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St Matthew Passion

Friday 29 March 2024 | 3.00pm

Barbican Hall, London

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18th century Vienna’s magnificent musical flourishing
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25 January 2024 | Milton Court Concert Hall, London
26 January 2024 | Milton Court Concert Hall, London

The Art of the Italian Concerto

From Vivaldi’s Venice to the splendour of Rome
6 March 2024 | West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge
7 March 2024 | Milton Court Concert Hall, London

Bach’s St Matthew Passion
AAM returns to a masterpiece that never grows old
29 March 2024 | Barbican Hall, London

Le Roi Soleil: the King dances

The art of dance at the pinnacle of the French baroque
17 April 2024 | West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge
18 April 2024 | Milton Court Concert Hall, London

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30 May 2024 | Milton Court Concert Hall, London

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St Matthew Passion
Anna Dennis soprano
Tim Mead alto
Nicholas Mulroy tenor
George Humphreys bass
Mhairi Lawson soprano
Magid El-Bushra alto
Paul Hopwood tenor
Rodney Earl Clarke bass
Academy of Ancient Music
Laurence Cummings
director, harpsichord & organ

Friday 29 March 2024 | 3.00pm

Barbican Hall, London

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John McMunn
chief executive

The St Matthew Passion – Bach’s ‘Great

Passion’ – may be canonical today but, as
Stephen Rose reminds us in his excellent
programme note, at its first performance
on Good Friday 11 April 1727 it formed
part of a Leipzig tradition that had only
begun some ten years prior. Before
the performance of Telemann’s Brockes
Passion at the Neukirche on Good Friday
1717, the locals would have expected an
austere chanted setting of the Passion
story at the day’s liturgy – a far cry from
Bach’s elaborate patchwork of recitation, but because it gives us an opportunity
chorales and arias. to explore the true creative potential of
This afternoon, we will attempt to access a piece we all know like the back of our
some of the surprise and wonder the hands; a chance to hear the work anew,
St Matthew Passion’s first audiences must as if for the first time.
have felt upon hearing the work. In place Thank you for joining us and allow me
of a separate choir, just eight solo singers to wish you a very blessed weekend.
form the core vocal ensemble for our Whether you ascribe to any faith or none,
performance, all of whom will ‘step out’ there is truth and humanity in the music
to take on the various solo roles required. and the story we present this afternoon.
We’ve chosen to perform the work in this It is a privilege to share it with you all.
way not because we think it is ‘authentic’
or ‘correct’ to do so (though it is at least
interesting to note how far modern
Photo © Mark Allen

performance practice has diverged from

how Bach likely staged the work himself)

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Photo © Benjamin Ealovega

AAM is Associate Ensemble at the Barbican Centre, London and

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Introducing the Passion
When JS Bach’s second wife Anna Magdalena was sorting out an assortment
of her husband’s manuscripts, she labelled one performing part as
belonging to ‘the Great Passion’. This description could refer to only one
piece – Bach’s St Matthew Passion. Consisting of 78 movements for double
choir (sung this afternoon by two groups of four soloists) and double
orchestra, it is a work of unprecedented length. It also has great expressive
power, meditating on the bittersweet combination of pity, penance and
love aroused by the Passion story.
The St Matthew Passion was written for liturgical performance at the service
of Vespers on Good Friday, 11 April 1727, in Leipzig. Traditionally the Leipzig
churches recited the Passion story on Good Friday in a simple chanted
setting dating back to the early 16th century. In 1721 Bach’s predecessor
as Leipzig Thomaskantor, Johann Kuhnau, introduced a more elaborate
Passion setting, punctuating the Biblical recitation with arias and verses of
chorales. In 1724 Bach performed his St John Passion, and three years later
he premiered the St Matthew Passion. Bach’s Passions, like Kuhnau’s, were in
two halves, the first part to be performed before the sermon and the second
part afterwards.
The St Matthew Passion uses a libretto by ‘Picander’, the pen-name of the
Leipzig poet Christian Friedrich Henrici. The libretto, undoubtedly the result
of a close collaboration between Picander and Bach, uses three types of text.
Firstly, there is the Biblical narrative, sung in recitative by the Evangelist; the
Leipzig churches evidently required composers to state the entire scriptural
text without alteration. Secondly, there are Passiontide chorales, hymns that
would be familiar to every member of the congregation. Thirdly, there is
Picander’s own poetry, reflecting on the Passion story with metaphors and
poetic devices typical of baroque literature. Following the model of Barthold
Heinrich Brockes’s Passion libretto, Picander occasionally introduces the
allegorical figures of the Daughter of Zion and the Believer, although many
of the arias are not attributed to any specific character.
The resultant mosaic of textual layers creates levels of allusion that greatly
enrich the Passion. Comments on the Biblical story are offered by the
chorales (in simple language dating from the Lutheran Reformation of the
early 16th century) and the arias (in Picander’s more elaborate language
of the early 18th century). For example, the first recitative of the piece is

the Biblical passage where Jesus prophesies his death: ‘des Menschen
Sohn wird überantwortet werden, daß er gekreuziget werde’ (No. 2). This is
immediately followed by a chorale, which expresses incredulity that Jesus
should die: ‘Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen / daß man ein solch
scharf Urteil hat gesprochen?’ (No. 3).
The different texts can also be layered simultaneously, as in the opening
chorus (No. 1). Here, Choir I represents the Daughters of Zion, singing
‘Kommt ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen, sehet den Bräutigam’ (‘Come,
daughters, help me lament / Behold the bridegroom!’ – a reference to a
Biblical tradition of representing Christ’s coming as a wedding, except here
Christ will be taken to his death). Choir II represents the believers, who
interject questions about what is happening: ‘Wen?’, ‘Wie?’, ‘Was?’, ‘Wohin?’
(‘Whom?’, ‘How?’, ‘What?’, ‘Where?’). Over all this is heard the melody of
the German Agnus Dei, ‘O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig’; this 16th-century
chorale was used at Communion services and refers to Christ’s innocence
at his crucifixion. Bach sets the two main choirs as a 12/8 pastorale in
E minor, whereas the Agnus Dei is in G major. The dual tonality epitomises
the musical and textual richness of the movement. In addition, its
length and sense of foreboding give a foretaste of the style of the rest
of the Passion.
As a liturgical work, the St Matthew Passion aims not only to narrate the
Biblical story, but also to help members of the congregation meditate on
the significance of Christ’s sacrifice. Scholars such as Eric Chafe and Elke
Axmacher have traced resemblances between Picander’s libretto and
sermons on Christ’s Passion by Martin Luther and subsequent theologians
such as Heinrich Müller. Particularly relevant to Picander’s libretto is
Luther’s 1519 meditation on Christ’s Passion, which outlines three stages
of contemplation: firstly, for the believers to recognise that it was their sins
that caused Christ’s death; secondly, to cleanse their conscience by casting
their sins onto Christ; and thirdly, to imitate Christ and his willing submission
to the Cross.
Many of the arias in the St Matthew Passion can be associated with one
of the three stages of meditation, and Bach often emphasises their
contemplative function by using an unusual scoring or distinctive key. In
the first half of the Passion, the initial stage of the meditation (recognition of
one’s sins) is foremost. The first aria of the piece, sung after a woman anoints
Jesus’s feet with oil, emphasises humanity’s guilt for its sins: ‘Buß und Reu /

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Knirscht das Sündenherz entzwei’ (No. 10). The aria is in F-sharp minor, a key
that Bach’s contemporary Johann Mattheson described as ‘misanthropic’
and ‘causing great affliction’; and the obbligato flutes play many descending
gestures, as if weighed down by sin.
Later in the first part, when Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane, his fear
at his impending death is expressed in the movement ‘O Schmerz! Hier
zittert das gequälte Herz’ (No. 25). Here the key is F minor (associated
by Mattheson with ‘heartache’), and the scoring includes the colourful
combination of flutes and oboes da caccia (a baroque member of the oboe
family, pitched a fifth lower). A chorale then enters in dialogue with the solo
tenor, drawing a moral for the congregation: ‘Was ist die Ursach aller solcher
Plagen? / Ach! meine Sünden haben dich geschlagen.’
The second part of the Passion continues to assert the need for repentance.
After Peter has denied that he ever knew Christ, his remorse is expressed in
the aria ‘Erbarme dich’ (No. 47). Here the obbligato violin is entrusted with a
theme that is both beseeching (particularly in the opening leap of a minor
sixth) and also ornate. When the singer first enters, the vocal line attempts
to imitate the violin’s theme; but soon the theme reverts to the violin. Bach
implies that humankind is so broken that it cannot even follow the violin’s
Some arias in the second half of the Passion, however, have a calmer or
more confident note. In the midst of the anger and hurly-burly of Jesus’s
trial, Pilate asks ‘Was hat er denn Übels getan? / What evil has He done
then?’ (No. 56). A soprano recitative recounts the good things that Jesus has
done, followed by the aria ‘Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben’ (No. 58).
Here the instrumental scoring – for flute and two oboes da caccia, without
continuo – gives a moment of stillness within the onward-driving narrative.
As the soprano explains why Jesus is sentenced to death – ‘Daß die ewige
Verderben / Und die Strafe des Gerichts / Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe’
(‘So that eternal destruction and the punishment of judgement would not
remain upon my soul’) – it is evident we have reached the second stage of
Luther’s meditation on the Passion.
After Jesus is found guilty at the trial, he is led away to be crucified. As he
struggles under the weight of the Cross, a bystander – Simon of Cyrene –
is conscripted to carry it. Simon’s willingness to take this load is expressed
in the aria ‘Komm, süßes Kreuz’ (No. 66). The obbligato is played by the
viola da gamba, whose triple-stopping and awkward leaps suggest that

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Simon’s task is a difficult one; the dotted rhythms are an echo of the French
overture, associated with the arrival of royalty (even if here the king has
been sentenced to death). The aria represents the third stage of meditation
on the Passion, namely that the believer is now prepared to follow Christ
and take up his Cross.
All the arias of the St Matthew Passion draw on aspects of the musical
vocabulary of baroque opera, as for instance in the lamenting gestures of
‘Erbarme dich’. Yet Bach’s conception of these arias is far from operatic, for
he does not assign them to named characters. Sometimes the aria is sung
by a voice-type appropriate for one of the Biblical personages, as with the
bass who sings the words associated with Simon of Cyrene. By contrast,
‘Erbarme dich’ is sung by an alto, not by the bass who sang Peter’s words in
the preceding recitative. The change of singer may have been required by
the limitations of Bach’s performers (the aria may have been too hard for the
bass in Choir I); but it also universalises the message of the arias, showing
that the experience of repentance is not specific to a single singer. Bach
thereby aimed to involve the congregation in the Passion story and mould
them spiritually.
The congregation would also be drawn into the Passion by the chorales.
They would have recognised the tunes and words of these German hymns,
which were used regularly in private devotion during the 18th century as
well as in church services. It is unclear if the congregation actually sang
the chorales – which are often stated in unsuitable keys for untrained
voices, or with the melody shrouded by complicated harmonies – but they
doubtless would have recited the words quietly to themselves during the
performance. By incorporating the popular tone of the chorales as well as
the ornate rhetoric of the arias, Bach and Picander aimed to communicate
with all members of the congregation regardless of their education. This
communicative power is one of the factors that make the St Matthew Passion
such an exceptional musical experience.
Programme note © Stephen Rose

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Text and Translation

1. Choir I & II
Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen, Come, daughters, help me lament,
Sehet! Wen? den Bräutigam! behold! Whom? the Bridegroom!
Seht ihn! Wie? als wie ein Lamm. Behold Him! How? as a Lamb.
Sehet! Was? seht die Geduld. Behold! What? behold the patience.
Seht! Wohin? auf unsre Schuld. Look! Where? at our guilt.
Sehet ihn aus Lieb und Huld See Him, out of love and graciousness,
Holz zum Kreuze selber tragen. bear the wood for the Cross Himself.
(O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, (O innocent Lamb of God,
Am Stamm des Kreuzes geschlachtet, slaughtered on the trunk of the Cross,
Allzeit erfunden geduldig, patient at all times,
Wiewohl du warest verachtet. however You were scorned.
All Sünd hast du getragen, You have borne all sins,
Sonst müßten wir verzagen. otherwise we would have to despair.
Erbarm dich unser, o Jesu.) Have mercy on us, o Jesus.)

