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1 What property of information characterizes the quality of

information and determines the adequacy of data for decision-


1. Completeness
2. Credibility
3. Adequacy
4. Accessibility
5. Relevance

2 Any information about any previously unknown events is


1. Catalogs
2. Signals
3. Dictionary
4. Information
5. Intelligence

3 What section of computer science develops the general

principles of building computer systems:

1. Theoretical informatics
2. Programming
3. Computing technique
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Automated systems of design

4 What property of information reflects the truth of the position

of the object:

1. Completeness
2. Reliability
3. Adequacy
4. Accessibility
5. Relevance
5 What property of information reflects the degree of
correspondence to the real objective state of the matter:

1. Completeness
2. Reliability
3. Adequacy
4. Accessibility
5. Relevance

6 The theory of information is based on a fundamental work...

1. of Chizhevsky
2. of Kolmogorov
3. of K Shannon
4. of G Leibniz
5. of J von Neumann

7 What is this ASCII?

1. International character encoding system

2. Programming language
3. Encryption facilities
4. Letter character encryption tool
5. Number system

8 What property of information determines the measure of the

possibility of obtaining the necessary information:

1. Completeness
2. Reliability
3. Adequacy
4. Accessibility
5. Relevance

9 The information property that determines the degree of

distortion of information:

1. Objectivity
2. Reliability
3. Adequacy
4. Accessibility
5. Relevance
10 Technologies that allow to present information in the form of
computer graphics, sound, video, etc .:

1. Multimedia
2. Modem
3. Laser player
4. Computer network

11 1 Megabyte is equal to:

1. 1024 Bytes
2. 1024 Kilobytes
3. 1024 Hertz
4. 1000 Kilobyte
5. 1024 Bits

12 1 Gigabyte is equal to:

1. 1024 Bytes
2. 1024 Kilobytes
3. 1024 GHz
4. 1000 Kilobyte
5. 1024 Megabytes

13 1 Terabyte is equal to:

A) 1024 Gigabytes
B)1024 Kilobytes
C)1024 Petabyte
D) 1000 Kilobyte
E)1024 Megabytes

14 1 Petabyte is equal to:

1. 1024 Gigabytes
2. 1024 Kilobytes
3. 1024 Terabyte
4. 1000 Kilobyte
5. 1024 Megabytes
15 The character is encoded using:

1. 1 bit
2. 2 bits
3. 4 bits
4. 8 bits
5. 12 bit

16 Who in the middle of the XIX century created a system of

algebra of logic?

1. John Nepper
2. Charles Babbage
3. Alexander Bell
4. George Boule
5. John von Neumann

17 Which keys allow you to copy data to the clipboard?

1. Ctrl + C
2. Ctrl + Y
3. Ctrl + Z
4. Ctrl + V
5. Shift + B

18 Which keys allow you to paste data from the clipboard?

1. Ctrl + C
2. Ctrl + Y
3. Ctrl + Z
4. Ctrl + U
5. Ctrl + V

19 Which keys allow you to undo the last action?

1. Ctrl + C
2. Ctrl + Y
3. Ctrl + Z
4. Ctrl + B
5. Ctrl + V
20 In what year was the operating system MS DOS created?

1. 1960
2. 1945
3. 2000
4. 1981
5. 1987

21 The computer system includes ...

1. the hardware subsystem, the cybernetic subsystem, the

electronic subsystem
2. the hardware subsystem, the cybernetic subsystem, the
network subsystem
3. the hardware subsystem, the software subsystem, the
network subsystem
4. the hardware subsystem, the software subsystem, the
electronic subsystem
5. he safety subsystem, the software subsystem, the network

22 The software programs system includes ...

1. mechanical system software, application software

2. operating system software, application software
3. operating system software, combined software
4. mechanical system software, application software
5. analytical system software, combined software

23 Which of the following is an operating system?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. AutoCad
5. MS Windows

24 Which of the following is an Spreedsheets?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. MS Excel
5. MS Windows
25 Which of the following is an Word Proccessor?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. AutoCad
5. MS Windows

26 Which of the following is an Internet Browser?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. AutoCad
5. MS Windows

27 Which of the following is an Word Proccessor?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. AutoCad
5. MS Windows

28 Which of the following is an Operating System?

1. MS Word
2. MS Access
3. Internet Explorer
4. AutoCad
5. MS Windows
29 Coordination between other software and users –

1. By means of password and similar other techniques, it

prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.
2. Recording delays between request for a service and
response from the system.
3. Keeping track of time and resources used by various jobs
and users.
4. Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other
debugging and error detecting aids.
5. Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters,
assemblers and other software to the various users of the
computer systems.

30 Error detecting aids –

1. By means of password and similar other techniques, it

prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.
2. Recording delays between request for a service and
response from the system.
3. Keeping track of time and resources used by various jobs
and users.
4. Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other
debugging and error detecting aids.
5. Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters,
assemblers and other software to the various users of the
computer systems.

31 Job accounting –

1. By means of password and similar other techniques, it

prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.
2. Recording delays between request for a service and
response from the system.
3. Keeping track of time and resources used by various jobs
and users.
4. Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other
debugging and error detecting aids.
5. Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters,
assemblers and other software to the various users of the
computer systems.
32 Control over system performance –

1. By means of password and similar other techniques, it

prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.
2. Recording delays between request for a service and
response from the system.
3. Keeping track of time and resources used by various jobs
and users.
4. Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other
debugging and error detecting aids.
5. Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters,
assemblers and other software to the various users of the
computer systems.

33 Сonvert binary number 11001 to its decimal representation

1. 23
2. 25
3. 26
4. 27
5. 24

34 Сonvert decimal number 33 to its binary representation

1. 100001
2. 110000
3. 111000
4. 100010
5. 101010

35 Сonvert binary number 110000 to its decimal representation

1. 50
2. 49
3. 48
4. 47
5. 46
36 Which of the following Boolean operations is written

1. 1 "and" 1=1
2. 0 "and" 1=1
3. 1 "and" 0=1
4. 0 "and" 0=1
5. 0 "or"1=0

37 Which of the following Boolean operations is written


1. 1 "or" 0=1
2. 0 "and" 0=1
3. 0 "and" 1=1
4. 1 "and" 1=0
5. 0 "or" 1=0

38 Logical "NOT" is a function ...

1. Checks
2. Conversions
3. Negation
4. Multiplication
5. Additions

39 Logical "AND" is a function ...

1. Checks
2. Conversions
3. Negation
4. Multiplication
5. Additions

40 Convert hexadecimal number 7Е to its decimal representation

1. 124
2. 126
3. 128
4. 130
5. 132
41 Convert octal number 571 to its decimal representation

1. 371
2. 377
3. 375
4. 379
5. 374

42 Convert octal number 643 to its decimal representation

1. 417
2. 413
3. 415
4. 419
5. 411

43 Convert octal number 452 into a decimal number system

1. 292
2. 294
3. 296
4. 290
5. 298

44 Сonvert octal number 246 to its decimal representation

1. 162
2. 168
3. 166
4. 160
5. 164

45 Convert hexadecimal number 2C8 to its decimal


1. 708
2. 704
3. 714
4. 716
5. 712
46 Convert hexadecimal number 23D to its decimal

1. 571
2. 575
3. 579
4. 573
5. 577

47 Which algorithms provide for repeated of the same actions on


1. Cyclic
2. Linear
3. Branching
4. Treelike
5. Sequential

48 Which algorithm performs the actions sequentially one after

the other?

