Life Orientation Assignment Grade 12

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 Define the term “Human rights Violations”. 2
 Name the public holiday observed on 21 March?
 Discuss the purpose of the public holiday observed on the 21 March?
 As a responsible South African citizen that uses various forms of 2
Media, provide the theme/focus of 21 March 2023 celebration. 2

 Identify three (3) current human rights violations to living in a safe and 2
healthy ways in south Africa.
 Discuss the impact of the two (2) challenges on safe healthy living on
the huma right identified above! 2
 Name and justify three (3) laws/legislation from the constitution that
protect citizens against the human right violation of safe healthy 2-3
 Critically discuss the citizens responsibility to ensure that their
environments promote safe and healthy living. 3
 Suggest how the government can ensure that the basic human dignity
is maintained in relation to safe and healthy living in our communities. 3-4

 Explain the purpose of both campaign and protests. 4
 Elaborate on the impact of the Sharpeville massacre.
 Elaborate on the current impact of loadshedding.
 Identify the human rights that were violated in the Sharpeville 5
massacre and justify your answers with evidence! 5-6

 Explain the term “Social Media”. 7
 Discuss two (2) reasons why social media cold be considered as one of
the best ways to combat human rights violations. 7
 Differentiate between the following concepts:
“Cyber bullying” 7
“Cyber savvy” 7
 Describe two (2) ways in which users, abuse social media platforms to
perpetuate discrimination/attacks and violence to other people’s
rights. 7
 Explain two (2) ways how learners can prevent violating other people’s
rights on your social media platform. 8

Suggest two (2) possible strategies that social media platforms can
implementing reducing the acts and challenges of human rights violations on
their platforms.

1. Define the term “Human rights Violations”.

 Human rights violations- is the disallowance of the freedom of thought and movement
to which all humans legally have a right.

2. Name the public holiday observed on 21 March?

 Human Rights Day

3. Discuss the purpose of the public holiday observed on the 21 March?

 It is a day to reaffirm our commitment to human rights and to work towards a more
just and equitable society. On Human Rights Day, South Africans come together to
reflect on the importance of human rights. There are many events and activities held
on this day, such as marches, rallies, and educational events.

4. As a responsible South African citizen that uses various forms of Media, provide the
theme/focus of 21 March 2023 celebration.

 The theme for 2023 is: “Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the

1. Identify three (3) current human rights violations to living in a safe and healthy ways in
south Africa.
 Lack of access to clean water: Inadequate access to clean water for many South
Africans is one of the country's biggest human rights abuses.
 Inadequate sanitation facilities: Lack of proper sanitation contributes to the spread of
diseases and poses a threat to public health.
 Housing and living conditions: The issue of inadequate housing and substandard
living conditions is prevalent in South Africa, especially in low-income communities.

2. Discuss the impact of the two (2) challenges on safe healthy living on the human right
identified above!
 The lack of access to clean water has a significant impact on the human right to safe and
healthy living. It affects both physical and mental wellbeing and can lead to a range of health
problems, from dehydration and diarrhoeal diseases to malnutrition, stunted growth, and
impaired cognitive development.
 Inadequate sanitation facilities contribute to the spread of diseases such as diarrhea, cholera,
and typhoid, which can lead to severe illness and sometimes even death. In addition, poor
sanitation can result in adverse effects on the environment, physical and emotional health,
and social and economic development. Women and girls face significant barriers to their
human rights because of inadequate sanitation facilities.

3. Name and justify three (3) laws/legislation from the constitution that protect citizens
against the human right violation of safe healthy environment.

 National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) – This legislation provides a framework

for managing the environment and ensures that environmental considerations are integrated
into the decision-making processes of all government departments. It places a legal obligation
on the government and businesses to protect the environment and promotes sustainable
 Water Act –This law regulates the use of water resources and ensures that water is allocated
and used in a sustainable and equitable manner. It also aims to protect the quality of water
resources and provides for the management of water-related ecosystems.
 Air Quality Act – This legislation regulates air pollution and aims to protect the health and
well-being of citizens by improving ambient air quality. It provides for the establishment of air
quality management plans and sets air emission standards for industries and other sources
of air pollution.

