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CHAPER –14 you should believe yourself :)

Pakistan experienced a devastating flood in July and August 2010. This was the greatest
natural disaster in the country's history. The monsoon rains continued for days and
triggered huge floods. The disaster zone was too wide. It stretched from the Swat Valley in
the north to Sindh in the south. Around one fifth of the country and over 20 million people
were affected. Nearly two thousand people died and two million homes and hundreds of
bridges and roads were destroyed. Its effects were more severe than the South-East Asian
tsunami and the earthquakes in Kashmir and Haiti.
The flooding in Pakistan has left several traces. Among them there is a rather unusual one.
Millions of spiders climbed onto the trees to escape the rising flood waters. But, the
flooding was so huge and took so long to drain away. Therefore, the spiders have stayed in
the trees and created massive webs around them. Now, all the trees in Pakistan seem like
they are cocooned in webs. People who live in Sindh say that they've never witnessed
anything like this before. Actually, this may have a positive health effect. It's thought the
mosquitoes, which spread the deadly disease malaria, are getting caught in these spider
webs. Not being bitten by mosquitoes reduces the risk of malaria among people who had
lost everything in the floods. Therefore, this remarkable phenomenon is for the benefit of
local people

The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. According to their religious beliefs, when
they died, they would make a journey to another world where they would lead a new life.
Therefore, the dead people were buried with a few belongings, such as clothes and
furniture, which would be necessary for that life. Even food was put in the graves for this
long journey. Egyptians also wanted to preserve the human body for the new life in the
afterlife. So, they developed an artificial method of preserving bodies. It was called
Mummification was a complicated and lengthy process. It took about 70 days. It was also
long and expensive. The process of preparing the body had two stages. The first stage was
called embalming. In this stage, organs except heart were removed from the body.
Egyptians believed that they would need heart in the afterlife. The second stage was called
wrapping. The dead body was wrapped with linen in this stage. Then, the body was placed
in a coffin. This coffin was put inside a large stone, which was called sarcophagus, in the
tomb. The mummy was ready for the long journey in the end. In Egyptian society, people
who were poor were buried in the sand. But, the rich were buried in tombs. Pyramids,
which were stone tombs and symbols of Egypt, were also built for the kings and pharaohs.
The Egyptians buried their dead in this way for many generations

Clothing has been a significant way of self expression and individuality for a long time. Every
people try to follow fashion standards that will help them to express themselves. Today, a
different fashion style is becoming more and more popular. Its name is vintage clothing
which is a term used for second hand of clothing from a previous era. Clothing which is older
than 25 years is usually considered to be a vintage. Actually, the word vintage refers to the
year or place in which wine was produced. Then it is used to refer to the time that a
particular item of quality was made.

Nowadays, an increasingly growing interest has begun for vintage clothes. You can see a
woman dressed in 1950's or 1970's fashion style while you are walking in the street.
Dresses, jackets, hats, shirts, trousers, blouses, skirts and scarves can be all used as pieces of
vintage clothing. Pieces by famous designers are among the most popular vintage clothes. It
can be difficult to find such clothes especially when they are considered as the
representative works of the designer's style. Although, vintage garments have been worn
previously, they should be in a good condition now in order to use them. The price of such
clothes may be unaffordable because they are often hand-made and produced in very small
numbers. But, there are many vintage clothing enthusiasts who are willing to pay huge
amounts of money for these clothes that cannot be found at every chain store.


Garden design is an important Japanese art form. It dates back to at least 592 AD. Gardens
were originally introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks in the sixth century. They brought
the garden style that had been practiced in China for thousands of years with them to the
country. Their influence on the art and architecture of the country was impressive and
lasting. But, the Japanese refined the elements of garden design to an art form and created
their unique gardens. Their gardens were so beautiful that they have turned out to be
cultural symbols of Japan.

