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M.D/M1S- AYURVEDA PRELIMINARY. PAPERS stansnies PART-A RESEARCH METHODOLOGY + Introduction to Research A Definition of the erm research Definition ofthe term anusandhan CC. Need of research inthe field of Ayurveda 2 General guidelines and steps in the research process [A Selection of te research problom B Literature review: diferent methods (including computer database) with their advantages and ltations . Defining search problam and fermulation of hypothesis D. Defining general and spect abjactves Research design: observational and interventional, descriptive and analytical, precnical and lleial, qualitative and quantitative F. Sample design G Collecton ofthe dat H. Analysis of data, Generalization and interpretation, evaluation ard assessment of hypothesis Ethical aspect relate to human and animal experimentation. Informaton about Institutional Ethics Commitee (IEC) and Animal Ethics Commitlee (AEC) ‘ane thor functions. Procedure to obtain clearance from respective committoes, including filing up ofthe consent forms and information sheets and publication ethics u 4 k 3 Preparation of research proposals in different disciplines for submission to funding agencies taking EMR-AYUSH scheme as a model. 4. Scientific writing and publication skills ‘2 Familarzation with pubicaton quidelines- Journal spectfe and CONSORT quienes, ' Different types of referencing ana bibliography. «6, ThasisiDisgotation: contonts and structure 4 Resoarch arices structuring: nvoduction, Methods, Results and Discussions (IMRAD) 5 Classical Methods of Research, Concept of Pratyakshaci Pramana Parksha, their types and application for Research in Ayurveda, Dravya-, Guna, Karma-Parkshana Paddhat) ‘Aushachiyog Parkshara Pacha ‘Swastha, Aura Parksha Paddhat Dashvicha Parikshya Bhava Tadviya sambhashe, vadmarga and tantrayukt 6 Comparison between methods of research In Ayurveda (Pratigya, Hetu, Udaharana, Upanaya, Nigaman) and contemporary methods in health scioncos. PG tt Yoar Syaiabus 2 7. Different fields of Research in Ayurveda Fundamental research on concepts of Ayurveda ‘2. Panchamahabruta and tridosha. ». Concepts of rasa quna, veya vipak, prabhav and karma «6. Concept of prakrt-saradi bhava, jas, srotas, agnl, aam and kositha, 8 Literary Research Introduction to manuseriptology: Osfinton and scope, Collection, conservation, cataloguing Data mining techniques, searching methods fr new Iteratue; search of new concepts inthe avilable Iterature. Methods for searching intemal and extemal evidences about authors, concepts and evelopment of particular body of knowledge. 9, Drug Research (Laboratory-based)- Basic knowledge of the folowing Drug sources: plat, animal and mineral, Mathods of drag identtfication Quality control and standardization aspects: Basic knowledge of Pharmacoposial standards and parameters as set by Ayurvadie Pharmacopoeia of Incl, Information on WHO guidelines for standardization of herbal preparations. Good Manufacturing Practoes (GMP) ard Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). 10. Safety aspects: Protocols for assessing acute, sub-aculs and chronic toxcily studies Familarzation with AYUSH guidelines (Rule 170}, COCSO and OECD guidelines. ‘1 Introduction to latest Trends In Drug Discovery and Drug Development Bioinformation onthe vadhonal drug eiscovery process. Bit information on the latest trends inthe Drug Discovery process through employment of rational approach techniques; ant-sense approach, use of micro and macro-arrays, call culture based ‘assays, use of concepts of systems biology and network physiology “Brie introduction tothe process