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Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


Gutad National High School

Gutad Floridablanca, Pampanga

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self

Without The Fatherly Bind

A Title Proposal Presented

to the Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Practical Research I Subject

Dampil, Kristiane Allyson R.
Ducut, Christ Bryan M.
Abasola, Ace Aldrin E.
Encio, Joshua S.
Diwa, Shakirajoy S.
Santiago, Hashley Mae M.
Garcia, Jenica I.
Loquias, Joshua M.
Crisostomo, Russel A.
Santos, Mhoreen E.
Samson, Joshua M.

February, 2024

Nica Miel L. Tumanao, LPT, MAEd

Research Adviser
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind



In today's life, having a great family gives a lot of happiness and joy,

where the feelings have shown genuine commitment and safety with each other. But

society is changing rapidly with regard to the importance of fathers in the family.

The Father should be heard and seen. The absence of fathers from students lives is

one of the most common causes of problems that students can experience and can

have implications related to their development and well-being.

This research study focuses on exploring the lived experiences of students

who have grown up without the fatherly bind. Father's absence can be voluntary or

unavoidable, impacting children's emotional well-being and guidance, and

potentially causing their own children to suffer (Erban, 2024). Fatherless children

face various challenges, including emotional issues, substance abuse, health issues,

and homelessness, often adopting intimidating personalities to hide their underlying

fears and unhappiness (Parsons, 2024).

There are many researchers have been conducted the impact of father

absence on children’s development (Hawkins, 2015). There is a research gap in

understanding the experiences of students who have grown without a father. The

existing literatures focuses on the negative impact or consequences of fathers

absence, such as, emotional, issues, and challenges. However, little attention has
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


given to explore the personal growth strategies that students can develop in the

absence of a father figure.

The essence in pursuing this research is to explore the students’

experiences who have grown without a father figure. The main reason why the

researchers chose to explore experiences is because the problem at hand has

manifested among senior high school students at the Gutad National High School.

As students in this generation, this topic captured researchers’ interest because the

students currently experiencing the situation.

Background of the Study

Father absence is a term that is not well defined and much of the literature

does not discriminate between father absence due to death, parental relationship

discord or other causes. This presents the father absence, particularly as it relates to

students well-being and development. The importance of father presence in

children's lives and suggest that father absence has ramifications for children and

students. (O'Brien, 2015).

The absence of a father figure can have a profound impact on an

individual’s personal development, shaping their emotional well-being, sense of

identity, and ability to form healthy relationships. Whether due to physical absence
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


or emotional distance, the void left by an absent father figure can contribute to

feelings of neglect, abandonment, and the development father issue. (Gurian,2023).

Daughters who grow up without a father figure may experience a range of emotions,

including anger, sadness, and confusion. They may struggle to understand their

emotions and develop coping mechanisms, which can lead to ongoing emotional

difficulties throughout their lives (Steinem's, 2015).

The lived experiences of nurturing oneself without a fatherly bind involve a

qualitative phenomenological study. The data will be gathered through interviews.

This method will allow a rich observation of the insights of participants through

their unique experience of self-nourishment without a fatherly presence. The

interviews will be open-ended questions, enabling participants to share their

experiences and reflections in a conversational way.

Fatherlessness has evolved over time due to various factor, including war,

etc. While the concept of fatherlessness has existed throughout history, the

prevalence of this issue has increased in recent times (Parker, 2018).

There are numerous issues and problems associated with a lack of father

involvement in a child's life. Some of these issues includes Emotional and

Behavioral Problems: Children who grow up without active father involvement are
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


more likely to experience emotional and behavioral issues, such as depression,

anxiety, and conduct problems (Fagan & Palkovitz, 2015). Economic Stability:

Fatherless children are at a higher risk of experiencing poverty and economic

instability, as they are more likely to grow up in single-parent households (Amato,

2015). Gender Identity and Development: Father involvement is crucial in a child's

gender identity development. Children without active fathers may experience

difficulties in understanding and embracing their gender roles and identities (Fagan

& Palkovitz, 2015).

