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Name of Teacher: Jessie Rose G.

Buquiran Grade Level: VII- A & B

Learning Area: English Quarter: 2nd Quarter
Learning Competency: EN8RC-IIe-11- Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa
Lesson No.: 10 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to Linear and Non-linear Text
be Developed
Linear Text refers to traditional texts that need to be read from beginning to the end.

- Novels
- Poems
- Letters
- Textbooks,
- News reports
- Essays

Non-linear Text refers to texts that do not need to be read from beginning to the end.

- Tables
- Pie charts
- Flow charts
- Pictures
- Diagrams
- Character Maps
- Sequence Charts
Learning Objectives Knowledge Distinguish Linear and Non-linear Texts

Skills Transcode linear text to non-linear text and vice versa

Attitude Appreciate the importance of using graphic organizers to understand the text
Resources Needed Chalk, Blackboard, & Book
Preparation Introductory Activity  Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Recapitulation
(3 minutes)  Guess it to Win it Game!
- The teacher will show pictures with scrambled letters and the students will guess it.

3. 4.
Presentation Activity Group Activity!

- Students will be divided into two groups. Their task is to group the pictures according to
(5 minutes) their similarities. Each group will be labeled as A and B.
(Group A- Pictures that use texts that need to be read from the beginning to end and Group
B for pictures that do not need to be read from beginning to end.)

Group A
- Essay
- Letter
- Poem

Group B
- Character Map
- Venn Diagram
- Sequence Chart
Analysis  How were you able to guess each picture in the activity?
 What was your basis when you group the pictures in the second activity?
(1 minute)  Have you notice the difference of the two groups?
Abstraction The teacher will discuss the Linear and Non-linear texts.

(30 minutes)  What is a linear text and non-linear text? And What are their differences?
 Why it is important for us to learn on how to transcode linear text to non-linear text?
 Based on the examples, in what subject areas can we usually see linear texts? Non-linear texts?
 As a student, what is the importance of learning linear texts and non-linear texts?
 Cite instances wherein you can relate your learning of linear and non-linear texts at home, in
school, and in the community.
 Can you connect this knowledge with the DC PVMGO? How?
Practice Application Group the class into 4 groups. Choose a leader per group. Be ready to present your task in class. The
task will be graded using the rubric provided:
(10 minutes)
Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Content Little to no Basic Solid Comprehensi Exceptional
Understan understanding understanding understanding ve depth of
ding of transcoding with some demonstrated understandin understandin
linear to non- inaccuracies. with few g with g. Expertly
linear text. Limited use of inaccuracies. accurate represents
Inaccuracies appropriate Use of representatio transcoding
present. terms. appropriate n. Clear and concepts.
terms. precise use of
Visual Inappropriate or Basic visual Clear and Highly Exceptional
Represent missing visual representation accurate visual effective visual
ation representation. with some representation. visual representatio
Does not inaccuracies. Effective use of representatio n. Visually
effectively Limited use of elements to n. Clear and compelling,
communicate appropriate convey concise aiding in-
transcoding elements (e.g., transcoding communicati depth
concepts. labels, legends). concepts. on of understandin
transcoding g.
Creativity Lack of Limited Some creativity High level of Exceptional
creativity. Little creativity evident in the creativity creativity
effort to go demonstrated. design. demonstrate displayed.
beyond basic Basic attempt to Enhances visual d. Visually Unique and
requirements. enhance visual appeal and engaging and captivating
appeal. engagement. innovative visual
design. presentation.
Clarity of Information is Basic Well-organized Highly Exceptional
Presentati disorganized organization. presentation. organized organization.
on and difficult to Some difficulty Clear sequence presentation. Seamless
follow. Lack of in following the and Easy to flow and
coherence. sequence or relationships follow intuitive
relationships. between sequence and structure
elements. relationships.
Overall Task is Basic Proficient Advanced Exceptional
Presentati incomplete or presentation presentation presentation presentation.
on barely meets that meets the with clear effort demonstratin Sets a
minimum minimum towards g a high level benchmark
requirements. requirements. excellence. of skill and for
effort. excellence.
Assessment Level of Assessment What will I assess How will I assess How will I score

Process or Skills

(10 minutes)

Products/ Transcode non-linear text to linear text Create a paragraph Scoring rubric:
 In a given Venn Diagram showing the
comparison between Flu and Covid-19,
students will write a paragraph based on the
given information. They will be given 5
minutes to finish their task.

Assignment Reinforcing
Enhancing Fill in the Sequence Chart

(1 minute) Students will fill in the chart with the correct steps and sequence of baking cookies.
Preparing for the new

Prepared by: Ms. Jessie Rose G. Buquiran

English Teacher

Noted by: Mrs. Rebecca R. Duran

JHS Principal

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