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1. Read the text and colour the clothes:

This is Sam’s wardrobe. Sam has many beautiful clothes.

She has a pair of red shoes. Sam has a purple shirt and a
blue skirt. She also has a pink t-shirt and brown trousers.

She likes to wear her brown pants with her green jacket.

2. Translate the words into Romanian:

a. Trainers –
b. Dress –
c. Boots –
d. Trousers –
e. Shirt –
f. Gloves -

3. Complete with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets:

a. Look! That man _________________ (eat) a big ice-cream!
b. I __________________ (not work) today. It is Sunday!
c. ___________________ (you / study) for the test right now?
d. We _________________ (cook) dinner. My mother _______________
(make) a salad.
e. ____________________ (your brother / sleep)?
f. John can’t go outside now because he __________________ (watch) TV.

4. Write the affirmative, negative and interrogative Present Continuous

forms of the verb TO TALK.

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