The Japanese had strict rules for garden designs. They regarded gardens as a paradise which
was remote from ordinary world. For example, paths in these gardens were filled with
uneven stones. In this way, a visitor would focus on his walking rather than problems of the
world. Japanese gardens were built in Japanese temples. Some of them were seen around
Japanese castles. Trees and plants were usually used in the gardens. The pine, which is an
evergreen tree symbolising longevity, was popular. Bamboo and plum trees were also
grown in such gardens. Aesthetic values, simplicity, naturalness and asymmetry were
important aspects for Japanese gardens. All these qualities have made Japanese gardens
different from other gardens of the world. Having a harmonious relationship with nature
has been the best known feature of Japanese gardens. Today, the art of Japanese gardens is
still popular in the country
Generally, it is thought that women are lack of physical strength. They have been seen as
mothers or wives throughout the history. But, women have served in the military of
different nations for hundreds of years. During World War I, nearly 80,000 women served in
the forces. They had secondary positions such as nurse or transport personnel. In World
War II, some women served as test pilots or trainers. Many people thought that they were
not appropriate to participate at the military.
Today, the role of women in armed forces has been on the increase across the globe. They
serve active duties in many countries. However, only some countries allow women to fill
active combat roles. Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand and Norway are among these
countries. In Israeli, military service is compulsory for both men and women. There are
some restrictions for the duties of women in the army in other countries. For example, all
the areas of the military, except direct combat, are open to women in USA. Their number
makes up about 14% of the US army. French women cannot have duties that involve direct
combat. They also cannot work on submarines. Some countries such as USA and Turkey
allow female soldiers in combat flying missions.

The Silk Road was an important trade route in ancient times. It was very significant for the
development of the many civilisations of the world. It started from China and passed
through Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and Europe. It linked China with the Roman Empire.
It consisted of three major routes. But, there were also hundreds of smaller ways. Silk
comprised a large proportion of trade along this road. Therefore, it was called 'the Silk Road'
by a German geographer, Ferdinand von Richthofen, in 1877.
China was the first country to produce silk. Many people in Europe and Asia wanted to have
silk that was only made in China. Therefore, the countries began to trade. But, silk was not
the only item on this road. For example, China traded silk products, gold, medicine, spices,
teas, and porcelain. India traded ivory, textiles, precious stones, and pepper to the western
countries. The countries in the West exported gold, silver, fine glassware, wine, carpets, and
jewels. There were also food items and animals for trade. The Silk Road also built cultural
and economic bridges between the West and the East. For example, dance, music, and
acrobatics from the Western countries entered China though the Silk Road. Buddhism was
also introduced to China from India via this route. Through this route, Chinese civilisation
became known to the world.

Almost everyone knows that Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Climbing
the “World’s Highest” is the dream of every climber. It is true that Mount Everest does hold
a world record, but not as the biggest mountain. It is the highest elevation on land. It is only
a single peak in a mountain range, Himalayas. The world’s highest mountain is Mauna Loa. It
is a single mountain on the island of Hawaii. Mauna Loa means "Long Mountain” in
Hawaiian language. Only about 13,448 ft/4100m of Mauna Loa are above sea level, so it
may not seem like a very tall mountain. If you measure it from the bottom of the ocean, it
exceeds Everest. Mauna Loa is a volcano. It is the largest and most active volcano on Earth.
It has erupted 33 times since 1843. Today, Mauna Loa is quiet. It is not producing lava.
Mauna Loa is not the only volcano on the island of Hawaii. There are four others. Their
names are Mauna Kea, Kohala, Hualalai and Kilauea. Except Kilauea, three of them are no
longer active.