4. Critically discuss the citizens responsibility to ensure that their environments promote
safe and healthy living.

 One-way citizens can ensure their environments promote safe and healthy living is by
being environmentally conscious. They should be aware of their surroundings and
take the necessary steps to protect themselves. For instance, citizens can ensure that
they dispose of waste properly to prevent the spread of diseases and environmental
pollution. They can also take steps to conserve energy and water to reduce their
environmental impact.

 Another way citizens can ensure that their environment promotes safe and healthy
living is by being proactive and reporting hazardous or dangerous situations to the
relevant authorities. They can report cases of pollution, poor sanitation, or other
environmental hazards to the appropriate authorities. This will help to ensure that
the environment is safe and healthy for everyone.

 citizens can take the initiative to organize community efforts towards achieving a safe
and healthy environment. This could involve organizing community clean-up drives,
tree planting, or recycling programs. Such activities can help to improve the
environment and promote healthy living. citizens have a vital role to play in ensuring
that their environments promote safe and healthy living. They must be proactive,
environmentally conscious, and willing to take necessary actions to protect
themselves and their surroundings. The government also has a role to play by
providing basic amenities and infrastructure that promote healthy and safe living. A
joint effort between citizens and the government can go a long way in creating a safe
and healthy environment.

5. Suggest how the government can ensure that the basic human dignity is maintained in
relation to safe and healthy living in our communities.

 Ensure Access to Basic Needs: The government should ensure that all citizens have access to
clean water, nutritious food, shelter, and medical care. This can be done by increasing
government spending on essentials like food aid, subsidized housing, and healthcare services
for low-income families.

 Education and Awareness: Creating awareness on the basics of safe and healthy living is very
important. The government should educate its citizens on the importance of hygiene, clean
environments, and regular medical checkups. Seminars, workshops and community health
talks can be utilized for this purpose.

 Collaboration with NGOs: The government can work hand in hand with non-governmental
organizations to help provide basic needs for people in marginalized communities. NGO's can
bring their healthcare, water, and sanitation expertise while the government provides the
necessary funding.

 Implementation of Environmental Regulations: The government should enforce environmental

regulations to protect its citizens from pollutants, hazardous waste, and other forms of
environmental health hazards. Regulations should include proper waste disposal, control of
industrial emissions, and the overall improvement of air, noise, and water quality.

 Affordable Healthcare: Access to affordable healthcare is key to the maintenance of basic

human dignity. Governments should invest more in healthcare and ensure that quality
healthcare services are accessible to their citizens at an affordable price.
 Employment and Economic Opportunities: Unemployment and poverty lead to poor living
conditions which can violate basic human dignity. The government should create more job
opportunities for its citizens and provide adequate financial support to those who cannot

 Encourage Behavioral Change: The government should encourage positive behavioral changes
by promoting healthy lifestyles such as regular exercise, healthy diets, and avoiding vices that
can harm both the individual and their environment. the government has a responsibility to
ensure that its citizens can maintain basic human dignity by providing them with safe and
healthy living conditions. This can be achieved by a combination of education, affordable
healthcare, employment, economic opportunities, and environmental regulations .

Explain the purpose of both campaign and protests.

The national shutdown protest and the Sharpeville protest were both significant demonstrations
aimed at addressing pressing issues but in different contexts and with distinct objectives.

The national shutdown protest on March 20, 2023, aimed to address the issue of load shedding,
which refers to the deliberate interruption of electricity supply to prevent the failure of the power grid.

The protesters sought to raise awareness about the negative impact of load shedding on individuals,
businesses, and the overall economy. Their goal was to pressure the government and relevant
authorities to find sustainable solutions to the energy crisis, such as investing in alternative energy
sources or improving the infrastructure.

the Sharpeville protest on March 21, 1960, in South Africa, had a different purpose. It was organized
to demonstrate against the apartheid pass laws, which required Black individuals to carry
identification documents restricting their movement and reinforcing racial segregation. The protesters
sought to challenge the discriminatory policies of the apartheid regime and demand equal rights and
freedom of movement for all South Africans

Elaborate on the impact of the Sharpeville massacre.

