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Copyright © 2023 by American Scientific Publishers Journal of Nanofluids

All rights reserved. Vol. 12, pp. 809–818, 2023

Printed in the United States of America (

Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative

Magneto Hydrodynamics Hybrid Nanofluid Flow
Past a Stretching Cylinder Embedded in
Porous Medium
Mohammed Ismail and David Maxim Gururaj∗
Mathematics Division, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai, 600127,
Tamilnadu, India

The goal of this work is to investigate the effects of thermal radiation on MHD hybrid nanofluid flow over a
stretching cylinder immersed in a porous medium. The mathematical model of the physical problem is pro-
vided and the resulting governing equations are transformed into the system of non-linear ordinary differential
equations using similarity transformation and it is solved numerically by the fourth-order Runge Kutta method
combined with the shooting approach using the MATLAB software. The physical impacts of volume fraction,
porosity parameter, Forchheimer number, magnetic field, wall temperature parameter, and radiation factor on

the hybrid nanofluid flow are interpreted by graphs and tables. Moreover, the skin friction and heat transfer rate
of the engineered fluid are discussed. In addition, the current work is in good accord with past studies. It is
observed that the volume concentration of Cu gradually dominates the flow field, causing the skin friction and
heat transfer rate to be reduced. Also, it is foundOn:
the25 Nov
skin 2023 17:28:37
friction coefficient and heat transfer rate are
Copyright: American
enhanced by the increase in Darcy and Farchheimer numbers. Scientific Publishers
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KEYWORDS: Hybrid Nanofluid, Non-Linear Radiation, Porous Medium, Similarity Transformation, Numerical Methods.

1. INTRODUCTION the heat transfer. The heat and mass transfer of the
The study of a porous medium in fluid flow gets great nanofluid flow over a wedge with the effect of the porous
attention among engineers, mathematicians, geologists, medium was studied by Sudhagar et al.2 and stated that the
and architects because of its various applications like water effects of Darcy, Non-Darcy, and mixed convection, which
aquifers, porous medium combustion in heat exchang- oppose the nanofluid flow, enhance the thermal conductiv-
ers, catalytic reactors, and oil industries. The process of ity. Noghrehabadi et al.3 investigated the natural convec-
heat transfer in porous media has abundantly been used tion flow of nanofluid over the vertical cone with the help
in the production of papers, non-woven materials, heat of Forcchheimer’s extended Darcy law and found signif-
pipe technology, electronic technology, and energy stor- icant changes in the velocity, thermal, and concentration
age. Henry Darcy was the pioneer to examine fluid flow distribution when the strength of the non-Darcy parameter
through porous media, but Darcy’s law failed to work for increased Bakar et al.4 examined the thermal properties of
flow with a high flow rate under inertial and boundary hybrid nanofluid flow over the porous shrinking sheet with
effects. Forccheimer extended and overcame the demer- the impact of slip condition and radiation and stated that
its of Darcy’s work. Many researchers have done their thermal properties of hybrid nanofluid over shrinking sheet
study to analyze the Darcy-Forccheimer effect on fluid is stable for the upper solution but the problem is unstable
flow. Saeed et al.1 examined the hybrid nanofluid flow for the lower solution of hybrid nanofluid flow over the
with the effects of radiation, porous and slip conditions,
shrinking sheet. The work of Saeed et al.5 was to analyze
and found that the increasing volume fraction of nanopar-
the heat and mass transfer of the carbon nanotubes and
ticles, heat source factor, and radiation help to enhance
Fe3 O4 hybrid nanofluid flow over-stretching curved sur-

face under the influence of Darcy-Forchheimer and it is
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
found that the rate of heat transfer was enhanced by 2.21%,
Received: 25 May 2022 2.1%, and 2.3% for MWCNTs, SWCNTs, and Fe3 O4
Accepted: 7 June 2022 nanoparticles.

