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A Seminar report submitted in

Partial Fulfilment of the requirements

Second Year B. Tech.

Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

Submitted by,
Mr. Kiran Jagan Patil
[PRN - 2151031372019]

Guided by,
Prof. Vijay S. Tawar








This is to certify that the Seminar entitled “PILL CAMERA” has been carried
out by Mr. Kiran Jagan Patil [PRN – 2151031372019] under my guidance in partial
fulfilment of Second Year B. Tech. (Semester - IV) in Electronic and
Telecommunication Engineering of DBATU, Lonere during the Academic Year
2023-2024. To the best of my knowledge and belief this work has not been submitted
elsewhere for the award of any other degree.


Place: Dhule


Prof. Vijay S. Tawar


Firstly, we would like to express our special thanks of gratitude of our Seminar
supervisor Prof. Vijay Tawar Sir for their valuable guidance and support in
completing our Seminar. Sir truly introduced us outline of research work and how to
start topic searching, content building as well as planning and writing the Seminar
report. While completing this Seminar we learned many new things which will be
certainly helpful for us in future.

Secondly, we would also like to extend gratitude to our beloved Principal

Prof. Dr. Hitendra Patil Sir & Head of Department – E&TC Engineering Prof. Dr.
Pravin Patil Sir for providing required facilities.

Finally, we would like to thank all our college faculties, non teaching staff
and friends who helped us out in finalizing this Seminar within the limited time frame.


Place: Dhule

Name of Student: Mr. Kiran Jagan Patil

Branch / Year: S.Y B. Tech. – E&TC Engineering

Roll No: 19

PRN: 2151031372019

Sr. No. Name of Chapter / Topic Page No.

Abstract 5
1 Chapter-1= Introduction 6
1.1 Objective 7
4.1 Dignostic Imaging Syteam 8
4.2 Vidio Chip 9
5.1 Optical dome 11
5.2 Lens Holder 12
5.3 Lens 12
5.4. Illumenting LED’s 12
5.5 CMOS Image sensor 14
5.6 Battery 14

Li-Fi is a new wireless technology to provide the connectivity with in localized network
environment. The main principle of this technology is we can transmit the data using
light illumination by using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) where radio frequency is
media in Wi-Fi and LED bulb light intensity is faster than human eye can follow.
Li-Fi is a VLC, visible light communication, technology developed by a team of
scientists including Dr. Gordon Povey, Prof. Harald Haas and Dr. Mostafa Afgani at the
University of Edinburgh. The term Li-Fi was coined by Prof. Haas when he amazed
people by streaming high-definition video from a standard LED lamp, at TED Global in
July 2011. [1]
Li-Fi is now part of the Visible Light Communications PAN IEEE 802.15.7 standard.
"Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs. These devices are
normally used for illumination by applying a constant current through the LED.
However, by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical output can be made to
vary at extremely high speeds. Unseen by the human eye, this variation is used to carry
high-speed data," says Dr. Povey, Product Manager of the University of Edinburgh's Li-
Fi Program 'D-Light Project'.[4][5]
Prof. Harold Hass set up a private company, Pure VLC, to exploit the technology. He
envisions a future where data for laptops, smart phones, and tablets is transmitted
through the light in a room. And security would be snap – if you can’t see the light, you
can’t access the data.

Li-Fi is transmission of data through illumination by fiber optics through a LED light
bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. Li-Fi is the term some
have used to label the fast and cheap wireless communication system, which is the
optical version of Wi-Fi. This technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum
that is still not greatly utilized- The Visible Spectrum. Light is in fact very much part of
our lives for millions and millions of years and does not have any major ill effect.