The Sharpeville Massacre was a tragic incident that occurred on March 21, 1960, in Sharpeville,
South Africa. It was a turning point in South Africa's history and had a profound impact on the
country and the world. Here are some of the impacts of the Sharpeville massacre:

 International outrage: The massacre caused an international outrage and drew attention to
the apartheid regime in South Africa. Many countries began to impose economic sanctions on
South Africa and put pressure on the government to end apartheid.

 Increased resistance: The massacre fueled the resistance movement against apartheid. The
African National Congress (ANC), which was previously a nonviolent organization, began to
advocate for violent resistance against the government. The Sharpeville massacre became a
symbol of the oppression of black people in South Africa.

 Crackdown on opposition: The South African government responded to the Sharpeville

massacre by banning opposition groups and detaining their leaders. Nelson Mandela, who
was a leader of the ANC, was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.
 Reforms: The Sharpeville massacre led to some reforms in South Africa. The government set
up a commission to investigate the incident and passed laws to improve the living conditions
of black people. However, these reforms were not enough to end apartheid.

 Legacy: The Sharpeville massacre is remembered as a tragic event in South Africa's history. It
led to a long struggle against apartheid, which eventually ended in 1994 with the election of
Nelson Mandela as the first black president of South Africa. The massacre is commemorated
every year on March 21 as Human Rights Day in South Africa.

Elaborate on the current impact of loadshedding.

 Load shedding disrupts the normal functioning of households, businesses, and industries.
 Power outages can lead to disruptions in lighting, cooking, heating or cooling, and the
operation of electrical appliances and equipment.
 This can affect productivity, communication, and the overall quality of life.
 Businesses, especially those reliant on a consistent power supply, may experience financial
losses due to interrupted operations, reduced productivity, and increased costs.
 Industries heavily dependent on electricity, such as manufacturing and information
technology, may also suffer setbacks.
 The uncertainty and unpredictability of load shedding can create stress, frustration, and
anxiety among individuals and communities.
 People may face difficulties in planning their activities, relying on electrical appliances, or
meeting basic needs.
 The lack of electricity can also impact social interactions, leisure activities, and the overall
well-being of individuals.

Identify the human rights that were violated in the Sharpeville massacre and justify your
answers with evidence.

1. Right to life: The South African police opened fire on peaceful protesters, killing 69 people. This
violated their right to life, which is a fundamental and non-derogable human right.

2. Right to freedom of assembly: The protesters were peacefully assembling to protest against the pass
laws and were met with deadly force. The South African government violated their right to freedom of
assembly, which is protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

3. Right to freedom of expression: The protesters were expressing their dissatisfaction with the
apartheid government and its discriminatory policies. By using force to silence them, the government
violated their right to freedom of expression, which is also protected under the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights.

4. Right to freedom from discrimination: The apartheid government had a system in place that
discriminated against black people and treated them as second-class citizens. The pass laws, which
were the reason for the protest, were discriminatory and violated the right to freedom from
discrimination as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

5. Right to due process: The protesters were not given a fair trial or any sort of due process. They were
simply gunned down by the South African police, violating their right to due process, which is a
fundamental principle of justice.

Explain the term “Social Media”.
 Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-
based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Discuss two (2) reasons why social media cold be considered as one of the best ways to combat
human rights violations.

 The power of social media to raise awareness: Social media platforms have the power to
spread information rapidly to a vast audience around the world. By sharing content related to
human rights violations, people can raise awareness and influence public opinion, putting
pressure on governments and authorities to address the issue.
 Through social media, activists, journalists, and victims of human rights violations can
document and share real-time experiences, building momentum for social justice movements.
By providing a platform for the marginalized, social media helps to dismantle power
imbalances that lead to human rights violations.

