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Matrix Methods: Applied Linear Algebra

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Matrix Methods
Applied Linear Algebra and

Fourth Edition

Richard Bronson

Gabriel B. Costa
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To Evy . again.
To my brother priests . and to the memory of
Archbishop Peter L. Gerety, the prelate who ordained me to
the priesthood 40 years ago.
Preface to the third edition

It is no secret that matrices are used in many fields. They are naturally present in all
branches of mathematics, as well as in many engineering and science fields.
Additionally, this simple but powerful concept is readily applied to many other
disciplines, such as economics, sociology, political science, nursing, and
The matrix is a dynamic construct. New applications of matrices are still
evolving, and our third edition of Matrix Methods: Applied Linear Algebra
(previously An Introduction) reflects important changes that have transpired since
the publication of the previous edition.
In this third edition, we added material on optimization and probability theory.
Chapter 4 is new and covers an introduction to the simplex method, one of the major
applied advances in the last half of the 20th century. Chapter 9 is also new and
introduces Markov chains, a primary use of matrices to probability applications.
To ensure that the book remains appropriate in length for a one semester course,
we deleted some of the subject matter that is more advanced; specifically, chapters
on the Jordan canonical form and on special matrices (e.g., Hermitian and unitary
matrices). We also included an Appendix dealing with technological support, such
as computer algebra systems. The reader will also find that the text contains a
considerable “modeling flavor”.
This edition remains a textbook for the student not the instructor. It remains a
book on methodology rather than theory. And, as in all past editions, proofs are given
in the main body of the text only if they are easy to follow and revealing.
For most of this book, a firm understanding of basic algebra and a smattering of
trigonometry are the only prerequisites; any references to calculus are few and far
between. Calculus is required for Chapters 7 and 8; however, these chapters may
be omitted with no loss of continuity, should the instructor wish to do so. The
instructor will also find that he/she can “mix and match” chapters depending on
the particular course requirements and the needs of the students.

Richard Bronson
Gabriel B. Costa

Preface to the fourth edition

We are very enthusiastic about this edition of Matrix Methods. Our publisher has
given us the green light to blend the beauty and versatility of matrices and linear
algebra with the timely topic of sabermetrics, defined as the search for objective
knowledge about baseball.
For the past two generations, if not longer, sports analytics has dominated the
world of professional athletics. Using myriad statistical measures, bolstered by com-
puter technology, tactics and strategies have been influenced “by the numbers”.
In Chapter 11 of this book, we present an introduction to the development of
sabermetrics and how it is firmly entrenched in the culture of baseball, both in
and out of the classroom. We give an overview of the topic and present some limi-
tations dealing with some of the traditional metrics, which were used in the past. The
reader will be able to access myriad data, primarily provided by websites, and he/she
will appreciate the “matrix format” of programs, such as Excel, which are of great
value in the field of sabermetrics. We also provide an introductory informal bibliog-
raphy of this emerging field of study.
In Chapter 12, we delve into the “heart” of sabermetrics. How does one do saber-
metrics? The reader will no doubt appreciate the applicability of such topics as “least
squares” straight lines and probability, which are covered in prior chapters. This
“module chapter” can serve as a springboard for educators considering offering a
course on sabermetrics. Regarding this, readers are encouraged to contact the junior
author, Gabe Costa, if any questions arise or assistance is sought regarding the teach-
ing of sabermetrics. Gabe can be reached at the following e-mail address: Gabriel.
It is assumed that, for these last two chapters, the reader is not only familiar with
the basics of baseball, but also has a passion for the sport.
Before closing, the aforementioned junior author would like to make an
acknowledgment. I would like to thank the senior author for years of friendship
and for being a first-rate mentor: Professor Richard Bronson. I met Richard during
my freshman year at Stevens Institute of Technology in 1967 and I’ve been learning
from him ever since.

Richard Bronson
Gabriel B. Costa

About the authors

Richard Bronson is emeritus professor of mathematics at Fairleigh Dickinson

University, where he served as department chairman, acting dean of his college,
interim provost of his campus, university director of Government Affairs, and
senior executive assistant to the President. He has authored or coauthored 11
books in mathematics, over 30 articles, primarily in mathematical modeling, and
a novel.

Gabriel B. Costa is a Catholic priest, presently on an extended academic leave from

Seton Hall University. He is currently serving at the United States Military Academy
at West Point, where he is a professor of mathematics and an associate chaplain. His
research interests are closed formed solutions of ordinary differential equations,
mathematical education, and sabermetrics. He has coauthored several books with
Richard Bronson.


Chapter outline
1.1 Basic concepts .................................................................................................... 1
Problems 1.1 .............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Operations ........................................................................................................... 6
Problems 1.2 .............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Matrix multiplication .......................................................................................... 10
Problems 1.3 ............................................................................................................ 16
1.4 Special matrices ................................................................................................ 21
Problems 1.4 ............................................................................................................ 25
1.5 Submatrices and partitioning .............................................................................. 30
Problems 1.5 ............................................................................................................ 34
1.6 Vectors.............................................................................................................. 35
Problems 1.6 ............................................................................................................ 36
1.7 The geometry of vectors ..................................................................................... 40
Problems 1.7 ............................................................................................................ 44

1.1 Basic concepts

Definition 1. A matrix is a rectangular array of elements arranged in horizontal rows
and vertical columns. Thus,
1 3 5
; (1)
2 0 1
2 3
4 1 1
6 7
4 3 2 1 5; (2)
0 4 2
2 pffiffiffi 3
6 7
4 p 5 (3)
are all examples of a matrix.
Matrix Methods. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818419-6.00001-0 1
Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

The matrix given in (1) has two rows and three columns; it is said to have order
(or size) 2  3 (read two by three). By convention, the row index is always given
first. The matrix in (2) has order 3  3, while that in (3) has order 3  1. The entries
of a matrix are called elements.
In general, a matrix A (matrices will always be designated by uppercase boldface
letters) of order p  n is given by
2 3
a11 a12 a13 / a1n
6a 7
6 21 a22 a23 / a2n 7
6 7
A¼6 6 a31 a32 a33 / a3n 7;
7 (4)
6 7
4 « « « « 5
ap1 ap2 ap3 / apn
which is often abbreviated to [aij]p  n or just [aij]. In this notation, aij represents the
general element of the matrix and appears in the ith row and the jth column. The
subscript i, which represents the row, can have any value 1 through p, while the
subscript j, which represents the column, runs 1 through n. Thus, if i ¼ 2 and
j ¼ 3, aij becomes a23 and designates the element in the second row and third col-
umn. If i ¼ 1 and j ¼ 5, aij becomes a15 and signifies the element in the first row,
fifth column. Note again that the row index is always given before the column index.
Any element having its row index equal to its column index is a diagonal
element. Thus, the diagonal elements of a matrix are the elements in the 11 posi-
tion, 22 position, 33 position, and so on, for as many elements of this type that
exist. Matrix (1) has 1 and 0 as its diagonal elements, while matrix (2) has 4, 2, and 2
as its diagonal elements.
If the matrix has as many rows as columns, p ¼ n, it is called a square matrix; in
general it is written as
2 3
a11 a12 a13 / a1n
6 7
6 a21 a22 a23 / a2n 7
6 7
6 a31 a32 a33 / a3n 7: (5)
6 7
6 7
4 « « « « 5
an1 an2 an3 / ann
In this case, the elements a11, a22, a33, ., ann lie on and form the main (or prin-
cipal) diagonal.
It should be noted that the elements of a matrix need not be numbers; they can be,
and quite often arise physically as, functions, operators or, as we shall see later,
matrices themselves. Hence,
2 3
Z 1  
2  2 pffiffiffiffi sin q cos q
4 t þ 1 dt t 3t 2 ; 5 ;
0 cos q sin q
Problems 1.1 3

2 3
x2 x
6 7
6 x d 7
6e ln x 7
6 7
4 dx 5
5 xþ2

are good examples of matrices. Finally, it must be noted that a matrix is an entity
unto itself; it is not a number. If the reader is familiar with determinants, he or
she will undoubtedly recognize the similarity in form between the two. Warning:
the similarity ends there. Whereas a determinant (see Chapter 5) can be evaluated
to yield a number, a matrix cannot. A matrix is a rectangular array, period.

