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630 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Ouchi et a1 Vol.

48, No, 12
generally accepted t h a t the departure from stoichiometry in Jacques Robin, “Metallic Oxalates as Starting Materials for
these systems, with the consequent occurrence of lattice Preparation of Solid Solutions of Metal Oxides,” Bull. Soc. Chim.
France, 1953, No. 233 [11-121 1078-84.
vacancics and imperfections, makes the movement of ions so D. Dolliinore and D. Nicholson, “Thermal Deconiposition of
facile t h a t i t is impossible for either impurities or pores t o Oxalates: I,” J . Chem. Soc., 1962, 960-65.
build up on the grain boundaries, thus preventing discon- R . A. Brown, “Sintering in Very Pure Magnesium Oxide and
tinuous grain growth. Magncsium Oxide Containing Vanadium,” Am. Cevam. Soc. B d . ,
44 [6]483-87 (1965).
Contrary t o t h e work of Iida,‘ b u t in agreement with the R A. Brown, “Sintering in Calcium Oxide and Calcium
work 01 N i ~ h o l s o n , ’the
~ increase in grain size with sintering Oxidc Containing Strontium,” Am. Ceram. Soc. Hull., 44 [9] 693-
time appeared to follow the empirical law G3 = ht. 95 (1965).
Andre Boulle and J. L. Dorernieux, “Effect of the Nature of
the Atmosphere on the Thermal Decomposition of the Oxalates
Acknowledgments of Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel,” Comfit. Rend., 248, 2211-13 (1959).
Thc author exprcsses his gratitude to the Steetley Organization J W. Mcllor, Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and
Rcsearcli Dcpartrncnt for generous financial support of this re- Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. XV; pp. 375-76. Longmans, Green
searcii, anti tfianks A . J. B. Welch for initiating and supervising and Co., London, 1936.
thc work. N. V. Sidgwick, Chemical Elements and Their Compounds,
Vol. 11; pp. 1430, 1449. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1950.
11 H. B. Charman, R. M. Dell, and S. S. Teale, “Cheinisorption
References on M e t d Oxides: I,” Trans. Faraday Soc., 59 [482] 453-69
\.‘oshido Iida, ”Sintering of High-Purity Nickcl Oxide,” (1963).
.I. An?. Qvccm. SOC.,41 [lo1 397-406 (1958). l 2 M. T. Shim and W. J. Moore, “Diffusion of Kickel in Nickel
Yoshido Iida atid Shunro Ozaki, “Sintering of High-Purity
Nickel Oxidc, 11,” iDid., 42 151 219-28 (1959).
a I<. M . Spriggs, L. A. Brissette, and T . Vasilos, “Pressure- Crystals of Nickel Oxide,” J . Phys.
Siiitercd Nickel Oxide,” Am. Ceram. SOC.Hull., 43 [ 8 ] 572-77 l4 G. C. Nicholson, “Grain Growth in Zinc’Oxide.” j . A h .
(1064). Ceram. Soc., 48 [4] 214-15 (1965).

Piezoelectric Properties of Pb(Mg, Nb, )O - /3 /3 3

PbTiO -PbZrO Solid Solution Ceramics

3 3


Rcsearch Laboratory, Wireless Division, Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, Limited, Kadoma, Osaka, Japan