"At the heart of this technology is a new generation of high brightness light-emitting
diodes", says Prof. Harald Haas. "Very simply, if the LED is on, you transmit a digital
1; if it’s off you transmit a 0. They can be switched on and off very quickly, which
gives nice opportunities for transmitted data." [4] It is possible to encode data in the
light by varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and off to give different strings of
1s and 0s. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eye cannot notice, so
the output appears constant. Terms at the University of Oxford and the University of
Edinburgh are focusing on parallel data transmission using array of LEDs, where each
LED transmits a different data stream. Other group are using mixtures of red, green and
blue LEDs to alter the light frequency encoding a different data channel. Li- Fi, as it has
been dubbed, has already achieved blisteringly high speed in the lab. Researchers at the
Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany, have reached data rates of over 500
megabytes per second using a standard white-light LED. The technology was
demonstrated at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas using a pair of Casio
smart phones to exchange data using light of varying intensity given off from their
screens, detectable at a distance of up to ten metres.

Light is inherently safe and can be used in places where radio frequency
communication is often deemed problematic, such as in aircraft cabins or hospitals. So
visible light communication not only has the potential to solve the problem of lack of
spectrum space, but can also enable novel application. The visible light spectrum is
unused; it's not regulated, and can be used for communication at very high speeds.


1.1. What is LIGHT FIDELITY?

Li-Fi is a new technology for short range wireless communication system; which is
suitable for data transmission via LEDs by illumination. It uses the visible light, a part
of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized, instead of RF part. [9]
Professor Harald Haas, the original founder of Li-Fi technology, in his Technology
Entertainment Design (TED) global talk on Li-Fi says: “At the heart of this technology
is a new generation of high brightness LEDs”, he also explains “Very simply, if the
LED is on, you transmit a digital 1, if it‟s off you transmit a 0, they can be switched on
and off very quickly, which gives nice opportunities for transmitted data.” It is possible
to encode data in the light by varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and off to
give different strings of 1s and 0s. Figure 4 illustrates the idea of data transmission
using light. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that the human eye cannot
notice, so the output appears constant; also more sophisticated techniques could
dramatically increase Li-Fi data rates such as using array of LEDs, where each LED
transmits a different data stream, to provide parallel data transmission. Other ideas are
using mixtures of red, green and blue LEDs to alter the light frequency encoding a
different data channel. In the next paragraphs, we will talk about the history of the
technology, its working principle and its various advantages.
1.1.1 History

The term was first used by Professor Harald Haas from University of Edinburgh, United
Kingdom, in his TED global talk in 2011. Li-Fi idea rates as “one of 50 best inventions
of 2011” on TED world site on the internet. The first project which explains the idea of
Li-Fi was The D-Light project. It was funded from January 2010 to January 2012 at
Edinburgh's Institute for Digital Communications by Professor Haas; we will explain
this project in the next paragraph. [11] Here we show the history of Li-Fi: 2011, Haas
promoted this technology in TED global talk and helped start a company to market it.
October 2011, companies and industry groups formed the Li-Fi consortium, to
promote high-speed optical wireless systems and to overcome the limited amount of
radio-based wireless spectrum available by exploiting a completely different part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

• D-Light, which means “data through illumination”, is the invention of Professor

Harald Hass. He says that his invention can produce data rates faster than 10
Mbps, which is speedier than average broadband connection. He visualizes a
future where data for laptops, smartphones, and tablets is transmitted through the
light in a room, but Haas says that this version is limited by existing LEDs and by
the usage of LEDs as transmitters and detectors at the same time. However, he
has created a better LED, which provides a data rate close to 4 Gbps operating on
just 5 milliwatt of optical output power and using high bandwidth photodiodes at
the receiver. Haas says that we can send data with a distance of 10 meters at up to
1.1 Gbps with a simple lens, and soon they will increase that up to 15 Gbps. The
802.11ad Wi-Fi standard for the 60 GHz radio band reaches just under 7 Gbps, so
Li-Fi would more than double of that rate.
⚫ D-Light system uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
techniques, which allows us to vary the intensity of the LEDs output at a very fast
rate, invisible to the human eye; for the eye, the bulb would simply be on and
providing light. The signal can be picked up by simple receivers. He says: “It should
be so cheap that it‟s everywhere. Using the visible light spectrum, which comes for

