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There are several advantages and disadvantages of appointed system of Councilors. The first
advantages are establishment of specialization. This is referring to the capacity to designate people
who possess particular expertise, experience, and knowledge in a range of fields relevant to the
council’s duties. For example, a council that oversees urban development and planning may choose
to designate members with experience in urban design, engineering, architecture, transportation
planning, or environmental sciences. The second advantages are cooperation between councilors
and the officer will result of synergy. Synergy is used to describe the idea that a group of people may
work together to achieve something bigger than the sum of their separate efforts. In the context of a
council, synergistic results are possible when councillors and officer work together. However, the
community’s best interest and the council’s overarching objectives must be shared as well as respect
for one another and open communication in order to achieve synergy through cooperation. The
third advantages are Local Government can be separated with unnecessary burden. It means that
Local Government can reduce needless obligations or burdens by being decentralised or split up into
smaller groups. The last advantages are immediate response from inhabitants over Local
Government action refers to the ability of local residents or community members to provide quick
feedback and reactions to the actions or decisions taken by the Local Government.

Furthermore, there are several disadvantages of appointed system of councilors which is duplication
of work between committees. It refers to an instance in which several committees operating within a
local government structure could wind up handling identical or conflicting tasks, resulting in
duplication and efficiency. Second, the disadvantages of appointed system of councilors are the
committee lost its integrity due to political influence. This statement suggests that the objectivity
and impartially of a committee within the local government system have been compromised due tu
undue political influence or interference. When a committee loses its integrity due to political
influence, it can have several negative consequences, among them is erosion of public trust. The
public may perceive the committee’s decisions as biased or serving specific political interests rather
than the broader community’s needs. Lastly, the disadvantages of appointed system of councilors
are specialization resulted to councilors interest to itemize problem and not to overall general
policies. This statement suggests that the specialized expertise of councilors can lead to a narrow
focus on specific issues or problems within their area of specialization.

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