Catalog Veil 160S 11.2019

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VEIL-160S series

Thiết bị phá sóng điện thoại di động 3G, 4G

Tính năng
• Giải pháp tùy chỉnh theo
• Các tính năng tiêu chuẩn bao gồm một nguồn tín hiệu PLL kích hoạt tổng
hợp với Nhảy tần và/hoặc Điều chế tín hiệu quét phức tạp băng rộng, Mạch
xử lý vi điều khiển, Làm mát đối lưu, Lập trình giảm công suất, Chỉ định, Bảo
• Đầu nối loại N cho ăng ten ngoài
• Lên tới 4 dải tần số tích hợp, theo dõi và kiểm soát trong một thiết bị duy
• Đầu vào Nguồn tiêu chuẩn: 90-264VAC.
Các ứng dụng tiêu biểu
• Nhà tù, Hệ thống nhà tù/ Tư pháp/ Nội vụ/ Cảnh sát;
• Quân đội (Bộ binh,Không quân,Hải quân),Đoàn xe/ Tàu chiến/ Tích hợp/ Căn cứ/Lực lượng chiến đấu;
• Cảnh sát EOD / Đặc nhiệm / Đội đàm phán, Kiểm soát bạo động, Xử lý bom;
• VIP / Hội nghị/ Bảo vệ, Lực lượng Đặc biệt & An ninh, Dịch vụ tình báo;
• Đội SWAT / Elite / Chống khủng bố / Chống ma túy, Cơ quan thực thi pháp luật
Frequencies & Powers
Technology Frequency Band, MHz Power (W)±1db
GSM, UMTS, LTE 869 – 880 or 2620-2690 8
GSM, UMTS, LTE 925 - 960 8
GSM, UMTS, LTE 1805 - 1880 8
UMTS, LTE 2110 - 2170 8

Output power Power attenuation is Programmable thru Software in 32 Digital steps for optimal tuning
of coverage range via USB port and/or Ethernet Option
Total Number of External antennas 1 Antennas
Case Type Case Metallic
Power Consumption Max 200W
Wight Up to 6KG
Signal Source PLL Synthesized + DDS
Modulation Complex Wideband Sweep and/or Frequency Hopping
Antenna(s) Type External High Gain Directional Antenna(s) for jammer
Optional Feeding Inputs 90-264VAC

The control application allows the user to fully monitor and control from a single PC, a large quantity of jammers
through a highly configurable (and possibly secured) Ethernet network.
Main features

System Features:
• Jamming up to 60 channels inside the cellular bands
• High VSWR protection
• Easy to use programming interface
• Programmable output power for each band
• High VSWR protection
• Built-in filter for minimum RF interference outside the jamming bands
• Installation in IP54/66 enclosure cabinets suited for continuous outdoor operation
• Controlled by Piranha-tech Jamming Control Management Software

User can program control all 18 bands. It can be enabled/disabled by the following option:
• Front panel
• Remote station command (Windows based PC)
• Remote station AND front panel switch
• Remote station OR front panel switch
• The user can programmatically control the jamming frequency bands (Jam or clean band)
• Software setting of frequency bands is also possible.

For all Jammers user can set/get:

• Set and get the idle/transmission mode
• Set and get the attenuation level (one of 100 possible levels, up to 30 dB ±0.25 dB)
• Set "windows" of frequency bands without jamming

For all Jammers user can get info:

• Is the jammer is internally connected
• Is the jammer is in boot/active mode
• Is the jammer is in idle/transmitting mode
• Power present values
• Fan speed present values
• Temperature measurement of its power amplifier
• The status of the connection to user control panel and PC

Security and Jammer communication to outside:

• Each user can see the current active communication channels of the jammer
• Up to 3 simultaneously control way on each jammer by:1 USB connection and up to 2 Ethernet connections
• Each Ethernet connection can be separately configured to work with or without secure communication protocol
• System use MQTT with Transport Security Layer 1.3 (TLS)
• AES algorithm is done by hardware
• Auto recovery in case of Ethernet communication failure
• Automatic detection of all the jammer that are connected to the Ethernet in the program application
• For each jammer, user can configure remote Ethernet controllers IP address and port

Work modes each remote Ethernet controller, actions for the jammer:
• Parameters programming
• Parameters reading
• Channels programming: idle/transmit and attenuation level
• Remote reset command
• Remote firmware update

Futures for control application and Ethernet panel

• For each Jammer user can set all or only part of the jammers simultaneously
• Support setting jammers parameters in a single or multiple Jammer in a single command
• Administrator can set 3 users access levels, profiles and passwords: Admin, User and Guest
• Each user definition includes a table of actions that the user is allowed/disallowed work with the Program application
• Extensive log system with events filters
• Log history system with events and dates filters
• Support multiple adapters and multiple IP listen connections to remote Jammer
• Support both static IP for each Jammer and DHCP
• Single instance application comes as native 32 bits or native 64 bits application

The user interfaces for the Ethernet panel and Windows applications (look the same):
• Jamming of each frequency range can be included separately
• It is possible to turn on jamming of all frequency ranges
• User can adjust the output power for four amplifiers
• Jammer are displayed as icons whose color indicates on a possible problem
• Panel icon color is determined by the worst problem of the Jammer and Panel icons that are contained inside it
• Each Panel window can show or hide color legend
• Each Panel window can have a background picture
• Workspace and user information’s can be saved and loaded

Administration mode. Programming via USB:

• Has an identical graphical user interface as of the Program to manage a single Jammer system from the USB
• Connecting from the USB allows the user to act as an administrator (all permissions are allowed)
• Software Update and Recovery

Network connection descriptions:

• Each Jammer module should have an Ethernet connection (with RJ-45 connector)
• Computer and panel with control application must have a pre-allocated (static) IP address
• The System needs Windows 7 (or later)

Local security system and alerts information:

• User can set 10 instance to produce unique alerts (e.g. alert which indicates that cabinet door is open, case open etc.)
• System can sand SMS, email or make call to previously set user (for default it’s Administrators).

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