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2. DURATUN NASEKHAH 2201422053

3. NOVI INTAN APRILIA 2201422063


Structuralism is the study avout the stucture and

relationship between elements in varous subject,
such as literature, linguistics, anthropology, history,
socio-economics, and psychology.
1. Esai F.M. de George's on Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Chats' (1972) is considered to be the birth
point of structuralism, although it was previously thought to have begun to emerge in the

2. Structuralism is an approach to cultural analysis that emerged in the late 19th and early
20th centuries, collecting and analyzing data about social phenomena that are not directly
connected to the phenomenon being described, encompassing fields such as literature,
linguistics, anthropology, and history.

3. The historical development of cultural structuralism occurred as the discourse on society

and knowledge shifted.

4. The revival point of structuralism occurred in the 1950s, with important contributions from
F.M. de George's essay on 'Les Chats' and Roman Jakobson, a linguist.

5. The year 1966 was an important milestone in the revival of structuralism with the
mainstream, marked by the cartoon "Le déjeuner des structuralistes" or the structuralists'
lunch party.
Figures of structuralism
1. Ferdinand de Saussure 7Jacques Lacan
2. Roland Barthes 8. Louis Althusser
3. Claude Lévi-Strauss 9. Jacques Derrida
4. Roman Jakobson 10. Gayatri Chakravorty Shivak
5. Pierre Bourdieu 11. Edward Said
6. Michel Foucault
Impact of Structuralism
in Literature

helps to analyze the text more profoundly.

helps to discover the meaning contained in
the structure and relationships between the
elements of the text.
Example: Roland Barthes used structuralism to
analyze literary texts and discover the meanings
hidden behind them.
Impact of Structuralism
in Linguistics
Structuralism helps understand language as
a system.
Structuralism helps explore language more
scientifically and systematically.
Example: Ferdinand de Saussure used
structuralism to analyze language and
discovered the concepts of langue and parole
Impact of Structuralism in
Helps to understand culture in a more in-
depth and systematic way.
Helps to find meaning in the structure and
relationships between cultural elements.

Example: Claude Levi-Strauss used structuralism

to analyze the mythology of a society and
discover its universal structure.
Impact of Structuralism in
Structuralism helps us understand history
in a deeper way.
Structuralism helps to find the structure
and relationships between events and
phenomena in history.
Example: The Annales School uses
structuralism to analyze history and discover
the long-term structure underlying historical
Impact of Structuralism in

Structuralism helps understand the

structure and relationships between
elements in the socio-economic system.
Structuralism helps analyze the system
and find contradictions within it.
Example: Karl Marx used structuralism to
analyze the system of capitalism and find
contradictions within it.
Impact of Structuralism
in Psychology
Helps understand structure and focuses on the
relationship between elements in psychology.
Encourages psychologists to use scientific
research methods to study consciousness.
Helps psychologists to develop a more
comprehensive understanding of how the mind
Example: Sigmund Freud applied structuralism to
analyze the human mind so that he could discover
Lévi-Strauss' Concept of

1 2
Structure Concept Transformation Concept
is a change of form that
Is a model created to understand and
contains meaning, only a
explain cultural phenomena.
change on the surface, not on
Structure can be divided into two: a deeper level. and
1. external structure transformation can also refer
2. internal structure. to a change of arrangement.
Structuralism is an aspect of cultural analysis that
emphasizes the importance of understanding the
structure and relationships between elements in
fields such as literature, linguistics, anthropology,
history, socio-economics, and psychology. The
concepts of structure and transformation are at
the core of structuralism.
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