Ceramic and electrical properties and crystal perovskite structure compositions of various atoms and found
structures of the system Pb(Mgl/,NbP/J03- a complex compound, Pb(Mgl/,NbP/,)03, which had a dielec-
PbTi03-PbZrOa are described. The system is tric constant of 12,(i00 at a Curie temperature of - ld°C and
composed of three crystal phases at room tem- a spontaneous polarization of li X lo-” coulonibs/cm2 at
perature : pseudocubic, tetragonal, and rhombo- 10°C. Since the Curie temperature of -15°C is too low
hedral. A high dielectric constant and radial t o permit use as a piezoelectric above room temperature, the
coupling coefficient and low resonant resistance Pb(Mgi/,Nb2/JO3 modification is interesting because it raises
were obtained for the compositions near the the Curie temperature. T h e present study was carried o u t
morphotropic transformation. The composition with the system xPb(Mgl/,Nb2/,)03-yPbTiOa-zPbZrOa (x +
P b (Mgl/,Nb~/~)~.?37~Ti~
437aZr01 2 5 0 3 had the lowest y + z = 1) t o obtain a higher Curie temperature and higher
temperature coefficient of resonant frequency. piezoelectric properties at room temperature, The Curie
temperatures of PbTiOa and PbZr03 are 490” and 230”C,
respectively. It was also a purpose of the present study t o
I. Introduction show a morphotropic transformation in the ternary system,
r r I R t h e fundamental studies on lead titanate zirconate,
A1 ’b (Ti-Zr)Oa, were made by Shirane et u1.I and by
Sawaguchi,3 much attention was given to its piezoelectric
which was expected from the difference in the crystal struc-
ture of each compound at room temperature.

properties. Sincc Jaffe et al found t h a t thc system Pb(Ti- 11. Experimental Procedures
Zr)Os h a d a high potential as a n electromechanical trans-
( 1 ) Sample Preparation
ducer, modifications of Pb(Ti-Zr)03 and t h e effects of addi-
tives were studied extensively t o improve the piezoelectric Raw materials were obtained from chemical reagent grade
properties. The modifications were made by partial replace- PbO (99.5%), TiOB (98%), Zr02 (99.5%), NbZOs (98% and
ment of T i 4 +with Sn4+or Hf4+,5and a partial replacement of 0.9% Ta205),and MgO (93.4% and 6.5% water). A mixture
P b 2 + with Ca2+, Sr2+,bor Ba2f.7 Effective additives for of t h e raw material of a given composition was wet-milled
improving the dielectric constant, insulating resistance, and
aging behavior were Laz03, NbzOs,* SbzO3, RizOa,Yand Cr,- Received January 12, 1965; revised copy received May 5, 1965.
03.1O The writers are, respectively, group leader, research ceramist,
and section head, Piezoelectric Ceramics Group, Dielectric and
Recently, Smolenskir and Agranovskayall and Krainik and Ferroelectric Material Research Section, Research Laboratory,
Agranovskaya12 developed a possible method of preparing Wireless Division, Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, Ltd.
December 19Ii.5 Piezoelectric Properties of Pb (Mglp Nb2I3)03-Pb Ti03-PbZrOs Ceramics 63 1
Table I. Composition, Sintering Temperature, and Ceramic, Dielectric, and Piezoelectric Properties of Various
Solid Solutions
After poling
Composition* 7

(mole 1%) Sintering Dielectric Dissipation Radial Resonant Mechanical

,. ..... ~~ ~. 7 temp. Density constant a t factor a t coupling resistance, quality factor,
I Y z ( O C ) (dcm3) 1 kc 1 kc (%) (!A) R (ohm) OM