1. Branching
2. Linear
3. Cyclic
4. Combined.
5. Recursive

49 Which algorithm allows you to choose one of the actions

depending on the value of the condition?

1. Cyclic.
2. Linear
3. Branching
4. Recursive
5. Vector

50 MS Word. Which keys allow you to select a text fragment in


1. SHIFT + U
2. CTRL + I
3. CTRL + B
4. CTRL + U
5. SHIFT + B
51 MS Word. Which key allows you to call the help file?

1. CTRL + O
2. F1
3. SHIFT + F12
4. F7
5. CTRL + P

52 MS Word. Which keys allow you to open a document?

1. CTRL + O
2. CTRL + P
3. F1
4. SHIFT + F12
5. F7

53 MS Word. Which keys allow you to print a document?

1. CTRL + O
2. CTRL + P
3. F1
4. SHIFT + F12
5. F7

54 MS Word. Which keys allow you to jump to the beginning of

the document?

1. Shift + F5
2. Ctrl + End
3. Alt + Ctrl + PageDown
4. Ctrl + PageDown
5. Ctrl + Home

55 MS Word. Which keys allow you to select text from the

cursor to the beginning of the line?

1. Ctrl + End
2. Shift + Home
3. Shift + Ctrl + Home
4. Ctrl + Home
5. Shift + PageDown
56 MS Word. Which keys allow you to select text from the
cursor to the end of the line?

1. Ctrl + End
2. Shift + End
3. Shift + Ctrl + End
4. Shift + PageDown
5. Shift + PageUp

57 MS Word. Which keys let you select the entire document:

1. Ctrl + End
2. Shift + End
3. Shift + Ctrl + End
4. Shift + PageDown
5. Ctrl + A

58 MS Word. What keys allow you to insert a page break?

1. Shift + Enter
2. Ctrl + Enter
3. Ctrl + Shifr + Enter
4. Ctrl + (-)
5. Ctrl + Shift + (-)

59 MS Word. Which keys allow you to insert a line break?

1. Shift+Enter
2. Ctrl+Enter
3. Ctrl+Shifr+Enter
4. Ctrl+ (-)
5. Ctrl+Shift+ (-)

60 MS Word. Which keys in the selected text allow you to

translate lowercase letters into uppercase letters and vice

1. Ctrl+B
2. Ctrl+U
3. Ctrl+I
4. Ctrl+=
5. Shift+F3
61 MS Word. Which keys allow you to align the selected text to
the right?

1. Ctrl+L
2. Ctrl+E
3. Ctrl+R
4. Ctrl+J
5. Ctrl+Shift+L

62 MS Excel.What is the order in an arithmetic expression is

1.Exponentiation 2.Actions in parentheses
3.The calculation of the values of functions
4. Addition and subtraction in the order
5. Multiplication and division in the order

1. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
2. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
3. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2
4. 3, 5, 1, 2, 4
5. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4

63 Excel. What is the order in an arithmetic expression is

1.Exponentiation 2.Actions in parentheses 3.The calculation
of the values of functions
4. Addition and subtraction in the order
5. Multiplication and division in the order

1. 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
2. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
3. 3, 5, 1, 2, 4
4. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
5. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2

64 MS Excel.What is the next kind of error? “#REF!”

1. An attempt to divide by zero

2. There is a name in the formula that Excel doesn’t
3. A cell reference is not valid
4. The cell simply isn’t big enough to display the result
5. The formula uses the wrong type of operand or argument
65 MS Excel.What is the next kind of error? “######”

1. An attempt to divide by zero

2. There is a name in the formula that Excel doesn’t
3. A cell reference is not valid
4. The cell simply isn’t big enough to display the result
5. The formula uses the wrong type of operand or argument

66 MS Excel.What is the next kind of error? “#VALUE!”

1. An attempt to divide by zero

2. There is a name in the formula that Excel doesn’t
3. A cell reference is not valid
4. The cell simply isn’t big enough to display the result
5. The formula uses the wrong type of operand or argument

67 MS Excel.What is the next kind of error? “NAME?”

1. An attempt to divide by zero

2. There is a name in the formula that Excel doesn’t
3. A cell reference is not valid
4. The cell simply isn’t big enough to display the result
5. The formula uses the wrong type of operand or argument

68 MS Excel.What is the next kind of error? “#DIV/0”

1. An attempt to divide by zero

2. There is a name in the formula that Excel doesn’t
3. A cell reference is not valid
4. The cell simply isn’t big enough to display the result
5. The formula uses the wrong type of operand or argument

69 MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to calculate the

square root?

5. ABS
70 MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to calculate the
remainder of the division?

5. ABS

71 MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to calculate the sum

of the values of the arguments?

5. ABS

72 MS EXCEL. MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to

calculate the absolute value of the argument?

5. ABS

73 MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to calculate the

arithmetic mean of the values of the arguments?

5. ABS

74 MS EXCEL. Which function allows you to calculate the

maximum value of the arguments?

1. МИН
4. LN
5. TAN
75 MS EXCEL. Which function allows us to calculate the sum of
the squares of the values of the arguments?

1. МИН
4. LN
5. TAN

76 MS EXCEL. Which function allows us to calculate the value

of the natural logarithm ?