J. Nanofluids 2023, Vol. 12, No. 3 2169-432X/2023/12/809/010 doi:10.1166/jon.2023.1962 809

Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past Ismail and Gururaj

Magneto hydrodynamics (MHD) is one of the parts Thermal radiation is the process through which heat
of physics that study the reciprocal magnetic interac- energy is released in all directions from a radiated surface
tion and transmission of electrical energy to the fluids in in the form of electromagnetic waves. When there is a
motion. Because of its widespread applications in indus- vacuum, the radiative heat transfer mechanism is the sole
tries and engineering, such as MHD throttles, automo- way to transport heat. This phenomenon has a consider-
tive fuel level indicators, accelerators, nuclear reactors, able impact on the production of high temperatures. Ther-
electro slag remelting, alloy refinement, magnetometers, mal radiation has a significant impact on heat transmission
electronic motors, and transformers, the hydro magnetic and the flow of various liquids in engineering and sci-
phenomenon is becoming more important. Manjunatha ence. Furthermore, the effects of thermal radiation play an
et al.6 studied the effects of variable viscosity on the important part in space technology, where optimal thermal
boundary layer thickness of MHD hybrid nanofluid flow efficiency for equipment operating at extremely high tem-
and concluded that the effect of variable viscosity and peratures is achieved. Khan et al.30 stated from analyzing
volume fraction of nano-granules on the MHD hybrid the flow of nonlinear Sisko fluid past an extending cylinder
nanofluid flow enhance the heat transfer in the flow field. with stagnation point that decreasing behavior of temper-
An laminar g-Jitter mixed convective boundary layer flow ature profile and thickness of the thermal boundary layer
over an inclined stretched sheet was examined by Tlili7 . are due to that the influence of Prandtl number. Afridi and
The work of Kandwal et al.8 studied the influence of heat Qasim31 studied the effects of nonlinear Rosseland radia-
generation/absorption and viscous dissipation on MHD tion and viscous dissipation on the Blasius nanofluid flow
flow of a water-based nanofluid containing silver nanopar- and found that the entropy generation effect on the flow
ticles in an inclined porous cylinder in the presence of field is high in nonlinear radiation when compared to linear
suction/injection and they concluded that the coefficient of radiation. Hayat et al.32 investigated the impact of nonlin-
heat transfer is enhanced with rising values of the suc- ear thermal radiation and magnetic fields on the bound-
tion/injection parameter. Raju et al.9 studied the effects

ary layer flow of viscous fluid over an extending cylinder,

of radiation, inclined magnetic field, and cross-diffusion
and they obtained that shear stresses and heat transfer are
on the flow of stretching surface and found that the radi-
dominated by factors like the magnetic number, Rosse-
ation parameter helps to enhance the temperature pro-
land thermal factors, and Prandtl number. Khan et al.33
files and reduce the concentration On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37
as well as heat
Copyright: American has examined the implementation of Cattaneo Christov
transfer rate of the fluid. But it improves friction fac- Scientific Publishers
10 byheat
Delivered flux on nonlinear second grade nanofluid flow with
tor and mass transfer rate. The work of Hayat et al.
the account of activation energy and concluded that the
addressed that enhancing the heat transfer in the nanofluid
influence of thermophoretic factor enhances the temper-
flow with the presences of the inclined magnetic field,
ature and concentration distribution of the second-grade
nonlinear radiation, and heat source/sink and registered
nanofluid flow. The problem of nonlinear thermal mixed
that higher values of non-linear thermal radiation and heat
generation/absorption parameters enhanced the tempera- convection Maxwell nanofluid flow past over an extend-
ture boundary layer thickness. Endalew and Nayak inves- ing cylinder under the influence of chemical reaction was
tigated the effect of a slanted applied magnetic field on observed by Hayat et al.34 and they stated that physical
the magneto hydrodynamic movement through a penetra- factors like biot number, chemical reaction and Brownian
ble medium past a linearly quickened slanted plate with motion contributed significantly to enhancing the heat and
variable temperature and found that increasing the incli- mass transfer of the maxwell nanofluid flow.
nation angle of an applied magnetic field reduces flow These hybrid nanofluids are a relatively new class of
velocity, local skin friction, and temperature in the fluid nanofluids with a wide range of potential applications
region. The problem of a steady hydro magnetic flow of in practically every aspect of heat transfer, including
an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over an microelectronics, micro fluidics, transportation, manufac-
inclined stretching sheet, where the flow is generated due turing, medical, defense, acoustics, naval constructions,
to a linearly stretching sheet was observed by Ali et al. 12 and propulsion. Hybrid nanofluids, in addition to their
and significant changes were obtained in the temperature abnormally high effective thermal conductivity, can pro-
boundary layer thickness of fluid flow under the effect of vide substantial benefits when nanoparticles are appropri-
magnetic factor, angle of inclination, Prandtl and Eckert ately disseminated. Nanofluid flow, in particular, is noted
number. Gururaj 13 14
have examined the flow of hydro- for having a faster heat transfer rate than regular fluid.
magnetic past over nonlinear stretching surface under the Choi et al.35 was the first to propose that mixing nanoparti-
influence of variable magnetic field and radiation and they cles in the fluid can improve heat transfer. Hussein et al.36
stated that strength of variable magnetic field controlled studied the influence of AlN hybrid nanoparticles on heat
the velocity boundary layer thickness and skin friction transfer and pressure drop inside a horizontal circular tube
coefficient significantly. Moreover, investigation of steady and found that the maximum Nusselt number ratio for
and unsteady MHD flow with several physical conditions the 3% hybrid nanofluid was 50% greater than the val-
and applications are available in many literatures.15–29 ues obtained for EG flows. The thermal conductivity of

