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(Anatomic terms)

The endocrine system consists of the tissues (mainly glands) that create and release hormones -
special chemical substances released from the glands into the bloodstream. Hormones coordinate
different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs,
skin, muscles and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it.
They carry information that controls the functions of almost all of the body’s cells and tissues. The main
function of hormones is controlling growth, development and metabolism.
The glands are located in different regions of the body. There are glands of internal secretion
(endocrine glands) and glands of external secretion (exocrine glands). The first secrete hormones
directly into the blood and the latter are the glands that secrete substances produced by the body as a
result of vital processes through excretory ducts onto the surface of the body or mucous membranes,
into certain cavities.

Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal, thymus glands, gonads (ovaries and testes) belong to
endocrine glands. Mammary, mucous, salivary, lachrymal and sweat glands belong to exocrine ones.The
functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected and the glands make up a single system.
Most hormones are controlled by a mechanism called feedback. If a gland is working harder than
the body needs it to, the hormone system switches it off. But when the body needs the gland to
produce more hormone the system switches it on again.
Researchers have discovered how the main endocrine and exocrine glands function and what kinds
of hormones they secrete. Most of endocrine glands, are controlled by the pituitary gland (hypophysis)
which is controlled in turn by the hypothalamus. Both of these glands are located in the brain.
But the exact functions of some glands are still rather uncertain and ongoing research is being
conducted to fully understand their roles in the body. For example, it is the thymus gland which is
located behind the sternum and extends to the neck. It is large in childhood and shrinks in size in adults.
Some scientists believe that the thymus plays a certain role in the immune process in the body. It is
possible for people to live without a thymus. However, studies have linked removing the thymus in
infants to an increased risk of infections and autoimmune disorders.
TASK 1. Pronounce and memorize the meaning of the following words and expressions.

varied [ ′vεәrid ] різний, різноманітний

substance [ ′ sʌbstәns ] субстанція, речовина
messenger [ ′mesindʒә ] кур'єр, посильний
internal [ in′tә:n(ә)l ] внутрішеій
external [ iks′tә:n(ә)l ] зовнішній
gland [ glænd ] залоза
thyroid gland [ ′θairoid glænd ] щитородібна залоза
parathyroid gland [ pærә′θairoid glænd ] паращитоподібна залоза
adrenal gland [ æd′ri:nәl glænd ] надниркова залоза
gonads [ ′gounædz ] гонади (статеві залози)
pineal gland [ ′p(a)iniәl glænd ] шишкоподібна залоза
thymus gland [ ′θaimәs glænd ] тимус (вилочкова залоза)
mammary gland [ ′mæmәri glænd ] молочна залоза
mucous gland [ ′mjukәs glænd ] слизова залоза
salivary gland [ ′sælivәri glænd ] слинна залоза
lachrymal gland [ ′lækrimәl glænd ] слізна залоза
sweat gland [ ′swet glænd ] потова залоза
hypothalamus [ haipә′θælәmәs ] гіпоталамус
pituitary gland [ pi′tju:itri glænd ] гіпофиз (= hypophysis [hai′pofәsis] )
to belong [ bi′lɔŋ ] належати
feedback [ ′fi:dbæk ] обратная связь
to switch on /off [ switʃ on / of ] вмикати / вимикати
to discover [ dis′kʌvә ] відкривати, виявляти
uncertain [ ʌn′sә:tn ] точно не відомий, невизначений

TASK 2. Find the following expressions in the text.

-різні функції організму

- особливі хімічні речовини
-розташовані в різних частинах тіла
-виділяють гормони безпосередньо в кров
-протоки, які ведуть до зовнішніх частин тіла
-гормональна система відключає її
-як функціонують залози внутрішньої та зовнішньої секреції
-яка у свою чергу контролюється
-зменшується у розмірах у дорослих людей
-грає певну роль

TASK 3. Translate the sentences.

1.Ендокринна система регулює роботу організму за допомогою гормонів.

2. Гормони контролюють роботу майже всіх клітин та тканин тіла
3. Гормональна система відключає залозу, якщо вона працює надто інтенсивно.
4. Ендокринна система ділиться на залози внутрішньої секреції та зовнішньої секреції.
5. Гіпоталамус контролює роботу гіпофіза.
6. Точну функцію вилочкової залози все ще не встановлено.
TASK 4. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What does the endocrine system do in the body?

2. Where are the glands located?
3. What is the function of hormones?
4. What kinds of glands do you know?
5. What is the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands?
6. How does the body control the function of glands?
7. What is controlled by the pituitary gland?
8. What gland controls the work of the pituitary gland?
9. Do the scientists know exactly the function of all glands in the human body?

TASK 5. Finish the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. The glands are located …..

2. The main function of hormones is ……….
3. Most hormones are controlled by ………..
4. Researches have discovered how………...
5. But the exact functions of some glands are ……….

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