2. Evangelist
Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, When Jesus had finished this speech,
sprach er zu seinen Jüngern: He said to His disciples:

Ihr wisset daß nach zweien Tagen You know that in two days it will be
Ostern wird, und des Menschen Sohn Passover, and the Son of Man will be
wird überantwortet werden, daß er handed over to be crucified.
gekreuziget werde.

3. Chorale
Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du Heart’s beloved Jesus, how have You
verbrochen, Daß man ein solch scharf transgressed, that such a harsh sentence
Urteil hat gesprochen? Was ist die Schuld, has been pronounced? What is the
in was für Missetaten Bist du geraten? crime, of what kind of misdeed are You

4. Evangelist
Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester Then the high priests and the scribes
und Schriftgelehrten und die Ältesten im and the elders of the people gathered
Volk in den Palast des Hohenpriesters, in the palace of the high priest, who was
der da hieß Kaiphas, und hielten Rat, wie named Caiaphas, and took council how
sie Jesum mit Listen griffen und töteten. with deception they could seize Jesus
Sie sprachen aber: and kill Him. They said, however:

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5. Choir I & II
Ja nicht auf das Fest, auf daß nicht ein Not, indeed, during the festival, so that
Aufruhr werde im Volk. there will not be an uproar among the

6. Evangelist
Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien, im Hause Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the
Simonis des Aussätzigen, trat zu ihm ein house of Simon the leper, a woman
Weib, die hatte ein Glas mit köstlichem came to Him with a cup filled with
Wasser und goß es auf sein Haupt, da er valuable water; and she poured it upon
zu Tische saß. Da das seine Jünger sahen, His head as he sat at the table. When
wurden sie unwillig und sprachen: His disciples saw this, they were against it
and said:

7. Choir I
Wozu dienet dieser Unrat? Dieses Wasser What purpose does this foolishness
hätte mögen teuer verkauft und den serve? This water could have been sold
Armen gegeben werden. for a high price and given to the poor.

8. Evangelist
Da das Jesus merkete, sprach er zu ihnen: When Jesus heard this, He said to them:

Was bekümmert ihr das Weib? Sie hat Why do you trouble this woman? She
ein gut Werk an mir getan. Ihr habet has done a good deed for Me. You will
allezeit Armen bei euch, mich aber habt have the poor with you always, but you
ihr nicht allezeit. Daß sie dies Wasser hat will not always have Me. She has poured
auf meinen Leib gegossen, hat sie getan, this water on My body because I will be
daß man mich begraben wird. Wahrlich, buried. Truly I say to you: wherever this
ich sage euch: Wo dies Evangelium Gospel will be preached in the whole
geprediget wird in der ganzen Welt, world they will tell, in her memory, what
da wird man auch sagen zu ihrem she has done.
Gedächtnis, was sie getan hat.

9. Recitative (alto)
Du lieber Heiland du, O You dear Saviour,
Wenn deiner Jünger töricht streiten, when Your disciples foolishly protest
Daß diese fromme Weib that this virtuous woman
Mit Salben deinen Leib prepares Your body
Zum Grabe will bereiten, with ointment for the grave,
So lasse mir inzwischen zu, in the meantime let me,
Von meiner Augen Tränenflüssen with the flowing tears from my eyes,
Ein Wasser auf sein Haupt zu gießen! pour a water upon Your head!

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10. Aria (alto)
Buß und Reu, Buß und Reu Repentance and regret,
Knirscht das Sündenherz entzwei. repentance and regret
Das die Tropfen meiner Zähren rip the sinful heart in two.
Angenehme Spezerei, Thus th e drops of my tears,desirable
Treuer Jesu, dir gebären. spices,
are brought to You, loving Jesus.

11. Evangelist
Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer mit Namen Then one of the twelve, named Judas
Judas Ischarioth zu den Hohenpriestern Iscariot, went to the high priests and said:
und sprach:

Was wollt ihr mir geben? Ich will ihn euch What will you give me? I will betray Him
verraten. to you.

Und sie boten ihm dreißig Silberlinge. And they offered him thirty silver pieces.
Und von dem an suchte er Gelegenheit, And from then on he sought opportunity
daß er ihn verriete. to betray Him.

12. Aria (soprano)

Blute nur, du liebes Herz! Bleed out, You loving heart!
Ach! ein Kind, das du erzogen, Alas! A child that You raised,
Das an deiner Brust gesogen, that nursed at Your breast,
Droht den Pfleger zu ermorden, threatens to murder its caretaker,
Denn es ist zur Schlange worden. since it has become a serpent.

13. Evangelist
Aber am ersten Tage der süßen Brot But on the first day of unleavened bread
traten die Jünger zu Jesu und sprachen the disciples came to Jesus and said to
zu ihm: Him:

14. Choir I
Wo willst du, daß wir dir bereiten das Where do You want us to prepare to eat
Osterlamm zu essen? the Passover lamb?

15. Evangelist
Er sprach: He said:

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Gehet hin in die Stadt zu einem und Go into the city to a certain person and
sprecht zu ihm: Der Meister läßt dir say to him: the Master says to you: My
sagen: Meine Zeit ist hier, ich will bei dir time is here, I will hold Passover in your
die Ostern halten mit meinen Jüngern. house with my disciples.

Und die Jünger täten, wie ihnen Jesus And the disciples did as Jesus had
befohlen hatte, und bereiteten das commanded them, and prepared the
Osterlamm. Und am Abend satzte er sich Passover lamb. And in the evening He sat
zu Tische mit den Zwölfen. Und da sie at dinner with the twelve. And as they
aßen, sprach er: ate, He said:

Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Einer unter euch Truly I say to you: one among you will
wird mich verraten. betray Me.

Und sie wurden sehr betrübt und huben And they were very troubled and began,
an, ein jeglicher unter ihnen, und sagten each one among them, to say to Him:
zu ihm:

Choir I
Herr, bin ichs? Lord, is it I?

16. Chorale
Ich bins, ich sollte büßen, It is I, I should atone,
An Händen und an Füßen bound hand and foot
Gebunden in der Höll. in hell.
Die Geißeln und die Banden The scourges and the bonds
Und was du ausgestanden, and what you endured,
Das hat verdienet meine Seel. my soul has earned.

17. Evangelist
Er antwortete und sprach: He answered and said:

Der mit der Hand mit mir in die Schüssel He who has dipped his hand in the bowl
tauchet, der wird mich verraten. Des with Me will betray Me. The Son of Man
Menschen Sohn gehet zwar dahin, wie will indeed pass away as it stands written
von ihm geschrieben stehet; doch wehe of Him; yet woe to the man through
dem Menschen, durch welchen des whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It
Menschen Sohn verraten wird! Es wäre would be better for him if this man had

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ihm besser, daß derselbige Mensch noch never been born.
nie geboren wäre.

Da antwortete Judas, der ihn verriet, und Then Judas, who betrayed Him, answered
sprach: and said:

Bin ichs, Rabbi? Is it I, Rabbi?

Er sprach zu ihm: He said to him:

Du sagests. You say it.

Da sie aber aßen, nahm Jesus das Brot, While they ate, however, Jesus took the
dankete und brachs und gabs den bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to
Jüngern und sprach: the disciples and said:

Nehmet, esset, das ist mein Leib. Take, eat, this is My body.

Und er nahm den Kelch und dankete, And He took the cup and blessed it, gave
gab ihnen den und sprach: it to them and said:

Trinket alle daraus; das ist mein Blut des Drink from this, all of you; this is My
neuen Testaments, welches vergossen blood of the new covenant, which is
wird für viele zur Vergebung der Sünden. poured out for many for the forgiveness
Ich sage euch: Ich werde von nun an of sins. I say to you: from now on I will
nicht mehr von diesem Gewächs des not drink again from this fruit of the vine
Weinstocks trinken bis an den Tag, da until the day when I drink again with you
ichs neu trinken werde mit euch in in My Father’s kingdom.
meines Vaters Reich.

18. Recitative (soprano)

Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt, Although my heart is swimming in tears,
Daß Jesus von mir Abschied nimmt, since Jesus takes leave of me,
So macht mich doch sein Testament yet His Testament brings me joy:
erfreut: His flesh and blood, O preciousness,
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Sein Fleisch und Blut, o Kostbarkeit, He bequeaths to my hands.
Vermacht er mir in meine Hände. Just as in the world, among His own,
Wie er es auf er Welt mit denen Seinen He could not wish them harm,
Nicht böse können meinen, just so He loves them to the end.
So liebt er sie bis an das Ende.

19. Aria (soprano)

Ich will dir mein Herze schenken, I will give You my heart;
Senke dich, mein Heil, hinein! sink within, My Saviour!
Ich will mich in dir versenken; I will sink into You;
Ist dir gleich die Welt zu klein, although the world is too small for You,
Ei, so sollst du mir allein ah, You alone shall be for me
Mehr als Welt und Himmel sein. more than heaven and earth.

20. Evangelist
Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen And when they had spoken the
hatten, gingen sie hinaus an den Ölberg. benediction, they went out to the Mount
Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: of Olives. Then Jesus said to them:

In dieser Nacht werdet ihr euch Tonight you will all be angry at Me. For it
alle ärgern an mir. Denn es stehet is written: “I will strike the shepherd, and
geschrieben: “Ich werde den Hirten the sheep of the flock will be scattered.”
schlagen, und die Schafe der Herde When, however, I rise again, I shall go
werden sich zerstreuen.” Wenn ich aber before you into Galilee.
auferstehe, will ich vor euch hingehen in

21. Chorale
Erkenne mich, mein Hüter, Acknowledge me, my Guardian,
Mein Hirte, nimm mich an! my Shepherd, take me in!
Von dir, Quell aller Güter, From You, source of all goodness,
Ist mir viel Guts getan. has much good come to me.
Dein Mund hat mich gelabet Your mouth has nourished me
Mit Milch und süßer Kost, with milk and sweet sustenance,
Dein Geist hat mich begabet Your spirit has lavished upon me
Mit mancher Himmelslust. much heavenly joy.

