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LENA AMALIA 2201422040

FAZA AMELIA 2201422050

“The minister of education of Indonesia decides to change the uniform policy for students.”
Economic perspective
A: We disagree with the argument about “The minister of education of Indonesia decides to
change the uniform policy for students.” Because the policy of changing school uniforms by
the Indonesian Minister of Education is considered burdensome for parents.
R: Because this policy can put an economic burden on parents, especially in rural areas or
families with children attending several levels of education. They objected because school-
provided uniforms tend to be more expensive than buying their own at market prices. This
was expressed by (P) and (B) as those who objected to the policy.
E: According to the statement (P) "There are four pairs of uniforms, namely gray and white,
scout, typical school (uniform), and sportswear. Everything except the sportswear was still
fabric, so we had to shell out more money for sewing the material. The fee is around IDR
150,000 per set,” said P, Tuesday (1/8/2023). According to P, the price of uniforms sold at
the school's cooperative is much more expensive than those sold in the market. In a uniform
store, a set of ready-to-wear gray and white uniforms are sold for Rp 179,000.
Meanwhile, B (40), another resident in Brebes District, also complained about the policy that
requires the purchase of uniforms at one of the state madrasah aliyah, where his child is
studying. According to B, the school asked parents to pay Rp 3,534,000 during the re-
registration process. The money is used to pay school committee fees of Rp 1,406,000 and
school cooperative fees of Rp 2,128,000.
Linkback: from what we have explain, we know that parents especially in rural areas and
families with children attending several levels of education object to the school uniform
policy that requires purchase at school because it is considered more expensive. Evidence is
provided in the form of statements (P) and (B) that feel burdened by the cost of school
uniforms that must be issued. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate this policy so that it does
not burden parents.

Difference Perspective
A: We disagree with the argumen tentang “The minister of education of Indonesia decides to
change the uniform policy for students.” Because the national school uniform policy that
requires the use of certain traditional clothing has the potential to lead to discrimination and
alienation of students from minority groups.
R: This is because Indonesia has an extraordinary cultural wealth, with hundreds of different
ethnic groups and cultures. Each region has traditional clothing that represents its culture.
The Network for Education Watch Indonesia (JPPI) national coordinator Ubaid Matraji
underlined that there is not one region in Indonesia that has a singular culture and if a specific
traditional costume was implemented as a school uniform, students of minority groups might
be forced to follow the majority cue.
E: As stated by Ubaid “These children could be alienated by their environment because of
that policy,” on Friday. He said that education institutions should be inclusive and open for
anyone, including to those prone to discrimination, and any policy that could marginalize
minority groups should not be enforced.

L: from what we have explain, we know that choosing one particular traditional dress as the
national uniform can exclude the cultural richness of other regions and potentially lead to
discrimination against minority students. This is contrary to the purpose of education which
should value diversity and inclusion.

Therefore, we disagree with the argument about changing the national school uniform policy
to require the use of a particular traditional dress.

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