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Newscasting Script

A1: Newscasting Live at JHCSC Dumingag Campus!

AA: This is News Patrol! (background music starts)
A2: Good Afternoon Mindanao
A3: Good Afternoon Dumingag!
A1: It’s a sunny day , March 18 2024!(background music)
A1: I am Angel Kate C. Gacasan!
A2: I am Carina Michiko D. Herdiles!
A3: And I am Nica Andrea B. Alferez !
AA: Your News Anchors for today! ( Background music na sd)
A3: Here to bring you the latest!
A2: Fundamental skills!
A1: In sports! (music na sd)
A1: And today we are going to report to you the fundamental skills!
A2&3: in softball! (music na pd)
A1: Don’t Change your channel as we will be right back after this short reminder(curtains
AR1: Coach, can I play Softball without learning or knowing the fundamental skills?
AR2: Of course not
AR1: Why?
AR2: Because to be effective in the game softball, a player needs the basic skills in batting,
base running, pitching, and fielding, do you understand now?
AR1: Yes Coach
AR1&2: learn the fundamental skills in softball to play effectively, A friendly reminder from
this station.
A2: Now we’re back. And Your still watching sports patrol
A1: Coach Prince of Green Hornets Softball Team shares his knowledge about the
fundamental skills in softball. Reporting at the Green Hornets Arena, reporter John Kelly S.
K: Thank you very much Angel, so here as you can see behind me is the Team Green Hornets
practicing and enhancing their fundamental skills in softball in preparation of their big game
this upcoming Saturday, and here we have coach Prince to teach us what these skills are. So
coach what are the fundamental skills in softball?
CP: uhm we have the batting, base running, pitching and fielding.
K: soooo what are those? Can you teach us?
CP: so for pitching the ball it should be fast and accurate. This is done through an overhand
which is doing this, we have sidearm like this, and lastly we have the underhand swing just
like this.
K: So how do you do those?
CP: wait let me call one of my players, Ariane come here
A: yes coach what is it?
CP: this is the Pitcher of the team Ariane Jalalon she is going to be the one teaching us the
pitching skills, this is her specialty(nihunghung)
A: so to do the overhand swing you have to: (a.)grip the ball with fingers slightly spread out.
Index, second finger, and thumb underneath. With the third and fourth fingers at the sides
just like this then (b.)place your elbow away from the body as your arm downward and back
from the shoulder and then (c.) shift body weight to the back foot and twist in the same
direction. Keep waist extended until before release of the ball. Rotate forearm so that the
palm faces the batter. Next (d.)push off with the back foot and step forward with the other
foot in the direction of the throw, so you could shift the weight from back to front foot and
after that you (e.) twist your hips, trunk, and shoulders as the entire arm and shoulder make
the throw with the forearm extended in front of the body then you will now (f.)release the
ball with a voigorous snap of the wrist and lastly you (g.) follow through with shoulder
carried forward in the direction of your throw just like this. (gilabay ang ball) If your gonna
do the underhand swing you just do this: You (a)grip the ball with the fingers pointing down
and palm facing the batter an then you (b) step backward with right leg and shift weight
back after that (c) swing the right arm down and backward until it is parallel to the ground
then swing back arm, down and forward while stepping forward with your left foot to shift
the weight to the front. And then you (d) release the ball with a vigorous arm flexion and
snap of the wrist. For the last part your just gonna do the same with the overhand’s last
K: wow this really is your specialty ain’t it
A: well I guess you can say that
K: what about the Fielding how do you do that?
CP: well let me call someone this is Mae and Tricia both of them are fielders
M: well if your fielding a ground ball (a) Be on ready position with feet wider that the
shoulder apart. Crouch on slightly bended knees and hips placing your hands closer to the
ground, move forward to the direction of the ball.(b) field the ball on stride position. Catch
the ball using open glove as it bounces on the ground or as it goes down.
T: if your fielding a fly ball (a) Cup both hands with thumbs together to catch a fly ball in
front of you. If (b) in case the ball is about to go overhead, pivot to the side of your gloved
hand, turn, and run backward watching the ball. (c) then catch the ball with slightly relaxed
fingers and have the hand and arm “give” with the ball to reduce impact. And lastly (d) you
have to move to a throwing position as soon as possible to do the throw after the catch.
K: Wow very interesting what about Batting? How do you bat properly?
CP: Well you just have to do follow this sequence you stand in a (a) batting position you (b)
Grip the bat then you (c) swing the bat and lastly (d) you follow through sfter hitting the ball
K: Pretty clean and smooth
CP: well you could say that after all it is my specialty
K: Well mister Prince what is baserunning? I mean how do you perform it?
CP: let me call someone, this is Glaiza Padua the team captain and she specializes in batting I
mean she is so good when it comes to batting.
G: so after you finish striking a bat you have to do this sequence of movements (a) stand in a
runners position (b) go for a sprint then (c) you do a hook slide and then (d) the classic
bent-leg or straight-in slide.
K: wow I can now see why you praised her so well I mean this is spectacular all of this
CP: what can I say I am their coach after all, trained em real hard if you knew what I mean
K: wow thank you so much mister Prince for making time for us to interview you thank you
so much!
CP: No worries everything is a-ok.
K: And that is all for the fundamental skills of softball, back to you Angel
A1: Thank you Kelly for sharing those informations.
A2: And that is all for our sports news this afternoon
A3: As always thank you for watching
A1: enjoy and stay safe
AA: This is Sports Patrol out!

Roles: Props:
Anchor 1 (A1): Gacasan Curtain
Anchor 2 (A2): Herdiles Tarpapel
Anchor 3 (A3): Alferez Formal Clothes for Anchors, reporter and coach
Actor 1 (AR1): Gacasan Sports wear for Players
Actor 2 (AR2): Suerte Bat
K: Bargayo Ball
CP: Prince
A: Jalalon
M: Pacobilangnan
T: Sanchez
G: Padua, Glaiza

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