The articles likely compares different types of father absence, such as

emotional absence versus physical absence, and their respective impacts on

children's development. This comparison can help identify which type of absence

has more significant consequences and why. The study might also compare the

consequences of father absence across various age groups, genders, or socio-

economic backgrounds. This comparison can reveal if the impact of father absence

varies depending on the child's circumstances and how they cope with the situation.

The article may contrast father absence with the presence of a father figure,

highlighting the positive effects of a supportive and involved father on children's

development. This contrast can emphasize the importance of father involvement in a

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


child's life. The study could also contrast father absence with other family structures

or situations, such as single-parent households or blended families, 5

to understand how these different family dynamics affect children's development

(Smith, 2015).

There are tremendous advantages that are afforded to children who have

active, involved fathers during childhood and adolescence. The Father involvement

using authoritative parenting (loving and with clear boundaries and expectations)

leads to better emotional, academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for children,

Children who feel a closeness to their father, The quality of the father-child

relationship matters more than the specific amount of hours spent together, and High

levels of father involvement are correlated with higher levels of sociability,

confidence, and self-control in children. The impact that fathers and father figures

can make is substantial. Just as there are many positive aspects to father

involvement, the lasting impact of a father in child’s life cannot be denied. Many

would admit that they have struggled with feelings of abandonment and low self-

esteem, due to the lack of a father’s love in their lives. Some have turned to drugs,

alcohol, risky sexual activities, unhealthy relationships, or other destructive

behaviors to numb the pains of fatherlessness (Bush, 2023).

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


Background of the Locale

The research study will be conducted in one of the public school at Gutad

Floridablanca, Pampanga - Gutad National High School (GNHS), it was established

on February 15, 1968, with the notable contributions from Diosdado Vitug Simon

and Principal Evelyn J. Pagio. Its inception can be traced back to its origins within

Gutad Elementary School, led by Principal Igmedio Velarde. Subsequently, upon

relocating to its current site, Principal Evelyn J. Pagio took over. As part of an

evolution towards broader horizons, Senior High School was also added to the

curriculum as per order by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the School Year

2012-2013, following the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum in the School

Year 2011-2012.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this phenomenological study is to explore the students’

experiences on growing up without their father’s guidance at Gutad National High


Specifically, this study will provide answers to the following questions:

1. What are the Student’s eligibility profiles?

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


2. How do Senior Students at Gutad National High School plan their life decisions

and challenges without a father’s guidance?

3. How does the absence of father’s guidance impact a child self- esteem?

4. What are the impact of Senior Students growing up without a father’s guidance?
5. What are the possible consequences of growing up without a father’s guidance?

6. How are these experiences interpreted on the perspective of Senior Students?

Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the lived experiences of the senior high school

students who grow up without a father figure at Gutad National High School from

S.Y 2023 to 2024. The study covers the description of lived experiences and the

interpretation of each experience. The study also includes the participants’ accounts

of becoming one of the students growing up without a father figure. The study does

not aim to invalidate the feelings of the students who have grown up without the

presence of a father.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are deemed significant to the following entities:

To the students.
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


This study will contribute new ideas that may help students gain a further

understanding of life without a father’s guidance through accounts of their lived

experiences. It would help them to show what they feel appropriately in handling

without a fatherly bind. This study also help the students discover an experiences

and interpretation of each experience from where they can relate emotionally and

physically. 8

To the teachers.

Teachers can learn ways for enforcing rules in the classroom that will direct

students' attention toward performance rather than enjoyment from the study.

Teachers are role models for their students; those who have successfully navigated

life without a father figure can serve as an inspiration and motivator for those in

similar circumstances. They can also change the way they think, which will help

them become more competent educators of responsibility. In early life can have a

significant effect on people, influencing their attitudes, convictions, and actions.

They can aid in the creation of guidelines for developing responsibility.

To the mothers.

This study will contribute new ideas that will help mothers to have further

understanding of raising a child with absent father. It would help them to

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


appropriately raise their child without a partner. This study will also help the

mothers on raising their child and enhance their connection with their child.

To the future researchers.

This study will contribute new ideas that will help future researchers to have

further understanding of growing up with absent father through the lived experience

of nurturing self without fatherly bind. It would help them provide valuable insights 9

for future researchers in understanding the physica, emotional, and social impacts

of father absence. This research may contribute to developing support systems and

interventions to enhance resilience and well-being in individuals who have

navigated such experiences.