810 J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023

Ismail and Gururaj Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past

water-ethylene glycol TiO2 -MWCNT hybrid nanofluid was Kutta method. The impact of physical factors, namely vol-
studied by Akhgar and Toghraie37 and found that thermal ume fraction, magnetic field, Darcy number, Forchheimer
conductivity of nanofluid can increase by a maximum of number, wall temperature parameter, and radiation effect
38.7%. To give a better understanding of nanofluid thermal on velocity and temperature profile is analyzed in figures
characteristics and behaviour, Hamid et al.38 researched and tables. The current problem has a good accord with
hybrid nanofluid qualities such as thermal conductivity. past studies, and therefore, the highlights of the problems
They discovered that at a concentration of 3.0% and a are
temperature of 70  C, the thermal conductivity of the • Copper and alumina are taken into account as nanopar-
hybrid nanofluid is increased by up to 22.1%. The influ- ticles for the problem.
ence of EG-water mixtures with mass concentrations rang- • The volume fraction of the nanograins plays a very
ing from 0% to 100% ethylene glycol on the flow and important role in enhancing the heat transfer rate.
convective heat transfer behavior of nanoparticle kinds, • Increasing the wall temperature factors enhances the
their volume fractions, and Reynolds number was explored temperature boundary layer thickness.
by Boukerma.39
The problem of heat transfer in the boundary layer
for extending sheet or cylinder has numerous pragmatic 2. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION OF THE
applications in the engineering processes like sustained PROBLEM
dying and whirling of threads, dying of synthetics threads, The goal is to investigate the engineered nanofluid lami-
removal of a plastic panel, coolant for metallic panel nar flow across an extending cylinder in the presence of
placed in a cooling bath, liquid films boundary layer in porous medium, magnetic field, and nonlinear radiation.
condensation process etc., From the above applications, The base fluid (ethylene glycol) is considered to be vicious
Wang40 was the first person to analyze the flow on the and electrically conductor. A cylinder with radius ‘a’ axi-
stretching cylinder and discovered that the third-order ordi-

ally extending along ‘z’ axis is shown in Figure 1. The
nary differential equations provide the perfect solution for r-axis is measured in the radial direction, whereas the ‘z’-
the Navier-Stocks equation. Maskeen et al.41 studied the axis is measured along the cylinder’s axis. The applied
effect of Lorentz force and thermal radiation on alumina- magnetic field is dominant over the induced magnetic field
copper/water (Al2 O3 –Cu/H2 O) hybrid On: Sat,
nanofluid flow over and25soNov
the 2023
magnetic field can be neglected for the
an extending cylinder for enhancingCopyright:
the heat American
removal Scientific
study. From the above assumptions the governing
Delivered by Ingenta 52 53
rate and analyzed the flow characteristics of nanoparti- equations of the problem are
cles. They found that in the case of copper/water nanofluid
the convective heat transfer rate is low compared with the  rw  ru
+ =0 (1)
inclusion of hybrid material. Vanita and Poply42 examined z r
the steady slip flow of MHD past the stretching cylin-
der under the outer velocity and heat generation effects  
w w hnf  2 w 1 w
and reported that for larger curvature parameters and ther- w +u = +
z r hnf r 2 r r
mophoresis parameters, the concentration profile increases  
while it decreases for the radiation parameter. Ismail and hnf w Cb 2 hnf B02
Gururaj registered the effect of non-constant viscosity − + √ w − w (2)
hnf k k hnf
and radiation due to MHD hybrid nanofluid flow past an
extending cylinder. They concluded that the thermal plots T T khnf  T 1 T 1 qr
increase due to thermal radiation which is attributed due w +u = 2
+ − (3)
z r Cp hnf r r r Cp hnf r
to the increase of conduction effects. Furthermore analyses
on properties of nanopartials and nanofluids under several
physical conditions are studied by various authors44–51 .
The present study aims to observe the impacts of non-
linear radiation, magnetic field, and Darcy-Forcchheimer
porous medium on hybrid nanofluid flow past a stretch-
ing cylinder. As per the author’s knowledge, the problem
has not been taken into consideration yet. The govern-
ing equations of the problem are constructed according
to the physical model. By using similarity transformation,
the systems of nonlinear homogeneous partial differential
equations are scaled down to the systems of nonlinear ordi-
nary differential equations. Then the system of equations
is rewritten as first-order differential terms and the cor-
responding numerical solution is obtained by the Runge Fig. 1. Physical sketch of the problem.

