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Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

Discovering the Ways to Prevent Bullying in School of

Tarlac National High School
Hannah Gail B. Arceo, Jolyn Rose M. Villapana, Ma. Lyka P. Rose, John Lester F. Alcaide,
Marc Limuel C. Rimando
Humanities and Social Sciences, Senior High School
Tarlac National High School, San Roque Tarlac City, 2300 Philippines,,,,

The main objective of this study was to identify and discover the strategies for preventing bullying at school. The
study utilized a survey questionnaire to collect data from the students of Tarlac National High School. The findings
revealed that verbal bullying is the most common type experienced by the students in the school. Students usually
take measures such as telling the bully to stop, ignoring the bully, and seeking help from teachers, friends, or family
members. Parents can also play a role in preventing bullying by teaching their children about empathy, kindness,
and respect for others. Prevention and intervention programs are essential to combat bullying and promote a safe
and inclusive environment for all individuals.
KEYWORDS- Prevention, Bullying

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that involves the repeated use of power, physical strength, or popularity to
intentionally hurt, harm, or intimidate someone who is perceived to be weaker or vulnerable. It can take many
forms, including physical, verbal, social or psychological aggression, and can happen in various settings, such as
school, workplace, online, or in the community.
Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior by another youth or youth group that is not a sibling or perceived
power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is likely to be repeated. Bullying can take many forms such as
name calling, teasing, spreading rumors, physical violence, and cyber bullying. It can occur in person or online, and
it can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, gender, race, or social status.
Bullying is often characterized by a power imbalance between the bully and the victim, where the bully seeks to
assert dominance and control over the victim. Bullying can have serious and long-lasting effects on the victims’
mental and emotional wellbeing including anxiety depression, low self-esteem, social isolation, and even suicidal
thoughts or behaviors. It is important to take bullying seriously and to take steps to prevent and address it whenever
it occurs.
Bullying in schools is a global problem that can have negative consequences for the overall school climate and for
the right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear and doubt. A student who is afraid and doubt about
their safety inside the school can affect their learning and also their daily life and it can also affect their mental
health and even cause depression and their grades will drop in school which can be difficult for them, and bullying
can also force them to hurt themselves and in their self can be lost just because of bullying them or make fun of their
Schools play a crucial role in addressing bullying and creating a safe and supportive environment for all students.
Educators, parents, and students themselves need to work together to identify and prevent instances of bullying and
to provide support and resources for those who have been affected by it. By promoting kindness, empathy, and

Address: San Roque, Tarlac City

Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

respect, we can create a culture of inclusivity and acceptance that will benefit all students. This study focused on the
experience of bullying in school. Nonetheless, this study excludes the experiences of the student and who gets
experience bullying.
Research question
1. What kind of bullying is experienced by students in school?
2. What are the effects of bullying on students?
3. What are the different ways to prevent bullying in school?

Scope and Delimitations

This study describes and explains the different ways to prevent bullying in school. The participant will be the grade
11 HUMSS in Tarlac National High School main and we will present his/her answer here on what does he/she
understand and know on the question.

Related literature
According to Gatchalian, who chairs the Senate committee on basic education, described as worrisome the
prevalence of bullying, as it was supposed to have been addressed by Republic Act 10627 aims to protect children
enrolled in kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools and learning centers (collectively, “Schools”) from
being bullied.
According to Charlotte Rayner, Helge Hoel (1998) This is provide literature signposts for the new researcher into
adult bullying. A concise, but not exhaustive, overview of literature relating to workplace bullying is undertaken. It
draws on the base provided by work into school bullying and progresses to the arena of adult bullying. In both fields
Scandinavian countries have contributed a significant proportion of the research. Research reported in the English
language into adult bullying at work is rather limited but will have emphasis in this paper. Broadly there are two
direct approaches; that of investigating the incidence of bullying, and that of attempting to understand the bullying
According by David P. Farrington Bullying is repeated oppression, psychological or physical, of a less powerful
person by a more powerful one. The prevalence of bullying by and of school children is quite high; in some studies,
about half of children were bullies, and over half were victims. Boys bully more than girls, but boys and girls are
victimized about equally. Generally, bullies are aggressive, tough, strong, confident, and impulsive. Victims are
unpopular, lonely, rejected, anxious, depressed, unwilling to retaliate, and lacking in self-esteem. Prevention
methods aim to improve the social and friendship skills of the victim and the empathy of the bully and to improve
adult supervision and "whole school" environments. In Norway, a nationwide campaign against bullying seemed to
be successful.
According of Chris Lee Preventing Bullying in Schools: A Guide for Teachers and Other Professionals offers a
series of activities and discussion points aimed at increasing awareness about bullying and informing school policy
and practices. This practical guidebook is aimed primarily at teachers and others working in schools as well as
students of education.
According to the book of bullying in Irish Education by Mona O’Moore and Paul Stevens 2013 School bullying is
receiving increasing attention as a phenomenon which is present in all schools. Despite previous books on the topic,
bullying continues to thrive, become more sophisticated and poses serious problems for school populations in both
primary and post-primary sectors. The appeal of this book is twofold. Firstly, it explores bullying from different
perspectives bullying education namely pupils, teachers, and principals. Secondly it is research based but the
concerns, shortcomings and challenges which bullying presents in the educational environment are explored and
realistic strategies and support strategies are proposed. Given the keen interest in bullying internationally this book
provides a comparative text clearing indicating research and practice in Ireland. This literature review focuses on
bullying that involves children and youth in elementary, middle, and high schools. The review summarizes research
Address: San Roque, Tarlac City
Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