Problems 1.1
1. Determine the orders of the
following matrices:
2 3
3 1 2 4 7 2 3
6 7 1 2 3
6 2 5 6 7 6 7
6 5 77
A¼6 7; B ¼ 6 6 0 0 0
6 7 4 5
6 0 3 1 2 07
4 5
4 3 2
3 5 2 2 2
2 3
2 3 3 t t2 0
1 2 3 4 6 7
6 7 6 t2 4 7
6 7 6 t 6t 5 7
C¼6 5 6 7 8 7; D ¼ 6 6 7;
4 5 7
6 tþ2 3t 1 2 7
4 5
10 11 12 12
2t  3 5t 2t 3t
2 5 2
2 3
1 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
2 3 6 7 313 505
1 1 1 6 7
6 57 6 7
62 3 6 7 6 2p 18 7
6 477 6 7 6 7
E¼6 7; F ¼ 6 7
6 10 7; G ¼ 6
6 7;
42 3 5 5 6 7 6 46:3 1:043 7
 6 7 4 5
3 5 6 6 07 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
4 5
2 5  5
" #
0 0
H¼ ; J ¼ ½ 1 5 30 :
0 0
4 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

2. Find, if they exist, the elements in the 13 and the 21 positions for each of the
matrices defined in Problem 1.
3. Find, if they exist, a23, a32, b31, b32, c11, d22, e13, g22, g23, and h32 for the
matrices defined in Problem 1.
4. Construct the 2  2 matrix A having aij ¼ (1) i þj.
5. Construct the 3  3 matrix A having aij ¼ i/j.
6. Construct the n  n matrix B having bij ¼ n  i  j. What will this matrix be
when specialized to the 3  3 case?
7. Construct the 2  4 matrix C having

i when i ¼ 1;
cij ¼
j when i ¼ 2:

8. Construct the 3  4 matrix D having

< i þ j when i > j;
dij ¼ 0 when i ¼ j;
i  j when i < j:

9. Express the following times as matrices: (a) A quarter after nine in the morning.
(b) Noon. (c) One thirty in the afternoon. (d) A quarter after nine in the
10. Express the following dates as matrices:
(a) July 4, 1776
(b) December 7, 1941
(c) April 23, 1809
(d) October 31, 1688
11. A gasoline station currently has in inventory 950 gallons of regular unleaded
gasoline, 1253 gallons of premium and 98 gallons of super. Express this in-
ventory as a matrix.
12. Store 1 of a three-store chain has three refrigerators, five stoves, three washing
machines, and four dryers in stock. Store 2 has in stock no refrigerators, two
stoves, nine washing machines, and five dryers, while Store 3 has in stock four
refrigerators, two stoves, and no washing machines or dryers. Present the in-
ventory of the entire chain as a matrix.
13. The number of damaged items delivered by the SleepTight Mattress Company
from its various plants during the past year is given by the matrix
2 3
80 12 16
6 7
4 50 40 16 5:
90 10 50
Problems 1.1 5

The rows pertain to its three plants in Michigan, Texas, and Utah. The columns
pertain to its regular model, its firm model, and its extra firm model, respectively.
The company’s goal for next year is to reduce by 10% the number of damaged regular
mattresses shipped by each plant, to reduce by 20% the number of damaged firm mat-
tresses shipped by its Texas plant, to reduce by 30% the number of damaged extra firm
mattresses shipped by its Utah plant, and to keep all other entries the same as last year.
What will next year’s matrix be if all goals are realized?
14. A person purchased 100 shares of AT&T at $27 per share, 150 shares of Exxon
at $45 per share, 50 shares of IBM at $116 per share, and 500 shares of PanAm
at $2 per share. The current price of each stock is $29, $41, $116, and $3,
respectively. Represent in a matrix all the relevant information regarding this
person’s portfolio.
15. On January 1, a person buys three certificates of deposit from different in-
stitutions, all maturing in 1 year. The first is for $1000 at 7%, the second is for
$2000 at 7.5%, and the third is for $3000 at 7.25%. All interest rates are
effective on an annual basis.
(a) Represent in a matrix all the relevant information regarding this person’s
(b) What will the matrix be 1 year later if each certificate of deposit is renewed
for the current face amount and accrued interest at rates one-half a percent
higher than the present?
16. (Markov Chains, see Chapter 9) A finite Markov chain is a set of objects, a set
of consecutive time periods, and a finite set of different states such that
(a) during any given time period, each object is in only state (although different
objects can be in different states), and
(b) the probability that an object will move from one state to another state (or
remain in the same state) over a time period depends only on the beginning
and ending states.
A Markov chain can be represented by a matrix P ¼ [pij] where pij represents the
probability of an object moving from state i to state j in one time period. Such a
matrix is called a transition matrix.
Start a transition matrix for the following Markov chain: Census figures show a
population shift away from a large midwestern metropolitan city to its suburbs. Each
year, 5% of all families living in the city move to the suburbs, while during the same
time period only 1% of those living in the suburbs move into the city. Hint: Take
state 1 to represent families living in the city, state 2 to represent families living
in the suburbs, and one time period to equal a year.
17. Construct a transition matrix for the following Markov chain: Every 4 years,
voters in a New England town elect a new mayor because a town ordinance
prohibits mayors from succeeding themselves. Past data indicate that a
Democratic mayor is succeeded by another Democrat 30% of the time and by a
Republican 70% of the time. A Republican mayor, however, is succeeded by
6 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

another Republican 60% of the time and by a Democrat 40% of the time. Hint:
Take state 1 to represent a Republican mayor in office, state 2 to represent a
Democratic mayor in office, and one time period to be 4 years.
18. Construct a transition matrix for the following Markov chain: The apple harvest
in New York orchards is classified as poor, average, or good. Historical data
indicates that if the harvest is poor 1 year then there is a 40% chance of having
a good harvest the next year, a 50% chance of having an average harvest, and a
10% chance of having another poor harvest. If a harvest is average 1 year, the
chance of a poor, average, or good harvest the next year is 20%, 60%, and
20%, respectively. If a harvest is good, then the chance of a poor, average, or
good harvest the next year is 25%, 65%, and 10%, respectively. Hint: Take
state 1 to be a poor harvest, state 2 to be an average harvest, state 3 to be a good
harvest, and one time period to equal 1 year.
19. Construct a transition matrix for the following Markov chain. Brand X and
brand Y control the majority of the soap powder market in a particular
region and each has promoted its own product extensively. As a result of
past advertising campaigns, it is known that over a 2-year period of time
10% of brand Y customers change to brand X and 25% of all other cus-
tomers change to brand X. Furthermore, 15% of brand X customers change
to brand Y and 30% of all other customers change to brand Y. The major
brands also lose customers to smaller competitors, with 5% of brand X
customers switching to a minor brand during a 2-year time period and 2%
of brand Y customers doing likewise. All other customers remain loyal to
their past brand of soap powder. Hint: Take state 1 to be a brand X customer,
state 2 a brand Y customer, state 3 another brand customer, and one time
period to be 2 years.