"I Yabba Dabba Do!” Everybody should have heard these famous words of Fred Flintstones.
The Flintstones is about a modern Stone-Age family. The story is set in the prehistoric times.
There's Fred, the meat-loving, bowling-playing fat man. He works as an operator of a
dinosaur-powered crane at Rock Hard & Quarry Cave Construction Co. There is Wilma, his
wife who loves to cook. And Pebbles is their cute baby daughter. Their next door neighbours
are Barney and Betty. Barney is Fred's best friend. His wife Betty always loves to hang out
with Wilma. They adopt an orphan boy named Bam Bam. He is incredibly strong. The
characters live in the prehistoric city of Bedrock, but they behave in contemporary manner.
They speak like us. They live like us. For example, Fred has a hi-fi on which he could play
music. However, this tool is a little bit different than modern music players. It consists of a
turntable and a bird with a long beak to serve as a needle. The house of Wilma is also similar
to our houses. There is a vacuum cleaner, for instance. But it is not like the vacuum cleaner
of our age. It is a baby elephant with a long trunk. They use a hungry buzzard under the sink
as an automatic garbage disposal unit. The Flintstones is certainly a great show. It has been
around for a half of a century. The original series were between 1960 and 1966. However,
they have been broadcasted since then. Not only kids but also people of different ages like
this cartoon.
A baby shower is a special party for the mum-to-be. It is a way to celebrate the birth of a
child. Guests bring small or large gifts for the expectant mother. So, the term "shower"
means that the expectant mother is "showered" with gifts. Typical gifts related to babies
include diapers, baby bottles, clothes, and toys. It is common to open the gifts during the
party. Traditionally, baby showers were given only for the family's first child. However, it is
now common to hold baby shower for subsequent or adopted children. A parent may have
more than one baby shower, such as one with friends and another with co-workers.

There is no set rule for when or where showers are to be held. Many baby showers are held
before the arrival of the baby, rather than afterwards. Hosts may have many activities, such
as games to taste baby foods or to guess the baby's birth date or gender. If the shower is
held after the baby's birth, then the baby is usually brought to the shower, too. In the past,
only women were invited to baby showers. However, men are also invited to modern day
baby showers. Baby showers are mainly known as an American tradition, but they are
gradually gaining in popularity in other countries around the world. The original aim of baby
shower was to give advice on the art of becoming a mother. Today, baby showers have
turned out to be a good way of entertainment for the mother and her friends.

Animals adapt to the climate in order to survive. Hibernation is a result of this adaptation. In
winter, some animals hibernate. They go into a deep sleep. This sleep is not like human
sleep. Loud noises cannot wake these animals up. Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded
animals hibernate. These animals survive in harsh winter conditions with hibernation.
Estivation is another form of animals’ adaptation. It is a form of sleep. It is the opposite of
hibernation. It takes place in summer. Animals estivate in order to survive in hot
temperatures of summer months. Estivation happens in hot and desert climates. There is
not much water and food in these places during summer months. Estivation protects these
animals from high temperatures and drought. First, the animals find a safe place for
themselves before estivation. They usually choose underground. They dig a hole in the soil
to get away from dry and hot weather conditions. They sleep through this hard time. Then,
the bodies of estivating animals slow down. Breathing and heartbeat are very slow. So, the
animals do not need much food and water to live. In this way, metabolism saves energy.
Some examples of estivating animals are bees, earthworms, frogs and toads, hedgehogs,
snails, snakes, turtles and lizards. Estivation is uncommon for mammals
Graphic novels are book-length comics. They are long comic books for adults. They tell a
story from the first page to the last. Sometimes they tell a single story. Sometimes they tell
a collection of short stories. They tell everything by visual art. The stories are told in a series
of rectangular panels. The first graphic novel was Will Eisner’s A Contract With Good and
Other Tenement Stories. It was published in 1978. There have been many graphic novels
since that time. Art Spiegelman’s Maus, Alan Moore’s Watchmen, Frank Miller’s Batman:
The Dark Knight Returns, and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman are among the 100 great graphic
In the past, generally the adventures of a superhero were told. So they were disdained.
Libraries ignored these comic books. So the readers could not obtain these books easily.
However, the situation has changed completely. Today, more and more people are
becoming familiar with graphic novels. So their popularity is growing. Now there are more
graphic novels than ever before. Today’s graphic novels tell many different subjects. They
emphasize adventure, romance or politics. So readers are no longer limited to the
adventures of a hero. Furthermore, there is greater access to graphic novels now. They are
generally sold in bookstores or special comic book shops rather than at newsstands. They
can also be found in public and school libraries. This contributes to the current popularity of
graphic novels.

