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Key word:
- let out feelings
- open up and share what's bothering
- don't have to worry about how the other person will react face-to-face
- listen without judgement
- provide emotional support

In today's busy world, a lot of people are feeling stressed out. Online
friendships can be really helpful for letting out those feelings. When you talk to
friends online, you can open up and share what's bothering you. It can be easier
to be honest with an online friend than someone you know in real life. Online,
you don't have to worry about how the other person will react face-to-face. You
can just let it all out. Your online friends will listen without judging you. They
may even offer advice or just let you vent. Venting to an online friend can
make you feel a lot better. It's a way to get those negative feelings off your
chest. Even though you're not together in person, online friends can provide
emotional support. They understand what you're going through, which can be
very comforting. So if you're feeling stressed or upset, reaching out to your
online friends can be a great way to vent and feel better.
Key word:
- helps you broaden your horizons and understand other ways of life, thinking
and traditions.
- discovers their traditions, customs, languages, and ways of life.
- expands your worldview and offer fresh insights into daily life

Making friends online is really common these days. That's a good thing
because it lets you connect with people from all over the world. This helps you
broaden your horizons and understand other ways of life, thinking and
When you talk to online friends from different countries, you get to learn about
their unique cultures. You can discover their traditions, customs, languages,
and ways of life. This is much more interesting than just reading about other
cultures in a book. You can ask your online friends questions and see how they
really live. This helps you understand and appreciate the diversity of how
people live across the globe.
Even though you may never meet your online friends in person, chatting with
them expands your worldview and offer fresh insights into daily life. It shows
you that there are so many different ways of life out there. Overall, online
friendships are a great way to learn about new cultures around the world.

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