1.2 Operations
The simplest relationship between two matrices is equality. Intuitively one feels that
two matrices should be equal if their corresponding elements are equal. This is the
case, providing the matrices are of the same order.
Two matrices A [ [aij]pn and B [ [bij]pn are equal if they have the
Definition 1.
same order and if aij ¼ bij (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., p; j ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., n). Thus, the equality
5x þ 2y 7
x  3y 1
implies that 5x þ 2y ¼ 7 and x  3y ¼ 1.
The intuitive definition for matrix addition is also the correct one.
If A [ [aij] and B [ [bij] are both of order p  n, then A þ B is a p  n
Definition 2.
matrix C [ [cij], where cij ¼ aij þ bij (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., p; j ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., n). Thus,
1.2 Operations 7

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
5 1 6 3 5 þ ð6Þ 1þ3 1 4
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
4 7 3 5þ4 2 1 5 ¼ 4 7þ2 3 þ ð1Þ 5 ¼ 4 9 25
2 1 4 1 ð2Þ þ 4 ð1Þ þ 1 2 0
" #   " 2 #
t2 5 1 6 t þ1 1
þ ¼ ;
3t 0 t t 4t t
but the matrices
2 3
5 0  
6 7 6 2
4 1 05 and
1 1
2 1
cannot be added since they are not of the same order.
It is not difficult to show that the addition of matrices is both commutative and
associative: that is, if A, B, C represent matrices of the same order, then
(A1) A þ B ¼ B þ A.
(A2) A þ (B þ C) ¼ (A þ B) þ C.
We define a zero matrix 0 to be a matrix consisting of only zero elements. Zero
matrices of every order exist, and when one has the same order as another matrix A,
we then have the additional property
(A3) A D 0 [ A.
Subtraction of matrices is defined in a manner analogous to addition: the orders
of the matrices involved must be identical and the operation is performed
5 1 6 1 1 2
 ¼ :
3 2 4 1 7 3
Another simple operation is that of multiplying a scalar times a matrix. Intuition
guides one to perform the operation elementwise and once again intuition is correct.
Thus, for example,
1 2 7 14 1 0 t 0
7 ¼ and t ¼ :
3 4 21 28 3 2 3t 2t

Definition 3. If A [ [aij] is a p  n matrix and if l is a scalar, then l A is a p  n

matrix B [ [bij], where bij ¼ laij (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., p; j ¼ 1, 2, 3, ., n).
8 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

Example 1. Find 5A  ½B if
4 1 6 20
A¼ and B ¼
0 3 18 8
" # " #
1 4 1 1 6 20
5A  B ¼ 5 
2 0 3 2 18 8
" # " # " #
20 5 3 10 17 15
¼  ¼ :-
0 15 9 4 9 11

It is not difficult to show that if l1 and l2 are scalars, and if A and B are matrices
of identical order, then
(S1) l1 A ¼ Al1.
(S2) l1 (A þ B) ¼ l1 A þ l1 B.
(S3) (l1 þ l2) A ¼ l1 A þ l2 A.
(S4) l1 (l2 A) ¼ (l1 l2) A.
The reader is cautioned that there is no such operation as matrix division. We
will, however, define a somewhat analogous operation, namely matrix inversion,
in Chapter 3.

Problems 1.2
In Problems 1 through 26, let
" # " # " #
1 2 5 6 1 0
A¼ ; B¼ ; C¼ ;
3 4 7 8 3 3
2 3 2 3 2 3
3 1 2 2 0 1
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 1 27 6 0 2 7 6 1 0 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
D¼6 7; E ¼ 6 7; F ¼ 6 7:
6 3 2 7 6 5 3 7 6 0 07
4 5 4 5 4 5
2 6 5 1 2 2

1. Find 2A.
2. Find 5A.
3. Find 3D.
4. Find 10E.
5. Find LF.
6. Find A D B.
7. Find C D A.
Problems 1.2 9

8. Find D D E.
9. Find D D F.
10. Find A D D.
11. Find A L B.
12. Find C L A.
13. Find D L E.
14. Find D L F.
15. Find 2A D 3B.
16. Find 3A  2C.
17. Find 0.1A D 0.2C.
18. Find 2E D F.
19. Find X if A D X ¼ B.
20. Find Y if 2B D Y ¼ C.
21. Find X if 3D  X ¼ E.
22. Find Y if E  2Y ¼ F.
23. Find R if 4A D 5R ¼ 10C.
24. Find S if 3F  2S ¼ D.
25. Verify directly that (A D B) þ C ¼ A þ (B þ C).
26. Verify directly that l(A D B) ¼ lA D lB.
27. Find 6A L qB if
" # " #
q2 2q  1 q2  1 6
A¼ and B ¼ :
4 1=q 3=q q3 þ 2q þ 1

28. Prove Property (A1).

29. Prove Property (A3).
30. Prove Property (S2).
31. Prove Property (S3).
32. (a) Mr. Jones owns 200 shares of IBM and 150 shares of AT&T. Determine a
portfolio matrix that reflects Mr. Jones’ holdings.
(b) Over the next year, Mr. Jones triples his holdings in each company. What is
his new portfolio matrix?
(c) The following year Mr. Jones lists changes in his portfolio as [50 100].
What is his new portfolio matrix?
33. The inventory of an appliance store can be given by a 1  4 matrix in which
the first entry represents the number of television sets, the second entry the
number of air conditioners, the third entry the number of refrigerators, and the
fourth entry the number of dishwashers.
(a) Determine the inventory given on January 1 by [15 2 8 6].
(b) January sales are given by [4 0 2 3]. What is the inventory matrix on
February 1?
10 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

(c) February sales are given by [5 0 3 3], and new stock added in February is
given by [3 2 7 8]. What is the inventory matrix on March 1?
34. The daily gasoline supply of a local service station is given by a 1  3 matrix in
which the first entry represents gallons of regular, the second entry gallons of
premium, and the third entry gallons of super.
(a) Determine the supply of gasoline at the close of business on Monday given
by [14,000 8000 6000].
(b) Tuesday’s sales are given by [3500 2000 1500]. What is the inventory
matrix at day’s end?
(c) Wednesday’s sales are given by [5000 1500 1200]. In addition, the station
received a delivery of 30,000 gallons of regular, 10,000 gallons of pre-
mium, but no super. What is the inventory at day’s end?
35. On a recent shopping trip, Mary purchased 6 oranges, a dozen grapefruits, 8
apples, and 3 lemons. John purchased 9 oranges, 2 grapefruits, and 6 apples.
Express each of their purchases as 1  4 matrices. What is the physical sig-
nificance of the sum of these matrices?

1.3 Matrix multiplication

Matrix multiplication is the first operation we encounter where our intuition fails.
First, two matrices are not multiplied together elementwise. Second, it is not always
possible to multiply matrices of the same order while it is possible to multiply
certain matrices of different orders. Third, if A and B are two matrices for which
multiplication is defined, it is generally not the case that AB [ BA; that is, matrix
multiplication is not a commutative operation. There are other properties of matrix
multiplication, besides the three mentioned, that defy our intuition, and we shall
illustrate them shortly. We begin by determining which matrices can be multiplied.
Rule 1. The product of two matrices AB is defined if the number of columns of A
equals the number of rows of B.
Thus, if A and B are given by
  " 1 0 1 0#
6 1 0
A¼ and B¼ 3 2 2 1 ; (6)
1 2 1
4 1 1 0
then, the product AB is defined since A has three columns and B has three rows. The
product BA, however, is not defined since B has four columns while A has only two
When the product is written AB, A is said to premultiply B, while B is said to
postmultiply A.
Rule 2. If the product AB is defined, then the resultant matrix will have the same
number of rows as A and the same number of columns as B.
1.3 Matrix multiplication 11

Thus, the product AB, where A and B are given in (6), will have two rows and
four columns since A has two rows and B has four columns.
An easy method of remembering these two rules is the following: write the
orders of the matrices on paper in the sequence in which the multiplication is to
be carried out; that is, if AB is to be found where A has order 2  3 and B has order
3  4, write
ð2  3Þð3  4Þ: (7)
If the two adjacent numbers (indicated in (7) by the curved arrow) are both equal
(in the case they are both 3 the multiplication is defined. The order of the product
matrix is obtained by cancelling the adjacent numbers and using the two remaining
numbers. Thus, in (7), we cancel the adjacent 3s and are left with 2  4, which in
this case is the order of AB.
As a further example, consider the case where A is a 4  3 matrix, while B is a
3  5 matrix. The product AB is defined since, in the notation (4  3) (3  5), the
adjacent numbers denoted by the curved arrow are equal. The product will be a
4  5 matrix. The product BA, however, is not defined since in the notation
(3  5) (4  3) the adjacent numbers are not equal. In general, one may schemati-
cally state the method as
ðk  nÞðn  pÞ ¼ ðk  pÞ:

