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Jake S.


Before-Reading Questions:
1. Who is Ninoy Aquino? What is his importance in the Philippine history?
Ninoy Aquino was a prominent Filipino politician and opposition leader who
played a critical role in the country's history. Born on November 27, 1932, in
Tarlac province, Aquino was a journalist and politician who was a staunch critic
of the authoritarian rule of President Ferdinand Marcos. Aquino is considered a
hero by many Filipinos, and his death is seen as a turning point in the country's
history. He is remembered for his courage, his commitment to democracy and
freedom, and his sacrifice in the fight against tyranny and oppression.

2. Why was Ninoy imprisoned, tortured and eventually killed? What was his position
before he was imprisoned?
He was imprisoned, tortured and eventually killed because he was a prominent
critic of the Marcos regime and a leading opposition figure in the Philippines.
Ninoy Aquino was a prominent opposition politician in the Philippines. He served
as a member of the Philippine House of Representatives and the Philippine
Senate, where he was known for his fiery speeches and criticism of the Marcos
regime. Aquino was also a journalist and a writer who was known for his exposes
of government corruption and abuse of power

3. What was his relationship with then President Ferdinand Marcos?

The relationship between President Ferdinand Marcos and Ninoy Aquino Jr. was
complex and fraught with tension.Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. was a popular
politician and critic of Marcos' authoritarian regime in the Philippines. President
Marcos is the one who imprisoned Ninoy Aquino Jr.

4. Are there any similarities between martial law, as it was then, and today’s times?
What are they?
The similarity between martial law in the past and today is the suspension of
normal legal processes and civil liberties. Another similarity is the potential for
abuses of power by those in charge. In the past, martial law has been used by
dictators and authoritarian regimes to suppress political opposition and
consolidate power. Today, there are concerns about the potential for similar
abuses of power, particularly in countries with weak democratic institutions.
5. Do you think the Filipino is worth dying for? Why or why not?
Yes , because eventhough what happens now in our government and state of the
nation Filipino are worth dying for because we carry the potential that Ninoy
Aquuno Jr. gives us to bring about lasting transformation in our society.

While Reading Question

1. Why did he ask these questions?
He asked these questions to reflect on the meaning of his own suffering and to
grapple with the larger societal problems that the Philippines was facing under
martial law.

2. What is it about the Filipino people under martial law that prompts him to ask
him to ask these questions?
The Filipino people under martial law were facing various injustices and human
rights abuses, and their response to these conditions prompted the author to
question their readiness and suitability for democracy.

3. What does this tell us about his experience, and how the Filipino people were
under martial law?
It’s Benignl Aquino’s experience of being in military confinement for eight years
under martial law led him to contemplate the nature of the Filipino people and
their capacity for freedom and democracy. He knew that the Filipino is worth
dying for suggests that he believes in the potential of the Filipino people and their
ability to achieve greatness under a good leader. He also question the Filipino
people's readiness for democracy suggests that he also recognizes the
challenges of building a democratic society in the Philippines.

1. How did the speech use pathos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth
dying for? What paragraphs did he use to show this?
The speech used pathos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth dying for
by evoking emotions such as love, dignity, and sacrifice. The paragraphs that showed
this are paragraphs 2, 4, and 5, where Aquino describes the Filipino as valuing human
life and freedom, and being patient but not docile. These paragraphs appealed to the
audience's emotions and sense of pride in their identity as Filipinos.
2. How did the speech use logos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth
dying for? What paragraphs did he use to show this? Explain.
The speech used logos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth dying for
by using logical arguments based on historical and cultural evidence. The paragraphs
that showed this are paragraphs 3 and 9, where Aquino refers to the pre-colonial
barangay system as an example of participatory democracy and the Filipino's long
history of valuing freedom and human dignity. These paragraphs appealed to the
audience's sense of reason and rationality.
3. How did the speech use ethos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth
dying for? What paragraphs did he use to show this? Explain.
The speech used ethos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth dying for
by emphasizing Aquino's credibility as a leader and his personal sacrifice for the cause
of freedom. The paragraphs that showed this are paragraphs 7 and 8, where Aquino
describes his own experiences of suffering and near-death in prison, and his willingness
to face death for the freedom struggle. These paragraphs appealed to the audience's
trust in Aquino as a credible and committed leader.
4. In paragraph 6, Aquino describes the Filipino and says, “he loves freedom but puts
the highest premium on human life and human dignity. “Do you agree with Ninoy, given
today’s situation? Why or why not?
It depends upon the situ. Ninoy's description of the Filipino as valuing both freedom and
human life is still relevant today, as many Filipinos continue to prioritize peace and non-
violence in their pursuit of social and political change. However, given the current
situation in the Philippines, where there are ongoing human rights violations and threats
to democracy, some might argue that the Filipino's patience and non-violent approach
have been tested beyond their limits.
5. Do you think that Filipinos are still largely passive when it comes to perceived
violence done by the state? Why do you think this is?
It is important to acknowledge that there have been numerous instances of Filipinos,
both individually and collectively, asserting their rights and challenging oppressive
structures through various forms of resistance and activism.
6. What is it about Ninoy’s speech that inspired people? Do you feel inspired as well?
Why or why not?
Ninoy's speech inspired people through its combination of emotional appeal, logical
argument, and personal conviction. His words conveyed a sense of urgency, courage,
and moral clarity that resonated with many Filipinos who were longing for freedom and
justice. As a citizen of the Philippines I am inspired by Ninoy’s speech that gives me
courage and strength for what is right and for what I deserve.
7. What made the speech more persuasive, the use of ethos, pathos, or logos? Explain.
The speech was most persuasive because of its use of pathos, which tapped into the
audience's emotions and sense of identity, as well as ethos, which established Aquino's
credibility and moral authority as a leader. While logos also played a role in the speech,
it was primarily through the emotional and ethical appeal that Aquino was able to rally
support and motivate action.
8. In paragraphs 12, 13, and 14, Aquino repeats the words death and dying several
times. What effect does it have on the audience? Why do you think these were used?
The repetition of the words death and dying had a powerful effect on the audience, as it
underscored the gravity and urgency of the situation, as well as Aquino's unwavering
commitment to the cause of freedom. The repetition also created a sense of momentum
and intensity that built up to the final call to action in the last paragraph.
9. How would you describe the last paragraph? Why do you think the speech ended that
The last paragraph is a strong and direct call to action that leaves no room for ambiguity
or compromise. It is a bold statement of defiance and determination that challenges
Marcos to either restore democracy or face the consequences of his arrogance. The
speech ended this way to leave a lasting impression on the audience and to rally them
to take action.
10. Do you agree with Ninoy, that the Filipino is worth dying for? Why or why not?
I agree because eventhough what happens now in our government and state of the
nation Filipino are worth dying for because we carry the potential that Ninoy Aquuno Jr.
gives us to bring about lasting transformation in our society.

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