Piano Red October

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Piano Red October

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In the Soviet Union, pianos produced under the "Red October" brand were very common. In this article, you will learn what this tool is and what its
origin is.

"Red October" is a brand of piano that was produced in pre-revolutionary times at the Becker factory. The founder of the factory was the German
Jakob Becker, after whom the factory was named. The tool was initially of very good quality and quickly gained popularity. Becker grand pianos
Path of
received Exile
many top-awards
Auto- at world and all-Russian exhibitions at those times.
An instrument with the Becker brand could be seen even in the St. Petersburg and Moscow Conservatories, since the company had the unofficial
name of a court supplier of instruments not only for all Russian princes, but also for the emperors of Russia and Austria. Such famous composers
as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Anton Rubinstein, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov spoke very well about the grand pianos of this company.

There is evidence that even Emperor Nicholas II purchased such a grand piano for Alexandra Feodorovna, and the famous patron of the arts at that
time, Mitrofan Belyayev, presented the instrument to Alexander Scriabin, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory. What happened after the
revolution? Like everything else, the Becker factory was nationalized in 1918. The factory abandoned the production of grand pianos and opened
all sorts of handicraft production, everyone did what they could. But after 6 years, the demand for grand pianos resumed, and the People's
Commissariat for Education decided to make one of the largest factories. All factories were in a state of neglect.

After some deliberation, the following factories were chosen for the implementation of this plan: Diederichs Brothers, Schröder, Rönisch, Rathke,
Mühlbach, Offenbacher, and of course Becker. The Becker factory formed the basis of production, it made mechanics for grand pianos. The first
models produced at the factory and named "Red October" in honor of the tenth anniversary of the revolution saw the world in 1927. Their quality
left much to be desired due to the fact that the workers lacked neither experience nor knowledge to create high-quality tools.

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This problem was solved thanks to Germany, because Germany is considered the birthplace of piano building. The success did not last long. The
outbreak of World War II made its own adjustments. The plant began to produce boxes for shells and cases for portable receivers, the production
of which was established at the neighboring Kozinsky plant.
At the end of the war, full-scale production resumed in 1947, and in 1950 it showed a new level of quality. The instrument under the brand name
"Red famous
October" online
was talked about in Europe. In 1958, the instrument won the Grand Prix at the World Industrial Exhibition a sensation.
game with the battle
for the throne.
The first problems at the factory began in 1986, but the factory continued to work, there were attempts to establish an independent distribution
AD to the West. The factory was returned to its old name "Jakob Becker", but all the efforts of its management to establish the former
production failed. The history of the factory ended in 1996, when it was declared bankrupt, and it was transferred to external management. The
former glory has been forgotten, and pianos under the J. Becker brand are now produced in Germany.

The results are disappointing. Today you can find a lot of advertisements, both on the Internet and in newspapers, about the sale of pianos "Red
October", and, in most cases, they give it away for free, they ask you to pay only for export. But there is no need to rejoice, because if this is a copy
of pre-revolutionary production, then the parts are badly worn, and the piano has become unsuitable for use for its intended purpose. Well, the
quality of the pianos produced after the revolution was not the best from the very beginning. You'll be extremely lucky if you manage to find a copy
of the Red October piano in good condition.

You can of
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how the old Red October piano sounds in the video.
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