Rule 3. If the product AB [ C is defined, where C is denoted by [cij], then the

element cij is obtained by multiplying the elements in the ith row of A by the corre-
sponding elements in the jth column of B and adding. Thus, if A has order k  n, and
B has order n  p and
2 32 32 3
a11 a12 / a1n b11 b12 / b1p c11 c12 / c1p
6a 76 76 7
6 21 a22 / a2n 76 b21 b22 / b2p 76 c21 c22 / c2p 7
6 76 76 7;
4 « « « 54 « « « 54 « « « 5
ak1 ak2 / akn bn1 bn2 / bnp ck1 ck2 / ckp
then c11 is obtained by multiplying the elements in the first row of A by the corre-
sponding elements in the first column of B and adding; hence,
c11 ¼ a11 b11 þ a12 b21 þ / þ a1n bn1 :
The element c12 is found by multiplying the elements in the first row of A by the
corresponding elements in the second column of B and adding; hence,
c12 ¼ a11 b12 þ a12 b22 þ / þ a1n bn2 :
The element ckp is obtained by multiplying the elements in the kth row of A by
the corresponding elements in the pth column of B and adding; hence,
ckp ¼ ak1 b1p þ ak2 b2p þ / þ akn bnp :
12 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

Example 1. Find AB and BA if

2 3
  7 8
1 2 3 6 7
A¼ and B ¼ 4 9 10 5:
4 5 6
0 11
2 3
2 3 7 8
1 2 3 6 7
AB ¼ 4 56
6 9
10 7
4 5
4 5 6
0 11
2 3
1ð7Þ þ 2ð9Þ þ 3ð0Þ 1ð8Þ þ 2ð10Þ þ 3ð11Þ
¼4 5
4ð7Þ þ 5ð9Þ þ 6ð0Þ
4ð8Þ þ 5ð10Þ þ 6ð11Þ
2 3 2 3
7 þ 18 þ 0 8 þ 20  33 11 21
¼ 4 5 ¼ 4 5;
28 þ 45 þ 0 32 þ 50  66 17 48
2 3
7 8 2 3
6 7 1 2 3
6 74 5
BA ¼ 6 9 10 7
4 5
4 5 6
0 11
2 3
ð7Þ1 þ ð8Þ4 ð7Þ2 þ ð8Þ5 ð7Þ3 þ ð8Þ6
6 7
6 7
¼ 6 9ð1Þ þ 10ð4Þ 9ð2Þ þ 10ð5Þ 9ð3Þ þ 10ð6Þ 7
4 5
0ð1Þ þ ð11Þ4
0ð2Þ þ ð11Þ5 0ð3Þ þ ð11Þ6
2 3 2 3
7  32 14  40 21  48 39 54 69
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
¼ 6 9 þ 40 18 þ 50 27 þ 60 7 ¼ 6 49 68 87 7. -
4 5 4 5
0  44 0  55 0  66 44 55 66

The preceding three rules can be incorporated into the following formal
If A [ [aij] is a k  n matrix and B [ [bij] is an n  p matrix, then the
Definition 1.
product AB is defined to be a k  p matrix C [ [cij], where
cij ¼ ail blj ¼ ai1 b1j þ ai2 b2j þ / þ ain bnj (i ¼ 1, 2, .,k; j ¼ 1, 2, ., p).

Example 2. Find AB if
2 3
2 1  
6 7 3 1 5 1
A ¼ 4 1 05 and B ¼ :
4 2 1 0
3 1
1.3 Matrix multiplication 13

2 3
2 1 2 3
6 7 3 1 5 1
6 74 5
AB ¼ 6 1 0 7
4 5
4 2 1 0
3 1
2 3
2ð3Þ þ 1ð4Þ 2ð1Þ þ 1ð2Þ 2ð5Þ þ 1ð1Þ 2ð1Þ þ 1ð0Þ
6 7
6 7
¼ 6 1ð3Þ þ 0ð4Þ 1ð1Þ þ 0ð2Þ 1ð5Þ þ 0ð1Þ 1ð1Þ þ 0ð0Þ 7
4 5
3ð3Þ þ 1ð4Þ 3ð1Þ þ 1ð2Þ 3ð5Þ þ 1ð1Þ 3ð1Þ þ 1ð0Þ
2 3
10 0 11 2
6 7
6 7
¼ 6 3 1 5 1 7:
4 5
13 1 16 3
Note that in this example the product BA is not defined. -

Example 3. Find AB and BA if

2 1 4 0
A¼ and B ¼ :
1 3 1 2
" #" # " # " #
2 1 4 0 2ð4Þ þ 1ð1Þ 2ð0Þ þ 1ð2Þ 9 2
AB ¼ ¼ ¼ ;
1 3 1 2 1ð4Þ þ 3ð1Þ 1ð0Þ þ 3ð2Þ 1 6
" #" # " # " #
4 0 2 1 4ð2Þ þ 0ð1Þ 4ð1Þ þ 0ð3Þ 8 4
BA ¼ ¼ ¼ :
1 2 1 3 1ð2Þ þ 2ð1Þ 1ð1Þ þ 2ð3Þ 0 7
This, therefore, is an example where both products AB and BA are defined but unequal. -

Example 4. Find AB and BA if

3 1 1 1
A¼ and B ¼ :
0 4 0 2
" # " # " #
3 1 1 1 3 5
AB ¼ ¼ ;
0 4 0 2 0 8
" # " # " #
1 1 3 1 3 5
BA ¼ ¼ :
0 2 0 4 0 8
This, therefore, is an example where both products AB and BA are defined and equal. -
14 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

In general, it can be shown that matrix multiplication has the following

(M1) A(BC) [ (AB)C (Associative Law)
(M2) A(B D C) [ AB D AC (Left Distributive Law)
(M3) (B D C)A [ BA D CA (Right Distributive Law)

providing that the matrices A, B, C have the correct order so that the above multi-
plications and additions are defined. The one basic property that matrix multiplica-
tion does not possess is commutativity; that is, in general, AB does not equal BA (see
Example 3). We hasten to add, however, that while matrices in general do not
commute, it may very well be the case that, given two particular matrices, they
do commute as can be seen from Example 4.
Commutativity is not the only property that matrix multiplication lacks. We
know from our experiences with real numbers that if the product xy ¼ 0, then either
x ¼ 0 or y ¼ 0 or both are zero. Matrices do not possess this property as the
following example shows:

Example 5. Find AB if
4 2 3 4
A¼ and B ¼ :
2 1 6 8
" # " # " #
4 2 3 4 4ð3Þ þ 2ð6Þ 4ð4Þ þ 2ð8Þ
AB ¼ ¼
2 1 6 8 2ð3Þ þ 1ð6Þ 2ð4Þ þ 1ð8Þ
" #
0 0
¼ :
0 0
Thus, even though neither A nor B is zero, their product is zero. -

One final “unfortunate” property of matrix multiplication is that the equation

AB [ AC does not imply B ¼ C.