related to the scope of bullying in the United States; different types of bullying; theoretical foundations; predictors,
risk factors, protective factors, and consequences of bullying; and interventions focused on prevention and/or
reduction. Challenges and gaps in the literature are also identified.

Related Studies

Bullying started more than 40 years ago defined this behaviour as ‘aggressive, intentional acts carried out by a group
or an individual repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself’
(Olweus, Citation 1993). Despite some debate over the definition, most researchers agree that bullying involves the
intent to harm and an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim, and it takes place repeatedly
(Farrington, Citation1993 Olweus, Citation1993). Bullying involves a dynamic interaction between the perpetrator
and the victim. The bully increases in power, and the victim loses power. As a result, it is difficult for the victim to
respond or to cope with the problem (Menesini et al. Citation2012 Swearer & Hymel, Citation2015). Bullying
comprises verbal attacks (e.g. name calling, threats), physical behaviours (e.g. hitting, kicking, damaging victim’s
property), and relational/social aggression (e.g. social exclusion, rumour spreading) (Monks & Smith, Citation2006;
Olweus, Citation1993; Smith, Citation2014) up to the most recent forms of attacks through Internet and new
technologies (also referred to as cyberbullying).

In journal of Bradshaw, C. P. (2015). Bullying continues to be a concern in schools and communities across the
United States and worldwide, yet there is uncertainty regarding the most effective approaches for preventing it and
addressing its impacts on children and youth. This paper is findings from a series of studies and meta-analyses
examining the efficacy of bullying prevention programs. Drawing upon a public health perspective and findings
from the field of prevention science, this paper aims to inform potential future directions for enhancing the adoption,
high quality implementation, and dissemination of evidence-based bullying prevention programs. It is concluded
that although bullying prevention programs can be effective in reducing bullying and victimization among school-
aged youth, there is a great need for more work to increase the acceptability, fidelity, and sustainability of the
existing programs to improve bullying-related outcomes for youth. The findings from this review are intended to
inform both policy and public health practice related to bullying prevention.

According to article of Suzanne Le Menestrel (2020) Preventing Bullying: Consequences, Prevention, and
Intervention Bullying is a significant public health problem with both short- and long-term physical and social-
emotional consequences for youth. A large body of research indicates that youth who have been bullied are at
increased risk of subsequent mental, emotional, health, and behavioral problems, especially internalizing problems,
such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and loneliness summarizes a recent consensus report from the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice, and
what is known about the consequences of bullying behavior and interventions that attempt to prevent and respond to
Jef Menguin (2009) Stop Bullying in the Philippines: Meaning, Laws, Effects, & Preventions Bullying in schools
and the neighborhood was common when I was young. It comes in many forms and the impact on children varies.
These days in the Philippines, even total strangers can bully us. Cyberbullying happens every day. We adults must
have experienced ridicule and humiliation from people we don’t know, who looked down on us, and who made us
feel unsafe even though we are alone in our locked rooms. that tells the stories of bullies, the bullied, and the
bystanders. Most people do not understand these three characters. Knowing why they do what they do can help us
stop bullying and cyberbullying in the Philippines.