Conceptual Framework

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) is a graphical presentation of the course

of action or methodology of the study.

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


Figure 1: Input-Process-Output (IPO)

Figure 1. This section presented the conceptual framework of the study wherein the 10

input consists of the demographic profile of the participants including age, sex , and

strand. It also included the participants' accounts of lived experiences. Input will

undergo the process of content and thematic analysis which will result into an output

of understanding and exploration of the essence of The Lived Experience of

Nurturing Self Without The Fatherly Bind.

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


Theoretical Framework

The effects of a missing father figure in a child's life are referred to as

fatherlessness or father absence. It's a topic that has been thoroughly researched,

particularly in relation to sociology, psychoanalysis, and child development. Since

the 1990s, this pattern has been researched, and many studies are still being

conducted on it now. A number of viewpoints, including drive-structural theory, ego

psychology, object relations theory, and self psychology, are used to analyze the

impacts of father absence. The lack of a father figure has been associated with

detrimental effects on a child's schooling, mental health, and family relationships,

among other areas of their overall wellbeing. Children of absent fathers are

disproportionately affected by a variety of mental health issues (Blankenhorn,



Review of the Related Literature

The well-organized and in-depth analysis of pertinent foreign literatures

contributes to the conceptual development of the academic research project. These

are ordered in the order that the particular questions in the problem statement are

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


A student's eligibility profile without a father's guidance should not be

solely defined by this absence. Instead, it should be evaluated based on their overall

achievements, personal growth,

and the support systems they have in place. This includes not only their immediate

family but also extended family, teachers, mentors, and community resources that

contribute to their overall development National Center for Children in Poverty

(2019). 12

Children who grow up without a father figure are more likely to experience

academic difficulties, such as lower grades, increased absenteeism, and a higher

likelihood of dropping out. This may affect their eligibility for certain scholarships,

grants, or other educational opportunities. Academic challenges, fatherless children

may also face emotional and psychological challenges, which can impact their

overall well-being and resilience. These factors can indirectly affect their eligibility

profiles as well (National Fatherhood Initiative, 2016).

According to a study by the National Center for Children in Poverty (2018),

father absence can have negative effects on children's academic performance and

social-emotional development. This highlights the importance of providing support

for students in these situations.

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


Fatherless children may face certain challenges in their academic and

personal lives. In such cases, students' eligibility profiles might be influenced by

various factors, including their socioeconomic background, family support, and

access to resources (NFI, 2014).

Fathers' involvement in their kids' life has a good impact on their

emotional and social development (Patterson, 2014). But Students from father-

absent homes were at a higher risk of developing behavioral problems, such as

aggression and delinquency. This may be due to a lack of discipline and supervision

in the home, as well as a lack of positive male role models (Wu, J., & Martinson, M.

L, 2018).

The challenges faced by children without a father's guidance in making life

decisions is the importance of father involvement in a child's life and its impact on

various aspects, including academic performance, emotional well-being, and 13

decision-making. Children who grow up without a father figure may struggle with

making informed decisions, particularly in areas such as education, career, and

relationships. They might lack the guidance and support needed to navigate these

complex aspects of life, which could lead to adverse outcomes. Fatherless children

are more likely to face emotional and behavioral challenges, which can further
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


complicate their decision-making processes. These challenges may stem from

feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, or difficulty in managing emotions (National

Fatherhood Initiative, 2015).

Father Absence and Adolescent Well-Being: The absence of a father

figure can have significant negative effects on a child's development and well-being.

The study found that father absence is associated with increased risks of behavioral

and emotional problems, lower educational attainment, and poorer social

competence in adolescents. However, it is essential to note that these effects can

vary depending on various factors, such as the quality of the mother-child

relationship, the presence of other positive male role models, and the overall family

environment (Amato and Gallevi, 2016).

Students who grew up without a father's guidance were more likely to

experience academic difficulties, behavioral problems, and emotional challenges

(Lamborn, A. D., Draper, P. S., & White, J. C., 2015). 14

The consequences of parental incarceration on children, which can be

particularly severe when the incarcerated parent is the father. The absence of a

father due to incarceration often leads to a decrease in family income and an

increase in material hardship for the family. Children with incarcerated fathers are
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


more likely to experience residential instability, have lower academic achievement,

and engage in problematic behaviors, such as aggression. Wildeman, C. (2016).

