Teen Age Pregnancy

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Teen age pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a woman 19 years of age or younger. A

woman can get pregnant if she has vaginal sex with a man at any age after
she’s begun having regular monthly periods.
In today society many of the teen age having sex at a very young age and
some of them get unwanted pregnant due to unprotected sex or lack of
information or guidance. According to World Health Organization WHO 21
million girls aged 15 to 19 years and 2 million girls aged under 15 years
become pregnant every year.
In Philippines Teenage pregnancy occur at the age of 15 years old and some
are 12. Department of health conduct a survey and they find out that nine
percent of women from the age of 15 to 19 have already started childbearing.
The cause of Teenage Pregnancy, the mostly cause is the poor family, many
teens get pregnant and the family that they came from are poor because of
lack guidance of their parents many teens get loss of their life because of poor
family. Broken family has also contributed to the growth of the Teenage
Pregnancy, the reason there is after the parent get separated mother or
father get busy of their work because they are only one to raised their children
and many of them don’t give attention to the child so he child has no
guidance, some of them make relationship to other opposite sex because of
seeking what so called love, love that they parents don’t give them. Lust this is
also help the growth but not often, at the puberty stage teens cannot deny that
there are lot of changes in their body especially their mind, thinking lustful
things is natural when you are at puberty stage but some of them cannot
handle it and get mate with others, also pornography many teens watch is and
few of them don’t, this also the one who encourage teens to do sex. Rape and
sexual abuse also one of great factor in Teenage Pregnancy many teens get
harassed or rape by their friends, family member, even their own father, in
their compound, or boyfriends, strangers and many more.
The effects of Teenage Pregnancy is mostly dropout at school due to the
condition of the teen mother they must absent at school for certain lesson.
Their child could be possible of being fatherless or bastard and this can cause
bullying at school or friends. Street children also possible effect because
some of teens get pregnant are poor and is it obvious that they cannot give
the right care for their children and the child will perished. At the very young
age teenaged mother has the possible of delivering an immature birth due to
the undeveloped womb because of the very young age. Abortion this is the
mostly solution and the effect of some teen mothers who has unwanted
pregnancy and this is sin to human rights especially at the Gods law.
Solution is to race funds by conducting simple business like making towels
with poster on advocating the stop of Teenage Pregnancy or bracelets
umbrella anything that can contribute the advocacy and the money we earn,
we will use to printing leaflets to give the people. Making post on social media
is the easiest way to advocate. Make an organization even in a small humble
organization it is the start of advocating people and later on it will become big
but if this is not successful you can also join to the other organization that is
the same to your advocacy and if you have an organization and if your group
has the stable amount of income you can go to the other places to give
seminars to the remote area and advocate it.

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