of Drug development 12, Clinical research: Introduction to rica Research Methodology identying the priory aroas of Ayurveda Basic knowledge of he flowing:- Observational and interventional studies Descriptive & Analytical studios Longitudinal & Cross sectional studies Prospective & Retrospectives studies Cohort studios Randomized Controlled Trias (RCT) & thelr types Single-case design, case control studies, ethnographe studes, black box design, cross-over design factorial design Errors and bias in researc, [New concepts in cincal tal Adaptive clinical als Good clinical practices (GCP) Phases of Cinical studies: 0.12.3, and Survey studies - Methodology, types, utlty and analysis of Qualtative Research methods. Concepts of In-depth Interview and Focus Group Discussion. 13, Pharmacovigiarce for ASU drugs. Neod, segpo and aims & objectives atonal Pharmacovigilance Programme for ASU drugs, 1. Introduction to bicinformatics, scope of biinformatics, role of computers in Balog. Inroduction to Daa base- Pub med, Medlar and Scopus. Accession of databases. 15, Intellectual Property Rights- Diferent aspect and stops in patenting. Information on Tradtional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL). PG 1st Year Syaiabus-3 PART-B 40 marks MEDICAL STATISTICS ‘Teaching hours: 80 1 Definition of Statistics : Concepis, relevance ang general applications of Biostatistics in Ayurveda 2 Collection, classification, presentation, analysis and interprotation of data (Definition, lity and methods) 3 Scales of Measurements - nominal, ordinal, interval and rao scales Types of variables — Continuous, discrete, dependent and independent variables. Type of series ~ Simple, Continuous ane Diserete 4 Measures of Central tendency ~ Mean, Median and Moco 5 Variability: Types and measures of variabilty - Range, Quartile deviation, Percentile, Mean deviation and Standard deviation 6 Proba ity: Defnitons, types and laws of probability, 7 Normal distribution: Concept and Properties, Sampling distibuton, Standard ror, Confidence Interval and its application in interpretation of results and normal probably curve. 10 “4 16 Fundamentals of tosting of hypotheses: Null and aterate hypotheses, type land typa 2 errors Tests of signifeance: Parametric and Non-Parametric tess, level of signifcance and power of the test, 'P' value and its interpretation, statistieal significance and clinical signfeance Univariate analysis of catogorical data: Confidence interval of incidence and prevalence, Odds ratio, relative risk and Risk difference, ‘and ther confidence intervals Parametric tests: 2 test, Students test: pated and unpaired, ‘Fest, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tos, repeated measures analysis of variance Non parametric methods: Chi-square test, Fisher's exact lost, McNomar's lest, Wilcoxon lst, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskall—Walis with relevant posthoc tests (Dunn) Correlation and regression analysis: Concept, properties, computaton and applications of correlation, Simple linear correlation, Karl Pearson's correlation co-fciont, Spearman's rank coretation, Rogrossion- simple and mutipo ‘Sampling and Sample size computation for Ayurvedic research: Population and sample. Advantages of sampling, Random (Probabilty) and non random (Non- probabilty) sampling. Mes of random sampling. Random sampling methodse simple random, strated, systematic, cluster and multiphase sampling. Concopt, logic and requirement of sample size computation, computation of sample size for comparing wo means, Wo proportions, estimating mean and proportions. Vital statistics and Demography: computation and applications - Rats, Ratio, Proportion, Mortality an feility rates, Attack rate and hospital-related statistics Familiarization with the use of Statistical software tke SPSSIGragh Pad PG 1st Year Syalabus-4 PRACTICAL 100 marks |LRESEARCH METHODOLOGY ‘Teaching hours 120, PRACTICAL NAME Pharmaceutical Chemistry FFamiliarzation and demonstration of common lab instruments for earying out analysis as perAPI ‘Awareness of Chromatographie Techniques Demonstration of Video clips of following Thir-layer chromatography (TLC), Column chromatography (CC), Flash chromatography (FO) High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) High Performance (Pressure) Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Gas Chromatography (GC, GLC) Pharmacognosy Familarzation and Oemonstration of diferent techniques elated to: Drug administration techniques- oral and parenteral Blood collection by arial plexuses puncturing. Techniques of anesthesia and euthanasia Information about diferent tyes of laboratory animals used in experimental search Drug identification as per API including organoleptic evaluation Pharmacology and toxicology FFamilarzation and demonstration of techniques related to pharmacology and toxicology Biochemistry (Clinical) Famiiarzation and demonstration of techniques related to basic instuments used in a Clinical biochemistry laboratory — sori and fuly automated crical analyzers, elctrolyto ‘analyzer, ELISA- techniques, nephelometry, 10. 1 2 1, Demonstration of blood sugar estimation, lipid profies, kidney function test, liver function test, HbA, cystain and microaibumin estimation by nephelometry oF other suitable techniques. Interpretation of th results obtained in the lght ofthe data on normal values. 7 Clinical Pathology Familarzation and demonstation of techniques relaed to basic and advanced instruments sein a base clinical pathology lab. Auto cell counter, urine analyzer, ESR, microscopic examination of urine. 8 Imaging Sciences FFamiiarzation and demonstration of techniques related to the imaging techniques. Video fim demonstation of CT-Sean, MRI-scan and PET-scan, 9 Clinical protocol development PG tst Year Syatabus-5 I. MEDICAL stanisrics Practical hours:20, ‘Statistical exercise of examples from Topic number 4, 5, 812, 14, 15. Records to be prepared. Distribution of marks (practical) Instrumental spotng test = 20 mars Cnical protocol wrting exercise on a given problem = 20 marks Records: Research methodology 10 Mar Medical statistics 10 marks Viva: Voeo 40 Marks REFERENCE BOOKS Pharmacognosy: Aushotosh Kar ‘Pharmacognosy & Pharmacobiclechnology” New Age Internatonal Publisher, Latest Editon. New Delhi Drug Survey by Mayaram Uniyal Fhn A (1981). Plant Anatomy 3rd Edltion Pergamon Press, Oxford Kokate, CK. Purohit, AP, Gokhale, $8 (2010). Pharmacognosy. Neal Prakashan. Pune. Kokate, CK, Khandelwal and Gokhale, SB (1996). Practical Pharmacognosy. Niall Prakashan. Pune. Trease G E and Evans W C, Pharinacognosy, Bailiere Tindall, Eastbourne, UK Tyler VC., Brady, LR. and Robers JE, Pharmacognosy, Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia Tyler VE J and Schwartng AE., Experimental Pharmacognosy, Burgess Pub. Co, Minneaplis, Minnesota, Wills: TE (2011 reprint. Practical Pharmacgonosy (Fourth Edition) Pharma Med Press, Hyderabad, Walis TE, Analytcal Microscopy, J & A Chuchil limited, London, WalisT E., Text Book of Pharmacognosy, J & A Churchil Limited, London. WHO guidotines on good agricultural and colecton practices- (GACP) for medicinal plants (2003) World Heath Organ Geneva, WHO monographs on seleced medicinal plants (1999}—Vol. 1. 