87.5 12.5 1250 7.24 2847 1.23 4.6 139 2 404

75.0 25.0 1270 7.27 2689 3.66 14.4 95 0 109
75.0 12.5 12.5 1270 7.36 1521 2.97 20.4 58 0 151
75.0 25.0 1270 7.07 973 2.09 8.0 462 0 150
62.5 37.5 1270 7.49 2027 2.83 18.2 62 2 134
62.5 25.0 12.5 1270 7.57 1277 2.80 26.2 86 4 82
62. 5 12.5 25.0 1270 7.63 1046 3.10 16.4 56 1 306
59.0 41.0 1270 7.44 1296 1.13 24.4 40 0 193
56.0 44.0 1270 7.47 999 1.04 23.6 48 9 214
5 3 .0 47 0 1270 7.52 1002 0.94 22.0 55 2 219
50 . 0 50.0 1270 7.54 915 1.22 19.7 82 3 2 10
50.0 40.0 10.0 1270 7.55 1481 1.34 30.4 33 3 146
50.0 3- .-
., I) 12.5 1270 7.58 1848 1.35 34.6 21 0 113
50 0 37.0 13.0 1270 7.51 1433 1.85 30.1 38 4 132
50 . 0 34.0 16.0 1270 7.49 1193 2.24 25.0 55 6 152
50. 0 31 . 0 19.0 1270 7.52 1038 2.49 26.1 53 I 171
50.0 25 0 25.0 1280 7.55 1011 3.15 25.7 45 0 189
50.0 12.5 37. 5 1290 7.62 756 3.18 25.7 44 3 255
50.0 ;io.o 1300 7.23 330 1.89 7.5 814 0 568
43.75 43. 75 12.5 1260 7.40 1356 1.70 25.7 47 3 156
37.5 (i2 5 1240 7.41 397 1.09 9.8 373 0 410
37.5 50 0 12.5 1260 7.57 840 1.60 27.4 49 5 187
37.5 40.5 22.0 1260 7.66 1716 1.96 39.2 28 4 94
37.5 :17. 5 25.0 1280 7.60 1587 2.32 48.0 18 9 96
37.5 :+I. 5 28.0 1280 7.58 1247 2.07 30.2 55 4 114
l37.5 25.0 37.5 1290 7.54 806 3.02 30.2 44 3 178
z . 5 12.5 30. 0 1300 7.65 557 3.24 23.7 62 1 286
31.25 : < I 25
. 3i.5 1290 7.57 989 3.17 28.0 51.6 151
25.0 75.0 1230 7.33 263 1.60 5.9 1394.0 300
25.0 (2.5 12.5 1250 7.47 487 1.64 24.6 72.0 262
25.0 5 0 .0 25.0 1300 7.50 920 1.43 29.0 66.7 126
25,o 43 0 32.0 1300 7.50 1254 1.67 30.3 33.0 173
25.0 40.0 35.0 1300 7.55 1274 2.05 46.3 25.5 101
25.0 37 5 37.5 1300 7.61 976 2.52 49.8 27.0 103
25.0 37.0 38.0 1300 7.50 1061 2.49 47.5 26 2 103
25.0 :34.0 41.0 1300 7.51 1049 2.26 39.9 36 0 109
25.0 :(I . o 44.0 1300 7.42 675 3.19 30.1 70.2 147
25.0 28.0 47.0 1300 7.44 630 3.55 29.7 62.8 175
25.0 25.0 50.0 1300 7.54 566 3.32 29.5 64.1 221
25.0 12 5 62.5 1300 7.47 493 2.97 20.7 80.0 314
25.0 75,O 1300 7.45 533 3.27 7.3 384.0 383
18.75 18.75 62.5 1300 7.51 429 3.10 23.4 87.5 277
18.7 81.3 1220 7.08 224 1.26 7.0 1695.0 250
12.5 87.5
-- 1200 6.54 137 3.20 No piezoelectricity
12.5 0
i .I. 12.5 1250 7.46 302 2.22 19.4 142.7 360
12.5 62 5 25.0 1310 7.55 404 0.95 25.7 89.0 246
12.5 .iO.0 37.5 1310 7.53 825 1.02 42.1 34.8 133
12.5 If;. 5 41.0 1310 7.50 912 1.69 44.6 33.7 109
12.5 18 5 44.0 1310 7.49 1246 1.65 49.2 20.6 101
12.5 40 5 47.0 1310 7.53 1090 1.50 45.8 28.1 108
12.5 :37.5 50.0 1310 7.44 593 2.45 44.0 47.1 121
12.5 31.5 53.0 1310 7.43 554 3.25 26.0 83.6 219
12.5 25.0 62.5 1310 7.43 432 2.90 25.0 92.5 235
12.5 12.5 75.0 1310 7.41 288 2.56 19.9 129.3 391
f i . 25 6.25 87.5 1300 7.22 251 2.75 12.5 275.4 462
1. o 48.0 51.0 1230 7.08 688 1.09 34.5 77.9 107
1 0 45.0 54.0 1230 7.12 514 1.55 33.6 59.8 186
1. o 42 0 57.0 1230 7.14 412 1.67 28.6 99 3 193