Making life decisions and facing challenges without a father's guidance can

be difficult for many individuals. Father absence can have significant negative

effects on children's emotional, behavioral, and social development. It emphasizes

the importance of father involvement in a child's life and highlights the challenges

faced by children growing up without a father's presence or guidance Amato, P. R.


The teenagers' emotional adjustment and depression levels were improved

when fathers were involved in their children's lives. Pangan (2018). 15

Self-esteem as an individual's beliefs about their worth and value, and

states that it plays an influential role in people's decisions and choices. Self-esteem

serves as a motivator for individuals to fulfill their aspirations and goals (Arshad,

Zaidi, & Mahmood, 2015). Student without a father, it is important to consider the

role of self-esteem as it can affect their academic performance and personal

development. Children with high self-esteem are more likely to consider themselves

active and capable, set higher goals, and put more effort into their academic pursuits

(Subon, Unin, & Sulaiman, 2020).

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


The absence of a father's guidance can have a significant impact on a child's

self-esteem. Father Absence and Adolescent Well-Being found that father absence is

associated with lower self-esteem in adolescents (Journal of Marriage and Family,


Children who grow up without a father figure tend to have lower self-

esteem compared to their peers with both parents present in their lives. The Father

Absence and Adolescent Self-

Esteem is the role of parenting quality and peer Relationships (Illinois, 2017).

According to the 2014 UNICEF, The well-being of children in economically

advanced nations, children. Its extremely low in regard to social and emotional well-

being in particular. Many theories have been explored to explain the poor state of

our nation’s’ children. However, a factor that has been largely ignored, particularly

among child and family policymakers, is the prevalence and devastating effects of

father absence in children’s lives.

Children who grow up without a father figure may experience a range of 16

emotions and challenges that can impact their self-esteem. Father absence can lead

to lower self-esteem, more behavioral problems, and emotional difficulties in

children P. B. Bal et al. (2021).

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


A fathers’ figure presence or absence in a child's life might have an impact

on their sense of self-worth. It is essential to provide a student without a father

understanding, opportunity for self-esteem building, and support (Vollink, 2015).

The effects of fatherlessness on young people' psychological health.

Young individuals who experienced father absence had worse levels of sadness,

worse self-esteem, and more problematic behavior Reyes and Magno's (2018).

A study from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health

found that having a father figure, whether biological or not, can significantly

improve a child's education outcomes. However, father absence can also have

negative effects on the mothers of these children, contributing to antenatal

depression and harmful birth outcomes (Langman, 2016).

According to the study, children who grow up without a father's presence in

the household may experience several negative impacts on their educational. Some

of the impact include lower educational attainment children from father-absent

homes are more likely to drop out of school or have lower educational achievements 17

compared to those from intact families. Academic performance: Fatherless children

may exhibit lower academic performance, such as lower grades, standardized test
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


scores, and lower rates of college attendance. Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur,


Senior students' intellectual, social, and emotional development may suffer

significantly if they were raised without a father role K. L. Percheski and S. S.

McLanahan. (2014).

Children raised by single parents especially those without a father were

more likely to struggle academically, showing signs of lower educational attainment

and higher rates of repeating a grade. These kids also had a greater chance of

participating in risky activities like substance misuse and misbehavior (Mclanahan,


The lack of a father figure in a child's childhood might be detrimental to the

youngster. claimed that a child who experiences fatherlessness would no longer

have access to the significant roles that a father plays in their life, which would have

an adverse effect on feelings of guilt, rage, and low self-esteem. Fatherlessness can

have negative effects including despair, anxiety, inability to exercise self-control,

loneliness, and low self-esteem. (Lismanda, 2017). 18

Growing up without a father figure can cause children to feel a variety of

emotions, such as confusion, despair, and rage. They could find it difficult to
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


comprehend their feelings and create coping techniques, which could result in

persistent emotional problems for the rest of their life (Steinem's, 2015).

A person's capacity to build good connections, feel confident in

themselves, and maintain mental stability can all be significantly impacted by the

absence of a father figure. The hole created by an absent father figure can

exacerbate emotions of neglect and abandonment as well as the development father

issue, whether the absence is physical or emotional. (Gurian, 2023).