22. Evangelist
Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu Peter answered, however, and said to
ihm: him:

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Wenn sie auch alle sich an dir ärgerten, Even though everyone will be angry at
so will ich doch mich nimmermehr You, yet I will never be angry.

Jesus sprach zu ihm: Jesus said to him:

Wahrlich, ich sage dir: in dieser Nacht, Truly, I say to you: tonight, before the
ehe der Hahn krähet, wirst du mich cock crows, you will deny Me three times.
dreimal verleugnen.

Petrus sprach zu ihm: Peter said to him:

Und wenn ich mit dir sterben müßte, so Even if I must die with You, I will not deny
will ich dich nicht verleugnen. You.

Desgleichen sagten auch alle Jünger. All the other disciples also said the same.

23. Chorale
Ich will hier bei dir stehen; I stand her close beside Thee,
Verachte mich doch nicht! Thine anguish I would share,
Von dir will ich nicht gehen, O Lord, do not despise me
Wenn dir dein Herze bricht. in this Thy heart‘s despair.
Wenn dein Herz wird erblassen For when Thy heart is drooping
Im letzten Todes stoß, in death‘s last agony,
Alsdenn will ich dich fassen my arms will be about Thee
In meinen Arm und Schoß. and hold Thee close to me.

24. Evangelist
Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe, Then Jesus came with them to a garden,
der hieß Gethsemane, und sprach zu which was called Gethsemane, and spoke
seinen Jüngern: to His disciples:

Setzet euch hie, bis daß ich dort hingehe Sit here while I go over there and pray.
und bete.

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Und nahm zu sich Petrum und die zween And He took Peter and the two sons of
Söhne Zebedäi und fing an zu trauern Zebedee with Him, and began to mourn
und zu zagen. Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: and despair. Then Jesus said to them:

Meine Seele ist betrübt bis an den Tod, My soul is troubled even to death; stay
bleibet hie und wachet mit mir! here and watch with Me!

25. Recitative (tenor) & Choir II

O Schmerz! hier zittert das gequälte Herz; O pain! Here the tormented heart
Wie sinkt es hin, wie bleicht sein how it sinks down, how His face pales!
Was ist die Ursach aller solcher Plagen? What is the cause of all this trouble?
Der Richter führt ihn vor Gericht. The Judge leads Him before judgement.
Da ist kein Trost, kein Helfer nicht. No comfort, no helper is there.
Ach! meine Sünden haben dich geschlagen; Alas! My sins have struck You down;
Er leidet alle Höllenqualen, He suffers all the torments of Hell,
Er soll vor fremden Raub bezahlen. He must pay for the crimes of others.
Ich, ach, Herr Jesu, habe dies verschuldet, I, alas, Lord Jesus, have earned this,
Was du erduldet. that you endure.
Ach, könnte meine Liebe dir, Ah! Could my love for You,
Mein Heil, dein Zittern und dein Zagen my Saviour, diminish or bring aid
Vermindern oder helfen tragen, to Your trembling and Your despair,
Wie gerne blieb ich hier! how gladly would I stay here!

26. Aria (tenor) & Choir II

Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen, I will watch with my Jesus,
So schlafen unsre Sünden ein. So our sins fall asleep.
Meinen Tod my death
Büßet seine Seelennot; is atoned for by His soul’s anguish;
Sein Trauren machet mich voll Freuden. His sorrow makes me full of joy.
Drum muß uns sein verdienstlich Leiden Therefore His deserved suffering
Recht bitter und doch süße sein. must be truly bitter and yet sweet to us.

27. Evangelist
Und ging hin ein wenig, fiel nieder auf And he went away a bit, fell down on His
sein Angesicht und betete und sprach: face and prayed and said:

Mein Vater, ist’s möglich, so gehe diese My Father, if it is possible, let this cup
Kelch von mir; doch nicht wie ich will, pass from Me; yet not as I will it, rather as
sondern wie du willt. you wish.
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28. Recitative (bass)
Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder; The Saviour falls down before His Father;
Dadurch erhebt er sich und alle through this He lifts up Himself and
Von unserm Falle from our fall
Hinauf zu Gottes Gnade wieder. to God’s grace again.
Er ist bereit, He is ready,
Den Kelch, des Todes Bitterkeit to drink the cup of
Zu trinken, death’s bitterness,
In welchen Sünden dieser Welt in which the sins of this world
Gegossen sind und häßlich stinken, are poured and which stink horribly,
Weil es dem lieben Gott gefällt. since it is pleasing to our loving God.

29. Aria (bass)

Gerne will ich mich bequemen, Gladly will I force myself
Kreuz und Becher anzunehmen, to take on the Cross and the Chalice,
Trink ich doch dem Heiland nach. yet I drink after the Saviour.
Denn sein Mund, For His mouth,
Der mit Milch und Honig fließet, which flows with milk and honey,
Hat den Grund has sweetened the grounds
Und des Leidens herbe Schmach and the bitter taste of sorrow,
Durch den ersten Trunk versüßet. through His first sip.

30. Evangelist
Und er kam zu seinen Jüngern und fand And He came back to His disciples and
sie schlafend und sprach zu ihnen: found them sleeping, and said to them:

Könnet ihr denn nicht eine Stunde mit Couldn’t you then remain awake with Me
mir wachen? Wachet, und betet, daß ihr one hour? Stay awake, and pray, so that
nicht in Anfechtung fallet! Der Geist ist you do not fall into temptation! The spirit
willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach. is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Zum andernmal ging er hin, betete und For a second time He went away, prayed
sprach: and said:

Mein Vater, ist’s nicht möglich, daß dieser My Father, if it is not possible that this
Kelch von mir gehe, ich trinke ihn denn, cup pass away from Me, then I will drink
so geschehe dein Wille. it; thus may Your will be done.

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31. Chorale
Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh allzeit, What my God wills always occurs,
Sein Will, der ist der beste, His will is the best,
Zu helfen den’ er ist bereit, He is ready to help those
Die an ihn glauben feste. who believe firmly in Him.
Er hilft aus Not, der fromme Gott, He gives aid in need, this righteous God,
Und züchtiget mit Maßen. and punishes with measure.
Wer Gott vertraut, fest auf ihn baut, Who trusts in God, builds upon Him
Den will er nicht verlassen. God will never abandon.

32. Evangelist
Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend, And He came back and found them
und ihre Augen waren voll Schlafs. sleeping, nevertheless, and their eyes
Und er ließ sie und ging abermal hin were full of sleep. And He left them and
und betete zum drittenmal und redete went away another time and prayed
dieselbigen Worte. Da kam er zu seinen for the third time, and spoke the same
Jüngern und sprach zu ihnen: words. Then He came back to His
disciples and said to them:

Ach! Wollt ihr nun schlafen und ruhen? Alas! Do you wish to sleep and rest now?
Siehe, die Stunde ist hie, daß des Behold, the hour has come, when the
Menschen Sohn in der Sünder Hände Son of Man is to be handed over into the
überantwortet wird. Stehet auf, lasset uns hands of sinners. Get up, let us go; see, he
gehen; siehe, er ist da der mich verrät. who betrays Me is here.

Und als er noch redete, siehe, da kam And as He was speaking, behold, there
Judas, der Zwölfen einer, und mit ihm came Judas, one of the twelve, and with
einer große Schar mit Schwerten und him a large troop from the high priest
mit Stangen von den Hohenpriester und and the elders of the people with swords
Ältesten des Volks. Und der Verräter hatte and spears. And the betrayer had given
ihnen ein Zeichen gegeben und gesagt: them a sign and said: “The one that I will
“Welchen ich küssen werde, der ists, den kiss is Him; seize Him!” And just then he
greifet!” Und alsbald trat er zu Jesu und stepped forward to Jesus and said:

Gegrüßet seist du, Rabbi! Greetings to You, Rabbi!

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Und küssete ihn. Jesus aber sprach zu And kissed Him. However, Jesus said to
ihm: him:

Mein Freund, warum bist du kommen? My friend, why did you come?

Da traten sie hinzu und legte die Hände Then they stepped forward and laid
an Jesum und griffen ihn. hands on Jesus and seized Him.

33. Aria (soprano, alto), Choir

So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen. Thus my Jesus is now captured.
Laßt ihn, haltet, bindet nicht! Leave Him, stop, don’t bind Him!
Mond und Licht ist vor Schmerzen Moon and light for sorrow have set,
Weil mein Jesus ist gefangen. since my Jesus is captured.
Sie führen ihn, er ist gebunden. They take Him away, He is bound.

Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken Are lightning and thunder extinguished
verschwunden? in the clouds?
Eröffne den feurigen Abgrund, o Hölle, Open the fiery abyss, o Hell,
Zertrümmre, verderbe, verschlinge, crush, destroy, devour, smash
Mit plötzlicher Wut with sudden rage
Den falschen Verräter, das mördrische the false betrayer, the murderous blood!

34. Evangelist
Und siehe, einer aus denen, die mit Jesu And behold, one of those who were with
waren, reckete die Hand aus, und schlug Jesus stretched out his hand and struck a
des Hohenpriesters Knecht und hieb ihm servant of the high priest, and cut off his
ein Ohr ab. Da sprach Jesus zu ihm: ear. Then Jesus said to him:

Stecke dein Schwert an seinen Ort; denn Put your sword back in its place; for
wer das Schwert nimmt, der soll durchs whoever takes the sword will perish
Schwert umkommen. Oder meinest du, through the sword. Or do you think
daß ich nicht könnte meinen Vater bitten, that I could not ask My Father to send
daß er mir zuschickte mehr denn zwölf Me more than twelve legions of angels?
Legion Engel? Wie würde aber die Schrift How would the scripture be fulfilled
erfüllet? Es muß also gehen. then? It must happen thus.

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Zu der Stund sprach Jesus zu den At the time Jesus said to the crowd:

Ihr seid ausgegangen als zu einem You have come out as if to a murderer,
Mörder, mit Schwerten und mit Stangen, with swords and spears to take me;
mich zu fahen; bin ich doch täglich yet I have daily sat among you and
bei euch gesessen und habe gelehret have taught in the Temple, and you did
im Tempel, und ihr habt mich nicht not arrest Me. However, all of this has
gegriffen. Aber das ist alles geschehen, happened in order to fulfil the writings of
daß erfüllet würden die Schriften der the prophets.