in a rubber-lined ball mill with sardonyx balls, dried, and The sintering time was 45 min. The sintered body was
prcsscd into a tablet at a compacting pressure of 400 kg/cm2. lapped to a thickness of 1 mm. Electrodes were formed
Each tablet was placed in a porcelain crucible with a cover by painting the body with silver paste and firing at 8OOoC.
and was calcined at 85OOC for 2 hr. The calcined material
was wet-milled for 17 hr using the previously mentioned ( 2 ) Electrical Properties
ball mill and was then dried. The ground material, with a Electrical capacitance and loss tangent were measured with
small amount oE water, was pressed into a tablet 20 mm in a capacitance bridge* at 20°C, 50y0rh, and at a frequency of
diameter by 2 nim thick a t a pressure of 700 kg/cm2. The 1kc. Curie temperature was determined by the usual method
compact was sintered on a platinum sheet covered with an and electrical volume resistivity was measured by an elec-
Alj03 crucible to prevent the evaporation of PbO. The ter- trometer? with a dc voltage of 10 v/mm.
nary system has less evaporated PbO than the binary system
PbTiOs-PbZrOs and is easily sintered. The sintering tem-
pcratures required for producing a high-density sintered * General Radio Type 716-C.
body were determined by measuring the density (Table I). f Takeda liiken Type B-84.
A32 Journal of ?'he American Ceramic Society-Ouchi et al. Vol. 48, No. 12

4 / * \

.' . . ... ,*

" "
. I(


PbTi03 2- PbZr03
Fig. 1. Compositions studied in the system Pb (Mgi/,Nb2/,)O3-
PbTiOs-PbZrOa and phase boundaries at room temperature,
where T = ferroelectric tetragonal; R = ferroelectric rhombo-
hedral; PC = ferroelectric pseudocubic.

( 3 ) Poling
Poling was done in silicon oil a t 100°C by applying a field selI'