Geocaching is an outdoor adventure game. The aim is to find a hidden "cache”. There is a
treasure in it. It is put in a small and waterproof container. There are over 5 million active
caches worldwide. It might be placed anywhere in the world except the beaten paths. It
could be in a park. It could be under the sea. It could be under a rock on a mountain. Or it
could be inside a telephone booth in a large city in America or Japan. But it is usually hidden
in the wild. The players use the Global Position System to find it. It is an electronic device
that can find your approximate location on the planet. Many other navigation techniques
and smartphones are also used. The players also use traditional devices. For instance, they
bring along a compass, a map of the area they're searching, a pen to write in the log book
and an item to place in the geocache. The players, then, share their experiences online with
other treasure seekers.
The popularity of geocaching is rising every year. The aim is to find cache. But the play offers
much. While you are searching for the cache, you explore the world. You can see many
different places. You can experience this adventure alone. However, it is more fun to
geocache with a friend. Besides, geocaching becomes safer with a friend. You can also save
the environment. If you bring a garbage bag along on your hunt and pick up any garbage you
see along the trail, this will help keep the "geocache play area" clean.


The tongue is not the only part of our body that can taste. At birth we have taste buds on
the back of the throat, underside of the tongue and inside of the cheeks. These buds act like
sensors detecting the taste of food that we eat. With the help of these buds, the tongue can
detect five tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory). While there are differences
in sensitivity to the five tastes around the tongue, these differences are small. Sweet, sour,
salty and bitter are perceived anywhere where taste buds exist.
However, an outdated "tongue map" began to appear in the beginning of the 20thcentury.
This map is used to show large regional differences in sensitivity across the human tongue.
According to this map, it is indicated that we mostly taste sweetness, bitterness, saltiness,
and sourness at different areas of the tongue. The sweetness is detected by taste buds on
the tip of the tongue, sourness on the sides, bitterness at the back and saltiness along the
edges. The original myth stems back to the early 1900's when a German researcher named
Hanig published data on taste sensitivity of different areas of the tongue. The differences in
sensitivity which he reported were real. But a Harvard psychologist mistranslated Hanig's
data and the myth that the tongue had distinct areas of taste sensitivity began.
The Polar Regions are the coldest areas of the Earth around the North and South Pole. The
weather is very cold all the year round. The sun never rises during the winter and it never
sets during the summer. When the sun shines, it is very weak. There are severe climate
conditions in both regions. They are found on the far south and north ends of the globe. The
northern polar region is called the Arctic. It is a huge ocean surrounded by land. The North
Pole is always frozen with ice. In the coastal parts, there are some areas where the
indigenous people live. The Arctic consists of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
Russia, Sweden and USA.
The southern polar region is called Antarctica. It is surrounded by ice and water. %98 of the
land is covered with a continental ice sheet. The remaining land is barren rock. This ice-
covered continent is larger than the United States. Even in the summer, it rarely gets above
freezing. The world's largest desert is on this continent. There are no permanent inhabitants
because of the climatic conditions. But, there are many visitors most of whom are scientists.
Although it's cold in both the Arctic and Antarctic, there are many differences. For example,
the animal and sea life are different. Polar bears are native to the icy cold water of the Arctic
Ocean and its surrounding areas. But, penguins are mostly found in the Antarctic. There is a
wide range of marine mammals and fish in the Arctic. On the other hand, Antarctic has a
low level of biodiversity. Unlike Arctic, Antarctic doesn't have any trees. Both the Arctic and
the Antarctic influence the Earth's climate. They are the most fascinating regions of the
London is known for its beautiful historical building. But, modern architecture has become
important since the turn of the century. The London Eye is the best example of this modern
architecture in London. It's also an extraordinary piece of engineering design. It is the tallest
observation wheel in the world and the fourth tallest structure in London. There are 32
specially designed capsules in which passengers can walk. These capsules can carry 800
passengers. It is possible to see all the directions up to 40km. It turns slowly. A complete
turn lasts 30 minutes.
There was a competition to celebrate the new Millennium with a structure. David Marks and
Julia Barfield entered this competition; but they could not win it. Then, British Airways
sponsored their project. The London Eye was built to celebrate the new Millennium. It was
designed by the architect team of husband and wife. They wanted to create a beautiful
structure. This structure would allow people to see London from a new perspective. They
thought a ferris wheel was a perfect choice. They thought that people would enter the
structure and enjoy a beautiful view of London. Hundreds of people worked to construct
this marvelous structure. It took seven years to complete it. It was opened on 31st
December 1999 by Tony Blair, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at that time.
It was opened to public in 2000 because there were some technical problems.