1. МИН
4. LN
5. TAN

77 MS Excel. Determine the results of sorting by fields

Workshop – Brigade – Last Name,First Name

1. 2,6,3,5,4,1,8,7
2. 2,6,8,1,4,3,5,7
3. 2,6,8,3,5,4,1,7
4. 8,6,5,2,4,3,1,7
5. 2,6,7,1,5,3,4,8
78 MS Excel. Determine the results of sorting by fields

1. 2,4,3,5,1,8,7,10,6,9
2. 2,3,7,4,1,8,5,6,10,9
3. 2,4,3,7,1,5,8,10,9,6
4. 2,3,4,7,1,8,5,10,6,9
5. 2,3,5,7,8,1,4,10,6,9

79 MS Excel. Determine the result of filtering by condition

1. 3,4,6
2. 2,5,7,10
3. 2,4,8
4. 1,4,9,10
5. 1,4,5
80 MS Excel. Determine the result of filtering by condition

1. 3,4,6
2. 1,5
3. 2,4,8
4. 1,6
5. 1,4,5,9

81 MS Excel. What is the Excel document?

1. Workbook
2. Working table
3. Table
4. Working page
5. Working volume

82 MS Excel. MS Excel. What is the maximum number of


1. 1048576
2. 256
3. 120
4. 65535
5. 2048
83 MS Excel. MS Excel. Which symbol should the formula begin

1. *
2. !
3. #
4. =
5. &

84 MS Excel. How many columns are in the spreadsheet?

1. 1024
2. 2048
3. 16384
4. 65536
5. 452

85 MS Excel. MS Excel. What is the workbook file extension?

1. .xlox
2. .docx
3. .xlsx
4. .xlw
5. .xlcx

86 MS Excel. Which function is mathemaical?

1. И
2. ИЛИ
3. НЕ

87 MS Excel. Which keys allow you to go to the first cell in

the column?

1. CTRL + →
2. CTRL + ←
3. CTRL + ↓
4. CTRL + ↑
5. ALT + →
88 MS Excel. Which keys allow you to insert a new sheet?

1. Alt+F1+ Shift
2. Alt+F1
3. F1+ Shift
4. Alt+F2
5. Alt+F2+ Shift

89 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Genetic algorithms;
3. Associative memory;
4. Fuzzy logic;
5. Descriptive statistics;

90 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Genetic algorithms;
3. Associative memory;
4. Correlation;
5. Fuzzy logic;

91 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Peer comparison;
3. Genetic algorithms;
4. Associative memory;
5. Fuzzy logic;

92 Data mining. Which of the following relates to predictive


1. Genetic algorithms;
2. Artificial neural networks;
3. Decision tree analysis;
4. Associative memory;
5. Fuzzy logic;
93 Data mining. Which of the following relates to predictive

1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Predictive modeling;
3. Genetic algorithms;
4. Associative memory;
5. Fuzzy logic;

94 Data mining. Which of the following relates to predictive


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Fuzzy logic;
3. Genetic algorithms;
4. Cluster analysis;
5. Associative memory;

95 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Genetic algorithms;
3. Associative memory;
4. Fuzzy logic;
5. Descriptive statistics;

96 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Artificial neural networks;

2. Genetic algorithms;
3. Associative memory;
4. Correlation;
5. Fuzzy logic;

97 Data mining. Which of the following is a anomaly detection


1. Geographic and map analysis;

2. Artificial neural networks;
3. Genetic algorithms;
4. Associative memory;
5. Fuzzy logic;
98 Data Base System.What is a Database Model?

1. A data model is a model that determines the amount of

2. A database model is a type of data model that determines
the logical structure of a database and fundamentally
determines in which manner data can be stored, organized,
and manipulated;
3. The data model is a model that defines a package of
mathematical methods;
4. The data model is a model designed to solve applied
5. The data model is a model necessary for the design of
information systems;

99 Data Base System. What logical data models for databases


1. Hierarchical, systems, relational, grid models;

2. Hierarchical, systems, relational, cluster models;
3. Tree, relational, grid, cluster models;
4. Tree, systems, relational, object models;
5. Hierarchical, network, relational, object models;

100 Data Base System. “The data is stored in two-dimensional

tables (rows and columns). The data is manipulated based on
the relational theory of mathematics.” Which data model is

1. Hierarchical model;
2. Relational model;
3. Network model;
4. Graphical model;
5. Object model;

101 Data Base System. “This model is a variation on the

hierarchical model – allowing each record to have multiple
parent and child records.” Which data model is described?

1. Hierarchical model;
2. Relational model;
3. Network model;
4. Graphical model;
5. Object model;
102 MS Access. What is the maximum size of the text box?

1. 64 characters;
2. 250 characters;
3. 16 characters;
4. 255 characters;
5. 65535 characters;

103 MS Access. What type of field of the database table intended

for automatic numbering of records?

1. Hyperlink
2. Date / Time
3. AutoNumber
4. Number
5. OLE Object

104 MS Access. What is the Memo field type for?

1. To store real numbers

2. To store symbol information
3. For storing plain unformatted text
4. A special type for storing large amounts of text
5. For storing digital information

105 MS Access. What is a simple primary key?

1. A field or several fields taken from other tables

2. The field containing the record numbers in the table
3. A field whose values are calculated by the formula
4. One field that uniquely identifies a record in the table
5. Several fields that uniquely identifies the entry in the table.

106 MS Access. The field and the record in the database are

1. Free field and field for records

2. Row and column
3. The free field of the table and the intended entries
4. Column and row
5. The first 2 rows of the table
107 MS Access. What is the purpose use of the tables in the

1. To search for data

2. To store data
3. To display data in a specific form
4. For sorting
5. To generate reports

108 MS Access. What determines the structure of the table in the


1. Set of fields
2. Character set
3. Set of pages
4. Set of numbers
5. Set of rows

109 MS Access. What does the "one-to-one" ratio mean?

1. when each records in one table corresponds to a single

entry in another table.
2. when every record of one table corresponds to at least one
record of another table.
3. when one record of one table corresponds to a record of one
of the other two tables.
4. when one record of one table corresponds to one record of
the form or record.
5. when each table record corresponds to one external table

110 Which Access DB object can be the data source for the query?

1. Table, Report
2. Form, Request
3. Table, Query
4. Form, Report
5. Table only
111 MS Access. What is the query "Select" for?

1. To store data
2. To select data from one or more tables using condition
3. To display data for printing
4. To delete records
5. To add records

112 MS Access. What query is called parametric?

1. Query that will update the field values in the base tables
2. The sampling request, the values of the selection criteria in
which are specified in the equest form
3. A query in which one of the fields represents the result of
calculations on the values of other numeric fields
4. The request for sampling, the values of the selection
conditions in which are set in the dialog mode at the
request start
5. A query that calculates any summary values of the data of
the numeric fields of the record groups

113 MS Access. Which query allows you to create an analytical

table in which the row headers are the values of one field of
the source object, the column headings are the values of
another field, and on their intersection the results of statistical
processing of the value of the numeric field?

1. Query with parameter

2. Request for a sample
3. A query with a calculated field
4. Cross-Tab
5. Request for comparison

114 MS Access. Which function allows you to calculate the

number of records in a group?

1. AVG
2. MAX
3. MIN
115 MS Access. Which function allows you to calculate the
arithmetic mean of the values of the numeric field of the
group records?

1. AVG
2. MAX
3. MIN

116 MS Access. Which function allows you to calculate the sum

of the field values in a group of records?