of 4 ltv/mm €or 1 hr. The sample in silicon oil was cooled

to room temperature in 30 min. with the field maintained.
( 4 ) Piezoelectric Properties "k
Twenty four hours altcr poling, the radial coupling coeffi- C O M P O S I T I O N (MOLE 1
cient was mcasured by a method similar to that of the In- Fig. 2. Lattice constant of Pb(Mgl/,Nb2/,)03-PbTiOa-PbZrO~
stitute oi Radio Engineers Standards 13 Thc resonant fre- at room temperature. Values for the binary system when
quency, or the radial fundamental mode, and the resonant Pb(Mgi/,Nby,)03 = 0 are taken from Jaffe et al. (Ref. 5 ) .
teiistancc were measured a t 20OC and 50% rh. The mechan-
ical quality factor, QV, was calculated from the following
accuracy of the present experiment. A triple point may be
1 located at 0.2'iPb(Mgi/,Nba/,)O,, 0.38PbTi03, and 0.35Pb-
Vdf =
47r(fa - J'r)RC Zr03.
fa =antiresotiant frequency (cycles/sec). The lattice parameter of tetragonal PbTi03 is a = 3.905
f r = resonant frcqucncy (cycles/sec). A and c/a = 1.06316and the axial ratio decreases with an in-
/Z = resonant rcsistance (ohms). crease in Pb(Mgl/,Nbz/,)03 and PbZr03 as shown in Fig. 2.
C = clectrical capacitance (farads).
'The resonant rcsistance was obtained by matching thc highest (2) Curie Temperature
voltage at thc resonant I'requcncy with that obtained by Curie temperatures of Pb(Mgr/,Nbs/,)03 and PbTiOa
substitution of a selected known resistance. are - 1 5 O and 49OoC, respectively. When these materials
form a solid solution, the Curie temperature is expected to
( 5 ) X - R a y Analyses vary with the composition. Figure 3 shows the variation
X-ray powder diflraction examinations were made with a in Curie temperature for the system Ph(Mg~/,Nbi/,)O3-
recording diflractometer* using Cu Kol radiation through a PbTiO3. Curie temperatures of the binary system vary al-
nickel filter a t room temperature or occasionally a t high most linearly with the amount of each component but show a
temperature. kink at the composition of the morphotropic transformation.
Curie temperatures for the systems 0.25Pb (Mgl/,Nbz/,)O,-
111. Results and Discussion yPbTi03-zPbZrOs and 0.50Pb(Mgl/,Nb~/,)Os~yPhTiOs--zPb-
Zr03 also decrease with an increase in PbZrO:<as shown in
(I) Phase Relations Figs. 4 and 5. The Curie temperature curves of ihc ternary
A morphotropic transfornmation between a tetragonal system also show kinks at the composition of the inorpho-
phase (PbTiOa) and a pseudocubic phase (Pb(Mgl/,Nb2/,)03) tropic transformation. The kinks are in good agreement with
was found a t 0.41 mole fraction PbTiO3, and that between the results of the phase determinations.
a tetragonal and rhombohedral phase (PbZr03),was found at
0.45 mole fraction PbTiOs, as shown in Fig. 1. The tetrag- ( 3 ) Sintered Density
onal phase area is bounded by a convex curve to PbTiOs It is difficult to obtain a well sintered body of PbTi0316-18
in the present ternary compositions whereas the area of and PbZr03 because PbTiO3 has an abnormal anisotropic
tetragonal phase in PbTi03-PbZr0s-Pb0 : SnOz compositions5 crystallographic transformation a t the Curie temperature of
is bounded by a concave curve to PbTi03. A difference in 49OoC (i.e. transformation from a cubic to a tetragonal
these phase boundary shifts is related to ionic radii of the B site phase) and PbZrOs shows violent evaporation of Pb0.19
ion in a perovskite-type A1303 c0mpound1~but it cannot be I n Pb(Mgl/,Nbg/,)Os, it is difficult to obtain a good ceramic
fully explained at present. A morphotropic transformation because of a narrow range of sintering temperature. Since,
betwcen the rhombohedra1 and the pseudocubic phase is still however, the Pb(Mgl/,Nb2/,)03-PbTi03-PbZr03 compositions
ilncertain but may be drawn as shown in Fig. 1 within the are free from these difficulties, sintering becomes much easier.
Table I shows the sintered density for each composition a t
* Rigaku Denki D3F. various firing temperatures with a constant heating time of
December 1965 Piezoelectric Properties oJ’ I’O(Mg113 Nb213)03-PbI’iO3-PbZrOs Ceramics 633
5004 x103 X=075
2 E%?S
. x=o.
~ ~ 0 . 2
$g 2


.25 50 2 (a, PbZrO,

Fig. 6. Dielectric constant at 20°C and 1 kc for the system
xPb(Mgi/3Nbz/,)0s-yPbTi03-zPbZr03 with Pb(Mgl/,Nbz/,)O,
as a parameter. Values for the binary system when x = 0
I I are taken from Jaffe et al. (Ref. 5 ) .
Pb(MggNw0, .75 50 .25 0
Fig. 3. Curie temperature, T c , of Pb(Mgl/,-
Nbya)Os-PbTiO3 solid solution ceramics. W

I . I
X 0 01 125 25 375 50 59
.470 95 435 40 375 375 41
0 ,026 54 44 35 25 I25 0
Fig. 7. Dielectric constant and radial coupling coefficient of
xPb (Mgi/,Nb~/3)0~-yPbTiO~-zPbZr03 at a composition of
morphotropic transformatlon. Values for the binary system
when x = 0 are taken from Jaffe e t a l . (Ref. 5 ) .