Da verließen ihn alle Jünger und flohen. Then all the disciples deserted Him and

35. Chorale
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß, O mankind, mourn your great sins,
Darum Christus seins Vaters Schoß for which Christ left his Father's bosom
Ä ußert und kam auf Erden; and came to earth;
Von einer Jungfrau rein und zart from a virgin pure and tender
Für uns er hie geboren ward, he was born here for us,
Er wollt der Mittler werden, he wished to become our Intercessor,
Den Toten er das Leben gab he gave life to the dead
Und legt dabei all Krankheit ab and laid aside all sickness
Bis sich die Zeit herdrange, until the time approached
Daß er für uns geopfert würd, that he would be offered for us,
Trüg unser Sünden schwere Bürd bearing the heavy burden of our sins
Wohl an dem Kreuze lange. indeed for a long time on the Cross


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36. Aria (bass) & Choir II

Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin! Alas, now my Jesus is gone!
Wo ist denn dein Freund hingegangen, Where, then, has your beloved gone,
O du Schönste unter den Weibern? O most beautiful among women?
Ist es möglich, kann ich schauen? Is it possible, can I behold it?
Wo hat sich dein Freund hingewandt? Which way has your beloved turned?
Ach! mein Lamm in Tigerklauen, Alas! My lamb in the claws of a tiger;
Ach! wo ist mein Jesus hin? Alas! Where has my Jesus gone?
So wollen wir mit dir ihn suchen. We will seek Him with you.
Ach! was soll ich der Seele sagen, Alas! What shall I say to the soul,
Wenn sie mich wird ängstlich fragen: when she asks me anxiously:
Ach! wo ist mein Jesus hin? Alas! Where has my Jesus gone?

37. Evangelist
Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten, But after they had arrested Jesus, they
führeten ihn zu dem Hohenpriester brought Him to the high priest Caiaphas,
Kaiphas, dahin die Schriftgelehrten und where the scribes and the elders had
Ältesten sich versammlet hatten. Petrus gathered. Peter, however, followed
aber folgete ihm nach von ferne bis in Him from afar to the palace of the high
den Palast des Hohenpriesters und ging priest, and went inside and sat with the
hinein und satzte sich bei die Knechte, servants, so he could see how it came
auf daß er sähe, wo es hinaus wollte. Die out. The high priests, however, and the
Hohenpriester aber und Ältesten und elders and the entire council sought false
der ganze Rat suchten falsche Zeugnis witness against Jesus, so that they could
wider Jesum, auf daß sie ihn töteten, und put Him to death, and found none.
funden keines.

38. Chorale
Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht’ The world has judged me deceitfully,
Mit Lügen und mit falschem G’dicht, with lies and false statements,
Viel Netz und heimlich Strikke. many traps and secret snares.
Herr, nimm mein wahr Lord, perceive me truthfully
In dieser G’fahr, in this danger;
Bhüt mich für falschen Tücken! protect me from malicious falsehoods!

39. Evangelist
Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen And although many false witnesses came
herzutraten, funden sie doch keins. forward, they found none. Finally two
Zuletzt traten herzu zween falsche false witnesses came forward and said:
Zeugen und sprachen:

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Witnesses I & II
Er hat gesagt: Ich kann den Tempel He has said: I can destroy the temple of
Gottes abbrechen und in dreien Tagen God and in three days build it up again.
denselben bauen.

Und der Hohepriester stund auf und And the high priest stood up and said to
sprach zu ihm: Him:

High Priest
Antwortest du nichts zu dem, das diese Do you answer nothing to this, that they
wider dich zeugen? say against You?

Aber Jesus schwieg stille. But Jesus was silent.

40. Recitative (tenor)

Mein Jesus schweigt My Jesus is silent
Zu falschen Lügen stille, at false lies,
Um uns damit zu zeigen, in order to show us
Daß sein erbarmensvoller Wille that His merciful will
Vor uns zum Leiden sei geneigt, is bent on suffering for us,
Und daß wir in dergleichen Pein and that we, in the same trouble,
Ihm sollen ähnlich sein should be like Him
Und in Verfolgung stille schweigen. and keep silent under persecution.

41. Aria (tenor)

Geduld, Geduld! Patience, patience!
Wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen. When false tongues pierce.
Leid ich wider meine Schuld Although I suffer, contrary to my guilt,
Schimpf und Spott, shame and scorn,
Ei, so mag der liebe Gott indeed, dear God shall
Meines Herzens Unschuld rächen. revenge the innocence of my heart.

42. Evangelist
Und der Hohepriester antwortete und And the high priest answered and said
sprach zu ihm: to Him:

High Priest
Ich beschwöre dich bei dem lebendigen I abjure You by the living God to tell us
Gott, daß du uns sagest, ob du seiest whether You are the Christ, the Son
Christus, der Sohn Gottes? of God!

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Jesus sprach zu ihm: Jesus said to him:

Du sagests. Doch sage ich euch: von You say it. Yet I say to you: from now on
nun an wirds geschehen, daß ihr sehen it will come to pass that you will see the
werdet des Menschen Sohn sitzen zur Son of Man sitting at the right hand of
Rechten der Kraft und kommen in den power, and approaching in the clouds
Wolken des Himmels. of heaven.

Da zerriß der Hohepriester seine Kleider Then the high priest tore his garments
und sprach: and said:

High Priest
Er hat Gott gelästert; was dürfen wir He has blasphemed God; what further
weiter Zeugnis? Siehe, itzt habt ihr seine witness do we need? Behold, now you
Gotteslästerung gehöret. Was dünket have heard his blasphemy. What do
euch? you think?

Sie antworteten und sprachen: They answered and said:

Choir I & II
Er ist des Todes schuldig! He is worthy of death!

43. Evangelist
Da speieten sie aus in sein Angesicht und Then they spat in His face and struck Him
schlugen ihn mit Fäusten. Etliche aber with fists. Some of them, however, struck
schlugen ihn ins Angesicht und sprachen: Him in the face and said:

Choir I & II
Weissage uns, Christe, wer ists, der dich Prophesy to us, Christ, who is it who
schlug? strikes You?

44. Chorale
Wer hat dich so geschlagen, Who has struck you thus,
Mein Heil, und dich mit Plagen my Saviour, and with torments
So übel zugericht’? so evilly used You?
Du bist ja nicht ein Sünder You are not at all a sinner
Wie wir und unsre Kinder, like us and our children,
Von Missetaten weißt du nicht. You know nothing of transgressions.

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45. Evangelist
Petrus aber saß draußen im Palast; und es Peter, however, sat outside the palace;
trat zu ihm eine Magd und sprach: and a maid came up to him and said:

Maid I
Und du warest auch mit dem Jesus aus And you were also with that Jesus of
Galiläa. Galilee

Er leugnete aber vor ihnen allen und He denied it, however, before them all
sprach: and said:

Ich weiß nicht, was du sagest. I don’t know what you are saying.

Als er aber zur Tür hinausging, sahe ihn As he was going out of the door,
eine andere und sprach zu denen, however, another one saw him and said
die da waren: to those who were near:

Maid II
Dieser war auch mit dem Jesu von This one was also with that Jesus from
Nazareth. Nazareth.

Und er leugnete abermal und schwur And He denied again, and swore to it:

Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. I do not know the man.

Und über eine kleine Weile traten hinzu, And after a little while people standing
die da stunden, und sprachen zu Petro: around came up and said to Peter:

46. Choir II
Wahrlich, du bist auch einer von denen; Truly you are also one of them; your
denn deine Sprache verrät dich. speech gives you away.

Da hub er an sich zu verfluchen und zu Then he began to curse and swear:

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Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. I do not know the man.

Und alsbald krähete der Hahn. Da dachte And just then the cock crew. Then Peter
Petrus an die Worte Jesu, da er zu ihm remembered the words of Jesus, when
sagte: “Ehe der Hahn krähen wird, wirst He said to him: “Before the cock crows,
du mich dreimal verleugnen.” Und ging you will deny Me three times.” And he
heraus und weinete bitterlich. went out and wept bitterly.

47. Aria (alto)

Erbarme dich, mein Gott, Have mercy, my God,
Um meiner Zähren Willen! for the sake of my tears!
Schaue hier, Herz und Auge Look here, heart and eyes
Weint vor dir bitterlich. weep bitterly before You.
Erbarme dich, erbarme dich! Have mercy, have mercy!

48. Chorale
Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen, Although I have been separated from
Stell ich mich doch wieder ein; yet I return again;
Hat uns doch dein Sohn verglichen even so Your Son set the example for us
Durch sein Angst und Todespein. through His anguish and mortal pain.
Ich verleugne nicht die Schuld, I do not deny my guilt,
Aber deine Gnad und Huld but Your grace and mercy
Ist viel größer als die Sünde, are much greater than the sin
Die ich stets bei mir befinde. that I constantly discover in me.

49. Evangelist
Des Morgens aber hielten alle The next day, however, all the high
Hohenpriester und die Ältesten des priests and the elders of the people held
Volks einen Rat über Jesum, daß sie a council about Jesus so that they could
ihn töteten. Und bunden ihn, führeten put Him to death. And they bound Him,
ihn hin und überantworteten ihn dem led Him out and turned Him over to the
Landpfleger Pontio Pilato. Da das sahe Governor, Pontius Pilate. When Judas,
Judas, der ihn verraten hatte, daß er who betrayed Him, saw that He was
verdammt war zum Tode, gereuete es condemned to death, he felt remorse
ihn, und brachte herwieder die dreißig and brought back the thirty silver pieces
Silberlinge den Hohenpriestern und to the high priests and the elders and
Ältesten und sprach: said:

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Ich habe übel getan, daß ich unschuldig I have done evil by betraying innocent
Blut verraten habe. blood.

Sie sprachen: They said:

Choir I & II
Was gehet uns das an? Da siehe du zu! How does that concern us? See to it

50. Evangelist
Und er warf die Silberlinge in den And He threw the silver pieces into the
Tempel, hub sich davon, ging hin temple and left, and went away and
und erhängete sich selbst. Aber die hanged himself. However, the high
Hohenpriester nahmen die Silberlinge priests took the silver pieces and said:
und sprachen:

High Priests I & II

Es taugt nicht, daß wir sie in den It will not do to put them into the coffers
Gotteskasten legen, denn es ist Blutgeld. of God, since it is blood money.

51. Aria (bass)

Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! Give me my Jesus back!
Seht das Geld, den Mörderlohn, See the money, the murderer’s fee,
Wirft euch der verlorne Sohn tossed at your feet by the lost son!
Zu den Füßen nieder!

52. Evangelist
Sie hielten aber einen Rat und kauften They held a council, however, and
einen Töpfersakker darum zum Begräbnis bought a potter’s field with them for the
der Pilger. Daher ist derselbige Akker burial of pilgrims. Therefore this same
genennet der Blutakker bis auf den field is called the Field of Blood to this
heutigen Tag. Da ist erfüllet, das gesaget very day. Thus was fulfilled what was
ist durch den Propheten Jeremias, da er spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah,
spricht: “Sie haben genommen dreißig who said: “They have taken thirty silver
Silberlinge, damit bezahlet ward der pieces, the price of Him who was bought
Verkaufte, welchen sie kauften von den from the children of Israel, and have
Kindern Israel, und haben sie gegeben given them for a potter’s field, as the Lord
um einen Töpfersakker, als mir der Herr has commanded me.” Jesus, however,
befohlen hat.” Jesus aber stund vor der stood before the Governor; and the
Landpfleger; und der Landpfleger fragte Governor questioned Him and said:
ihn und sprach:

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Bist du der Jüden König? Are you the King of the Jews?

Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: Jesus, however, said to him:

Du sagests. You say it.

Und da er verklagt war von den And to the accusations from the high
Hohenpriestern und Ältesten, antwortete priests and the elders he answered
er nichts. Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm: nothing. Then Pilate said to him:

Hörest du nicht, wie hart sie dich Do you not hear how harshly they accuse
verklagen? You?