2. SUM
3. MIN

117 MS Access. What type of data allows you to store plain

unformatted text (up to 255 characters)?

1. Numeric
2. Monetary
3. Memo field
4. Text
5. Counter

118 MS Access. What type of data allows you to number the

records of a table?

1. Counter
2. Logical
3. Numeric
4. Memo
5. Text

119 MS Access. In which window can I see inter-table relations?

1. The form constructor

2. The table constructor
3. Report Designer
4. The constructor of substitutions
5. Relationships
120 MS Access. What type of data allows you to store multimedia
objects (photos, etc.)?

1. Numeric
2. OLE object
3. Text
4. Counter

121 Which file is the database file?

1. mbf.doc
2. mbf.accdb
3. mbf.db
4. mbf.mdb
5. mbf.xls

122 MS Access. In which mode can you change the structure of

the table?

1. Preview
2. Structure
3. Ralationships
4. Design
5. Form

123 MS Access. In which mode can you set the key field in the

1. Design
2. Form
3. Table
4. Request
5. Ralationships

124 MS Access. What type of field can not enter data?

1. Logical
2. Any
3. Counter
4. Index
5. Key
125 MS Access. Which database object allows you to print data?

1. Tables
2. Reports
3. Macros
4. Request
5. Form

126 MS Access. What is the purpose of a field of type Memo?

1. for storing real numbers.

2. for storing plain unformatted text.
3. for storing digital information
4. a special type for storing large amounts of text.
5. for storing symbol information

127 MS Access. Which object allows you to create a virtual table

to display data?

1. Report
2. Module
3. Query
4. Macro
5. Form

128 MS Access. Which object is a Visual Basic program?

1. Tables
2. Query
3. Reports
4. Forms
5. Modules
129 What is a Multimedia?

1. Multimedia is the field concerned with the design and

development of static graphic objects
2. Multimedia is the field concerned with the production of
animated films
3. Multimedia is the field concerned with the production of
audio effects
4. Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-
controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and
moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other
media where every type of information can be represented,
stored, transmitted and processed digitally.
5. Multimedia is the field concerned with the production of
dynamic graphic objects

130 What is a Multimedia Application?

1. A Multimedia Application is an Application that allows

you to automate the process of building engineering
2. A Multimedia Application is an application that
automatically monitors the technological processes
3. A Multimedia Application is an Application which uses a
collection of multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics,
images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.
4. A Multimedia Application is an application that allows you
to design and implement the video recording process
5. A Multimedia Application is an application that allows you
to create a soundtrack.

131 What is a Animation?

1. Animation is the process of developing graphical fonts;

2. Animation is the process of building graphic primitives
3. Animation is the process of developing graphic formats
4. mation is the process of developing static graphic objects
5. Animation is a sequential series of still images that create
an illusion of motion.
132 What is a Video?

1. Video is created by a photographic process and converted

or ported to a computer in sets of Frames where each frame
has data stored in every pixel.
2. Video is created by software applications with visual
3. Video is created by universal graphics software
4. Video is created by universal raster graphics software
5. Video is created by universal vektor graphics software

133 What are the different categories of multimedia?

1. Video is created by software applications with visual content

2. Linear and non-linear
3. Video is created by universal graphics software applications
4. created by universal raster graphics software applications
5. Video is created by universal vektor graphics software

134 Which of the following programs is a musical sequencer?

1. Acoustica - Acon Digital Media

2. Audition
3. Adobe Audition - Adobe Systems
4. Logic Pro - Apple
5. Sound Forge - Sony

135 Which of the following programs is a musical sequencer?

1. Acoustica - Acon Digital Media

2. Audition
3. Sound Forge - Sony
4. Logic Pro - Apple
5. GarageBand – Apple
136 Which of the following programs is a musical sequencer?

1. Acoustica - Acon Digital Media

2. Audition
3. Logic Pro - Apple
4. Sonar – Cakewalk
5. Sound Forge - Sony

137 Which of the following programs is a musical sequencer?

1. Acoustica - Acon Digital Media

2. MIDI Converter Studio - ManiacTools
3. Audition
4. Logic Pro - Apple
5. Sound Forge - Sony

138 Which of the following programs is a digital audio editor?

1. Acoustica - Acon Digital Media

2. Adobe Audition - Adobe Systems
3. DirectMusic Producer – Microsoft
4. Deluxe Music Construction Set - Electronic Arts
5. GarageBand – Apple

139 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster


1. EPS
2. WMF
4. SVG
5. VML

140 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster


1. PNG
2. WMF
3. EPS
4. SVG
5. VML
141 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster

1. EPS
2. WMF
3. SVG
4. GIF
5. VML

142 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster


1. EPS
2. WMF
3. VML
4. SVG

143 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector


2. PNG
3. WMF
4. GIF

144 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector


2. EPS
3. PNG
4. GIF

145 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector


2. PNG
4. GIF
5. SVG
146 Which of the following programs is a digital audio editor?

1. DirectMusic Producer – Microsoft

2. Adobe Audition - Adobe Systems
3. Creative Wavestudio - Creative Technology
4. Deluxe Music Construction Set - Electronic Arts
5. GarageBand – Apple

147 Which of the following programs is a digital audio editor?

1. GarageBand - Apple
2. Adobe Audition - Adobe Systems
3. DirectMusic Producer – Microsoft
4. Deluxe Music Construction Set - Electronic Arts
5. Logic Pro – Apple

148 Which of the following programs is a digital audio editor?

1. Adobe Audition - Adobe Systems

2. Sound Forge - Sony
3. DirectMusic Producer – Microsoft
4. Deluxe Music Construction Set - Electronic Arts
5. GarageBand – Apple

149 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster


1. EPS
2. WMF
4. SVG
5. VML

150 Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster


1. PNG
2. WMF
3. EPS
4. SVG
5. VML
Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the raster
151 1. EPS
2. WMF
3. SVG
4. GIF
5. VML