Jake J. Maderazo (2023) School bullies: Unbearable scourge to Filipino families the world survey that our country
was number one among 70 countries in bullying is both alarming and worrisome. This finding came from an
undated report from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) also used by the OECD (Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development). In 2016, the National Baseline Survey on Violence against Children
led by the Council for the Welfare of Children said 65 percent of Filipino students from Grade 1 to Grade 12 have
been bullied nationwide. Compare this to the world average of only 20 percent by the OECD.

Address: San Roque, Tarlac City

Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)


This Qualitative research will used a case study research design. This will be used to better understand the struggle
and experience of a person who get bullied in school, most importantly how to prevent bullying.

This study involves six students who experienced bullying at Tarlac National High School. the participants were five
females and one male. The Participants of the study are selected using their experience about bullying. This study
used a purposive face to face interview method. This type of face-to-face interviewing method is appropriate for the
study because the researchers are concerned for a participant who is victims of bullying.

In gathering information needed in this study, the researchers used face to face interviews. Due to the format of face-
to-face interview, it may create a casual environment and will let the participant feel comfortable and share more
experiences. The researchers used face to face and giving surveys and Google form interviews to acquire data. The
researchers categorized interview questions based on their experience, the advantages and disadvantages, and
challenges they are facing in preventing bullying. The questions were arranged carefully to collect inclusive data and
insights about their experiences in preventing bullying. To accomplish the face-to-face interview, the researchers
asked permission and provided a letter of consent. The letter of consent will be authorized by the research adviser.
The researchers conducted a proper schedule and set-up which fits the participants’ preference. After the interview,
all the data will be gathered and go through mode of transcription.

1. The different kinds of bullying and how they manage the bullying situations.
P1“Verbal Bullying and I handle bullying whenever I am at school, I approach my teacher and tell them what
happened if the bully continues bully me after the teacher talk to them, I am telling my family what happened so
they can do something about it.” P2 Panlalait at pangungutya hindi nalang pinapansin minsan nanahimik nalang
para wala ng gulo. P3 “Physical bullying i raised it by not paying attention to them while they are bullying me .” P4
School bullying, i manage by being calm and understanding. P5 Teasing and name calling ignoring and stay aways
from them. P6“I experience physical and verbal bullying na hahandle ko siya sa pamamagitan ng pananahimik kasi
kung hindi ako mananahimik hindi sila titigil”

2. The effect that they experience and the ways they do to protect themselves from bully people.
P1, I get bullied by my physical appearance, I experience having too many insecurities to the point that I really want
to change the way I look there are no specific and to protect yourself from bully people because they are
everywhere, maybe try not to get an interaction to them. P2 “Masakit kasi sa pakiramdam binubully ka ng kapwa mo
estudyante at para sa protection ko Sinasabi ko sa mga kaibigan ko na pinagkakatiwalaan ko.” P3 The effect is that I
can go to school because of bullying and the way I can protect myself is to report to my teacher. P4 The effect of
School bullying is traumatizing, and I protect myself by avoiding bullying people. P5 The effect to me is trauma and
you must be friends with them. P6 “Na apektuhan nito ang aking mental health kaya minsan hindi na ako
nakikihalobilo sa ibang tao Lumalayo nalang ako sa kanila para hindi na maulit yung nangyari sa akin dati”

3. The lesson that they learned and the way to prevent bully in school.
P1, never ever listen to what the bully tells you, it will ruin you, and always speak for yourself to prevent bullying in
school have seminar about bullying or teachers and students can also join one disciplinary action to those students
who bullies their schoolmates. P2 “Natutunan ko na hindi mambully ng kapwa ko estudyante and instead of bullying
you just be friends with someone. And strategies to prevent is need to taught respect or provide respect to student.”
P3, I learned that you should not let yourself be bullied and that you should report to the teacher or family. And the
way to prevent bullies in school depends on their family because children tend to bully their classmates or
schoolmates because of their family problems at their homes. P4 “Not all the time you are kind to other people. As

Address: San Roque, Tarlac City

Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

the student if they have problem that’s why they bully to their classmates.” P5, I learned to be strong and be
prepared always and the Ways to prevent bullying is you need to pakisamahan siguro tell them to the office. P6
“Hindi lahat ng taong kilala mo ay pareho ng turing sayo minsan sila pa ang tumitira sayo patalikod. Kailangan
mong matutunan kung paano ipagtanggol ang sarili mo sa ibang tao para hindi ka nila minamaliit mga paran para
matigil ang bully na tao isumbong at kausapin mo baka may may problem siya.”