J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023 811

Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past Ismail and Gururaj

with boundary conditions non-linear ODE’s (6) and (7) along with their boundary
conditions given by (8).
u = 0 w = Ww = 2cz T = Tw at r = a r 2 f 
=  u = −ca √ 
w → 0 T → T as r →  (4) T − T
w = 2cz f      = (5)
Tw − T
Where c is a constant. From the equations
hnf  hnf  hnf = Khnf /Cp hnf  hnf are hybrid
nanofluid’s viscosity, density, thermal diffusivity and elec- A1  f  + f   − Ref  A1 k1 + A3 M

trical conductivity respectively. Also f , Cp f , B0 and T − ReA2  f  + f  − ff  = 0
2 2
are the fluid’s density and heat capacity, the magnetic field
and local fluid temperature respectively. The radiative  
heat flux in equation is given by Rosseland formula as A4 + 2Rd 1 +  w − 13  
qr = 4 ∗ T 4 /3k∗ r where  ∗ and k∗ are the Stefan-  
Boltzmann constant and the mean absortption coefficient + A4 + Rd 1 +  w − 13 + A5 PrRef  
The designed fluid for the model under consideration is + 6 Rd w − 1 1 +  w − 12  (7)
made by collating Cu nanogranules with 10% volume of
Al2 O3 nanogranules in ethylene glycol as the core solu-
tion, with a Pr = 29 856. The Al2 O3 nanograins 1 are A1 =

added to the ethylene glycol solution at a solid volume 1 − 1 1 − 2 2 5

concentration of 10% (i.e., 1 = 0 1, which is fixed for the  = Tw − T  

present study), and then Cu ( 2 ) is added at various con-  
s1 s
centrations to create the engineered fluid (Copper + Alu- A2 = 1 − 2  1 − 1 + 1 + 2 2 
mina/Ethylene glycol). The thermo-physical parameters, f f
IP: On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37
its range and physical values of designed fluid are
Copyright: listed Scientific Publishers
American ca 2

in the Tables I–III, respectively by Ismail and David 43

to by IngentaRe = 2 
make things clearer.  
s2 + 2bf − 22 bf − s2
Using the similarity transformation given by Eq. (5), A3 =  
the governing non-linear PDE’s (2) and (3) are reduced to s2 + 2bf + 2 bf − s2

Table I. Thermophysical characteristics of engineered fluids.

Properties Nanofluid Hybrid nanofluid

Density nf = 1 −  f +  s hnf = 1 − 2  1 − 1  + 2 s2
 f + 1 s1
Heat capacity Cp nf = 1 −  Cp f + Cp s Cp hnf = 1 − 2  1 − 1  Cp f + 1 Cp s1 + 2 Cp s2

f f
Viscosity nf = nf =
1 − 2 5 1 − 1  1 −
2 2 5

knf ks + n − 1 kf − n − 1 kf − ks khnf ks2 + n − 1 kbf − n − 1 2 kbf − ks2
Thermal conductivity =   = 
kf ks + n − 1 kf + kf − ks kbf ks2 + n − 1 kbf + 2 kbf − ks2

kbf ks1 + n − 1 kf − n − 1 1 kf − ks1
where = 
kf ks1 + n − 1 kf + 1 kf − ks1

3  − 1 hnf s2 + n − 1 bf − n − 1 2 bf − s2
Electrical conductivity 1+ = 
 + n − 1 −  − n − 2 bf s2 + n − 1 bf + 2 bf − s2

bf s1 + n − 1 f − n − 1 1 f − s1
where = 
f  + n − 1  +  −
s1 f 1 f s1

812 J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023

Ismail and Gururaj Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past

f B02 Table II. Range of the physical properties.