, PbZrOs
PbTiOa .75 .50 .25 0
COMPOSITION (MOLE) 45 min. It is seen that a fairly high density is ohtained for
Fig. 4. Curie temperature of 0.25 Pb- the ternary compositions. The density ol 0.176PbTi03-
Mg1/,Nbz/,)O3 yPbTiOs - zPbZrOs solid 0.525PbZr03, however, unexpectedly decreases with the
solution ceramics. addition of a small amount of Pb(Mgi/,Nbl/,)O3 and then
increases with further additions. A similar decrease is also
reported by Sinyakov and Stafrichuk20 but is not at present
understood. Chemical analyses of PbO in a sintered tmdy
300 also indicated that compositions near a triple point showed the
least evaporation of PbO. There was no water absorption
- CUBIC in the compositions having a high density although their
2 observed densities were “7.5 g/cm3 which is below the average
X-ray density of 8. This indicates the existence of closed
pores in the sintered body.
( 4 ) Dielectric Constants
Dielectric constants af-ler poling are shown in Table I and
TETRJ PSEUDO Fig. 6. Figure 6 shows the dielectric constants of yPbTi03-
CUBIC zPbZrOs with xPb(Mg:/,Nbn/,)03 as a parameter. Since
I Pb(Mg:/,Nbz/,)Os has a high dielectric constant of 9000 a t
room temperature, the dielectric constant of yPbTi03-
0 .25 .JoPbZrO., zPbZr03 increases with the addition of Pb(Mgi/,Nb2/,)03.
P b T i Q s .50 25 0
I n each series (Fig. 6 ) the composition with maximum dielec-
tric constant coincides with the morphotropic transformation.
Fig. 5 . Curie temperature of 0.50
P b (Mgy,N by3)O,-yP bTiO3 zPbZr03 - This is in agreement with the behavior observed by JaEe
et aL5 Figure 7 shows the dielectric constant of the system
solid solution ceramics.
Journal of l'he American Ceramic Society-Ouchi et al. Vol. 48, No. 12
( I-X-3 1PbTi 0,



I- 5-


0 25 .50 .75 PKMghNqOs
(XI I.
Fig. 8. Radial coupling coefficient at 20°C for system xPb- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(Mg~/,Nb~/,)O~-yPbTiO,l-zPbZrO.~ with PbZrOs as a param- TEMPERATURE ('C)
eter. Fig. 10. Temperature dependence of radial coupling coeffi-
cient and dielectric constant for the composition ( A ) Pb-
and ( B ) Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)~.1~j-

