the Filipino flag rose. Up and up it
went until, on the last notes of the National Anthem, there it was, fluttering in the breeze that blew in
from Manila Bay, its red and blue and gold shining in the morning sun.

"Look at it, boys," said their new friend with the glasses. "Look at it carefully because you'll never see a
more beautiful sight in all your lives. Look at our flag waving there. For the first time, it is waving alone
without a foreign flag above or beside it. Think how many Filipinos fought and died so that our flag can
wave like that over this country."

Jose and Rufo felt chills running up and down their spine. They felt like laughing and crying at the same
time. They felt very happy. They looked around them and they saw that most of the people in the crowd
seemed to be feeling the same way. It was a wonderful feeling.

Later there was a parade. It was past noon when every- thing was over and the people started to leave
the Luneta for home. While they were walking home, Rufo said to Jose, "I am glad we came... and not
because of the parade."

Jose nodded. He knew what Rufo meant. He, too, was glad they had been present when Philippine
independence was born. It had been a memorable day, and Jose knew that he would remember it all his


SA. Vocabulary Study

ship of state crowd was hushed

B. Study Questions

1. Why did Jose and Rufo go to the Luneta? 2. What did they see at the Luneta?

3. Can you identify the important people described? 4. How did the little newsboy feel on seeing the
Philippine flag take the place of the American flag?

5. What recent change has been introduced in con-

nection with Independence Day? 6. How do we show love and respect for the Philip- pine flag?


felt chills running up and down their spine

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