Ice skating is a popular winter sport. People slide on a sheet of ice with the help of skates. It
is a combination of art, sport and figure skating. Apart from technique, it is important for an
ice skater to slide gracefully over the ice without falling. There are many people who do it as
a leisure activity. But it is a profession for many others. Ice skating is an activity that can take
place in both indoors or outdoors. It can be done on frozen water bodies or specially
prepared ice rinks. It is possible to make ice skating in every season thanks to indoor rinks.
This sport has become extremely popular in recent years.
Today ice skating is thought to be a professional sport. But, its roots date back to old times.
It was originally an important means of transportation in past. When people needed to
travel across frozen water bodies in the winter season, they used this method. It was more
efficient to travel on ice than the roads. A pair of skates was found at the bottom of a lake in
Switzerland. They were the earliest known ice skates dating back to 3000 B.C. These skates
were made from the bones of animals. There were also other skates which were made of
wood or stone. They prove that humans have been skating for thousands of years. There is
no concrete proof about the origin of this sport. Until the 19th century, ice skating was only
possible in northern countries where lakes and rivers froze. Today, people enjoy ice skating
all around the year. Many international competitions are held worldwide.

Tulips are one of the most popular flowers of the world. They don't grow from seeds. They
grow from bulbs which are buried under the soil. They are planted in the fall and the flowers
bloom in the spring. They have different colours, heights, and shapes. Tulips may come in
many different colours but blue. Reds and yellows are primary colours, but they also vary
from white to deep purple. Some of them also have beautiful scents. There are three types
of tulips depending upon the time of bloom. First one is called as early flowering tulips
which bloom in March and early April. Second one is called as midseason flowering tulips
that bloom in April and early May. The last one is called as late flowering tulips blooming in
Tulip plant has been cultivated since ancient times. It has been closely associated with
Holland because many tulips are grown and exported from that country. But the flower is
native to central Asia including Siberia, Mongolia, and China. It was brought to Turkey by the
nomadic tribes. It has been a national flower of Turkey since it was introduced to the
country. Then, tulip plant was introduced to the West by a famous biologist called Carolus
Clusius in the 17th century. Billions of tulips are cultivated every year because they are in
great demand. Tulip is the world's third most popular flowers after rose and
chrysanthemum. They are generally used for some special occasions such as weddings and
Valentine's Day. Tulip cultivation is an important industry in many countries of the world.
But Holland dominates the tulip market of the world.
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages of the world. It is consumed by millions of
people around the world. It has been known to have some positive effects on human health.
Consuming a cup of coffee in a day reduces the risks of many serious illnesses such as
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer etc. Coffee can be classified according to
certain features. For example, types of coffee beans are important. Three types of coffee
beans are widely used all around the world. Arabica beans account for more than 50% of
the total coffee production of the world. Arabica coffee beans, which have a mild flavour
and aroma, are mostly produced in African countries.
Robusta coffee beans are also used on a vast scale. Unlike Arabica beans, they are much
stronger. Many commercial companies use these two types of coffee beans. Kona, which is
produced in Hawaii, is the rarest type of coffee bean in the world. This makes it the most
expensive type of coffee beans. There are many types of drink which are made from these
coffee beans. They have different names and flavours depending on how we prepare them.
Espresso is probably the strongest form of coffee. It is also very tasty and frothy. Unlike
espresso, cappuccino is not so strong. Coffee is blended with a bit of whiskey in Ireland. On
the other hand, by combining coffee and milk, you can prepare mocha in other countries.
The traditional Turkish coffee is also gaining popularity all around the world. It is made by
boiling ground coffee with water.