1 Plants, Medicinal 2 Herbs 3 Traitonal medicine. ISE 154517 8. WHO Geneve. PG tst Year Syalabus-5 Pharmaceutical chemistry, quality control and drug standardization: Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part - volume 1 to 8 and Part Il: volume {to 3. Ministry of Heath and Family V Controller of Publication. Gov of India New Delhi. Brain, KR and Tumr, TD, (1975), The Practical Evaluation Phytopharmaceutcals, Wright Slenetechnic, Bristol Galon Wood Ewing (1985). Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, MeGraw-Hil Callge ;Fithediton Harbore, J8 (1973), Phytachemisity Methods. Chapman and Hal, nlemational Elton, London HPTLC. Fingerprint allas of Ayurvedic Single Plant Drugs mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Vol Il and IV. CE COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN AYURVEDA AND SIDDHA. New Delhi Kapocr, RC (2010), Some observations on the matal based preparations in Indian System of Medicine, Indian Jot Traditional Krwoledge. 9(8): 662-575 hopkar, 8. M.Analyical Chemistry, New Age Inlratonal Publishers , 3 r editon Laboratory Guide fr- The Analysis of Ayurved and Siddha Formulations - CGRAS, Now Delhi Mahadik KR, Bothara K G. Principles of Chromatography by, 1st edon, Neal Prakashan. 10.Qadry JS and Qaéry $ Z, Text book of Inorganic Pharmacoutcal and Modicinal Chomisty, B.S. Shah Pral ‘Atmedabad +1, Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Material. Reprint (2002). WHO- Geneva 12. RangariV.D., Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, Voll, Career Publication, 418. Shama BK, Instrumental Methods of Chomieal Analysis by, Goel Publishing House. 14, Svastay VK and Shrvastay KK. Ittoduction to Chromatography (Theary and Practice) 15. Stahl E, Thin Layer Chromatography - A Laboratory Handbook, Springer Veriag, Brin 16. Sukhdev Swami Handa, Suman Preet Singh Khanuja, Gennaro Longo and Osv Outt Rakesh (2008). Extraction Techn for Medicinal ana Aromatic Plants INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY. Trieste, Biochemistry and Laboratory techniques: ‘Asokan P. (2003) Analytical Biochemistry, China publications, Campbell, PN and A.D Smith, Blochemistry Mustrated, th ed, Churchill Livingstone, David Frfelder. W. H. Freeman. (1982). Physical iochemisty by; 2 editon David Sultan (2008).Text book oF Radiology and Imaging, Volt, 7th Eaton. Deb, A.,, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Books ane Alied (P) Ltd, 2002, Harold Varley. Practical Clinical Biochemistry Kanai L Mukherjee. Clinical Pathology Medical Laboratory Technology Vol. Tata MeGrawHll 1986, New Dethi Grado, Cinical Laboratory-methods and diagnosis, Vol Cinial Biochemistry -Sabit Sanyal, Clinical Pathology, .1.Churchl Livingstone (P) Ltd, New Delh2000. 10, Satyanarayanan UJ, Essentials of Biochemistry, Soaks and aled(P) Lid. 2002 “1 Zubay, GL. Biochemistry, W.M.C. Brown Publishers, New York 1988. 12. Text book of Radiology ané Imaging, Vol, David Sultan, 7h Edtion. 2008. PG 1st Year Syallabus-7 Research methodology: 1. Ally, Michael, The craft of slontie wring. Englewood Cis. NN. Prentice 1987. 2. Ayurvedya Anusandhan Paddhat) - PV. Sharma 3. Alick and Fenstornmaker. (2007).The Art of Literary Research, Ath ed. W. W. Norton. Castle, Grogory. Blackwell 6 LLterary Theory. Blackwel, Bowing, A (2002). Research Methods in Health (2nd ed). Buckingham: Open University Press. Day R.A, How to wrt a scientie paper, Cambridge Unversity Press, Cooray P.G. Guide to scientific and technical weting Deepika Chasua and Noena Sondhi, (2011), Research Methods- Concopls and cases. Now Delhi: Vikas Publishing Hot Groonhalgh, T2006) How to Read a Paper: The Basis of Evidence-Based Medicine. (2rd od) Blackwell Kothari: CR (2004), Research Methodlogy- Methods and Techniques (Secone Revised Edtion). New Age Inter Publshers- New Dah 10. Kumar, R, 2008, Research Methodology” @ Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, 2nd ed, Thousand Oaks, CA, Londor Publeations, Petter Laake, Haakon Breien Benesiad and Bjorn Reino Olsen. (2007). Research Methodology in the Medical and Bi sciences. Acadomic Press isan imprint of Elsevier, 84 Thesbal's Road, London WCIX BAR, UK. ISBN: S78.042.3738 12, Relevant portions of Ayurvedic Samitas and other texts Drug research and development: RICK NG, (2008). DRUGS: from discovery to approval. John Wile & Sons, In. Hoboken, New Jersey Research guidelines for evaluating the safely and effcacy of herbal medicines. (1983). . WHO- (Regional Office \Wiestem Pacfc - Manila) ISBN 92 906% 1103 (NLM Classification: WB 925), 3. Jagdoesh, Srkant Murthy, Gupta, YK and Aritabh Prakash Eds. Biomedical Research (From Ideation to Publication) Wilts Kluwer! Lippincott Willams and Wilkin. 4, WHO Guidelines on Safety Monkoring of herbal medicines in pharmacovigllance systems, (2004), WHO- Geneva, ISE 592214, 5. Natural products isolation. (2006) 2nd od. / edted by Salyat D. Sarkor, Zahid Lat, Alexander |. Gray. (Met! biotechnology; 20) Includes bibographieal references and index, Humana Press inc, ISBN 1-58829-447-1 (acidee p ISBN 1-59259-955-9(e1SEN) 68, Gazette Extraordinary Par: I-Section 3- Sub section () December 2008, Govt of India, AYUSH Guidelines on safety « Rule 170 of Drugs and Cosmotics Ac. 7. OECD (2000) Guidance Document on Acute Oral Toxic. Environmental Health and Safety Monograph Series on Test ‘Assessment No 24 8. OECD Guideline for the Testing of Chomicals ~ Repeated Dose 90-day Oral Toxicty Study in Rodents, 408, 1998, hitplbrowse.cecdbookshop orgioecdipdtsfee!974080e.pcf (atest version) 8, OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Compliance Monitoring, 1988 htpiwy.o0ed oxgidocumen69/0,2340,en_2649_34361_2346175_1_1_1_1,00,php 10.ICH Harmonised Trinartte Guideline (2000), Maintenance of the ICH Guideline an Non-cnical Safety Studies for ¢ Conduct of Human Clinical Tals for Pharmaceuteals M3 (R1), 11. Ghosh MN: Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology, Sciontiic Book Agency. 12. Bombay! 12: Jaju B.P: Pharmacological Practical Exercise Book, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi 113: Kukami S.K: Hand Book of Experimental Pharmacology, Valabh Prakashan, Now Delhi 14. Ravindran R.: XPharm (Software), Indian Joumal of Pharmacology, JPMER, Pondliemy. 1G tt Year Syallabus-8 Biotechnology and Bie-informatics: 1. Angela M. Meireles (2008) Extracting Bioactive compounds for food products. Theory and applications. CRC- Pres: and Francs Group, 2, Bergeron BP 2002 Bioinformatics Computing tet Exton, Prontce Hall 3.Crikhale, NJ. and Virendra Gomase, Bicinformatics- Theory and Practice, Publisher: Kimalaya Publication House, 1 don (July, 2007) [SBN-13: 978-87-8318-831-9 4. Losk, AM. Introduction to Bloinfomatics Oxford 2002. 5, Salyanarayana, Us Brotechnology, Books an Aled (P) Li, Kolkata, 2005 6, Selubal J C and J. Meidanis,Inrodueton to Computational Molecular Biology, PWS Publishing Company, 1997. 7 hipsters 8. tps, 8. hitpshwww dsc nicintoportstprcatabasa/motalo pat 10. wun “1. 42. wien Clinica Evaluation: 1. 