Example 6. Find AB and AC if

4 2 1 1 2 2
A¼ ; B¼ ; C¼ :
2 1 2 1 0 1
" # " # " # " #
4 2 1 1 4ð1Þ þ 2ð2Þ 4ð1Þ þ 2ð1Þ 8 6
AB ¼ ¼ ¼ ;
2 1 2 1 2ð1Þ þ 1ð2Þ 2ð1Þ þ 1ð1Þ 4 3
" # " # " # " #
4 2 2 2 4ð2Þ þ 2ð0Þ 4ð2Þ þ 2ð1Þ 8 6
AC ¼ ¼ ¼ :
2 1 0 1 2ð2Þ þ 1ð0Þ 2ð2Þ þ 1ð1Þ 4 3
Thus, cancellation is not a valid operation in the matrix algebra. -
1.3 Matrix multiplication 15

The reader has no doubt wondered why this seemingly complicated procedure
for matrix multiplication has been introduced when the more obvious methods of
multiplying matrices termwise could be used. The answer lies in systems of simul-
taneous linear equations. Consider the set of simultaneous linear equations given by
5x  3y þ 2z ¼ 14;
x þ y  4z ¼ 7; (8)
7x  3z ¼ 1:
This system can easily be solved by the method of substitution. Matrix algebra,
however, will give us an entirely new method for obtaining the solution.
Consider the matrix equation
Ax ¼ b (9)
2 3 2 3 2 3
5 3 2 x 14
6 7 6 7 6 7
A¼41 1 4 5; x ¼ 4 y 5; and b ¼ 4 7 5:
7 0 3 z 1
Here A, called the coefficient matrix, is simply the matrix whose elements are the
coefficients of the unknowns x, y, z in (8). (Note that we have been very careful to put
all the x coefficients in the first column, all the y coefficients in the second column,
and all the z coefficients in the third column. The zero in the (3, 2) entry appears
because the y coefficient in the third equation of system (8) is zero.) x and b are
obtained in the obvious manner. One note of warning: there is a basic difference
between the unknown matrix x in (9) and the unknown variable x. The reader should
be especially careful not to confuse their respective identities.
Now using our definition of matrix multiplication, we have that
2 3 2 3 2 3
5 3 2 x ð5ÞðxÞ þ ð3ÞðyÞ þ ð2ÞðzÞ
6 7 6 7 6 7
Ax ¼ 6 41 1 4 7 6 7 6
5 4 y 5 ¼ 4 ð1ÞðxÞ þ ð1ÞðyÞ þ ð4ÞðzÞ 5

7 0 3 z ð7ÞðxÞ þ ð0ÞðyÞ þ ð3ÞðzÞ

2 3 2 3 (10)
5x  3y þ 2z 14
6 7 6 7
¼6 7 6
4 x þ y  4z 5 ¼ 4 7 5:

7x  3z 1
Using the definition of matrix equality, we see that (10) is precisely system (8).
Thus, (9) is an alternate way of representing the original system. It should come as
no surprise, therefore, that by redefining the matrices A, x, b, appropriately, we
can represent any system of simultaneous linear equations by the matrix equation
Ax [ b.
16 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

Example 7. Put the following system into matrix form:

x yþ z þ w ¼ 5;
2x þ y  z ¼ 4;
3x þ 2y þ 2w ¼ 0;

x  2y þ 3z þ 4w ¼ 1:
Solution Define
2 3 2 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 x 5
62 1 0 7 6y7 6 47
6 1 7 6 7 6 7
A¼6 7; x ¼ 6 7; b¼6 7:
43 2 0 25 4z5 4 05
1 2 3 4 w 1
The original system is then equivalent to the matrix system Ax [ b. -

Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to solve systems that are in

matrix form Ax [ b. One method of solution depends upon the operation of inver-
sion, and we must postpone a discussion of it until the inverse has been defined. For
the present, however, we hope that the reader will be content with the knowledge
that matrix multiplication, as we have defined it, does serve some useful purpose.

Problems 1.3
1. The order of A is 2  4, the order of B is 4  2, the order of C is 4  1, the order
of D is 1  2, and the order of E is 4  4. Find the orders of
(a) AB.
(b) BA.
(c) AC.
(d) CA.
(e) CD.
(f) AE.
(g) EB.
(h) EA.
(i) ABC.
(j) DAE.
(k) EBA.
(l) EECD.
Problems 1.3 17

In Problems 2 through 19, let

" # " # " #
1 2 5 6 1 0 1
A¼ ; B¼ ; C¼ ;
3 4 7 8 3 2 1
2 3 2 3 2 3
1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2
6 7 6 7 6 7
D¼6 4 1 27 6 7
5; E ¼ 4 0 2 1 5; F ¼ 4 1
6 1 0 7
2 2 1 0 1 1 2 3
X ¼ ½ 1 2 ; Y ¼ ½1 2 1 :

2. Find AB.
3. Find BA.
4. Find AC.
5. Find BC.
6. Find CB.
7. Find XA.
8. Find XB.
9. Find XC.
10. Find AX.
11. Find CD.
12. Find DC.
13. Find YD.
14. Find YC.
15. Find DX.
16. Find XD.
17. Find EF.
18. Find FE.
19. Find YF.
20. Find AB if
2 6 3 6
A¼ and B¼ :
3 9 1 2
Note that AB ¼ 0 but neither A nor B equals the zero matrix.
21. Find AB and CB if
3 2 2 4 1 6
A¼ ; B¼ ; C¼ :
1 0 1 2 3 4
Thus, show that AB ¼ CB but A s C.
18 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

22. Compute the product

1 2 x
3 4 y

23. Compute the product

2 3 2 3
1 0 1 x
6 7 6 7
43 1 1 5 4 y 5:
1 3 0 z

24. Compute the product

a11 a12 x
a21 a22 y

25. Compute the product

2 3
b11 b12 b13 6 7
4 1 5:
b21 b22 b23

26. Evaluate the expression A2 L 4A L 5I for the matrix*

1 2
A¼ :
4 3

27. Evaluate the expression (A L I) (A D 2I) for the matrix*

3 5
A¼ :
2 4

28. Evaluate the expression (I L A) (A2 L I) for the matrix*

2 3
2 1 1
6 7
A ¼ 43 2 1 5:
0 0 1

*I is defined in Section 1.4.

Problems 1.3 19

29. Verify Property (M1) for

2 1 0 1 5 1
A¼ ; B¼ ; C¼ :
1 3 1 4 2 1
30. Prove Property (M2).
31. Prove Property (M3).
32. Put the following system of equations into matrix form:
2x þ 3y ¼ 10;
4x  5y ¼ 11:
33. Put the following system of equations into matrix form:
x þ z þ y ¼ 2;
3z þ 2x þ y ¼ 4;
y þ x ¼ 0:
34. Put the following system of equations into matrix form:
5x þ 3y þ 2z þ 4w ¼ 5;
x þ y þ w ¼ 0;
3x þ 2y þ 2z ¼ 3;
xþ y þ 2z þ 3w ¼ 4:
35. The price schedule for a Chicago to Los Angeles flight is given by P [ [200
350 500], where the matrix elements pertain, respectively, to coach tickets,
business-class tickets, and first-class tickets. The number of tickets purchased
in each category for a particular flight is given by
2 3
6 7
N ¼ 4 20 5:
Compute the products (a) PN and (b) NP and determine their significance.
36. The closing prices of a person’s portfolio during the past week are given by the
2 3
1 7
6 40 40 40 41 41 7
6 2 8 7
6 7
6 1 5 1 77
6 3 3 3 4 3 7 ;
6 4 8 2 877
6 7
4 3 1 55
10 9 10 10 9
4 8 8
20 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

where the columns pertain to the days of the week, Monday through Friday, and
the rows pertain to the prices of Orchard Fruits, Lion Airways, and Arrow Oil.
The person’s holdings in each of these companies are given by the matrix H ¼
[100 500 400]. Compute the products (a) HP and (b) PH and determine their
37. The time requirements for a company to produce three products is given by the
2 3
0:2 0:5 0:4
6 7
T ¼ 4 1:2 2:3 0:7 5;
0:8 3:1 1:2
where the rows pertain to lamp bases, cabinets, and tables, respectively. The
columns pertain to the hours of labor required for cutting the wood, assembling,
and painting, respectively. The hourly wages of a carpenter to cut wood, of a
craftsperson to assemble a product, and of a decorator to paint is given, respec-
tively, by the elements of the matrix
2 3
6 7
W ¼ 4 14:00 5:
Compute the product TW and determine its significance.
38. Continuing with the data given in the previous problem, assume further that the
number of items on order for lamp bases, cabinets, and tables, respectively, is
given by the matrix O [ [1000 100 200]. Compute the product OTW and
determine its significance.
39. The results of a flu epidemic at a college campus are collected in the matrix
2 3
0:20 0:20 0:15 0:15
6 7
F ¼ 4 0:10 0:30 0:30 0:40 5:
0:70 0:50 0:55 0:45
The elements denote percents converted to decimals. The columns pertain to
freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, respectively, while the rows represent
bedridden students, infected but ambulatory students, and well students, respec-
tively. The maleefemale composition of each class is given by the matrix
2 3
1050 950
6 1100 1050 7
6 7
C¼6 7:
4 360 500 5
860 1000
Compute the product FC and determine its significance.
1.4 Special matrices 21