Und er antwortete ihm nicht auf ein And He answered him not even one
Wort, also, daß sich auch der Landpfleger word, so that even the Governor was
sehr verwunderte. greatly amazed.

53. Chorale
Befiehl du deine Wege, Commit your path,
Und was dein Herze kränkt, and whatever troubles your heart,
Der allertreusten Pflege, to the most faithful caretaker,
Des, der den Himmel lenkt, He, who directs the heavens,
Der Wolken, Luft und Winden who to the clouds, air, and winds
Gibt Wege, Lauf, und Bahn, gives path, course, and passage,
Er will auch Wege finden He will also find ways
Daß dein Fuß gehen kann. for your feet to follow.

54. Evangelist
Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger At the festival, however, the Governor
Gewohnheit, dem Volk einen had a custom of releasing a prisoner to
Gefangenen loszugeben, welchen sie the people, whichever they wanted. He
wollten. Er hatte aber zu der Zeit einen had, however, at the time a most unusual
Gefangenen, einen sonderlichen von prisoner named Barabbas. And as they
andern, der hieß Barrabas. Und da sie were gathered together, Pilate said to
versammlet waren, sprach Pilatus zu them:

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Welchen wollt ihr, daß ich euch losgebe? Which one do you want me to release
Barrabam oder Jesum, von dem gesaget to you? Barabbas or Jesus, of whom it is
wird, er sei Christus? said, He is the Christ?

Denn er wußte wohl, daß sie ihn aus Neid For he knew well that they had handed
überantwortet hatten. Und da er auf dem Him over out of envy. And while he sat
Richtstuhl saß, schickete sein Weib zu upon the judgement seat, his wife sent to
ihm und ließ ihm sagen: him and her message said:

Pilate’s Wife
Habe du nichts zu schaffen mit diesem Have nothing to do with this righteous
Gerechten; ich habe heute viel erlitten im man; I have suffered much in a dream
Traum von seinetwegen! today on His account!

Aber die Hohenpriester und die Ältesten But the high priests and the elders
überredeten das Volk, daß sie um convinced the people that they should
Barrabam bitten sollten und Jesum ask for Barabbas and convict Jesus. So
umbrächten. Da antwortete nun der when the Governor answered and said
Landpfleger und sprach zu ihnen: to them:

Welchen wollt ihr unter diesen zweien, Which one of the two do you want me to
den ich euch soll losgeben? release to you?

Sie sprachen: They said:

Choir I & II
Barrabam! Barabbas!

Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilate said to them:

Was soll ich denn machen mit Jesu, von What shall I do then with Jesus, of whom
dem gesagt wird, er sei Christus? it is said, He is the Christ?

Sie sprachen alle: They all said:

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Choir I & II
Laß ihn kreuzigen! Let Him be crucified!

55. Chorale
Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese Strafe! How strange is this punishment!
Die gute Hirte leidet für die Schafe, The Good Shepherd suffers for the sheep.
Die Schuld bezahlt der Herre, der The Lord, the righteous One, atones for
Gerechte, the crime on His servants’ behalf.
Für seine Knechte.

56. Evangelist
Der Landpfleger sagte: The Governor said:

Was hat er denn Übels getan? What evil has He done then?

57. Recitative (soprano)

Er hat uns allen wohlgetan, He has done good things for all of us,
Den Blinden gab er das Gesicht, He gave sight to the blind,
Die Lahmen macht’ er gehend, He made the lame to walk,
Er sagt’ uns seines Vaters Wort, He told us His Father’s word,
Er trieb die Teufel fort, He drove out the devil,
Betrübte hat er aufgericht’, He has strengthened the troubled,
Er nahm die Sünder auf und an, He took sinners in and embraced them,
Sonst hat mein Jesus nichts getan. other than that, my Jesus has done

58. Aria (soprano)

Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben, Out of love my Saviour wants to die,
Von einer Sünde weiß er nichts, He knows nothing of a single sin,
Daß das ewige Verderben so that eternal destruction
Und die Strafe des Gerichts and the punishment of judgement
Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe. would not remain upon my soul.

59. Evangelist
Sie schrieen aber noch mehr und They screamed even more and said:

Choir I & II
Laß ihn kreuzigen! Let Him be crucified!

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Da aber Pilatus sahe, daß er nichts When Pilate saw, however, that he
schaffete, sondern daß ein viel größer achieved nothing, rather that a much
Getümmel ward, nahm er Wasser und greater riot occurred, he took water and
wusch die Hände vor dem Volk und washed his hands before the people and
sprach: said:

Ich bin unschuldig an dem Blut dieses I am innocent of the blood of this
Gerechten, sehet ihr zu! righteous man, see to it yourselves!

Da antwortete das ganze Volk und Then all the people answered and said:

Choir I & II
Sein Blut komme über uns und unsre Let His blood be on us and on our
Kinder. children.

Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los; Then he released Barabbas to them; but
aber Jesum ließ er geißeln und Jesus he had scourged and handed Him
überantwortete ihn, daß er gekreuziget over to be crucified.

60. Recitative (alto)

Erbarm es Gott! Forgive this, God!
Hier steht der Heiland angebunden. Here stands the Saviour bound.
O Geißelung, o Schläg, o Wunden! O scourging, o blows, o wounds!
Ihr Henker, haltet ein! You hangmen, stop!
Erweichet euch der Seelen Schmerz, Doesn’t the soul’s anguish,
Der Anblick solches Jammers nicht? the sight of such horror soften you?
Ach ja! ihr habt ein Herz, Alas indeed! You have such hearts
Das muß der Martersäule gleich that are like the whipping posts
Und noch viel härter sein. and even much harder.
Erbarmt euch, haltet ein! Have mercy, stop!

61. Aria (alto)

Können Tränen meiner Wangen If the tears on my cheeks
Nichts erlangen, can do nothing,
O so nehmt mein Herz hinein! O then take my heart as well!
Aber laßt es bei den Fluten, Yet let it, for the flow,

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Wenn die Wunden milde bluten, when the wounds gently bleed,
Auch die Opferschale sein. be the offering-bowl as well.

62. Evangelist
Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte des Then the soldiers of the Governor took
Landpflegers Jesum zu sich in das Jesus with them into the courthouse and
Richthaus und sammleten über ihn die gathered around Him the entire troop;
ganze Schar und zogen ihn aus und and undressed Him and put a purple
legeten ihm einen Purpurmantel an und mantle on Him; and they wove a crown
flochten eine dornene Krone und satzten of thorns and set it upon His head, and a
sie auf sein Haupt, und ein Rohr in seine reed in His right hand, and they bowed
rechte Hand, und beugeten die Knie vor before Him and mocked Him, saying:
ihm und spotteten ihn und sprachen:

Choir I & II
Gegrüßet seist du, Jüdenkönig! Hail to You, King of the Jews!

Und speieten ihn an und nahmen das And they spat on Him and took the reed
Rohr und schlugen damit sein Haupt. and struck His head with it.

63. Chorale
O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden, O Head, full of blood and wounds,
Voll Schmerz und voller Hohn! full of suffering and shame!
O Haupt, zu Spott gebunden O Head, bound in mockery
Mit einer Dornenkron! with a crown of thorns!
O Haupt, sonst schön gezieret O Head, once beautifully adorned
Mit höchster Ehr und Zier, with the highest honour and beauty,
Jetzt aber hoch schimpfieret: now rather supremely defiled:
Gegrüsset seist du mir! be greeted by me!

64. Evangelist
Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten, zogen And when they had mocked Him, they
sie ihm den Mantel aus und zogen took off the mantle and put His clothes
ihm seine Kleider an und führeten ihn back on; and led Him out to be crucified.
hin, daß sie ihn kreuzigten. Und indem And as they were going out, they found
sie hinausgingen, funden sie einen a man from Cyrene named Simon; they
Menschen von Kyrene mit Namen compelled him to carry His cross for Him.
Simon; den zwungen sie, daß er ihm
sein Kreuz trug.

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65. Recitative (bass)
Ja, freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut Yes, willingly are flesh and blood
Zum Kreuz gezwungen sein; compelled to the Cross;
Je mehr es unsrer Seele gut, the better it is for our souls,
Je herber geht es ein. the bitterer it feels.

66. Aria (bass)

Komm, süßes Kreuz, so will ich sagen, Come, sweet Cross, this I want to say:
Mein Jesu, gib es immer her! My Jesus, give it always to me!
Wird mein Leiden einst zu schwer, If my suffering becomes too heavy one
So hilfst du mir es selber tragen. day,
You Yourself will help me bear it.

67. Evangelist
Und da sie an die Stätte kamen mit And when they had come to the place
Namen Golgatha, das ist verdeutschet named Golgotha, which is translated the
Schädelstätt, gaben sie ihm Essig zu Place of the Skull, they gave Him vinegar
trinken mit Gallen vermischet; und da to drink mixed with gall; and when He
ers schmeckete, wollte ers nicht trinken. tasted it, He would not drink it. When
Da sie ihn aber gekreuziget hatten, they had crucified Him, however, they
teilten sie seine Kleider und wurfen das divided up His clothing and tossed lots
Los darum, auf das erfüllet würde, das over them, so that what was spoken
gesaget ist durch den Propheten: “Sie through the Prophets was fulfilled: “They
haben meine Kleider unter sich geteilet, have divided my clothing among them,
und über mein Gewand haben sie das and over my robe they have cast lots.”
Los geworfen.” Und sie saßen allda And they sat around and kept watch.
und hüteten sein. Und oben zu seinem And over His head they lifted up a
Häupten hefteten sie die Ursach seines written sentence of death, namely:
Todes geschrieben, nähmlich: “Dies ist “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” And
Jesus, der Jüdenkönig.” Und da wurden there were two murderers crucified with
zween Mörder mit ihm gekreuziget, einer Him, one to His left and one to His right.
zur Rechten und einer zur Linken. Die But those who passed by cursed at Him
aber vorübergingen, lästerten ihn und and shook their heads, saying:
schüttelten ihre Köpfe und sprachen:

Choir I & II
Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst und You who can destroy the temple of God
bauest ihn in dreien Tagen, hilf dir selber! and build it up again in three days, help
Bist du Gottes Sohn, so steig herab vom Yourself! If You are the Son of God, climb
Kreuz! down from the Cross!

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Desgleichen auch die Hohenpriester In the same way the high priests also
spotteten sein samt den Schriftgelehrten mocked Him, together with the scribes
und Ältesten und sprachen: and the elders, saying:

Choir I & II
Andern hat er geholfen und kann ihm He has helped others and He cannot help
selber nicht helfen. Ist er der König Israel, Himself. If He is the King of Israel, let Him
so steige er nun vom Kreuz, so wollen wir climb down now from the Cross, and we
ihm glauben. Er hat Gott vertrauet, der will believe in Him. He has trusted in God
erlöse ihn nun, lüstets ihn; denn er hat to rescue Him now; He lied, because He
gesagt: has said:
“Ich bin Gottes Sohn.” “I am the Son of God.”

68. Evangelist
Desgleichen schmäheten ihn auch die In the same way He was reviled by the
Mörder, die mit ihm gekreuziget waren. murderers who were crucified with Him.

