Class IX SCM Determiners

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Determiners are words that introduce nouns. It always comes

before a noun and it also comes before any other adjectives used to
describe the noun.
These are the different types:
Articles: a, an, the
‘A’ and ‘an’ are used before countable singular nouns. ‘A’ is used
before a word beginning with consonant sound, while ‘an’ is used
before words with a vowel sound.
• She saw a bear in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
• She is an excellent
‘The’ is used for specific
person or thing.
• Bring me the book lying on the table.
• I have lost the purse which I was carrying yesterday.
Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
Point to objects denoted by the nouns that follow them.
• This phone belongs to him.
• These chairs are not suitable for my office.
ü Note-‘This’ and ‘these’ point to objects which are near while
‘that’ and ‘those’ point to distant objects.
Possessive Adjectives: my, your, her, his, our, its, their
These are possessive forms of pronouns. They can be used before
singular and plural nouns.
• Our building has a refugee area.
• He lost his job due to the pandemic.
Quantifiers: a little, a few, many, much, a lot of, most, any, some,
‘Many’ denotes number while ‘much’ denotes quantity.
• Many people do not understand the importance of cleanliness.
• My company did not have much profit this year.
Few, a few and the few
v ‘Few’ means not many, hardly any.
v ‘a few’ means some.
v ‘the few’ means not many but all of them.
• There were few resources available.
• Here are a few ideas for your project.
• I have donated the few shoes I had.
Little, a little, the little
v ‘Little’ means not much, hardly any.
v ‘a little’ means some.
v ‘the Little’ means not much but all of that much.
• There is little crime in my town. (Hardly any)
• A little water from everyone’s bottle will be sufficient to
quench my thirst.
• I spent the little money I had.
Numbers: one, five, forty
Ordinal numbers such as one, two, three etc.
• Her two beautiful houses are situated in Mumbai.
• There are fifteen pairs of jeans in my wardrobe
Distributives: both, all, half, neither, either, every, each
‘Each’ is used for two or more pronouns (definite) while ‘every’ is used
for more than two persons or things (indefinite).
• Each boy must have his own book.
• Every man is expected to do his best.
No, any, some
‘No’ and ‘any’ are used in negative and interrogative sentences, while
‘some’ is generally used in affirmative sentences.
• There is no food in his refrigerator.
• Do you have any wrapping paper?
• I would like to have some ketchup with the fries.
All and both
‘All’ denotes the total of many units together while ‘both’ shows the
total of two units together.
• He gave me all the good plants of his nursery.
• Both Vijay and Ajay are adept in painting.
Either and neither
‘Either’ means one of the two persons or things. ‘Neither’ is the
opposite of either.
• I can speak on either of the topics.
• Neither of them could speak on the stage.
Interrogatives: what,
which, whose
Whose sister is she?
Which rhyme is he learning?

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks by choosing the
most appropriate option from the ones given below.
I John took up (a)_____ new job of video editing recently in Japan. He
knew (b) _______ about this task as he had never taken a formal
training in it. (c) ____ manager, Suzi, arranged for a training session
for him. After (d) _____ days, John realized that it was not his cup of
tea and he decided to quit. (e)______ of his colleagues convinced him
to stay back and try but he had already made up his mind.
(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) none
(b) (i) a little (ii) little (iii) much (iv) few
(c) (i) his (ii) her (iii) their (iv) a
(d) (i) little (ii) a few (iii) a little (iv) much
(e) (i) any (ii) neither (iii) either (iv) some
II (a) ___ easy access to internet and social media has given women the
opportunity to raise their concerns more freely. However, there are (b)
____ new challenges faced by women even now. It has been found that
releasing personal information on websites has put (c) ______women’s
safety in danger. Women are still are not given the equivalent pay as
(d) _____ counterparts. Today’s women can do (e)______ job which a man
can do.
(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) none
(b) (i) much (ii) little (iii) many (iv) few
(c) (i) his (ii) her (iii) some (iv) any
(d) (i) her (ii) their (iii) his (iv) the
(e) (i) some (ii) all (iii) each (iv) every
I (a) a (b) little (c) His (d) a few
(e) Some
II (a) an (b) many (c) some (d) their
(e) every

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