1.4 Special matrices

There are certain types of matrices that occur so frequently that it becomes
advisable to discuss them separately. One such type is the transpose. Given a
matrix A, the transpose of A, denoted by AT and read A-transpose, is obtained
by changing all the rows of A into columns of AT while preserving the order; hence,
the first row of A becomes the first column of AT, while the second row of A
becomes the second column of AT, and the last row of A becomes the last column
of AT. Thus, if
2 3 2 3
1 2 3 1 4 7
6 7 6 7
A ¼ 4 4 5 6 5; then AT ¼ 4 2 5 8 5
7 8 9 3 6 9
and if
2 3
1 5
1 2 3 4 6 677
A¼ ; then AT ¼ 6 7:
5 6 7 8 43 75
4 8

If iA, denoted by [aij] is an n  p matrix, then the transpose of A, denoted

Definition 1. h
by AT ¼ aTij , is a p  n matrix, where aTij ¼ aji .
It can be shown that the transpose possesses the following properties:
(1) (AT) T ¼ A,
(2) (lA) T ¼ lAT where l represents a scalar,
(3) (A þ B) T ¼ AT þ BT,
(4) (A þ B þ C)T ¼ AT þ BT þ CT,
(5) (AB)T ¼ BT AT,
(6) (ABC)T ¼ CT BT AT.
Transposes of sums and products of more than three matrices are defined in
the obvious manner. We caution the reader to be alert to the ordering of prop-
erties (5) and (6). In particular, one should be aware that the transpose of a product
is not the product of the transposes but rather the commuted product of the

Example 1 Find (AB)T and BT AT if

3 0 1 2 1
A¼ and B ¼ :
4 1 3 1 0
22 CHAPTER 1 Matrices

2 3
" # 3 1
3 6 3 6 7
AB ¼ ; ðABÞT ¼ 6
4 6 775;
1 7 4
3 4
2 3 2 3
1 3 " # 3 1
6 7 3 4 6 7
B T AT ¼ 6
4 2 1 7
5 ¼64 6 775:
0 1
1 0 3 4
Note that (AB)T ¼ BT AT but AT BT is not defined. -

A zero row in a matrix is a row containing only zeros, while a nonzero row is one
that contains at least one nonzero element. A matrix is in row-reduced form, if it sat-
isfies four conditions:
(R1) All zero rows appear below nonzero rows when both types are present in the
(R2) The first nonzero element in any nonzero row is unity.
(R3) All elements directly below (that is, in the same column but in succeeding
rows from) the first nonzero element of a nonzero row are zero.
(R4) The first nonzero element of any nonzero row appears in a later column
(further to the right) than the first nonzero element in any preceding row.
Such matrices are invaluable for solving sets of simultaneous linear equations
and developing efficient algorithms for performing important matrix operations.
We shall have much more to say on these matters in later chapters. Here we
are simply interested in recognizing when a given matrix is or is not in row-
reduced form.

Example 2 Determine which of the following matrices are in row-reduced form:

2 3
1 1 2 4 7 2 3
6 7 1 2 3
6 0 0 6 5 7 7 6 7
6 7
A¼6 7; B ¼ 6 4 0 0 0 5;
60 0 0 0 0 7
4 5
0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 2 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 3
6 7 6 7
C¼6 7
4 0 0 1 2 5; D ¼ 4 0
6 0 1 3 7 5:
0 1 0 5 0 0 1 0
Solution Matrix A is not in row-reduced form because the first nonzero element of the second
row is not unity. This violates (R2). If a23 had been unity instead of 6, then the matrix would be in
row-reduced form. Matrix B is not in row-reduced form because the second row is a zero row and it
appears before the third row, which is a nonzero row. This violates (R1). If the second and third rows
had been interchanged, then the matrix would be in row-reduced form. Matrix C is not in row-
reduced form because the first nonzero element in row two appears in a later column, column 3,
than the first nonzero element of row three. This violates (R4). If the second and third rows had
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—one of the best known in Paris as well as St. Petersburg and
Vienna. Immediately I wanted to know everything about him. He on
his side wished me to tell him all sorts of things of which I had never
even dreamed. We were at once on terms of delightful intimacy.
A short time after I was obliged to leave Nice. Just as my train
was about to go, my good friend jumped into my carriage and
accompanied me as far as Marseilles. There he bade me adieu and
returned to Nice.
Letter writing followed, in the course of which he told me how
highly he regarded my friendship—more highly in fact than anything
else in the world. For my part I thought of him more often than I
should care to confess, but I had my wits about me sufficiently to
announce to him, at the cost of a great effort of will, that he was too
young for our feelings of regard for each other to continue without
danger to both, and that he ought to forget me.
Just at this time there was presented to me a viscount, who laid
claim to my heart and hand. Need I confess that, with my eyes still
filled with pictures of the other man, I could not endure his assiduous
importunity. No one is deafer, says a French proverb, than who he is
unwilling to hear. And the viscount would not listen to my
discouraging remarks.
He seemed to have imposed upon himself, in spite of my rebuffs,
which were often severe and always discourteous, the task of
bringing me to terms. Undoubtedly, in spite of my reserve and
coldness, he might eventually have succeeded if one fine evening he
had not dropped out altogether under threat of legal proceedings. He
had a well-established reputation as a swindler.
During the time when the viscount was playing his game to win
my affections, my good friend’s communications stopped coming. I
wrote him several letters. They were never answered.
Some years later, in 1900, I had installed my theatre, as is
perhaps still remembered, at the Universal Exposition in Paris.
One day as I was on my way to the theatre I saw at a distance
my lover of the days at Nice. My heart began to beat violently.
My friend approached. We were going to pass each other. He
had not yet seen me; for he was walking with his eyes on the
ground. Standing still, with my left hand restraining the beating of my
heart, I waited, feasting my eyes upon him. He turned his head and
passed me.
I was destined not to see him again for a long time.
Meantime, indeed, I learned through a third person that he had
told his father of his desire to marry me. A violent scene took place
between the two men. The father threatened to disinherit him. The
poor boy was sent away, almost by main force, on a voyage round
the world.
I have frequently reflected since then on the part the “viscount”
played in all this affair, and I should not be astonished to learn that
he led some artful embassy against His Majesty King Love.