f Physical properties Range of variation
khnf ks + 2kbf − 22 kbf − ks2 cp /cf 0.73 to 1.996
A4 = = 2   f  884.1 to 1114.4
kbf ks2 + 2kbf + 2 kbf − ks2
p − f 2.8E + 3 to 8E + 3
    A 1.94E–7 to 2.94E–7
Cp s Cp s
A5 = 1 − 2 1 − 1  + 1   1 + 2  2
Cp f Cp f
Table III. Characteristics of (CH2 O2 )2 and Al2 O3 + Cu nanograins.
16 ∗ T3 
Rd = and Pr = Properties (CH2 OH)2 Al2 O3 Cu
3k ∗ kf
 1056 3970 8933
Similarly, boundary conditions transform as Cp 3297 6 765 385

k 0 42996 40 400
f 1 = 0 f 1 = 1  1 = 1 →1  5 09 × 10−6 59 6 × 106 35 × 106

f    → 0   →0 as → (8)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
The skin friction and rate of heat transfer coefficients z1 1 0
which plays an important role in designing gadgets at the ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ z2 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥
nano level are given by ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ z3 1 ⎥ = ⎢ 1 ⎥ (13)
2hnf w akhnf T ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
Cf =  Nu = − ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
kf Tw − T  r ⎢ z4 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥
f r r=a r=a ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

z5 1 2
By using Eq. (5), f  1 and   1 are defined as
The matrix systems Eqs. (12) and (13) are numeri-
Rez hnf  khnf 
Cf = f 1  Nu = −2 
IP: (10) cally solved to understand the influence of various physical
On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37
a f kf components on the present situation. The unknown factors
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
Because the nonlinear system of ordinary differential Delivered byinIngenta
Eq. (13), namely 1 , and 2 are assumed, and iterations
Eqs. (6) and (7) with their extremities (8) does not have are performed until f  → 0 and  → 0 as → . Graphs
a closed formed solution, it must be solved numerically. and tables are used to display the numerical findings that
A meticulous RK process, along with a shooting schema have been produced.
is employed to attain the asymptotic extremes. The dis-
cretized system pertaining to (6) and (7) along with bound- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ary conditions (8) in the matrix form is defined as follows, In this section, the present problem of nonlinear radiative
    T MHD hybrid nanofluid past the stretching cylinder through
f  f  f     = z1  z1 = z2  z2 = z3  z4  z4 = z5
(11) porous medium has been examined and the flow fields of
which leads to the matrix system as follows the problem are investigated by figures and tables and it
⎡ ⎤ is validated with Ashorynejad et al.53 with the assumption
z2 of k1 = 0  = 0 Rd = 0 and w = 1. Hence it is in good
⎢ ⎥ agreement as shown in the Figures 2 and 3. The values
⎢ z3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ of the physical problem are fixed for the entire problem
⎢ Rez ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎡ ⎤ ⎢
A1 k1 + A3 M  ⎥
⎢ A1 ⎥
z1 ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ A2   z3 ⎥

⎢z ⎥ ⎢ + Re  z2 + z2 − z1 z3 −
2 2

⎢ 2⎥ ⎢ A ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1

⎢z ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 3 ⎥ ⎢ z5 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
⎢z ⎥ ⎢   ⎥⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎢
A4 + Rd 1 + z4 w − 1 + A5 PrRez1 z5 ⎥
 ⎢ ⎥
z5 ⎢−   ⎥
⎢ A4 + 2Rd 1 + z4 w − 1 3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 6 Rd w − 1 1 + z4 w − 12 z5 2 ⎥
⎣ −   ⎦
A4 + 2Rd 1 + z4 w − 1 3
Fig. 2. Comparison sketch of velocity profile with the absence of
(12) porous medium and nonlinear radiation.

J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023 813

Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past Ismail and Gururaj

Fig. 3. Comparison sketch of temperature profile with the absence of Fig. 6. Physical sketch of velocity profile for various Reynolds number
porous medium and nonlinear radiation. with 2 = 0 04 M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.

to analyze physical sketch of the velocity and temperature

distributions as follows: 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5,
Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.