Which of the following graphic belongs refers to the raster

152 1. EPS
2. WMF
3. VML
4. SVG

Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector

153 1. JPEG
2. PNG
3. WMF
4. GIF
Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector
154 1. JPEG
2. EPS
3. PNG
4. GIF
Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector
155 1. JPEG
2. PNG
4. GIF
5. SVG
Which of the following graphic formats belongs to the vector
156 1. VML
2. PNG
4. GIF
What is a Cloud computing
1. Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby
157 shared resources, software, and information are provided
to computers and other devices on demand through the
2. Cloud computing is computer computing on the Internet,
performed with application programs;
3. Cloud computing is the calculation necessary to
calculate the load on the engineering support;
4. Cloud computing is computer calculations performed
with the help of artificial intelligence systems;
5. Cloud computing is a computer calculation performed
on the basis of neural networks;
Cloud computing . Which cloud deployment models are
158 1. Public cloud, Complex cloud, World cloud, Hybrid
2. World cloud, Private cloud, Community cloud, Complex
3. Public cloud, Private cloud, Community cloud, World
4. Public cloud, Private cloud, Community cloud, Hybrid
5. World cloud, Private cloud, Community cloud, Complex
Cloud computing . What is a Mobile Cloud Computing?
1. Mobile Сloud Сomputing is a piece of cloud technology
159 designed to store data;
2. Mobile cloud computing is a technology service that
provides services to government organizations;
3. Mobile cloud computing is a technology service that
provides services to commercial organizations;
4. Mobile cloud computing is a technology service that
provides services to educational organizations;
5. Mobile Сloud Сomputing is a transportable data center
that provides computing services to various users;
What is a Cyber crime?
1. Cyber crime is the any crime that involves a
160 computer/mobile and a network;
2. Cybercrime is any crime related to technological
3. Cybercrime is any crime related to the theft of state
4. Cybercrime is any crime related to industrial espionage;
5. Cybercrime is any crime related to the theft of military
What is a Cyberspace?
1. Cyberspace is a room in which technological data is
161 stored;
2. Cyberspace is a space in which communication takes
place between different commercial organizations at
different levels;
3. Cyberspace is an electronic medium of computer
networks in which online communication takes place;
4. Cyberspace is a space in which communication takes
place between different government organizations at
different levels;
5. Cyberspace is a room in which state secrets are kept;
Cybersecurity. What is a Financial crime?
1. Financial crimes are crimes committed by financiers;
162 2. Financial crimes are crimes related to "black
3. Financial crimes are crimes related to forgery of
financial documents;
4. Financial crime includes credit card frauds, money
laundering, Forgery etc.;
5. Financial crimes are crimes committed by economists;
Cybersecurity. What is a Money laundering?
1. Money laundering is the process of sorting out money;
163 2. Money laundering is the process of checking money;
3. Money laundering is the process of disposing of money;
4. Money laundering is the process of formalizing money;
5. Money laundering is the process by which large amount
of illegally obtained money is given the appearance of
having originated from a legitimate source
Cybersecurity. What is a Sale of illegal articles?
1. Sale of illegal goods is the sale of goods that are not
164 registered in the warehouse;
2. Sale of illegal articles includes selling of narcotic drugs,
weapons, wildlife etc.
3. Sale of illegal goods is the sale of goods to persons
under the age of majority;
4. Sale of illicit goods is the sale of goods relating to
experimental products;
5. Sale of illegal goods is the sale of goods that constitute
intellectual property;
Cybersecurity. What is a Email bombing?
1. Email bombing refers to sending a large amount of e-
165 mails to the victim resulting in crashing of victims e-mail
account or mail servers.
2. Email bombing is a process that takes place in an
electron gun;
3. Email bombing is the process of quickly typing on the
4. Email bombing is a process, a powerful analysis of data
in an analytical system;
5. Email bombing is the process of calibrating the
parameters of a model with a real object;
Cybersecurity. What is a Data diddling?
1. Data diddling refers to sending a large amount of e-mails
166 to the victim resulting in crashing of victims e-mail
account or mail servers.
2. Data diddling is a process that takes place in an electron
3. Data diddling is a kind of an attack which involves
altering of raw data just before it is processed by a
computer and then changing it back after the processing is
4. Data diddling is a process, a powerful analysis of data in
an analytical system;
5. Data diddling is the process of calibrating the parameters
of a model with a real object;
Cybersecurity. What is a Intellectual Property Crimes?
1. Crimes against intellectual property are stealing
167 documents of any people;
2. Crimes against intellectual property are falsification of
documents identifying a person's identity;
3. Crimes against intellectual property is the theft of data
from a dossier;
4. Crimes against intellectual property are theft of
intellectual ideas;
5. Intellectual Property Crimes includes software piracy,
copyright infringement, trademarks violations etc.
What is a E-Business?
1. Electronic business is a business based on the sale of
168 electronic objects;
2. Electronic business may be defined as the application if
information and communication technologies (ICT) in
support of all the activities of business;
3. Electronic business is a business connected with the sale
of electronic equipment;
4. Electronic business is a business based in the field of
5. Electronic business is a business designed and
implemented by electronic means;
E-business. What does the C2G abbreviation mean?
1. C2G - Computer to Goverment
169 2. C2G - Computer to Gear
3. C2G - Citizen to Goverment
4. C2G - Citizen to Gear
5. C2G - Citizen to Guard
E-business. What does the G2G abbreviation mean?
1. G2G - Gear to Goverment
170 2. G2G - Guard to Goverment
3. G2G - Goverment to Guard
4. G2G - Guard to Gear
5. G2G - Government to Government
E-business. What does the G2C abbreviation mean?
1. G2C - Government to Citizen
171 2. G2C - Goverment to Computer
3. G2C - Gear to Computer
4. G2C - Goverment to Coach
5. G2C - Guard to Coach
E-business. What does the G2B abbreviation mean?
1. G2B - Gear to Buyer
172 2. G2B - Government to Business
3. G2B - Guard to Business
4. G2B - Government to Buyer
5. G2B - Government to Broker
E-Business. What is a C2G (Citizen to Goverment)?
1. C2G – constitutes the areas where a consumer (or
173 citizen) interacts with the government;
2. C2G – includes all government interaction with business
3. C2G – governments dealing with consumers /citizens
4. C2G – governments dealing with governments
5. C2G – citizens dealing with governments electronically;

E-Business. What is a G2G (Government to Government)?

1. G2G – constitutes the areas where a consumer (or
174 citizen) interacts with the government;
2. G2G – includes all government interaction with business
3. G2G – governments dealing with consumers /citizens
4. G2G – governments dealing with governments
5. G2G – citizens dealing with governments electronically;

E-Business. What is a G2C (Government to Citizen)?