6DSCO, Good Clinical Practices For Clinical Research in India, Schedule ¥ (Amonded Version — 2008), htptedsco.niintm@CP*. php 2.Ethical Gudalines for Biomedical Research on Human subjects. (2000). Indian Council of Medical Research- Now Delhi 2. Gallo P, Chuang-Sisn C, Dragalin V, Gaydos B., Krams M.,Pinheito J Adaptive Designs in Clinical rug Developme Executive Summary ofthe PhRMA Working Group, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 16 275-283; 2008 4. Good Clinical Practices- (2001). Guidlines for Clinical Trial on Pharmaceutical Products in India. Centval Drugs $i Control Organization, Directorate General of Health Services, New Deli (hpiWWNLedsco.nic nich 09) 5, Gupla, SK Ed, Basic Principles of Cinical Research and Methodology (2007). Jaypee Bratners-mew Delhi G.ICH Harmonised Triparte Guidelines for Good Clinical Practces,1997)- Quintles- Published by Brookwood | Publications. Richmond, Surey. Unite Kingdom, 7.NCl. Cinial Tals Education Series htpwww.cancor govitinicatals learningeliica-rals-educaton-seres, 2004. 8, Pella Laake, Haakon Breien Senestad and Bjarn Reino Olsen (2007). Research Mathodlogy inthe Medical and Bi sciences. Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 84 Theobald's Road, London WCIX AR, UK. ISBN: 978-0-12.3738 9.Willam C. Scheffer Introduction to Cnial Researchs PG tst Yoar Syalabus-3 Medical Statistics: 1. Armitage, P. and Berry, G. (1994) Statistical Methods in Medical Research (3d eg). Blackwall Science, 2. Amitage P, Berry G, Matthews JNS: Staatical Methods in Medlcai Research. Fourth ecltion. Oxford, Blackwell Scior 2002 3. Bland, M. (2000) An Introduction lo Medical Statist (3rd o6), Oxlord. Oxord University Press. 4, Bradlord Hit ~ Basic Medical Statistics 5. Cambell, MJ. and Machin, 0, (1999) Macical Statistics: A Common Sense Approach (2nd ed). Chester: Wiley 6. Dwivedi S. N, Sundaram K. Rand V. Sreenivas (2008). Medical Statistics - Principles & Methods-B] Publications P New Delhi = 7. Gupla .P. - Fundamentals of statistics, Suan Chand. Doth 8 Indrayan. (2008) Basic Methods of Medical Research. AITBS Publishers India 8, Mahajan 8K, Methods in Bia statistics for medical students, th E¢, New Deli Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 10. Meh, 8 and Prakash A. (2010). Bostatstics in Pharmacology. Practical Manual In experimental and crial pharme ‘stEdtion. New-Delh: Jaypee brothers Medical Publishers *1-Rao, NSN ang Murthy, NS. (2008) 2nd Edin. Applied statsies in health sciences. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publist Lia. Bengatury, New Delhi 12.Rick J Turner and Tedé A Durham (2008). Introduction to Statistics in Pharmacoutical Clinical Pharmaceutcal Press- An imprint of RPS Publising.1 Lambeth High Street, London SET 7JN, UK 18, Symalan, K. (2006). Statist in Medicine (Fst Edivon) Trivandrum: Global Educaton Bureau 44, Sundar Rao, Jesucan Richard - An Introduction to Blosttisis 18. Suhas Kumar Shoty- Medical statistios made easy M.D.-AYURVEDA PRELIMINARY IRVED SAMHITA & SIDDHANTA (Ayurvedic Compendia & PAPER fot Nyaya (Maxims) - Like Gobalivarg Naprshtah Guravo Vacanti Nyaya, Bika Nyaya, Chnatrino Gacchhanti F and uty of Sama in prosont ora Branco of ethics and principies of ideal ving as mentioned in Samhita inthe SAM relation to Me syle disor Interpretation and co-laton of basic principles with contemporary sciences. PARTS. 50 marks intion of Siddhanta, ypes and apaled examees in Ayurveda i's components as described in Samnita fh and clinical prac, ‘aniupane, Shatpadarth, ss fundamental principles: Tridosha, Trquna, Purusha of Parksha (Pramana). 8, Comparative study of Prin PG 1st Your Syallabus-11 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 Charak Samhita 2 Sustrut Samhita 3 Ashlanga Samgraha Inu commentary 4 Arundutta and Homade ol 5 Vaisheshitg Prashastapada Brasya 6 Vatsyayan Bhasya Patanala 7 yas Bhasya edanisara ‘Sarvadarshan Samgraha 10 Bhartiya Darshan Baldev Upadhayaya

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