1.3. Working Principle ?

Li-Fi technology is implemented using white LED light bulbs used for illumination by
applying a constant current. However, by fast variations of the current, the light output
can be made to vary at extremely high speeds. If the LED is on, it transmits a digital
1otherwise it transmits a digital 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off quickly to
transmit data that can‟t be detected by a human eye.
So what we need at all for sending data are some LEDs and a controller that cods data
into those LEDs and for receiving data, we need an Image Sensor, Photodiode which is

used as a detector, these components are shown in Figure

Figure 5: The main component of Li-Fi system: LEDs, Photodiode and Image sensor.

The LED bulb will hold a micro-chip that will do the job of processing
the data. The light intensity can be manipulated to send data by tiny changes in
Figure 6 shows the working principle of Li-Fi system, for data transmission; it can be
done by single LED or multi LED. On the receiver side there is a photo detector, which
convert this light into electric signals and it will give the electric signals to the device
connected to it. Voltage regulator and level shifter circuits are used on both sides to
convert or maintain a voltage level between transmitter and receiver.

Figure 6: The working principle of the Li-Fi.

1.4 Li-Fi contruction

The Li-Fi product consists of 4 primary sub-assemblies :

I. Bulb
II. RF power amplifier circuit (PA)
III. Printed circuit board (PCB)
IV. Enclosure

The PCB controls the electrical inputs and outputs of the lamp and houses the
microcontroller used to manage different lamp functions. An RF (radio-frequency)
signal is generated by the solid-state PA and is guided into an electric field about the
bulb. The high concentration of energy in the electric field vaporises the contents of the
bulb to a plasma state at the bulb’s center; this controlled plasma generates an intense
source of light. All of these subassemblies are contained in an aluminium enclosure

1.4.1 Function of the Bulb Sub-Assembly :

At the heart of Li-Fi is the bulb sub-assembly where a sealed bulb is embedded in
a dielectric material. This design is more reliable than conventional light sources
that insert degradable electrodes into the bulb. The dielectric material serves two
purposes; first as a wave guide for the RF energy transmitted by the PA and
second as an electric field concentrator that focuses energy in the bulb. The
energy from the electric field rapidly heats the material in the bulb to a plasma
state that emits light of high intensity and full spectrum.

Li-Fi technology is still in its infancy stage. But it has potential to serve multiple
applications in various sectors. Some of those where Li-Fi finds its applications are
The design and construction of the Li-Fi light source enable efficiency, long stable life,
full spectrum intensity that is digitally controlled and easy to use.

2.1 Medical Science

For a long time, medical technology has lagged behind the rest of the wireless world.
Operating rooms do not allow Wi-Fi over radiation concerns, and there is also that
whole lack of dedicated spectrum. While Wi-Fi is in place in many hospitals,
interference from cell phones and computers can block signals from monitoring
equipment. Li-Fi solves both problems - lights are not only allowed in operating rooms,
but tend to be the most glaring fixtures in the room.

2.2 Airlines

Nothing says captive audience like having to pay for the service of dialup speed Wi-Fi
on the plane. The best heard so far is that passengers will soon be offered a 'high-speed
like' connection on some airlines. United is planning on speeds as high as 9.8 Mbps per
plane. Li-Fi could easily introduce that sort of speed to each seat's reading light. With
advancement in Li-Fi technology, more higher speeds can be achieved.

Figure 10 : Li-Fi in Aeroplane

2.3 Smarter Power Plants

Wi-Fi and many other radiation types are bad for sensitive areas. Like those
surrounding power plants. But power plants need fast, inter-connected data systems to
monitor things like demand, grid integrity and, in nuclear plants, core temperature. The
savings from proper monitoring at a single power plant can add up to hundreds of
thousands of dollars. Li-Fi could offer safe, abundant connectivity for all areas of these
sensitive locations. Not only would this save money related to currently implemented
solutions, but the draw on a power plant’s own reserves could be lessened if they
haven’t yet converted to LED lighting.
2.4 Udersea Opration

Underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are those favourite toys of treasure
seekers that operate from large cables that supply their power and allow them to receive
signals from their pilots above.
ROVs work great, except when the tether isn’t long enough to explore an area, or when
it gets stuck on something.
If their wires were cut and replaced with light —say from a submerged, high-powered
lamp — then they would be much freer to explore.