The Beatles are a legendary British rock music group whose members are Paul McCartney,
John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They come from Liverpool which is a port
located on the north-west coast of England. The group's first name was "Johnny and the
Moondogs" and they changed it to the "Silver Beetles". Then John Lennon found the group's
famous name which is known today. The group started performing music in 1959. They
made their first record which was called "Love Me Do" in 1962.
When new hits began to appear, the Beatles became very popular all around the world.
They had millions of fans most of whom were teenagers. The term "Beatlemania" was used
to describe the fans of the group. They shaped the rock music of 1960's. They also
influenced people's life styles. Most of their fans imitated their haircuts, clothing and
outlook. All of their songs were excellent. But the songs which were written by Lennon and
McCarthy were even better than the others. The two wrote most of the band's songs. The
Beatles were the first English group to become famous in America. They won seven Grammy
Awards. They also made several successful films. When they separated in 1971, each
member of the group continued to work in music. The Beatles have dominated the music
charts all over the world since 1960s. Their songs have passed on through many
generations. They are still popular. Today many of their songs are still played on radio
stations all around the world. They are probably the most famous and successful group
A typical flower is usually colourful and sweet-smelling. It attracts bees, butterflies, moths
and insects. A variety of insects find the showy petals and fragrance irresistible. They
pollinate the flowers and produce nectar. This scenario fits the majority of flowering plants.
But there are some exceptions. There are some plants which everyone agrees smell bad.
The carrion flower is one of these plants. It is native to tropical areas of southern Africa. Its
flowers are typically flesh-coloured. Its large flowers give out a very unpleasant odour. Then
why does a carrion flower smell like a rotting corpse when it flowers?
The carrion flower does it for a special reason. The plant uses its stink to attract blowflies,
flesh flies and midges. These flies pollinate the plants and lay their eggs there. When they sit
on the flower, they are captured by the flower with strong hair. When the hair falls, the fly is
free to fly. But it takes some pollen with it. Then the fly goes and sits on another plant. The
male cell of one plant meets the female cell of the other. So the seed gets new life. People
may think carrion flowers smell atrociously. But blowflies, flesh flies and midges apparently
think otherwise. There is a proverb that says: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. The
carrion flower proves that it is true!

Machu Picchu is an ancient city. It is situated on a steep hillside, far above the semi-tropical
jungle below. It is the most popular city of Incas. It is sometimes called as the Lost City of
Incas. It is estimated that only about 750 people lived in Machu Picchu. It is thought that the
city was built by the Inca emperor Pachacuti. The construction began in 1440. People lived
in this city until the Spanish Conquest in 1532. The Spanish invaders destroyed many parts
of this great city. Machu Picchu is located in modern day Peru. Archaeologists discovered it
in 1911. This was an exciting discovery. They were so excited about finding the ruins of this
city. Some archaeologists believe it was a country estate. Others believe it was a religious
Explorers found ruins of temples, palaces, fortresses, and a royal tomb. They found remains
of the stone aqueducts that brought water into the city from over a mile away. They found
remains of terrace gardens, and homes for farmers, nobles, and priests. They found
wonderful pottery. They also found an Intihuatana. An Intihuatana was the ceremonial
pyramid. The Incas built it to speak to their sun god. Today, Machu Picchu is still Peru's top
tourist attraction. When people travel to Peru, they visit this fabulous forgotten city of the
incredible Incas, Machu Picchu. It is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World with the
Great Wall and the Colosseum, Pompeii. Traveling to Machu Picchu is an unforgettable
experience for everyone.

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