I HAVE frequently seen monarchs whose profession consisted in

ruling the crowd. I have sometimes seen crowds that appeared to
me mightier than the greatest of monarchs.
More rarely I have encountered philosophers, out of touch with
everything, who yet were able to create kingdoms within themselves.
These last have seemed to me more affecting than the proudest of
monarchs or the most impressive of crowds. Characteristic traits of
some of these are worthy of being described here. I should like to try
to do so, because of the emotions they have aroused in me.
We were living at Passy, my mother and I, in a house situated in
the centre of a garden. One day I heard some animated music
coming from the street. I ran to the gate to look at the makers of this
joyful harmony. A man and a woman were passing. The man played
an accordion as he walked with short steps. He was blind, and his
wife led him. The music was so sprightly, so different from the folk
who were making it, that I hailed the pair. I wanted the man to play in
the garden, behind the house, so that my mother, who was
paralysed, might hear him. They consented very willingly. I made
them sit down under a tree, near my mother’s chair, and the man
played on the accordion until a servant came to say that lunch was
served. I asked the man and his wife if they had eaten. When I
discovered they had had nothing since the day before, I told the
maid they were going to share our meal.
At table we had a long conversation. The man had always been
blind. I asked him if he could perceive difference among colours. No.
But he was able, at least, to tell without fear of making a mistake,
whether the weather was clear or cloudy, dull or pleasant. He was
extremely sensitive to differences of texture.
I placed a rose in his hand and asked him what it was. Without
hesitation and without raising the flower to his nostrils he replied:
“It is a rose.”
Almost immediately, grasping it gently in his fingers, he added:
“It is a beautiful one, too, this rose, very beautiful.”
A little more and he would have told me whether it was a La
France, a Maréchal Niel, or some other species of rose.
As he had used the word “beautiful” I asked him what seemed to
him the most beautiful thing in the world.
“The most beautiful thing alive is woman.”
I then asked him who the person was in whose company I had
found him. His voice took on a tender tone as he said:
“It is my wife, my dear wife.”
After that I looked with more attention at the self-effacing and
almost dumb soul who accompanied the blind musician. Confused,
embarrassed, she had lowered her eyes, which she kept obstinately
fixed upon an apron, of a faded blue, on which the patches appeared
to be more extensive than the original material.
She was unattractive, poor thing, and at least twenty years older
than her companion.
Quietly, without concerning myself with the beseeching looks the
poor woman cast at me from under wrinkled and reddened
eyebrows, I asked the blind musician:
“She satisfies you, does she?”
“You find her beautiful?”
“Very beautiful.”
“More beautiful than other women?”
As he had peopled his darkness with beauty my optimist replied:
“I do not say that, for all women are beautiful. But she is better,
yes, better than most of them, and it is that which, in my sight,
constitutes the purest beauty.”
“What makes you think she is better than the others?”
“Oh, everything. Her whole life, her whole manner of existence as
regards me.”
And in words so convincing that for a moment I felt that he could
see, he added:
“Just look at her, my good lady. Isn’t it a fact that goodness is
written on her face?”
The woman, with her eyes lowered, kept looking at her blue
apron. I then asked the blind man how he had made his living up to
this time, and how they had become acquainted, he and his
“I used to be, owing to infirmity, a real burden upon my family. I
did whatever I could but I could not do much. I washed the dishes,
lighted the fire, picked the vegetables, swept the floor, washed the
windows, made the beds—perhaps badly, but at any rate I did all
that, and although we were very poor at home they kept me. The day
came, however, when my mother died. Then it was my father’s turn. I
had to leave the empty house. I went on the road armed with my
accordion, asking for alms. My accordion became my best friend.
But I blundered along the roads. Then I met my dear companion who
is with me, and I married her.”
She was a cook, the woman told me this herself in an undertone,
who had become too old to keep her place, and who consented to
join her fate with that of the wandering blind man, serving as his
guide along the roads. The blind man found this arrangement a
blessing from Heaven, a kindness bestowed upon him by
Providence. They were married without delay.
“But how do you manage to live?” I asked.
“Well, it is not always easy to make both ends meet, for alas! now
and then, one of us falls ill. We are getting old, you understand.
When it is not fatigue that gets the better of us, then there is always
the cold. There are times when we cannot go out. Then it is
necessary to take a notch in one’s girdle.”
Each day they visited one district of Paris. They had divided the
city into blocks, and they sometimes walked miles before arriving at
their destination, for they lived far from the centre, in one of the
poorest suburbs.
“What day do you go by here?”
“Every Sunday, before mass. Many people of this quarter go to
church, and we encounter them going and coming.”
“Do they give you something?”
“It is a rich neighbourhood. We have several very good clients.”
“Good what?” I asked. “Good clients?”
“Yes, good clients,” he repeated simply.
“And who are these clients?”
“They are servants of the rich.”
“Yes, some of them are very good. They give us old clothes; food
and money when they can.”
“And the rich people themselves?”
“We do not see them often. This is the first time a client has ever
invited us to lunch, and we have been going through this street for
seven years. No one ever asked us to come in before.”
“What do you do when you are tired?”
“We sit down on a bench or on one of the steps, and we eat
whatever we have in our pockets. Here we eat while they are at
“Very well. You will have no need to bring anything to eat the day
you come by here. I invite you for every Sunday.”
I expected impassioned thanks. The man said simply:
“We thank you very much, good lady.”
Shortly after, I left for a long tour in America, and during my
absence my domestics received them every Sunday. From their
point of view I was merely a sure client.
One day I gave them tickets for a great concert. I was in the hall
and observed them.
The woman was overcome at seeing so many fashionable
people. As for the man, his features aglow with an unearthly light, his
head thrown a little back after the way of the blind, he was in
ecstasy, intoxicated with the music.
After four years they disappeared. I never saw them again.
The man, whom I had seen to be failing, probably died, and the
woman, the poor old thing, so unattractive in her blue apron,
undoubtedly did not dare to return alone.
At Marseilles I saw another blind man, a very old man, seated on
a folding stool against a wall.
Beside him stood a basket, guarded by a very young dog, who
sniffed at all the passers-by and barked after each one. I stopped to
talk to the old man.
“Do you live all alone?” I asked him.
“Oh, no,” he replied. “I have two dogs. But I cannot bring the
other one with me. He makes a continual disturbance, leaps and
fidgets so much that he never gets fat and any one would think to
see him that I don’t give him anything to eat. As a matter of fact, you
see, I cannot show him without being ashamed of him. People would
suppose that I was allowing him to die of hunger. Anyway I need only
one dog here. As for the other I leave him at the house, where he
serves as watch dog.”
“Oh, you have a house,” I said.
“That is to say, I have a room, I call it my house.”
“Who does your cooking for you? Who makes the fire at your
“I do,” he replied. “I light a match and then by the crackling of the
wood I know whether it has caught.”
“How do you clean your vegetables?”
“Oh, that is easy. I can tell by the feeling when the potatoes are
well peeled.”
“And the fruits and the salad?”
“Oh, that is something we do not have very often.”
“I suppose you eat meat.”
“Not very often, either. We have bread and vegetables, and when
we are rich we buy some cheese.”
“Why does your dog sniff so at every one passing by? Why does
he bark so spitefully?”
“Ah, madam, you see each time that any one hands me a sou,
thanks to his grimaces, I give him a little piece of bread. There, look
at him now.”
At this moment somebody had just thrown a coin into the blind
man’s bowl. The old man drew from his pocket a little piece of dry
The animal fell upon it with such a cry of joy that one might have
supposed he had just received the daintiest titbit in the world. He
nearly devoured his master with caresses.
“At what time do you eat? Do you go home to your lunch?”
“No. I carry my lunch in a basket.”
I looked. It contained some crusts of bread and nothing else.
“Is that all that you have to eat?”
“Why, yes. Like the dog, I don’t ruin my digestion.”
“Where do you drink when you are thirsty?”
He pointed to a corner of the alley, where there was a little
fountain, alongside of which hung a goblet attached to a chain.
“And the dog?”
“He leads me to the fountain when he is thirsty and I give him his
“Do you come here every day?”
“Yes. This is the entrance to the baths. We do a good business
“How much do you make a day?”
“Twenty sous, sometimes thirty. That depends on the day. There
have been times when we have made more than two francs. But that
is rare. I have my rent to pay and three mouths to feed, my two dogs
and myself.”
“Where do you get your clothes?”
“They are given me by one and another. The butcher, the grocer,
the cabinetmaker, these are very kind to me.”
“Are you happy all alone so?”
“I am not all alone. I have my dogs. The only thing I lack is my
eyesight. But I thank Providence every day for keeping me in good
It was in consequence of a malignant fever that he had lost his
eyesight, for unlike my blind man at Passy, this man was not born
blind. Formerly he had been able to admire nature, to see pretty girls
in a country flooded with sunlight, to enjoy with his own eyes the
smile in other eyes, in eyes tender and well loved. In short he had
seen. What sadness his must be, to be unable to see again!
With much diplomacy I asked him about this.
He had far less difficulty in answering me.
“I used to admire many pretty things,” he said. “I still have them
carefully enclosed under my eyelids. I see them again whenever I
wish, just as if they were there before me once again. And so, you
see, as these are things of my youth it seems to me that, in spite of
everything, in spite of being such an old hulk as I am, I have
remained young. And I thank the dear Lord for having been kind
enough not to have made me blind from birth.”
“And how old are you?”
“Eighty years, madam.”
This old man had a long walk before him to get back to his
residence. As I commiserated him regarding this, he replied:
“There is no reason for complaining, madam, I have such a good
guide, such a brave little comrade!”
He made an almost theatrical gesture, and said, in a voice filled
with emotion:
“My dog!”
“Does he guide you through the streets of Marseilles?”
“He does!”
“And no accident happens to you?”
“Never. One day I was crossing a street. My dog pulled at me so
hard from behind that I fell backward. I was just in time. A step more
and I should have been crushed by a tramcar, which grazed me. I
am mighty lucky, come now, to have a dog like that.”
In all circumstances this old man was willing to see only the
favourable side of things. That side, at least with the eyes of
imagination, the blind man could see.
One day the charwoman who came to our house at Passy to help
the servants arrived very late.
As she was ordinarily exceedingly punctual, I reproached her in a
way I should not have done if she had been habitually unpunctual.
Here is what I found out about this brave woman.
Three years before one of her neighbours, a working woman, had
had an attack of paralysis. This neighbour was poor, old, without
relatives and no one would bother with her. The poor little
charwoman, encumbered with a drunken husband and six children,
agreed to take care of the paralytic and her home if the other
neighbours would be willing to provide the bare necessities of life.
She succeeded in overcoming the selfishness of each and every one
in the warmth of her kindness. From that time on she never ceased
in the rare hours when she was free to look after the paralytic. She
attended to the housework, the cooking, the washing. The
neighbour’s condition grew worse. The case was one of complete
paralysis. The assistance which she had to give to this half-dead
woman was often of the most repulsive kind. Always smiling, always
tidy, always cheerful, she gave to the human hulk she had taken
under her protection the most thorough and intelligent care.
My little charwoman had always, at all times, been cheerful. I
wondered what kind of gaiety she would exhibit when at last the
paralytic’s death should free her from the load with which she had
benevolently burdened her life. This morning, the morning on which
she came late, she was crying. She wept warm tears.
I supposed that my reproach had caused this tearful outpouring.
But not at all. She said to me between sobs:
“I am crying—crying—because—she’s dead—the poor woman.”
It was her neighbour the paralytic for whom she wept.
In the north of Ireland I once saw some children barefooted in the
snow, during an intensely cold February. With some friends I visited
the poor quarter of a provincial city, where, I was told, people
working in the mills lived twelve or even more in cabins containing
but two rooms.
We placed no especial credence in these stories and we decided
to look into the matter for ourselves. It was all true, nevertheless. In
some cases the conditions were even worse.
On reaching the district in question we noticed that a little boy
had followed our carriage. At a trot sharp enough to run his little legs
off he continued for about a mile and a half, all in the hope of getting
The small boy came forward to open the door of our carriage.
The coachman rebuked him brutally. The child had so odd an
expression that I began to talk to him. He had five brothers and
sisters. He did the best he could to pick up something in the streets,
and he made from sixpence to eightpence a day. Just at present he
was trying to get a little money to buy some coal for his mother.
I, doubting the truth of these statements, made him take me to
his hut, which he had pointed out to us.
“That is where I live, madam.”
Certainly there was no coal in the house, but there were three
sick people. The father swept snow in the streets to make a few
pennies, for in this cold weather the mill where he worked was not
There was complete wretchedness, frightful wretchedness,
irreparable wretchedness. And yet our little lad sang while he trotted
behind our carriage, just as his father whistled as he swept the snow.
Is not misery the school, the sadly sovereign school, of