3.1. Impact of Hartmann Number (M) on Velocity

and Temperature Distribution
The sketches of the velocity and temperature distribution
for different values of Hartmann number are shown in the

Figures 4 and 5. The velocity of the engineered fluid flow

is affected by the domination of the Hartmann number,
which is because when the magnetic field acts opposite Fig. 7. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various Reynolds
to the flow field, it generates a Lorentz force to resist the number with 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.
system’s flow as shown in the Figure On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37
4. For an increasing
Hartmann number, the boundary layerCopyright: American Scientific Publishers
thickness increases,
Delivered bywhich
Ingentais due to the Lorentz force, and hence the tempera-
ture profile is found to be increasing in the Figure 5.

3.2. Impact of Reynolds Number (Re) on Velocity and

Temperature Distribution
In Figures 6 and 7, the effect of Reynolds number
(Re) variation on velocity and temperature distribution is
explored. It’s worth noting that increasing the value of the
Reynolds number causes a decrease in the velocity dis-
tribution, indicating that there’s more skin friction along
with the boundary layer, as seen in Figure 6.
The temperature curve for various values of the
Fig. 4. Physical sketch of velocity profile for various Hartmann number
Reynolds number is shown in Figure 7. The temperature
with 2 = 0 04, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2. curvature enhances the gradual increasing strength of the

Fig. 5. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various Hartmann Fig. 8. Physical sketch of velocity profile for various Forchheimer num-
number with 2 = 0 04, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2. ber with 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.

814 J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023

Ismail and Gururaj Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past

Fig. 13. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various volume frac-
tion with M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.

Fig. 9. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various Forchheimer

number with 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.

Fig. 14. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various values of
radiation with 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10 and w = 1 2.
Fig. 10. Physical sketch of velocity profile On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37
for various Darcy number
with 2 = 0 04, M = 10,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd =Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
1 and w = 1 2.
Delivered by Ingenta

Fig. 15. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various wall temper-
ature with 2 = 0 04, M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10 and Rd = 1.

Fig. 11. Physical sketch of temperature profile for various Darcy num- Reynolds number. This is because the rising values of
ber with 2 = 0 04, M = 10,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2.
the Reynolds number, causes the temperature to steadily
reduce. This occurs as a result of the withdrawal of hot
fluid from the system.

3.3. Impact of Forchheimer Number   on Velocity

and Temperature Distribution
The Figures 8 and 9 show the velocity and temperature
sketch for various values of Forchheimer number respec-
tively. In Figure 8, the strength of the Forchheimer num-
ber increases, creating a resistive force inside the fluid
resulting that the velocity of the fluid is decelerated. The
Fig. 12. Physical sketch of velocity profile for various volume fraction relationship between Forchheimer number and temperature
with M = 10, k1 = 5,  = 5, Re = 10, Rd = 1 and w = 1 2. profile is given in the Figure 9. Increasing the strength of

J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023 815

Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past Ismail and Gururaj

the Forchheimer number notably enhance the heat removal the other hand the trend of the temperature distribution
from the stretching cylinder. curve is opposite for increasing value of volume fraction
as shown in the Figure 13. The underlying physics behind
3.4. Impact of Darcy Number k1  on Velocity and is that the collision of inter-particles intensifies, enhancing
Temperature Distribution the heat transfer from the surface of the extending cylinder.
In the Figure 10, increasing the value of the porosity
parameter reduces the thickness of the velocity bound- 3.6. Impact of Radiation Rd  on Velocity and
ary layer. Physically, increasing the size of k1 causes the Temperature Distribution
porous zone’s transparency to decrease. As a result, there The Figure 14 represents the temperature distribution for
is a tiny crater on the stretching cylinder’s surface that pre- the various value of radiation. Increasing the value of the
vents hybrid nanofluid from flowing through, slowing the
radiation parameter increases thermal boundary thickness.
fluid velocity. Impact of porosity parameter on tempera-
It is because more heat is transferred due to the transmis-
ture distribution is shown in the Figure 11. Heat removal
sion of waves.
from the extending cylinder is significantly higher when
the porosity factor is dominant in the thermal boundary
layer. 3.7. Impact of Wall Temperature w  on Velocity and
Temperature Distribution
3.5. Impact of Volume Fraction 2  on Velocity and The Figure 15 displays the effect of wall temperature
Temperature Distribution on the temperature profile. Increasing the wall tempera-
Impact of volume fraction 2 on velocity and tempera- ture of the extending cylinder increases the thickness of
ture distribution are depicted in the Figures 12 and 13. the thermal boundary layer. This is due to the fact that
By the increment of volume concentration of nanogran- the high temperature of the cylinder wall causes the heat

ules in the engineered hybrid nanofluid, the fluid become transfer from the surface of the cylinder towards lower
viscous causing the velocity of the fluid to decelerate. On temperature.