I (I -X- X)PbTIO,

fraction and y = 0.37 to 0.435 mole fraction. The highest

radial coupling coefficients of each series (Fig. 9) are for the
compositions y = 0.37 to 0.375 mole fraction for x = 0.5
mole fraction; y = 0.375 to 0.405 mole fraction for x =
0.375 and 0.2.5 mole fraction; and y = 0.406 to 0.435 mole
fraction for x = 0.125 mole fraction. The foregoing com-
positions are in good agreement with those exhibiting maxi-
mums in dielectric constants (Fig. 6). It is concluded that
the high radial coupling coefficient is near the morphotropic
transformation for each compositional series. Figure 7 shows
the radial coupling coefficient of compositions a t the morpho-
tropic transformation. The minimum radial coupling co-
efficient is at the small addition of Pb(Mgi/,Nbz/,)O3 similar
to variations of the dielectric constant.
.25 50 -75 PbZrO,
Figure 10 shows temperature dependence of radial coupling
(2) coefficients and dielectric constants for two compositions.
COMPOSITION (MOLE) The ternary compositions are expected to have a high po-
Fig. 9 . Radial coupling coefficient at 20°C for system xPb- tential as electromechanical transducers up to 200OC.
(Mgl/,Nbz/,)Oi - yPbTiO:, - zPbZrOJ with Pb(Mgi/,Nb2/,)OS Resonant frequency of the ternary system of compositions
as a parameter. Values for the binary system when x = 0 in the range x = y = 0.375 to 0.625 mole fraction varies
are taken from Jaffe et al. (Ref. 5 ) .
slightly with temperature between 20" and 85OC as shown
in Fig. 11. This variation in the resonant frequency is very
small; the value a t the compositions x = 0.5, y = 0.375, and
x = y = 0.4375 was about 0.20%.
ad%( Mg~/,Nb~/,)O~-yPbTiO~-zPbZr0~ a t the composition of Mechanical quality factor and resonant resistance were
morphotropic translormation as a function of Pb(Mgl/,- also low a t the compositions where the high radial coupling
Nbz/,)Oj The dielectric constant of 0 475PbTi03-0 525- coefficient and dielectric constant were found (Table I).
PMrOa decreases considerably with a small addition of
I'b(Mgi/,Nbz/,)Oj This decrease may have resulted from the ( 6 ) Electrical Resistivity
low sintered density of compositions containing a small Figure 12 shows the temperature dependence of electrical
amount of Pb(Mgi/,Nbi/J03 The dielectric constant in- resistivity of xPb(Mgi/,Nb~/,)O~-yPbTiO3-zPbZr03. The
c r e a m and shows a maximum a t an addition of 0 5 0 mole electrical resistivity of the ternary compositions is higher
fraction of Pb (Mgl/3Nbl/a)0 I than that of the 0.5Pb(Mg1/,Nb2/,)03-0.5PbTiO3 solid solu-
tion and does not vary with the amount of PbZr03. Since
( 5 ) Piezoelectricity the activation energy of electrical conductivity does not vary
Figures 8 and 9 show the piezoelectric properties of the with the addition of PbZr03, the high resistivity of the ternary
5ystem xPb(Mgi/,Nbz/,)Ol yPbTi03-zPbZr03 a t various system may result from the replacement of Ti ions with Zr
values of x and z A composition of pseudocubic structure ions which interrupt the electrical conduction of the Ti
having a high Pb(Mgl/,Nbz/,)03 content exhibited a slight ions. The temperature-resistivity curves show a change in
piczoelectricity , similarly pure Pb(Mgi/,Nbz/,)03 had a piezo- slope at their Curie temperatures. The activation energy
electricity above its Curie temperature as reported by Smolen- below the Curie temperature is lower (19.7 kcal/mole) than
ski? and Agranovskaya A high radial coupling coefficient that (32.0 kcal/mole) above it. The reason for this is not
of over 45y0 was found a t a region of x = 0 125 to 0 375 mole known.
December 1905 Piezoelectric Properties oj” Ph (MgliaNb2ie)03-PbTi03-PbZrOa Ceramics