69. Recitative (alto)

Ach Golgatha, unselges Golgatha! Alas, Golgotha, unhappy Golgotha!
Der Herr der Herrlichkeit The Lord of Glory
Muß schimpflich hier verderben, must shamefully perish here,
Der Segen und das Heil der Welt the blessing and salvation of the world
Wird als ein Fluch ans Kreuz gestellt. is placed on the Cross as a curse.
Der Schöpfer Himmels und der Erden From the Creator of heaven and earth
Soll Erd und Luft entzogen werden. earth and air shall be withdrawn.
Die Unschuld muß hier schuldig sterben, The innocent must die here guilty;
Das gehet meiner Seele nah; this touches my soul deeply;
Ach Golgatha, unselges Golgatha! Alas, Golgotha, unhappy Golgotha!

70. Aria (alto) & Choir II

Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand Look, Jesus has stretched out His hands
Uns zu fassen ausgespannt, to embrace us,
Kommt! Wohin? In Jesu Armen come! Where? In Jesus’ arms
Sucht Erlösung, nehmt Erbarmen, seek redemption, receive mercy,
Suchet! Wo? In Jesu Armen. seek it! Where? In Jesus’ arms.
Lebet, sterbet, ruhet hier, Live, die, rest here,
Ihr verlaßnen Küchlein ihr, you forsaken chicks,
Bleibet! Wo? In Jesu Armen. stay! Where? In Jesus’ arms.

71. Evangelist
Und von der sechsten Stunde an war eine And from the sixth hour there was a
Finsternis über das ganze Land bis zu darkness over the entire land until the
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der neunten Stunde. Und um die neunte ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus
Stunde schriee Jesus laut und sprach: cried out loudly and said:

Eli, Eli, lama asabthani? Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani?

Das ist: “Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum That is: “My God, my God, why have You
hast du mich verlassen?” Etliche aber, die forsaken Me?” Some of those, however,
da stunden, da sie das höreten, sprachen who were standing by, when they heard
sie: this, said:

Choir I
Der rufet dem Elias! He is calling Elijah!

Und bald lief einer unter ihnen, nahm And one of them quickly ran, took a
einen Schwamm und füllete ihn mit sponge and filled it with vinegar,
Essig, und steckete ihn auf ein Rohr und and put it on a reed for Him to drink.
tränkete ihn. Die andern aber sprachen: But the others said:

Choir II
Halt! Laß sehen, ob Elias komme und ihm Stop! Let’s see whether Elijah comes and
helfe. helps Him.

Aber Jesus schriee abermal laut und But Jesus cried out loudly once again and
verschied. died.

72. Chorale
Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden, When I must depart one day,
So scheide nicht von mir, do not part from me then,
Wenn ich den Tod soll leiden, when I must suffer death,
So tritt du denn herfür! come to me then!
Wenn mir am allerbängsten When the greatest anxiety
Wird um das Herze sein, will constrict my heart,
So reiß mich aus den Ängsten then wrest me out of the horror
Kraft deiner Angst und Pein. by the power of your anguish and pain.

73. Evangelist
Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel And behold, the veil of the temple was
zerriß in zwei Stück von oben an bis torn in two pieces from top to bottom.
unten aus. Und die Erde erbebete, und And the earth shook, and the cliffs were

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die Felsen zerrissen, und die Gräber täten rent, and the graves opened up, and
sich auf, und stunden auf viel Leiber der many bodies of saints arose, who were
Heiligen, die da schliefen, und gingen aus sleeping, and came out of their graves
den Gräbern nach seiner Auferstehung after His resurrection and came into the
und kamen in die heilige Stadt und Holy City and appeared to many people.
erschienen vielen. Aber der Hauptmann The Captain, however, and those with
und die bei ihm waren und bewahreten him who were guarding Jesus, when they
Jesum, da sie sahen das Erdbeben und saw the earthquake and what happened
was da geschah, erschraken sie sehr und then, they were terrified and said:

Choir I & II
Wahrlich, dieser ist Gottes Sohn gewesen. Truly, this was the Son of God.

Und es waren viel Weiber da, die And there were many women there,
von ferne zusahen, die da waren watching from a distance, who had
nachgefolget aus Galiläa, und hatten followed Him from Galilee and had
ihm gedienet, unter welchen war Maria served Him, among whom were Mary
Magdalena, und Maria die Mutter Jacobi Magdalene, and Mary the mother of
und Joses, und die Mutter der Kinder James and Joseph, and the mother of
Zebedäi. Am Abend aber kam ein reicher the sons of Zebedee. In the evening,
Mann von Arimathia, der heiß Joseph, however, came a rich man from
welcher auch ein Jünger Jesu war, der Arimathea, named Joseph, who was also
ging zu Pilato und bat ihn um den a disciple of Jesus; he went to Pilate and
Leichnam Jesu. Da befahl Pilatus, man asked him for Jesus’ body. Then Pilate
sollte ihm ihn geben. ordered that it be given to him.

74. Recitative (bass)

Am Abend, da es kühle war, In the evening, when it was cool,
Ward Adams Fallen offenbar; Adam’s fall was made apparent;
Am Abend drücket ihn der Heiland in the evening the Saviour bowed
nieder. Himself down.
Am Abend kam die Taube wieder, In the evening the dove came back,
Und trug ein Ölblatt in dem Munde. bearing an olive leaf in its mouth.
O schöne Zeit! O Abendstunde! O lovely time! O evening hour!
Der Friedensschluß ist nun The pact of peace with God
mit Gott gemacht, has now been made,
Denn Jesus hat sein Kreuz vollbracht. since Jesus has completed His Cross.
Sein Leichnam kömmt zur Ruh, His body comes to rest,
Ach! liebe Seele, bitte du, Ah! dear soul, ask,
Geh, lasse dir den toten Jesum schenken, go, have them give you the dead Jesus,
O heilsames, o köstlichs Angedenken! O salutary, o precious remembrance!
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75. Aria (bass)
Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, Make yourself pure, my heart,
Ich will Jesum selbst begraben. I want to bury Jesus myself.
Denn er soll nunmehr in mir For from now on He shall have in me,
Für und für forever and ever,
Seine süße Ruhe haben. His sweet rest.
Welt, geh aus, laß Jesum ein! World, get out, let Jesus in!

76. Evangelist
Und Joseph nahm den Leib und wickelte And Joseph took the body, and wrapped
ihn in ein rein Leinwand, und legte ihn it in a pure shroud, and laid it in his own
in sein eigen neu Grab, welches er hatte new tomb, which he had carved out of
in einen Fels hauen, und wälzete einen a single rock, and rolled a large stone
großen Stein vor die Tür des Grabes, before the opening of the tomb and
und ging davon. Es war aber allda Maria went away. But Mary Magdalene and
Magdalena und die andere Maria, die the other Mary were there, and they sat
satzten sich gegen das Grab. Des andern opposite the tomb. On the next day, that
Tages, der da folget nach dem Rüsttage, followed after the Sabbath day, the high
kamen die Hohenpriester und Pharisäer priests and Pharisees came all together
sämtlich zu Pilato und sprachen: to Pilate and said:

Choir I & II
Herr, wir haben gedacht, daß dieser Lord, we have remembered that this
Verführer sprach, da er noch lebete: deceiver said, when He was still alive: “I
“Ich will nach dreien Tagen wieder will rise again after three days.” Therefore
auferstehen.” Darum befiehl, daß man order that the tomb be guarded until
das Grab verwahre bis an den dritten the third day, so that His disciples do
Tag, auf daß nicht seine Jünger kommen not come and steal Him, and say to the
und stehlen ihn, und sagen zu dem Volk: people, “He has arisen from the dead;”
“Er ist auferstanden von den Toten,” und and the newest fraud would be worse
werde der letzte Betrug ärger denn der than the first one!

Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilate said to them:

Da habt ihr die Hüter; gehet hin und You have guards there; go and guard it as
verwahrets, wie ihrs wisset! you see fit!

Sie gingen hin und verwahreten das Grab They went forth and protected the tomb
mit Hütern und versiegelten den Stein. with guards and put a seal on the stone.

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77. Recitative (soprano, alto, tenor,
bass) & Choir II
Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht. Now the Lord is brought to rest.
Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! My Jesus, good night!
Die Müh ist aus, die unsre Sünden ihm The weariness is over, that our sins
gemacht. have given Him.
Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! My Jesus, good night!
O selige Gebeine, O blessed bones,
Seht, wie ich euch mit Buß und Reu see, how I weep over You with
beweine, repentance and regret,
Daß euch mein Fall in solche Not since my fall has brought such anguish
gebracht! upon You!
Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! My Jesus, good night!
Habt lebenslang vor euer Leiden tausend Lifelong, thousand thanks to You for Your
Dank, suffering,
Daß ihr mein Seelenheil so wert geacht’. since You held my soul’s salvation so dear.
Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! My Jesus, good night!

78. Choir I & II

Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder We sit down with tears
Und rufen dir im Grabe zu: and call to You in the grave:
Ruhe sanfte, sanfte ruh! rest gently, gently rest!
Ruht, ihr ausgesognen Glieder! Rest, you exhausted limbs!
Ruhet sanfte, ruhet wohl! Rest gently, rest well!
Euer Grab und Leichenstein Your grave and headstone
Soll dem ängstlichen Gewissen shall, for the anxious conscience,
Ein bequemes Ruhekissen be a comfortable pillow
Und der Seelen Ruhstatt sein. and the resting place for the soul.
Ruhet sanfte, sanfte ruht! Rest gently, gently rest!
Höchst vergnügt Highly contented,
Schlummern da die Augen ein. there the eyes fall asleep.