Growing up without a father's guidance can have significant consequences,

The National Fatherhood Initiative emphasized the issue, stating that the "father

deficit" should be treated as a public health crisis. The absence of a father can lead

to increased risk of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, psychological

issues, a tendency for violence, and sexual and criminal activities among children

(Griffin, 2020).

Many children in economically disadvantaged communities assume adult

roles in their families. Negotiating the responsibilities and expectations associated

with becoming what some young men describe as “man of the house” has important

implications for how adolescent boys move into adulthood. Fathers’ show how the
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


accelerated responsibilities that accompany the experience of students create

difficulties in the children transition into adulthood (Waters, 2014).

Growing up without a father involve the student performance of the children

(Yaseen, Zaman and Rasheed, 2017, Ambachew, Amare and Geleta, 2018,

Simweleba & Serpell, 2020). However, parents’ active involvement is more

influential with students’ performance than the other socioeconomic factors.

While parental involvement is important at every grade level, it is critical at

the secondary school stage because parents of young adolescents have a tendency to

become less actively involved in their children’s reach upper secondary stage in

their education (Oates, 2017). There is a strong positive and significant relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance of students. Similarly,

studies carried out Akbar (2015).

Students who don't have a father figure in their lives could deal with

particular difficulties and mental illness. A National Fatherhood Initiative study

found that a child's development, including behavior, academic achievement, and

emotional health, can be significantly impacted by a father's absence. From this

angle, pupils who don't have a father figure in their lives could experience feelings

of uncertainty or loss, which could impair their drive and focus in the classroom.

Individuals could find it difficult to form a good view of themselves or make crucial
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


decisions since they lack a mentor or vital role model. kids might also experience

social difficulties since kids might not have had the same chances to pick up from

their fathers the social skills that are so important like communication, handling

conflict, and expressing emotions (National Fatherhood Initiative, 2018).

Having no father figure supervision during childhood was associated with a

number of detrimental effects, including as lower educational attainment, greater

dropout rates, a higher chance of poverty, and a higher likelihood of engaging in

deviant conduct. A correlation between lower educational attainment, greater

dropout rates, and lower college enrollment while growing up without a father

Percheski, K. L. (2016).

Children who grew up in father-absent families. They found that children

from father-absent families had lower self-esteem, more depression, and worse

academic performance compared to children from father-present families (Griffin,


Experiences of teenagers who were raised without the presence of their fathers

and who felt alone, unsupported emotionally, and had difficulty forming their

identities. Their intellectual and social development was impacted by the difficulties
Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


they encountered in acquiring coping mechanisms and social skills Updegraff, K.

M. (2016). 21


It can be verified that this widely read material provided an apparent rationale

for the study project's motivation based on a variety of literature from both local and

worldwide contexts. It is clear that there is minimal writing from the local scene,

with the bulk of the literature coming from the international stage. However, the

experiences of students without having a father is both local and global settings

highlighted the superficial parallels. Recommendations for successfully resolving

the challenges related to the mentioned experiences were provided in light of the

results derived from each piece of literature. However, there were also variances

revealed in the evaluation of linked literature. The reasons that led to the described

experiences were the focus of these differences, with special emphasis paid to the

recommendations for the most suitable therapies.

The primary focus of the current research project is the exploring the

participants lived experiences of nurturing self without the fatherly bind, including

the factors that led them to experience such phenomenon.

Objectives of the Study

Kahihinatnan: A Frameless Home: The Lived Experiences of Nurturing Self Without the Fatherly Bind


This study will focus on the lived experiences of nurturing self without

fatherly bind at the Gutad National High School S.Y 2023-2024 .The study covers

the description of lived experiences and the interpretation of each experience. 22

The finding of this study are deemed significant to the following entities.

1. Know the Student’s eligibility profiles.

2. Know their life decisions and challenges without a father’s guidance.

3. Know absence of father’s guidance impact a child self- esteem.

4. Know impact of Senior Students growing up without a father’s.

5. Know possible consequences of growing up without a father’s guidance.

6. Know experiences interpreted on the perspective of Senior Students?

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