1. The different kinds of bullying and how they manage the bullying situations.
Based on the data that the researchers collected from respondents. They all encountered various forms of bullying,
the three of them admitted to ignoring the bully and not paying attention to them, while the other three claimed to
have handled the issue by remaining silent or remaining composed and understanding. based on (Monks &
Smith, Citation2006) Bullying comprises verbal attacks (e.g. name calling, threats), physical behaviours (e.g. hitting,
kicking, damaging victim’s property), and relational/social aggression (e.g. social exclusion, rumour spreading) and
based on our respondent the two participants endure taunting and name-calling, whereas participants four
encounter verbal and physical bullying. Participants three use ignoring and not paying attention to control or handle
their circumstance. The last participant, participant 1 succeeds by telling it to her teacher and her family. Participants
two remain silent, calm, and understanding.

2. The effect that they experience and the ways they do to protect themselves from bully people.
Each respondent's response has a unique impact, although participant one is very insecure about herself. Participants
two and three experienced the effect of being unable to attend school, participants four and five they feel the effect
of trauma, and participant 06 experiences the influence of her mental health. All participants share their strategies for
protecting themselves. Participants three avoid bullying. Participants two three and five inform a friend or instructor.
3. The lesson that they learned and the way to prevent bully in school.
Suzanne Le Menestrel (2020) Preventing Bullying: Consequences, Prevention, and Intervention Bullying is a
significant public health problem with both short- and long-term physical and social-emotional consequences for
youth. All participants have a lesson about their experience in bullying so the participant one her lesson doesn’t
listen to the bullies and speak to yourself like participants three and five their lesson is to be strong and not let
yourself be bullied and participant four and six their lesson is don’t trust easy in people and last participant two her
lesson is don’t bully your fellow students. Some of the participants, the way to prevent bullying in school. Kids need
to be taught or reprimanded to respect their fellow students in order to prevent bullying at school. Join a seminar
about bullying and educate students about bullying. In journal of Bradshaw, C. P. (2015 is findings from a series of
studies and meta-analyses examining the efficacy of bullying prevention programs. Some strategies to prevent
bullying promote a culture of respect promote respect by encouraging positive behaviors, such as kindness, empathy,
and cooperation. Provide support for victims of bullying. They need support to cope with the emotional impact.
Through counseling and other resources. And the one participant said that why they do bully because of their
problem, or they have a problem so that they do to bullying so talk to him to stop bully. (Jef Menguin) That tells the
stories of bullies, the bullied, and the bystanders. Most people do not understand these three characters. Knowing
why they do what they do can help us stop bullying and cyberbullying in the Philippines.

Bullying is a common experience that many people can experience at different stages of their lives. If you are
experiencing this situation, here is some advice you can follow:

1 Be brave and be strong. This is important because if you are not brave the enemy will overpower you.

Address: San Roque, Tarlac City

Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

2 love yourself. Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

3 Never give up on life because giving up on life is not a solution, be strong and always pray to God.

4 Talk to other authorized or professionals. You don't have to face what you're going through alone. Talk to people
you can trust, such as friends, relatives, teachers or the other authorities.

The study is focused on preventing bullying in school. the participant has his own method and strategies to
prevent bullying in school, their methods are to join in seminar or counseling about bullying if they have a habit
of bullying their fellow students, they need to be taught discipline to learn and others their way is to tell the
teachers to talk to them and stop the bullying For some participants, making a safe and encouraging atmospheres
for all students in the classroom means preventing and dealing with bullying. We discovered that bullying is a
significant problem that students deal with at school. Bullying can have major detrimental impacts on mental
health, academic performance, and social connections, according to our participants who experienced it.

[1]. Empathy, Cyberbullying, and cyber victimization among Filipino Adolescent,two
[2]. Review of Related: Literature and Studies
3]. Understanding and preventing bullying
[4]. Bullying in schools
[5]. School bullying: Insights and perspectives
[6]. Local Sources
[7]. Cyber Bullying: Examining curriculum and policy in eastern north
[8]. PDF Campus bullying in the senior highschool; Q Qualitative Case study
Address: San Roque, Tarlac City
Telephone Number: (045) 800 7735, (045) 982 9565
Email Address:
Tarlac National High School Main (ISSN: 2651-6993)

[9]. A systematic Literature review on the effects of bullying at school
10. Bullying: recent developments

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