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Text 1 Text 2
A few weeks ago, I came with my friend Visiting our friend’s house could be an exciting and fun experience, but it didn’t happen
Bobby to go shopping in a supermarket. On our way to me. Otherwise, it became one of my worst experiences I’ve ever had in my whole life.
back home, I felt something strange about the This terrifying experience happened when I was in junior high school. That day, my
motorcycle. Bobby told me that we were out of four classmates and I decided to visit one of our friends Arman afterschool. Fortunately, the school
gasoline. I was terrified because we had no more was over earlier because all the teachers were going to have a meeting. So, we went to Arman’s
money left in our pocket at all. We had spent all the house at about 09.00 am. We went to his house by riding bicycle. It was quite long trip for riding
money for shopping and our home was still about 5 bicycle. His house was about 5 km away from our school. It took about an hour to get there.
kilometers away. We had no choice but to push the Finally, we almost get there. It was only a wooden suspension bridge that we need to
motorcycle all way home. cross to get to Arman’s house. One by one of my friends crossed the bridge effortlessly. It looked
When we were pushing our motorcycle easy. Then, it was my turn and Arman was the last one. I crossed the bridge slowly but when I
hopelessly, suddenly a man on a motorcycle asked crossed it, I just realized something strange. It was so shaky. It turned out that one of my friends
us what was happening. We briefly told him about was shaking the bridge’s wire at the end of the bridge. I was panic and lost control, and then I hit
our problem. Surprisingly, he gave us some money the side of the wooden bridge. I almost fell into the river, but luckily my bike accidentally got
to buy some gasoline. After giving us the money he stuck in a wire of the bridge. Arman immediately approached and gave me some help to take my
went. I couldn’t say how happy we were that time. bike to the end of the bridge. I continued to cross the bridge on foot. My friend who shook the wire
We pushed our motorcycle quickly to the nearby gas said sorry and told me that it was just for fun, but I thought that was too much.
station. Thanks to the random man, we didn’t have Since that day, I have not visited Arman's house by riding bicycle again. Although he
to push our motorcycle all the way home anymore. said that the bridge has been rebuilt and so stable but I’m still afraid.

1. Based on text 1, what is the main problem of the text?

2. Based on both text, How did the writer feel?
3. Who helped the writer in text 1 and text 2?

Amber : Congratulations, Jane!

Jane : Thank you, but, what for?
Amber : For winning the art competition. You did win, didn’t you?
Jane : No, I didn’t, or more correctly, I haven’t. The announcement is not until next month.
Amber : Oh, dear. Silly. What’s tonight’s party for, then?
Jane : Oh. It’s my little sister birthday. me She’s turning five.
Amber : I wish her a happy birthday, then.
Jane : Thank you. I’m sure she appreciates it.
Amber : I like your sister. She’s very cute. I hope she’ll have a great birthday party.
Jane : Wait. Aren’t you coming?
Amber : No, I’m not. I have a deadline for tomorrow. I’ll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
Jane : Oh. I hope you can finish your deadline on time. Good luck, Amber.
Amber : Thanks.
4. What activity should be done by Amber to fulfill Jane’s hope?
5. What is possible relationship between the two speakers?
6. Why does Ambar think that the parti is for Jane?

Text 1 Text 2
In ancient times there lived two brothers named Xia Ming and Once upon a time in Riau, lived a pair of husband and wife. They
Yao Ming. They lived on the edge of a beach. One day, their rich father were very poor. The husband did not want to help his wife to earn a
died. Xia Ming brought all the wealth of his father and left his living. The wife was helpless, she often prayed to God to help her
brother.Then Yao Ming became very poor. husband.
One day, an old man who starved came to his home. He asked One night the husband had a dream. In his dream, an old man
for some food to Yao Ming. He gave the old man all his food. Then he came to him. He told the husband to take his sampan and went to river.
told Yao Ming to go to the top of the mountain. “Go to the top of the "Go to the middle of the river and wait until a rope appears from the
mountain! There you will find a cave filled with fairies. Go and ask a river. Take the rope slowly, and then you will find a golden chain. You
magic stone to them!” He said. can cut and take it, but don't take the chain too long," said the old man.
In the next day, Yao Ming went up to mountain and brought all The husband then woke up from his dream.
his foods. When arriving at the top of the mountain, he found the cave In the next day, the husband took his sampan and went to river.
and a lot of fairies in it. The fairies were starving; and he gave all the He wanted to do the old man's advice as said in his dream last night.
food to them. The fairies were happy, “Ask something to us!” they said. After the husband arrived in the river, he rowed his sampan until he
“Give me a magic stone!” He pleaded. Then the fairies gave him a magic reached the middle of the river. Suddenly a rope appeared from the river.
stone. After that he returned to his house. He slowly pulled the rope and at the end of the rope he saw a golden
When Yao Ming got home, he was hungry while all his food had chain! The chain was made from pure gold. "Wow! It’s really made of
run out. “I want to eat something!” He said to himself. Suddenly a gold. I’m rich. I’m rich," the husband said happily. He kept pulling the
delicious meal appeared on his the table. Since that day, Yao Ming chain. He forgot the old man's advice and he wanted to take the golden
became affluent person. His brother heard the wonders of magic stone. chain as long as possible.
He stole it when her brother was asleep. Afterward, he went to sail in the While he was busy pulling out the golden chain, a bird came to
ocean. him. It talked, "Remember the old man's advice. Take only a short golden
Xia Ming who was greedy asked for salt to be sold. Then salt chain." But the poor man kept on pulling out the chain. Slow but sure,
appeared in the boat but he felt it was not enough. He asked for more salt his sampan was full of the golden chain. Finally the sampan could not
so that he could earn more money. The stones kept excreting salt without hold the weight any more. The sampan started to drown. The golden
stopping untill the ship along with Xia Ming sank to the sea floor. Until chain was sinking and went to the bottom of the river. The poor man was
now the stone continues to excrete salt and make all the oceans became so panicked but he could swim as fast as possible to the river side.

7. What is the similar situation of two stories above?

8. What good attitude should you do in your daily life based on the texts?
9. What will probably happen if Yao Ming did not say that he wanted to eat something on text 1?
10. What can we learn from the texts?

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