Differentiate between the following concepts:

“Cyber bullying”

 Cyberbullying refers to the act of using digital communication technologies, such as social
media, online platforms, or messaging apps, to harass, intimidate, or harm individuals or
groups. It involves repeated and deliberate abusive behavior, including sending threatening
messages, spreading rumors, sharing private information without consent, or posting hurtful
comments or images online. Cyberbullying can have severe emotional, psychological, and
even physical consequences for the victims. It is an unfortunate manifestation of the darker
side of technology and online interactions.

“Cyber savvy”

 cyber savvy refers to having knowledge, skills, and awareness about online safety, security,
and responsible digital behavior. It involves understanding how to navigate the digital world
safely, protect personal information, and maintain privacy online. Being cyber savvy means
having the ability to identify and avoid potential online threats such as scams, phishing
attempts, or malicious software. It also includes being mindful of one's digital footprint and
understanding the impact of online actions. Being cyber savvy empowers individuals to make
informed decisions, engage positively in online communities, and protect themselves and
others from digital risks.

Describe two (2) ways in which users, abuse social media platforms to perpetuate
discrimination/attacks and violence to other people’s rights.

 Hate Speech: Social media platforms are often used to spread hate speech against individuals
or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other
characteristics. Users use hate speech to dehumanize and discriminate against others,
perpetuating a culture of discrimination and violence. This can escalate into real-life violence,
as individuals may be targeted and threatened, leading to physical harm.

 2. Cyberbullying: Another way social media is used to perpetuate discrimination and violence
is through cyberbullying. Users may use social media platforms to harass, intimidate, and
threaten others based on their identity, beliefs, or lifestyle, leading to mental and emotional
harm, and sometimes even suicide. The anonymity and ease of sharing on social media make
it easy for users to target and bully others, making it a prevalent problem in today's digital

Explain two (2) ways how learners can prevent violating other people’s rights on your social
media platform.
 Respect others' privacy - Learners should avoid sharing personal information of others
without their consent. If they want to share someone else's information, they should ask for
their permission first. In addition, they should avoid posting pictures or videos that reveal too
much about someone's personal life as it can be an invasion of privacy.

 2. Avoid cyberbullying - Online bullying is a serious problem on social media platforms that
can have harmful effects on a person's mental health. Learners should avoid posting or
sharing hurtful comments, messages, or jokes that can be considered cyberbullying. They
should also avoid trolling or harassing other users on social media platforms. If they witness
anyone else participating in these behaviors, they should report it to appropriate authorities

Suggest two (2) possible strategies that social media platforms can implementing reducing the
acts and challenges of human rights violations on their platforms.

 Strengthen their policies and enforcement: Social media platforms can update their policies to
include specific measures for combating human rights abuses and develop more rigorous
enforcement mechanisms. They can also invest in hiring more content moderators and using
advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and flag content that violates
human rights. In addition, platforms can partner with human rights organizations and
experts to ensure that their policies and enforcement measures align with best practices in
the field.

 Promoting digital literacy and education: Social media platforms can also focus on improving
digital literacy by raising awareness about the impact of hate speech, violence, and
harassment on individuals and communities. They can provide resources and training to help
people identify and report human rights abuses and encourage responsible use of social
media. Additionally, platforms can work with educators, governments, and non-profits to
promote digital literacy among young people, who are among the most vulnerable to online
abuses. By educating users about digital rights and ethics, social media platforms can create
a safer and more responsible online environment.

1. Title: Sharpeville: An Apartheid Massacre and Its Consequences
 Author: Tom Lodge
 Originally published: 2011
 Link:

2. Title: Can 'dignity' guide South Africa's equality jurisprudence?

Author: Cowen, Susie
Year: 2001
Periodical: South African Journal on Human Rights
External link:

3. Title: Life in the Time of Sharpeville: --and Wayward Seeds of a New South Africa
Author: Humphrey Tyler
Published: 1995

1. South African Human Rights Commission. (2019). Annual Report 2018/2019. Retrieved

2. Democracy Works Foundation. (2019). Building Democratic Resilience in South Africa.

Retrieved from

1. Title: Human Rights Day: Sharpeville remembered

Paper published: The South African


This article was first published in 2017.

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