1. G2C – constitutes the areas where a consumer (or
175 citizen) interacts with the government;
2. G2C – includes all government interaction with
business enterprises;
3. G2C – governments dealing with consumers /citizens
4. G2C – governments dealing with governments
5. G2C – citizens dealing with governments
E-Business. What is a G2B (Government to Business)?
1. G2B – constitutes the areas where a consumer (or
176 citizen) interacts with the government;
2. G2B – includes all government interaction with
business enterprises;
3. G2B – governments dealing with consumers /citizens
4. G2B – governments dealing with governments
5. G2B – citizens dealing with governments
What is a E-Government?
1. E-government belongs to the application of scientific
177 models for effective government management;
2. E-government this form of government by the state
through the use of effective administrative resources;
3. Electronic Government essentially belongs to The
utilization of Information Technology (IT), Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT), and other web-
based telecommunication technologies to improve and/or
enhance on the efficiency and effectiveness of service
delivery in the public sector
4. E-government this form of government by using
scientific and economic models;
5. E-government this form of government by the state
through the application of socio-economic monitoring
E-Government. What are the components of the E-
178 1. E-Education, E-Business, E-Institution, E-System, E-
2. E-Citizen, E-Company, E-Institution, E-Employee, E-
3. E-Citizen, E- Business, E-Institution, E-Employee, E-
4. E- Education, E-Company, E-Imstruction, E-
Employee, E-Officer
5. E-Citizen, E-Customer, E-Institution, E-Object, E-
What is a E-Learning?
1. E-Learning is a training that uses educational material
179 in the traditional form;
2. E-Learning is a training that uses mechanical devices
of instruction;
3. E-Learning is a training that uses non-traditional
teaching methods;
4. E-Learning is learning that is enabled or supported by
the use of digital tools and content.
5. E-Learning is a training that uses only advanced
teaching methods;
What parameter of the BODY tag allows you to specify the
URL of the image used as the background image?
What parameter of the BODY tag allows you to determine the
background color of the document?
What parameter of the BODY tag allows you to determine the
color of the already viewed link?
Which tag allows you to define the title-title in the browser
183 1. TITLE
Which tag allows you to display text bold?
1. <B>
184 2. <I>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <SUB>
Which tag allows you to display the text in italics?
1. <B>
185 2. <I>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <SUB>
Which tag allows you to display text underlined?
1. <B>
186 2. <I>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <SUB>
Which tag allows you to display text in a subscript (lower
187 1. <B>
2. <I>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <SUB>
Which tag allows you to display text in superscript form (upper
188 1. <B>
2. <SUP>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <I>
Which tag allows you to go to a new line?
1. <BR>
189 2. <SUP>
3. <TT>
4. <U>
5. <I>
Which tag allows you to create a bulleted list?
1. <UL>
190 2. <OL>
3. <DL>
4. <DD>
5. <LI>
Which tag allows you to create a numbered list?
1. <UL>
191 2. <OL>
3. <DL>
4. <DD>
5. <LI>
Which tag is used to describe the table?
1. <TABLE>
192 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
Which tag is used to describe each row in the table?
1. <TABLE>
193 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
Which tag is designed to describe each cell of a table row?
1. <TABLE>
194 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
Which tag is used to describe each table header cell?
1. <TABLE>
195 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
Which tag is used to describe the table header?
1. <TABLE>
196 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
Which tag is for creating hyperlinks?
1. <A>
197 2. <TR>
3. <TD>
4. <TH>
What parameter of the <A> tag allows you to specify the name
of the file in which the called resource is stored?
198 1. HREF
3. TOP
Which parameter of the <A> tag allows you to view a graphic
object in a separate browser window?
199 1. HREF
3. ALT
Which parameter of the <IMG SRC> tag allows you to define
alternative text?
200 1. HREF
3. ALT
A computer system can be divided into hardware, software and
201 1. Operation systems
2. Network systems
3. Network connections
4. System unit
5. Peripheral device
Specification detailing how a set of software and hardware
technology standards interact to form a computer system or
202 platform
1. Subsystem
2. System unit
3. Computer architecture
4. Device management
5. Human-computer interaction
Internal physical components of a hardware system
1. Speakers
203 2. Motherboard
3. Monitor
4. Printer
5. Mouse

A computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM),

desktop publishing, software development, and other types of
204 applications which require a moderate amount of computing
power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities
1. Minicomputer
2. Personal computer
3. Mainframe
4. Supercomputer
5. Workstation
Convert decimal number 240 to its octal representation
1. 2228
205 2. 3548
3. F016
4. 111100002
5. 3608
Convert decimal number 240 to its hexadecimal representation
1. 2228
206 2. 3548
3. F016
4. 111100002
5. 3608
Convert decimal number 240 to its binary representation
1. 2228
207 2. 101010112
3. F016
4. 111100002
5. 3608
Convert decimal number 331 to its binary representation
1. 1010010112
208 2. 5138
3. 14B16
4. 101000012
5. 11100112
Convert hexadecimal number FB1116 to its binary
209 1. 1754218
2. 6427010
3. 56510
4. 11111011000100012
5. 111110110000002
Convert octal number 56 to its decimal representation
1. 4510
210 2 1010002
3. 2816
4. 4010
5. 4610
Convert octal number 72 to its hexadecimal representation
1. 1110102
211 2. 3516
3. 3A16
4. 1101012
5. 3B16
Software doesn’t include the following functions
1. Selection of the appropriate software for the
212 organization needs
2. Manage the computer resources of the organization
3. Provide the user with all resources necessary to solve
computational tasks
4. Act as a mediator between the institutions and the stored
5. All of them
One of the main types of software
1. Operating system
213 2. Language translators
3. Utilities
4. Programming languages
5. System
MS-DOS command that lists directory contents
1. CD
214 2. DIR
3. DEL
5. RD
MS-DOS command that changes the current directory
1. CD
215 2. DIR
3. DEL
5. RD
In software structure each layer needs only limited knowledge
to carry out its work, and none of the other levels have access
216 to this information.
1. The user interface
2. Application program interface
3. Application
4. Encapsulation (hiding or concealment of sales)
5. Abstraction
The software layers where the user programs (applications) are
associated with the operating system
217 1. User-Written Scripts or Macros
2. Kernel
3. Run-time Library
4. Application program interface
5. The user interface
The BIOS is constantly located in memory
1. DDR
218 2. HDD
3. ROM
5. RAM
In operating system each process can be in one of the states:
running, runnable or …
219 1. Unlocked
2. Blocked
3. Locked
4. Disabled
5. Launched
The extension of the executable file for MS-DOS, Windows
1. midi
220 2. exe
3. drv
4. bat
5. cpp
What is cloud networking?
1. When networks host information only about clouds
221 2. When an organization hosts networking resources in one
or more cloud environments
3. When a network processes data at the network edge
4. When an organization only uses the internet to host
network resources
5. They are the same.

How many types of cloud environments exist?

1. One
222 2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five

Which definition best fits hybrid cloud networking?

1. A hybrid cloud combines private and public cloud
223 resources.
2. A hybrid cloud combines data center hardware and
3. A hybrid cloud combines an organization's local data with
internet data.
4. A hybrid cloud combines cloud computing and fog
5. A hybrid cloud combines private cloud resources and fog

How does multi-cloud networking differ from hybrid cloud

224 1. Hybrid cloud environments deploy services on premises,
and multi-cloud environments deploy services off
2. Hybrid cloud environments combine resources, while
multi-cloud environments separate resources.
3. Hybrid cloud environments consolidate cloud
management, while multi-cloud environments have
multiple providers.
4. They are the same.
5. Hybrid cloud environments combine resources, while
multi-cloud environments deploy services off premises
Which of the following is not a possible challenge of cloud
performance monitoring?
225 1. Visibility
2. Multi-tenant capabilities
3. Security
4. Edge computing
5. Not visibility

What is the purpose of cloud management applications?