B. Jaffe, R. S. Roth, and S. Marzullo, “Properties of I’iczo-

electric Ceramics in the Solid-Solution Series Lead Titanate-Lead
IV. Conclusions Zirconate-Lead Oxide : Tin Oxide and Lead Titanatc-Lead Haf-
( I ) ‘The solid solutions of the system nPb(Mgi/,Nbz/,)O3- nate,” J . Res. Natl. Bur. Std., 55 [5] 239-54 (1955)11P2626.
yl’bTi03-zPbZr03 are coniposcd of pseudocubic, tetragonal, Frank Kulcsar, “Elcctronicchanical Properties of Lead Titan-
ate Zirconate Ceramics with Lead Partially Replaced by Calcium
and rhombohedra1 crystal phases. or Strontium,” J . Am. Ceram. Soc., 42 [ I ] 49-51 (1959).
(2) Dielectric constant atid radial coupling cocfficient of thc 7 T. Ikeda, “Studies on the (Ba,Pb)(Ti,%r)Oa System,”
tcrnary systeni are high at the compositions near the morpho- J . Phys. Soc. Japan, 14 [Z] 168-74 (1959).
tropic transformation between the tetragonal and pseudocubic * Frank Kulcsar, “Electromechanical Propertics of Lead Titan-
ate Zirconate Ceramics Modified with Certain Three- or Five-
or rhoinbohcdral phases. T h e low resonant resistance is Valcnt Additions,” J . Am. Cerarvc. Soc., 42 [7] 343-49 (1959).
xicar the morphotropic transforination. 0 M. Marutake, “Improved Lead Zirconate Titanate Composi-
(3) Curie temperature varies with a change in t h e composi- tion for Piczoelectrics,” Japancsc Pat. 16,673, 1961.
tion of the system and is reduced by addition OC Pb(Mgl/,- Frank Kulcsar, “Ferroelectric Ceramic Bodies,” U. S. I’at.
3,006,857, 1961.
Nh Z / J 03. 11 G. A. Sriioicnskir and A. I . Agranovskaya, “Dielectric
(4) T h e lowest temperature changc of resonant frequency Polarization of a Number of Complex Compounds,” Soviet I’hys.-
among t h e present spcciiiiens is found at the compositions Solid State (English Transl.), 1 [lO] 1429-37 (1960).
l 2 N. N. Krainik and A. I . Agranovskaya, “Antiferroclcctric
n = 0.375 t o 0.625 and y = 0.3‘75 t o 0.625 mole Iraction. and Ferroclectric Properties of Ccrtain Solid Solutions Containing
(5) T h e activation energy lor t h e electrical conductivity PbsMgWOs,” ibid., 2 [l]63-65 (1960).
above t h e Curie tcmperature is higher than t h a t below i t . “ I R E Standards on Piezoelectric Crystals: Measurements
of I’iezoclcctric Ceramics, 1961,” Proc. IRE, 49 [7] 116-69
Acknowledgments (1961).
‘The authors exprcss their sincere thanks t o S. Kisaka, manager 14 Takuro Ikeda and Tatsuya Okano, “I’iezoelcctric Ceramics
of this laboratory, €or his encouragement during this study, to of Pb(%r-Ti)OaModified by A+B3+03or A3’B”03,” Japan. J .
Y.Iida, assistant manager, for his guidance, to S. Mori €or thc AppZ. Phys., 3 [2] 63-71 (1964).
X-ray pattcrns, and t o K . Iwamoto for his cooperation in the cx- l5 Franco Jona and G. Shirane, Ferroelectric Crystals; Chapter
pcriniciital work. V, p. 217. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1962.
Gcn Shirane and Sadao Hoshino, “Phase Transition in Lead
References Titanate,” J . Phys. Soc. Japan, 6 [4]265-70 (1951).
Gcn Sliiraiic, KUUO Suzuki, and Akitsu Takeda, “Phase l7 E. C. Subbarao, “Studies on Lead Titanate Ceramics Con-
Transitions in Solid Solutions of Lcad Zirconate and Lead Titan- taining Niobium or Tantalum,” J . Am. Ceram. Soc., 43 131 119-22
atc: 11,” J . Phys. Soc. Japan, 7 [ l ] 12-18 (1952). (1960).
Gcii Sliiranc and Icazuo Suzuki, “Crystal Structurc of l 8 T . Y . Tien and W. G. Carlson, “Effect of Additives on Prop-
l’b(%r-’l3)Oa,”ibid., 7 131 333-35 (1952). erties of Lead Titanate,” ibid., 45 [12] 567-71 (1962).
Etsuro Sawaguchi, “Ferroclectricity Versus Antiferroelec- l 9 Iciyoshi Okazaki, “On the High Permittivity Ceramics Con-
tricity in the Solid Solutions of PbZrO3 and PbTiOs,” iDid.,8 151 taining PbO, the Evaporation of I’bO a t High Temperature,”
(il5--29 (1953). J . Ceram. Assoc. Japan, 66 1111 260-66 (1958).
’I B. Jaffe, I < . S. I<oth, and S. Marzullo, “Piczoclectric I’roper- 2o E. V. Sinvakov and E. A. Stafrichuk. “BaTiOS-Based Solid
ties of Lead Zirconate-Lead Titanate Solid-Solution Ceramics,” Solutions of Niobatcs and Tantalates of Transition Metals,”
./. A p p l . l’hys., 25 [ f j ] 809-10 (1954). Soviet Phys.-Solid State (Englzsh Transl ), 2 [l] 66-71 (1960).

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