They could also use their headlamps to communicate with each other, processing data
autonomously and referring findings periodically back to the surface, all the while
obtaining their next batch of orders.

2.5 Lightings Points Used At Hotspot

Any lightings device is performed as a hotspot it means that the light device like car
lights, ceiling lights, street lamps etc. area able to spread internet connectivity using
visual light communication. Which helps us to low cost architecture for hotspot.
(Hotspot is an limited region in which some amount of device can access the internet


Li-Fi is a term used to describe VLC technology applied to high speed wireless
communication. It acquired this name due to the similarity to Wi-Fi, only using light
instead of radio Wi-Fi is great for general wireless coverage within buildings, and LiFi
is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined area and for relieving radio
interference issues, so the two technologies can be considered complimentary.

Table 1 : Comparison between Li-Fi and Wi-Fi.

Figure 4 : Speed comparison between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi.

3.1] WHY ONLY Li-Fi ?

Following are the glimpses of our present scenario which Prof. Haas mentioned in his
talk at TED Global, London.
We have 1.4 million cellular radio waves base stations deployed.
We also have over 5 billions of mobile phones.
Mobile phones transmit more than 600 TB of data per month.
Wireless communication has become a utility like electricity & water.
We use it in everyday life, in our private life, business life.
Currently Wi-Fi uses Radio waves for communication.
It is important to look into this technology which has become fundamental to our life.
The radio waves currently being employed for data transmission possess four issues as
stated below :
Radio waves are limited to a certain range, scarce and expensive.
With the advent of the new generation technologies like 2.5G, 3G, 4G and so on we are
running out of spectrum.
There are 1.4 million cellular radio base stations.
They consume massive amount of energy.
Most of this energy is not used for transmission but for cooling down the
base stations.
Efficiency of such a base station is only 5% and that raises a very big problem.
We have to switch off our mobiles in aeroplanes.
It is not advisable to use mobiles at places like petrochemical plants and
petrol pumps.
Availability of radio waves causes another concern.
Radio waves penetrate through walls.
They can be intercepted.
If someone has knowledge and bad intentions then he may misuse it


✓ Li-Fi can solve problems related to the insufficiency of radio frequency

bandwidth because this technology uses visible light spectrum that has
still not been greatly utilized.

✓ High data transmission rates of up to 10Gbps can be achieved.

✓ Li-Fi has an upper hand due to parallel data transmission
✓ Since light cannot penetrate walls, it provides privacy and security that Wi-Fi


✓ Li-Fi has low implementation and maintenance costs.

It is safe for humans since light, unlike radio frequencies, cannot penetrate human body.
Hence, concerns of cell mutation are mitigated



✓ Light can't pass through objects.

✓ A major challenge facing Li-Fi is how the receiving device will transmit back

to transmitter.

✓ High installation cost of the VLC systems.

✓ Interferences from external light sources like sun, light, normal
bulbs, opaque materials.

The possibilities of Li-Fi are numerous and can be explored further. If his technology
can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used something like a Wi-Fi hotspot to
transmit wireless data and we will proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and
brighter future.

The concept of Li-Fi is currently attracting a great deal of interest, not least because it
may offer a genuine and very efficient alternative to radio-based wireless. As a growing
number of people and their many devices access wireless internet, the airwaves are
becoming increasingly clogged, making it more and more difficult to get a reliable,
high-speed signal.

This may solve issues such as the shortage of radio-frequency bandwidth and also allow
internet where traditional radio based wireless isn’t allowed such as aircraft or hospitals.
One of the shortcomings however is that it only work in direct line of sight.


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