1. To provide information about clouds to employees
226 2. To manage applications about clouds
3. To deliver cloud-based game applications to employees
4. To track data and workloads across multiple clouds
5. To manage information about clouds

What are the three different types of cloud computing models?

1. IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
227 2. AaaS, BaaS and CaaS
3. Cirrus, cumulus and stratus
4. Dark, stormy and fluffy
5. AaaS, PaaS and CaaS

What do IT teams need to consider as they plan to migrate to

cloud network environments?
228 1. The risk involved
2. Level of performance monitoring
3. How much the migration will cost
4. Business requirements
5. All of the above

Most mobile devices can be equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,

NFC and _____ communication capabilities.
229 1. Wireless
2. CPS
3. GPS
4. GPC
5. GPI
Mobile devices have an ______, and can run various types of
application software, known as apps.
230 1. Operating system (OS)
2. Main application
3. Application system
4. Basic application
5. Basic system

What type of network topology is this?


1. Star
2. Rings
3. Buthash
4. Peer
5. Hybrid

Identifies company or commercial sites

1. .org
232 2. .com
3. .edu
4. .gov
5. .kz

Three most common types of communication cables

1. Twisted pair cable
233 2. Main cable
3. Optical fiber cable
4. Simple cable
5. Coaxial cable
What type of network topology is this?


1. Star
2. Rings
3. Buthash
4. Peer
5. Hybrid

Which one is NOT a web browser

1. Mozilla Firefox
235 2. Google
3. Google Chrome
4. Safari
5. Internet Explorer

HTTP stands for..

1. Hypertext Talking Package
236 2. Hypertext Transfer Program
3. HyperText Transfer Protocol
4. Hyper Technology Transmission Piece
5. Hyper Technology Talking Piece

What is an IP address?
1. A way of indicating the location of a device
237 2. A way of sending information
3. A way of deleting viruses
4. A secure communication method.
5. All of the above

Methods of Internet connection?

1. Yandex
238 2. Wi-Fi
4. Web browser
5. Wireless

A ___________ is a vertical entity in a table that contains all

information associated with a specific field in a table
239 1. Table
2. Column
3. Tuple
4. Row
5. Relation
__________ maintain the DBMS and responsible for
administrating the database.
240 1. Designers
2. End users
3. Programmers
4. Administrators
5. Casual users

Main elements of the processor:

