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Two forms of Closure

1. Cognitive Closure
This aims at consolidating what has been learnt. It focuses learner attention to
the key issues or points which emerged during the lesson.
2. Social Closure
It deals with inculcating in the learner a sense or feeling of achievement in a
difficult task so that they can move on in spite of the difficulties being
encountered. It basically revolves around praising a learner.

Purposes of Closure
1. Enables a learner to retain vital points on the lesson.
2. Focuses or brings to learner attention, the key points in a lesson e.g. the
teacher can ask a learner to summarise the major points in a lesson thus
conclude a discussion.
3. Draws learner attention to the end of the lesson.
4. Creates a sense of achievement and mastery of content in a learner.
5. Being used as a follow up to a TV programme or home assignment.

How to assess the use of Closure

1. An interesting conclusion of the lesson.
2. Conclusion should reinforce learner interest to the lesson.
3. There should be a link or clear relationship between the conclusion and other
parts of the lesson.
4. Creation of a sense of achievement in the learners by the teacher.

Set Induction and Closure

These two skills are inter-related and are often applied together. For lessons be
1. Ensure that what is covered is meaningful to the learners so as to capture and
sustain their attention to the lesson.
2. The teacher should capitalise on learner interest, experience and background
as much as possible.
3. Vary the teaching and learning activities so as to minimise or eliminate
completely, boredom from the classroom.
4. Use a variety of ways or means to capture and sustain learner attention to the
various instructional tasks.
5. Ensure that what is covered is linked to the content and specific objectives.
6. Ensure that there is proper and smooth linkages between one lesson and

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