Gallery Minutes 2 21 24

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ASB Student Council


*Meeting motioned at 2:45 by Jill Mortensen

All Members Present

1. Art Prizes
a. All Ordered, everything shipped except the art totes
b. 1st Place: scrap book set, wax set, sketchbook, and tote bag
c. 2nd Place: Sketchbook, pastels, charcoal, and tote bag
d. 3rd Place: Sketchbooks, colored pencils, art pencils, tote bag

2. P.O/Paperwork needed
a. Gia will fill out P.O for prizes: needed for poetry
i. For all the printouts: written
b. Gia will fill out announcements: artists
c. Sofia will fill out informational announcements
i. Poetry
ii. Art deadlines
iii. Event details
d. P.O for tape and pliers- Gia
e. Food
i. Small bottles
ii. Cheese
iii. Cookies
f. Maintenance has been filled out
i. Screenshot email
g. Reach out to Kary Sweet
h. Committee for waiters and waitresses
i. Attire needed
i. Poetry Judges

3. Communication
a. Talk to
i. Jandy for food approval: Sofia
ii. Ripon yearbook- pictures: Gia- ochoa
iii. Journalism- Gallery of the arts feature: Sofia
4. Organization
a. Invitations: Email
i. Each Board Member
ii. Dr. Robeson
iii. Dr. Oase
iv. Chamber of Commerce
b. Food
i. Sofia will talk to Cafeteria for food request and approval
1. Ask Jandy for 200 students
ii. Gia will fill out P.O for food if approved
c. QR Codes-
i. Talk to Davina- Sofia
ii. Use for Donation to the art club
d. Print and Fold Brochures
e. QR codes for voting: only fill it out once
f. 6-8 tables against the wall
5. Fundraiser/donation ideas
a. Auction during event; poetry and art
b. More publicity and online advertisement plus QR codes
c. Jar of donations
d. QR Code
i. On an eisel
ii. Link on social media
iii. Email to parents and students
iv. More posters
v. Reel to support arts as RHS
vi. Slide on Projector
1. Need tech
6. Decorations
a. Tablecloths- Gia will talk with Ochoa
i. Poetry and sculpture tables (1)
ii. Food (2)
iii. Art ( 2)
iv. Total Tablecloths needed:
b. Drawing table
i. April has markers
ii. White paper in Storage room
c. Blue Tape
d. Staples and staple guns
e. Poster: Gallery and donation poster
7. Set Up
a. Bowers will take care of organization
b. Sofia will make groups so set up will be more efficient
i. Paper on Triangles
ii. Put up art
iii. Help carry sculptures- 6-8 people
8. Schedule for gallery of the arts
a. March 13th-day of the event
b. Time: 6:00 to 8:00
c. District will come in at 5:30-6:00 for judging
d. Open at 6:00
e. Poetry-6:15
f. Choir performance 6:30
g. Band at 6:45
h. Guest speaker- 7:00 Play his instrument
i. Q and A with Felver and guest speaker
j. 7:45- wrap up and prizes
k. Jazz band

9. Publicity
a. Sofia will fill out announcements
i. Poetry Due Date
ii. Art Due Date
iii. Event reminders
b. Gia will fill out art announcements
i. Information about famous artists
c. Elias: reel for Gallery
i. Can include anyone
1. Need an update still
d. Claire and Alizeh- Posters
i. Still need to talk to them
e. Due date for art 3/11/23
f. Due date for Poetry 3/7/23
g. Brochure designed and printed out by 3/8/24
h. Each Publicity officer from class posts on class account about gallery of the arts
i. Feature table for guest artist: back wall where the art table used to be Justin
j. Poetry due by 3/8/24
k. During lunch or after school set up an appointment due before march 8th
10. Clean Up
a. Take down art as put up- stacked by size
b. Put on cart
c. Take to classroom
11. New Business
a. Poetry as its own section
b. New donation + publicity ideas
c. More tables, possibly more tablecloths
d. Servers: food and drinks, need trays and food sample containers
e. Tables: 1+ 1+8+2+ (circle table)
f. Chairs: 100
12. Next meeting

*Adjourned at 3:22 on February 15, 2023 by Gia Grewal*

Approval of Minutes

__________________________ ______________________ ____________________

ASB Administrative assistant ASB President Head Advisor

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