Translation Pamela Dellal © 2015

courtesy of Emmanuel Music, Boston MA, USA

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Nos. 6, 7 & 8
Robert Levin | Ya-Fei Chuang | Bojan Čičić
Laurence Cummings

AAM continues a
landmark project begun
in 1993 to record Mozart’s
complete works for
keyboard and orchestra,
with this twelfth volume,
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completion, this miracle of a project continues
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Classical Explorer

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Laurence Cummings
director, harpsichord & organ

Laurence Cummings is one of Britain’s most

exciting and versatile exponents of historical
performance both as a conductor and a
harpsichord player. A noted authority on
Handel, he is Musical Director of the London
Handel Festival, Music Director of Orquestra
Barroca Casa da Música in Porto as well as
AAM’s current Music Director.
Frequently praised for his stylish
performances in the opera house, he has
conducted productions across Europe at
houses including Opernhaus Zürich, Theater
an der Wien, Chatelet Paris and Gothenburg Opera. In the UK he has been
a regular guest at English National Opera, Glyndebourne Festival Opera,
Garsington Opera and Opera North. He makes his main stage debut at Royal
Opera House conducting Handel’s Jephtha during 2023-24.
Equally at home on the concert platform, he is regularly invited to conduct
both period and modern orchestras worldwide, including the Orchestra of
the Age of Enlightenment, The English Concert, Handel and Haydn Society
Boston, Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Jerusalem
Symphony, and in the UK with Hallé Orchestra, Bournemouth Symphony,
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, and Royal Scottish National Orchestra.
His recordings include discs with Emma Kirkby and Royal Academy of
Music on BIS, Angelika Kirschlager and the Basel Chamber Orchestra for
Sony BMG, Maurice Steger and The English Concert for Harmonia Mundi, as
well as a series of live performances for Accent recorded at the Göttingen
International Handel Festival where he was Artistic Director from 2011-21.
He has also released numerous solo harpsichord recital and chamber music
recordings for Naxos.
Photo © Mark Allan

Until 2012 he was Head of Historical Performance at the Royal Academy of

Music and is now the William Crotch Professor of Historical Performance.
Laurence was awarded an OBE for services to Music in the New Year Honours
List 2024.
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Anna Dennis Tim Mead
soprano alto

Recipient of Lauded for

the 2023 Royal interpretations
Philharmonic of the great
Society’s Handel
Singer award, counter-tenor
Anna Dennis’ roles, Tim
many opera Mead’s recent
performances highlights
include Purcell’s The Fairy Queen at include Dardano in Amadigi di Gaula for
Drottningholms Slottsteater, Handel’s Garsington Opera, Goffredo in Rinaldo
Rodelinda at the Göttingen Handel at Glyndebourne, Athamas in Semele
Festspiel and she recently created the title for Opera Philadelphia, and Ottone in
role of Violet in Tom Coult’s debut opera, Agrippina for Opera Vlaanderen.
premiered at the Aldeburgh Festival. On the concert platform, recent highlights
Recent highlights on the concert platform include performances of Handel’s
include the Antony Burgess setting of Messiah with New York Philharmonic and
TS Eliot’s The Wasteland with Benedict Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Cumberbatch and Britten Sinfonia, Haydn’s amongst others; Bach’s Mass in B minor
Jahreszeiten with Düsseldorfer Sinfoniker with the OAE, English Concert and Les
and Handel’s Judas Maccabeus with Arts Florissants; Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater
AKAMUS at the Berlin Philharmonie. with Arcangelo and at the BBC Proms,
Her numerous recordings include Elena Written on Skin with the Orchestre
Langer’s Landscape with Three People, the Philharmonique de Radio France
Grammy-nominated Kastalsky Requiem conducted by the composer, George
with the Orchestra of St Luke’s under Benjamin, an appearance with the Los
Leonard Slatkin and Handel’s Amadigi di Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood
Gaula with Early Opera Company under Bowl, and the world premiere of Theo
Left © Jet | Right © Andy Staples

Christian Curnyn. Loevendie’s Spinoza at the Concertgebouw

This season she sings Queen of the Night
(Mozart’s The Magic Flute) for Opera North, Tim's most recent releases include his
Nono’s Canti di Vita e d’Amore with BBC debut solo album Sacroprofano which
Symphony Orchestra, and AAM’s concert received great critical claim, and Handel’s
performance of Handel’s Orlando. Theodora, both on Alpha Classics.

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Nicholas Mulroy George Humphreys
tenor bass

Nicholas George
Mulroy is Humphreys’
noted for his recent operatic
interpretation appearances
of Bach's music, include Il Conte
described as d'Almaviva
’a thing of in Le Nozze
wonder’ (The di Figaro for
Times). He has sung at many of the world’s Glyndebourne on Tour, Figaro (Il Barbiere
leading concert halls, opera houses, and di Siviglia) and Prior Walter (Angels in
festivals, including Carnegie Hall, the America) at the Salzburger Landestheater,
Salzburg Festival, BBC Proms and Boston’s Eugene Onegin at the Buxton Festival,
Symphony Hall. and roles at English National Opera,
He has worked closely with many leading Welsh National Opera, the Aldeburgh
international early music ensembles Festival, the Komische Oper Berlin, the
including John Butt and the Dunedin Nederlandse Reisopera and the Royal
Consort, Orchestra of the Age of Opera House, Covent Garden.
Englightenment, Concerto Cophenhagen His concert highlights include Mahler
and Les Musiciens du Louvre. He is Symphony No. 8 with Daniel Harding and
devoted to recital repertoire, appearing the Swedish Radio Orchestra, Britten’s
regularly at Wigmore Hall, in a wide range Canticles in Berlin and Paris, Bach's
of music from Purcell’s Harmonia Sacra to Weihnachts Oratorium with the Australian
songs by Schubert. Chamber Orchestra, Dido and Aeneas at
Wigmore Hall, and St Matthew Passion at
Left © Raphaelle Photography | Right © Clare Park

His ongoing collaboration with guitarist/

theorbist Toby Carr explores a rare the London Handel Festival. He has given
combination of music from two golden Lieder recitals at Lille Opera, Opernhaus
ages: 17th-century Europe and 20th- Zürich, Wigmore Hall and the Oxford
century Latin America with a CD due to Lieder Festival.
be released this year. Other recordings George studied at St John’s College,
include a Gramophone Award-winning Cambridge, and the Royal Academy of
Messiah, Evangelist for St Matthew Passion Music, where he was recently made an
and St John Passion. Associate. He is currently a member of the
In November 2020 he was appointed ensemble at the Salzburger Landestheater.
Associate Director of the Dunedin Consort.

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Mhairi Lawson Magid El-Bushra
soprano alto

Mhairi Lawson Magid El-

has performed Bushra’s recent
in opera houses engagements
and concert include
halls worldwide Pergolesi’s
in repertoire Stabat Mater
ranging from with Edmonton
traditional Opera in
folksong to opera. Canada, Cupid in John Blow’s Venus and
This season includes performances of Adonis, Moritz in Hans Tomalla’s Dark
Purcell’s King Arthur with the Early Opera Spring at Nationaltheater Mannheim and
Company in London, Bach’s B minor Mass counter-tenor solo in Nicholas Lens’s Shell
with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Shock with the Orchestre de Radio France
Mozart’s Requiem with the Royal Northern at the Philharmonie in Paris (staged by Sidi
Sinfonia. Recent highlights include Larbi Cherkaoui).
performances of Handel’s Messiah with the Other opera highlights include Hamor
Royal Scottish National Orchestra and the in Handel’s Jephtha at the Vienna
Dunedin Consort, Haydn’s Creation with Festwochen, the Cheshire Cat in Will
the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra and the Todd’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in
Arctic Philharmonic, and Bach’s St Matthew the Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House,
Passion with Nieuwe Philharmonie Utrecht Sorceress in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas
and also BBC National Orchestra of Wales. at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw and
Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris, and
Left © Lloyd Smith Photography | Right © Hanya Chlala
She has performed dramatic music by
Purcell, Charpentier, Landi and Monteverdi Nutrice in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di
with Les Arts Florissants throughout Poppea (Glyndebourne on Tour).
Europe, and further afield Bach’s St John Oratorio performances include Handel’s
Passion in New York’s Lincoln Centre, and Chapel Royal Anthems with the Basel
King Arthur with the Philharmonia Baroque Kammerorchester; alto solos in Bach’s
Orchestra, San Francisco. St John Passion with Concerto Köln and
Her many recordings include Vivaldi’s Bach’s Mass in G and Mass in A with
sacred and operatic works with the Ensemble Pygmalion (recorded for Alpha).
virtuoso baroque band La Serenissima. He has also recorded the ’Pie Jesu’ in
Duruflé’s Requiem for Harmonia Mundi.

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Paul Hopwood Rodney Earl Clarke
tenor bass

Paul Hopwood Rodney Earl

cut his operatic Clarke has
teeth at been especially
Glyndebourne successful in
singing chorus, Mozart operas
performing notably the
principal title role in Don
roles in studio Giovanni. Other
productions and covering them on the highlights include Jake in Gershwin’s Porgy
main stage. After Glyndebourne new and Bess with Berlin Philharmonic and
solo opportunities followed, particularly Sir Simon Rattle, and Crown in the same in
with the English National Opera. There, a production by The Royal Danish Opera.
he covered title roles such as Faust in He has also performed the title role with
Berlioz’s Damnation of Faust, Offenbach’s the Orchestra of Accademia di Santa
Hoffman, and Gandhi in Glass’s Satyagraha. Cecilia Rome. He performs regularly with
More recent highlights include a debut major orchestras and conductors with
at the Göttingen International Handel repertoire including Bernstein’s Mass with
Festival singing Varo in Handel’s Arminio, the London Symphony Orchestra.
covering the eponymous Jephtha at the Rodney enjoys the versatility of performing
Royal Operah House, Covent Garden and both contemporary music as well as early
performing the role of Melanzane in Dove’s music. He premiered One Sun One World
Marx in London at Scottish Opera. by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon at the
A keen concert soloist, he has performed Royal Albert Hall, was Polyphemus in Acis
works varying from Handel’s oratorios to and Galatea in the BBC’s documentary
Verdi’s Requiem, and in venues from small of The Birth of British Music, made his
parish churches to the Royal Albert Hall. Wigmore Hall debut with songs from Music
Paul’s solo recordings include a live charity of a Distant Drum by Kenneth Hesketh,
performance of Mozart’s Requiem on the performed Vaughan Williams Serenade to
Hyperion label. Music at Queen Elizabeth Hall, and in Max
Left © Jonas Cradock

Future highlights include his main stage Richter’s chamber opera SUM at the Royal
debut at the ROH playing Emperor Altoum Opera House. Rodney sang Firefighter
in Turandot. in Tansy Davies’ opera Between Worlds
for English National Opera, directed by
Deborah Warner.

/ 47
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48 /
Legacy Circle
Has AAM brought you joy? Help preserve our very special approach
to music-making by pledging a gift in your will.

“[My brother] Christopher was able to make such a

difference to the musical world, and so much of the
way we perform and listen to music now is his
legacy to us. He left his beloved orchestra a
generous financial legacy too, that they may
continue to flourish and build on his achievements.
I hope that many of us might consider a similar
gift in support of this wonderful group to ensure
that this powerful, passionate music lives on.”
Frances Hogwood

Every gift in every will makes a difference –

small or large.
Leaving a gift to AAM and the other charities that enrich your life not only gives you a chance to
reflect your personal story; but it also sustains our music-making for generations to come.
Legacy giving is also tax-effective, reducing your liability for Inheritance Tax.