1. Registers, arithmetic and logical construction, transmission
241 block, clock generator
2. Registers, arithmetic and logical construction, transmission
block, clock generator
3. Chipset, arithmetic logic, buses, clock generator
4. Registers, data buses, address bus, control buses, clock
5. Network card, network adapter, transmission unit, clock
generator, jegel memory device
Tactical composition of the processor:
1. The worst perception and production in its registers
242 shows in one clock cycle for the processor.
2. The motherboard for the processor.
3. A coefficient that increases the frequency of the
motherboard to reach the processor frequency.
4. The number of element operations performed by the
processor per unit of time.
5. Data exchange within the processor is faster than data
exchange in the processor and ram.
Processor degree:
1. The worst perception and production in its registers
243 shows in one clock cycle for the processor.
2. The motherboard for the processor.
3. A coefficient that increases the frequency of the
motherboard to reach the processor frequency.
4. The number of element operations performed by the
processor per unit of time.
5. Data exchange within the processor is faster than data
exchange in the processor and ram.
What will the structure of multiprocessor machines look like?
1. Several processors that are part of a computing system
244 occur in each of them separately
2. In unity, and in the hands of one bc (control structure).
3. The multi-stream of data is designed in the current
program as a single command stream.
4. Have a shared memory and a single processor.
5. One that is part of the computing system will stand
separately on each of the processors
Processor clock frequency unit:
1. Ampere
245 2. Hertz
3. Volts
4. Mb
5. Byte
Main OS functions related to memory management:
1. Defining symbolic names
246 2. Control of empty and occupied memory
3. Widespread use of database management systems
4. Managing the virtual address space of a process
5. Guaranteed system response to external conditions
ALU performance services:
1. Performing arithmetic operations
247 2. Information storage
3. Input and output of information
4. Words in information are located in cells in memory
5. Manages areas of the virtual address space
Filesystem structure
1. Chain
248 2. Linear
3. Spiral
4. Algorithmic
5. Hierarchical
To transfer numbers, taking into account their sign in a
computer, special codes are used:
249 1. Indirect number code
2. Direct number code
3. Actual code
4. Extended number code
5. Double code number
The software is divided into the following categories:
1. Operating systems
250 2. System software
3. Operating shells
4. Shell programs
5. Utilities
Types of antivirus programs:
1. Pkunzip
251 2. Zoo
3. Drweb
4. Pkzip
5. Expand
Multi-user operating system:
1. Ms dos
252 2. Windows nt
3. Netware
4. Unix
5. Linux
The most common graphics editors:
1. Adobe photoshop
253 2. Chiwriter
3. Sybase
4. Multiedit
5. Lexicon
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) means -
1. A between people (users) and computers.
254 2. It is the development of interaction between people and
programs on the computer.
3. It is the study of the relationship between computer
science and users.
4. It is the planning of interaction between people and
interactive computing systems.
5. It is the study of processes in a computer.
the main purpose of Human-Computer Interaction:
1. Understand what knowledge you want to gain while
255 working on a computer.
2. It is an understanding of the user, his motivation and the
tasks he solves.
3. Learning something new in the process of learning this
new program.
4. Understand that the user can perform a specific task.
5. To determine whether a particular program can work at
the discretion of the user.
A crucial role in Human-Computer Interaction:
1. Logic of perception of programs and devices
256 2. Logic and reason
3. Intelligence.
4. Education.
5. Shaft
primary computing systems that allow a certain number of
users to work together ..
257 1. Appeared in the late 50s
2. Appeared in the early 60s
3. Appeared in the mid-60s
4. Appeared in the early 70s
5. Appeared in the mid-70s
for the first time the idea of combining human intelligence and
computer technology to manage information
258 1. Proposed by the American scientist G. Hollerith in 1950.
2. Proposed by the American scientist K. R. Liklider in
3. Proposed by the American scientist Douglas Engelbart
in 1962.
4. Proposed by the American scientist Ivan Sutherland in
5. California scientist Gordon. Moore proposed in 1965.
6. Proposed by the American mathematician Alan Kane in
Popular graphics on which all modern popular programs run
1. Raster graphics
259 2. Computer graphics
3. Vector graphics
4. Business graphics
5. 3d graphics
Realistic image in a large space
1. Two-dimensional graphics
260 2. 3d graphics
3. Multidimensional graphics
4. Vector graphics
5. Bitmap graphics
Raster graphics means
1. a set of colored dots of the image
261 2. Only a collection of images
3. Freehand drawing on the computer screen
4. Image loses image quality when zooming
5. The image can be corrected, decorated, that is, any part
of it can be changed.
allows you to get high-quality images, as in the photo
1. the file size is too large
262 2. The image loses image quality when zooming
3. The image can be corrected, decorated, that is, any part
of it can be changed.
4. Produces images composed of a set of geometric objects
such as lines, arcs and rectangles.
Features of vector graphics
1. a set of colored image dots
263 2. freehand drawing on the computer screen
3. Allows you to obtain images consisting of a set of
geometric objects, such as a linear, arcuate circle and a
4. Does not lose image quality when zooming
5. Drawing on the computer screen
A device for converting audio or video signals to digital (and
vice versa)
264 1. Codec
2. MP3
3. DSS Player
4. Bitrate
5. Resolution
Benefits of vector graphics
1. each point of the table can be changed to black and
265 white or any other color
2. Each point of the table can be changed in any color,
except black and white.
3. Very large file sizes.
4. The image can be easily corrected.
5. When zooming in, it loses image quality
A Web page (HTML document) is…
1. Text file with the txt or doc extension
266 2. Text file with the htm or html extension
3. Binary file with the com or exe extension
4. Image file with the extension gif or jpg
5. Microsoft word or Word Pad
Programs are used to view Web pages on the Internet…
1. Microsoft Word or Word Pad
267 2. Microsoft Access or microsoft Works
3. Internet Explorer or Opera or Google Chrome
4. Htmlpad or Front Page
5. The image can be easily corrected.
The tag is…
1. Special command written in angle brackets
268 2. Text that uses special characters
3. Pointer to another file or object
4. Fragment of the program included in the Web page
5. Does not lose image quality when zooming
Hyperlinks on a Web page can provide a link ...
1. only within the given web page
269 2. Only to web pages of this server
3. To any web page in the region
4. To any web page of any Internet server
5. drawing on the computer screen
Hypertext is…
1. A very large text
270 2. The text that uses a large font size
3. Structured text, where you can click on the selected
4. Text that contains objects with a large amount of
5. To any web page in the region
What character indicates the end of the tag?
271 2.;
4. <
What property is used to change the width of the table?
1. count
272 2. Length
3. Size
4. Left
5. Right
Which tag is used to create rows in tables?
1. <Td>
273 2. <tr>
3. <th>
4. <p>
5. <b>
Which attribute of the BODY tag allows you to set the page
background color?
274 1. Color
2. Bасkground
3. Set
4. Bgсolor
5. Сolorofbackground
What tag defines the title of an HTML document ?
1. Нтмl
275 2. Isindex
3. Воdy
4. Heаd
5. Title
Which tag defines the body of the HTML document?
1. Мета
276 2. Bоdy
3. Hтмl
4. Heаd
5. Title
Which attribute of the VDY tag allows you to change the color
of "active" hyperlinks?
277 1. Cоlоr
2. Vlink
3. Аlink
4. Тexт
5. Colorofbody
What tag is declared for a web page?
1. <html> </html>
278 2. <head> </head>
3. <title> </title>
4. <body> </body>
5. <bady> </body>
What tag is used to declare the title of a web page?
1. <html> </html>
279 2. <head> </head>
3. <title> </title>
4. <body> </body>
5. <tutle> </tutle>
Program for creating a Web page using the HTML language:
1. Ms word
280 2. Paint - calculator
3. Notepad
4. Web browser
5. MS Excel
The program for viewing hypertext pages is called
1. Html
281 2. Server
3. Protocol
4. Browser
5. Client
What tags set the size of the heading?
1. <p></p>
282 2. <img src=”name”>
3. <body></body>
4. <h1></h1>
5. <img size=”500px”>
Data Mining
1. It can be defined as a set body of facts and principles
283 accumulated by humankind or the Act, Fact, or State of
2. It is a computerized system of structured data. Its main
purpose is to store information and provide it on demand.
3. It is a process of performing automated extraction and
generating predictive information from large data banks.
4. It is the process of performing automated filling of
predictive information into large databases
5. It is well structured, i.e. It highlights the main elements
of the types and relationships between the elements, as
well as the restrictions on the permitted operations

The basic Data mining model

1. Explanatory
284 2. Interpretative
3. Predictive
4. Descriptive
5. Prophetic

Predictive Data Mining models include

1. Regression
285 2. Clustering
3. Segmentation
4. Summarization
5. Generalization

Type of Descriptive Data Mining model

1. Time series analysis
286 2. Classification
3. Regression
4. Association rules
5. Regression

Descriptive Data Mining models which is a data processing in

some sense opposite to classifications which enables you to
287 create new groups and classes based on the study of patterns
and relationship between values of data in a data bank
1. Regression
2. Summarization
3. Association rules
4. Classification
5. Clustering

Predictive Data Mining models which is one of statistical

techniques which enable to forecast future data values based
288 on the present and past data values
1. Regression
2. Summarization
3. Association rules
4. Clustering
5. Time series analysis

Databases are classified according to the processing

289 1. Hierarchical, network, relational
2. Centralized, distributed
3. Local access, remote access
4. External, conceptual, internal
5. File server, client server

Databases are classified according to the architecture

1. Hierarchical, network, relational
290 2. Centralized, distributed
3. Local access, remote access
4. External, conceptual, internal
5. File server, client server
Level of the DBMS architecture
1. External
291 2. Relational
3. Conventional
4. Local
5. Global

Google Site. To add images to the carousel site, use

292 1.


Google Site. To open Google Site, you need to

1. Create - more-google site
293 2. My drive-more-google site
3. Create-google forms-google site
4. Create –google documents-google site
5. My drive-empty Site-Google Site

Google Site. To use the existing style and uniform color

solutions, use
294 1. Themes
2. Pages
3. Viewer tools
4. Topics
5. Stylist

Google Site. The site name is located on

1. top left corner
295 2. Top right corner
3. Top center
4. Bottom center
5. Bottom left or right corner
MS Access. Which button from the below shows the window

1. 3
2. 1
3. 5
4. 2
5. 4

Use the tab to import an Excel table

1. External data
297 2. Internal data
3. Database ODBC
4. Access
5. Creation

Google Site. A function that allows you to return any of the

versions for the last month
298 1. Analytics
2. Viewer tools
3. Version history
4. Themes
5. User url

Google Site. To see what the site will look like on a tablet PC,



Google Site. To add collapsible text to the site, use

300 1.




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