Table IV. IP:and

Table values of Skin Friction On: Sat,
Nussult number for various 25 properties.
physical Nov 2023
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
Physical properties
Delivered by Ingenta
M Re k1  2 Rd w Skin friction Nussult number

10 10 5 5 0.04 1 1.2 −f 0 − 0

1 5 02264 4 83456
3 6 85131 4 47456
5 8 27651 4 20456
10 11 04352 3 69756
1 2 78319 1 66056
5 8 15768 2 60456
7 9 59642 3 13456
10 11 15283 4 13456
1 11 45283 3 61456
3 11 95175 4 13456
5 12 11527 4 51456
7 12 47055 4 69456
5 12 56208 3 52156
10 13 94164 3 36356
15 15 19589 3 26556
20 16 35376 3 15856
0.02 10 14868 4 72557
0.04 10 11868 4 71757
0.06 10 09868 4 702437
0.08 10 08868 4 68067
1 5 962085 5 70456
2 2 962085 4 88556
3 1 462085 4 40556
4 0 862085 4 04825
1.2 5 96208 5 70456
1.4 4 96208 4 71556
1.6 3 76208 3 98556
1.8 2 86208 3 42325

816 J. Nanofluids, 12, 809–818, 2023

Ismail and Gururaj Numerical Investigation on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Past

3.8. Impact of Skin Friction f  0 and Nusselt NOMENCLATURE

Number   0 z r Axial and radical direction
The Table IV illustrate the influence of skin friction and w u Velocity components m/s
rate of heat transfer for various pertinent factors. It is found n Shape factor
that the increment of Hartmann number, Reynolds number qr Radiative heat flux W/m2 
and Forchheimer number affect the skin friction coefficient CP Heat capacity J/Kg · K
significantly. K Thermal conductivity W/m · K
From Table IV the rate of heat transfer coefficient k1 Darcy Number
increases predominantly for increasing radiation factor Rd , M Hartmann Number
whereas the increase in heat transfer coefficient is nom- Pr Prandtl number
inal. For increasing wall temperature parameter w , it is Re Reynolds number
seen that there is an appreciable increase in the rate of T Temperature K
heat transfer coefficient. The above discussion concludes Tw Constant temperature K
that the non-linear radiation parameter Rd and wall tem- T Ambient fluid temperature K
perature parameter w plays a significant role in enhancing Uw Stretching velocity
the rate of heat transfer.
f Fluid
The present study is devoted to the nonlinear radiation and
hnf Hybrid nanofluid
Darcy-Forchheimer effects on the MHD flow of hybrid
nf Nanofluid
nanofluid past stretching cylinder. The system of non-
S Nanoparticle (solid particle)
partial differential equations representing the above phys-

s1 Nanoparticle (Al2 O3 )
ical problem is to be reduced to a system of nonlinear
s2 Nanoparticle (Cu)
ordinary differential equations by using similarity transfor-
mation and solved numerically using the RK method of
4th order along with shooting technique. The effects due Greek Symbols
IP: On: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 17:28:37 2
to Hartmann number M, Reynolds number Copyright: American
Re, Darcy ScientificThermal diffusivity (m /s)
number k1 , Forchheimer number ( ), radiation factor by  Density
Ingenta (kg/m )
Rd , nonlinear radiation parameter w  and nanoparticles  Forchheimer Number
fractional volume  2  are depicted through graphs and  Electrical conductivity (S/m)
tables. It is interesting to note that the results are in good Similarity variable
agreement with those of Ashorynejad et al. . Some of the  w Wall temperature

important findings of the present study are: Volume concentration

• Increasing strength of magnetic field improves skin fric-  Viscosity
tion coefficient while decreasing the heat transfer rate.
• The value of Hartmann number increases the velocity Conflict of Interest
boundary layer thickness but reduce the thickness of the The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
thermal boundary layer.
• For increasing values of wall temperature and radiation Acknowledgment: Authors would like to thank anony-
parameter, the temperature profile, as well as the thickness mous reviewer for their valuable comment in enhaning the
of the thermal boundary layer, rises. quality of the paper.
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