To find out more about leaving a gift in your will and joining our Legacy Circle, contact Liz Brinsdon on
01223 341090 or

Thank you
We would like to thank the following for pledging a legacy gift to AAM, as well as other anonymous donors:
Marianne Aston • Hugh Burkitt • Alan J Clark • Dr Julia P Ellis • Elizabeth de Friend
Christopher and Phillida Purvis • Sir Konrad Schiemann • Terence Sinclair • Mark West
Diane Winkleby • Tony Yates-Watson / 49
Orchestra 1
Violin 1 Double Bass
Bojan Čičić Timothy Amherst
Liz MacCarthy
Oliver Cave Flute
Rachel Brown
Violin 2 Rachel Beckett
James Toll
Conor Gricmanis Oboe
Robert de Bree
Viola Rachel Chaplin
Jane Rogers
Thomas Kettle Viola da Gamba
Reiko Ichise
Joseph Crouch

Orchestra 2
Violin 1 Double Bass
Julia Kuhn Hannah Turnbull
Manami Mizumoto
Gabriella Jones Flute
Mafalda Ramos
Violin 2 Rachel Helliwell
William Thorp
Alice Earll Oboe
Andrés Villalobos Lépiz
Viola Grace Scott Deuchar
Emilia Benjamin
Heather Birt Organ
Alastair Ross
Sarah McMahon

Keyboard Technician
Robin Jennings
50 /
Staff & Trustees

Christopher Hogwood CBE Head of Finance
Music Director Julie Weaver
Laurence Cummings OBE
Chief Executive Head of Development
John McMunn Liz Brinsdon
Development and Events Co-ordinator
Head of Planning and Operations Homer Wong
Fiona McDonnell
Librarian Head of Marketing and Digital
Emilia Benjamin Benjamin Sheen
AAMplify Co-ordinator PR Consultant
Leo Duarte Damaris Brown, Artium Media Relations
Programme Editor
Sarah Breeden

Joe Adams
Elise Badoy Elise Badoy (chair)
Jane Barker CBE Hugh Burkitt
Paul Baumann CBE LVO (chair) Elizabeth de Friend
Alan Clark Emmanuelle Dotezac
Jonathan Eley Pauline Ginestié
Daryl Fielding Agneta Lansing
Elizabeth de Friend Terence Sinclair
Malcolm Gammie CBE Fiona Stewart
Graham Nicholson
Catherine O'Neill
Kim Waldock

Richard Bridges Christopher Purvis CBE (Honorary President)
Hugh Burkitt John Reeve
Kate Donaghy Sir Konrad Schiemann
Matthew Ferrey Terence Sinclair
Jonathan Freeman-Attwood CBE Helen Sprott
Nick Heath Rachel Stroud
Lars Henriksson Dr Christopher Tadgell
Philip Jones The Lady Juliet Tadgell
Christopher Lawrence Madeleine Tattersall
Janet Unwin

/ 51
Thank you
AAM is indebted to the following individuals and trusts
for their support of the orchestra’s work.
AAM ACADEMY AAM ACADEMY Charles and Ann Bonney
Kamal and Anna Ahuja Mrs Stephanie Bourne
Music Director’s Circle Adam and Sara Broadbent
Lady Alexander of Weedon
Daphne and Alan Clark George and Kay Brock
Dr Carol Atack and Alex van Someren
Leader’s Circle Professors John and Hilary Birks Drs Nick and Helen Carroll
Chris Rocker and Alison Wisbeach Paul Baumann CBE LVO and Derek and Mary Draper
Malcolm and Rosalind Gammie Diana Baumann Nikki Edge
Elise Badoy Cristina and Steve Goldring
Chair sponsors Mrs D Broke Jean Gooder
Principal Second Violin Hugh Burkitt Noel and Fiona Gordon
Clive and Helena Butler The Hon. Mr and Mrs Philip Havers
Graham Nicholson
Jo Butler Miles and Anna Hember
Principal Viola Kate Donaghy Frances Hogwood
Elizabeth and Richard de Friend The Hon Simon Eccles Ali Knocker
Sub-Principal Viola Marshall Field CBE Sir Timothy and Lady Lloyd
Fordham Global Foresight Meredith Lloyd-Evans
Nicholas and Judith Goodison’s
Charitable Settlement The Hon William Gibson Richard and Romilly Lyttelton
Christopher Hogwood CBE, Richard Meade
Principal Cello in memoriam Peter and Frances Meyer
Dr Christopher and Lady Juliet Tadgell Heather Jarman Frank Paget
Principal Flute Philip Jones Nick and Margaret Parker
John McMunn Rosy Payne
Terence and Sian Sinclair
Roger Mayhew Jane Rabagliati and Raymond Cross
Principal Oboe Mrs Marilyn Minchom Goldberg Bruce Ragsdale
David and Linda Lakhdhir Professors Eric Nye and Carol Frost Michael and Giustina Ryan
Principal Bassoon Alessandro Orsaria and Julia Chan Alan Sainer
Christopher Purvis CBE and The Hon. Zita Savile
Jane Barker CBE Phillida Purvis MBE
Chris and Valery Rees Thomas and Joyce Seaman
Principal Trumpet Colin and Brenda Soden
Tony and Jackie Yates-Watson Sir Konrad and Lady Schiemann
Mr Michael Smith Fiona Stewart
Principal Theorbo Stephen Thomas Professor Tony Watts OBE
John and Joyce Reeve Mrs Janet Unwin and other anonymous donors
Principal Timpani Julie and Richard Webb
John and Madeleine Tattersall Mark West TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS
Christopher White
The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
Other sponsors: Mrs S Wilson Stephens
ABO Trust's Sirens Programme
Scores & Music Hire and other anonymous donors
Cockayne – Grants for the Arts and
Dr Julia P Ellis AAM ASSOCIATES The London Community Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
Colin and Lorna Archer Garfield Weston Foundation
Angela and Roderick Ashby-Johnson The Golsoncott Foundation
Marianne Aston J Paul Getty Jr General Charitable Trust

52 /
Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation Terence Sinclair John and Hilary Everett
The Kirby Laing Foundation Mark West Malcolm and Rosalind Gammie
Maria Björnson Memorial Fund Diane Winkleby Jean Gooder
The Polonsky Foundation Tony Yates-Watson Judith Goodison
and other anonymous trusts and other anonymous donors Miles and Anna Hember
and foundations Heather Jarman
Anna and Kamal Ahuja Mrs Marilyn Minchom Goldberg
Marianne Aston Jane Barker CBE John and Joyce Reeve
Hugh Burkitt Paul Baumann CBE LVO and Chris Rocker and Alison Wisbeach
Alan J Clark Diana Baumann
Richard and Elena Bridges Sir Konrad and Lady Schiemann
Dr Julia P Ellis Dr Christopher and Lady Juliet Tadgell
Elizabeth de Friend Clive and Helena Butler
Daphne and Alan Clark John and Madeleine Tattersall
Christopher Purvis CBE and Kim Waldock
Phillida Purvis MBE Elizabeth and Richard de Friend
Sir Konrad Schiemann Dr Julia P Ellis Mark West
and other anonymous donors

Join us

Support our distinctive music-making

through membership
Become an Academy member, Associate or Friend and help
secure AAM’s future. Membership starts at £40 per year.

Scan the QR code

to find out more Or contact Liz Brinsdon at 01223 341090
/ 53

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BOJAN ČIČIĆ Purchase your
double album at
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BWV 1001 — 1006
H e a r i n g g u i t a r i s t S e a n S h i b e’ s B a c h r e c i t a l , r e c o r d e d i n D e l p h i a n’ s
fi f t e e n t h - c e n t u r y S c o t t i s h ve n u e , B a r o q u e v i o l i n i s t B o j a n Č i č i ć w a s
i n s p i r e d d u r i n g t h e fi r s t l o c kd o w n t o b e g i n r e c o r d i n g B a c h’ s i c o n i c
Pa r t i t a s a n d S o n a t a s . A m i d t h e g l o o m o f t h e p a n d e m i c a n d r e s t r i c t i o n s o n
p e r f o r m a n c e s , Č i č i ć t rave l l e d n o r t h – w h e n a l l o w e d – t o ex p l o r e t h e
i n t e n s e r i g o u r s o f B a c h’ s f u g u e s a n d s h i n i n g v i r t u o s i t y o f t h e Pa r t i t a s ’
f a s t m ove m e n t s .

D e d i c a t e d t o h i s l a t e v i o l i n p r o f e s s o r a n d w i t h a b o o k l e t e s s ay w r i t t e n by
Mahan Esfahani, for Bojan Čičić the making of this recording in the
snowbound Scottish countryside has been his greatest career highlight –
a j o u r n ey f o r h i m f r o m d a r k n e s s i n t o l i g h t .

“a n a l b u m t h a t l e a ve s u s h u m b l e d , “underpinned by a magisterial
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Full details & TICKETS | 01904 658338
St Margaret’s Church, Walmgate, York YO1 9TL

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join our mailing list

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/ 59
‘Superb ... Impossible to read
without leaping for your collection
or streaming platform’

Best Books of the Year 2023 - Financial Times

Winner - Presto Music Book Awards 2023

Available to buy this afternoon

in the foyer

60 /
Thursday 30 May

Sons of
AAM and GRAMMY-nominated
countertenor Reginald Mobley explore
a different vision of the English baroque:
in which the music of Purcell, Handel
and Ignatius Sancho redefined the
culture of a nation.
With the performance of a brand new
work by acclaimed composer Roderick
Williams, expect an evening of thrilling
discovery and musical brilliance.

Dowland | Purcell | Blow | Morelli

Geminiani | Arne | Loeillet | Handel
Sancho | Roderick Williams

Thursday 30 May | 7.30pm

Milton Court Concert Hall (Barbican), London

Tickets from £15 (£5 under 35s – AAMplify)

/ 61
Acclaimed recordings from the Early Opera Company
‘a thrilling performance of a ‘magic
opera’ crammed with ravishing melody
and evocaave orchestral colours…
A Handelian winner’ - Gramophone

‘Curnyn and his company accompany

the fine soloists — Tim Mead, Anna
Dennis, Mary Bevan and Hilary Summers
— with playing of sprightliness, subtle
shading and cappvaang fluidity. Mead’s
performance of the aria At the Fountain
of Truth would melt the hardest heart.’
- The Sunday Times
CHSA 0406(2)

‘The score has a youthful and mercurial

quality that never sinks into baroque
pomposity: this is Handel at his most
light-footed and playfully invennve…
Chrissan Curnyn conducts the orchestra
and choir of the Early Opera Company
with unaffected stylish ease, with Allan
Clayton and Lucy Crowe all tender charm
as the tular shepherd and nymph, ably
supported by Benjamin Hulee, Jeremy
Budd, Rowan Pierce and Neal Davies in
subsidiary roles’ - The Daily Telegraph
CHSA 0404(2)

‘The Early Opera Company plays with amazing dexterity … his [Curnyn] five
accomplished singers present a treasure trove of memorable Handelian singing.’
- Gramophone

62 /
24 – 26 April
Southbank Centre

o m p let e S y m p h o n ies
The C

h S ir A n d rá s S chiff
w it
A three-concert series including
Mendelssohn’s five symphonies, two
piano concertos and Violin Concerto
performed on period instruments
Sir András Schiff fortepiano / director
Alina Ibragimova violin
Lucy Crowe soprano
Nicky Spence tenor
Choir of the Age of Enlightenment

Book online

Music Director: Laurence Cummings OBE
Founder: Christopher Hogwood CBE

Academy of Ancient Music

Cherry Trees Centre, St Matthew’s Street
Cambridge CB1 2LT UK

+44 (0) 1223 301509

Registered charity number: 1085485

All details correct at time of printing
Associate Ensemble at the Barbican Centre, London
Associate Ensemble at the Teatro San Cassiano, Venice
Orchestra-in-Residence at the University of Cambridge
Orchestra-in-Residence at Milton Abbey Summer Music Festival
Orchestra-in-Residence at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds
Artistic Partner to London’s Culture Mile
Design by SL Chai
Cover pages: David Johnson

@academyofancientmusic @AAMorchestra @acadamyofancientmusic @aamorchestra

64 /

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