E VERYTHING that comes from Japan has always interested me

intensely. Consequently it is easy to understand with what
pleasure I came into relationship with Sada Yacco, and why I
did not hesitate to assume financial responsibility for her
performances when she decided to come to Europe with her whole
Sada Yacco had brought with her a troupe of thirty people. These
thirty cost me more than ninety of another nationality would have
done; for apart from everything that I was obliged to do to entertain
them, I had constantly to go down on my knees to secure permission
to attach to each train that carried them an enormous car laden with
Japanese delicacies, rice, salted fish, mushrooms and preserved
turnips—delicacies were necessary to support the existence of my
thirty Japanese, including Sada Yacco herself. During one whole
season I paid the railway companies 375,000 francs for
transportation, but that cost me much less than to pay all the debts I
should have been obliged to assume from Lisbon to St. Petersburg if
I had decided to send my Japanese home.
I tried for a long time to get my money back by transporting my
Nipponese and their viands up and down the earth, but, weary of the
struggle, I finally assembled another troupe, which was as good as
the first one and which was willing to travel without a cargo of rice
and salted fish.
“Business is business” I am well aware. I decided, therefore, to
endure bravely the losses I had incurred, and I was thinking of quite
another subject when fortune appeared to smile on me again.
In London there was a Japanese troupe looking for an
engagement. The actors came to see me. They made some
ridiculous claims and I sent them away. But as they did not find an
engagement, we came to an understanding, and I found an
impresario for them, who took them to Copenhagen.
I went to Denmark, too, and I expected to look after the affairs of
these Japanese and attend to my own business as well.
When they arrived at Copenhagen I saw the whole troupe for the
first time. They all came to greet me at my hotel and played some
piece or other of their own invention.
I noticed at that time, among the comedians, a charming little
Japanese woman, whom I should have been glad to make the star of
the company. Among these Japanese, however, women did not
count for much, all the important roles being taken by men. She was,
nevertheless, the only one who had attracted my attention. She
played a minor part, it is true, but very intelligently, and with the
oddest mimicry. She was pretty withal, refined, graceful, queer, and
so individual as to stand out, even among those of her own race.
When the rehearsal was over I gathered the actors together and
said to them:
“If you are going to remain with me you will have to obey me. And
if you do not take this little woman as your star you will have no
And as she had a name that could not be translated, and which
was longer than the moral law, I christened her on the spot Hanako.
To make a long story short they assented to my request, and
lengthened out my protégée’s role. In reality the play had no climax. I
therefore made one for it then and there. Hanako had to die on the
stage. After everybody had laughed wildly at my notion, and Hanako
more than all the others; she finally consented to die. With little
movements like those of a frightened child, with sighs, with cries as
of a wounded bird, she rolled herself into a ball, seeming to reduce
her thin body to a mere nothing so that it was lost in the folds of her
heavy embroidered Japanese robe. Her face became immovable, as
if petrified, but her eyes continued to reveal intense animation. Then
some little hiccoughs convulsed her, she made a little outcry and
then another one, so faint that it was hardly more than a sigh. Finally
with great wide-open eyes she surveyed death, which had just
overtaken her.
It was thrilling.
The evening of the first appearance came. The first act was
successful. The actors acquired confidence and entered into the
spirit of their parts, a fact which caused them to play wonderfully
well. I was obliged to leave after the first act, for I was dancing at
another theatre, but some one came to tell me at the close of the
performance that Hanako had scored more than a success; it was a
veritable triumph. To her it came as a genuine surprise, but one that
was not more extraordinary than the anger provoked by her success
among the actors of the company. The box office receipts, however,
somewhat assuaged their sensitiveness, and I was able to give to
the feminine member of the troupe a longer part in the new play,
rehearsals of which were just beginning.
From this time on Hanako was in high favour. Everywhere she
was obliged to double the number of her performances. After
Copenhagen she made a nine months’ tour of Europe. Her success
in Finland bordered upon popular delirium. Finland, it is interesting to
note, has always evinced the greatest sympathy for Japan. This was
during the time of the Russian-Japanese War.
She played in all the royal theatres of Europe. Then after a tour in
Holland she came finally to Paris.
The Japanese and Hanako stayed with me for nearly a year. At
the close of their contract they gave some performances at
Marseilles and then dispersed. Some of them went home, others
proceeded to Paris or elsewhere. Time passed, and I heard nothing
more about my Japanese, when one day I received a letter from
Hanako, who told me that she was at a cheap concert hall at
Antwerp, where she had to sing and dance for the amusement of
sailors, patrons of the place. She was all alone among strangers,
and the man who had brought her to this degrading pursuit inspired
her with mortal terror. She wrote me that she wanted at all costs to
be saved from her fate, but that, without assistance, the thing was
utterly impossible. She had gone from Marseilles to Antwerp with
other actors of the troupe to take a steamer for Japan. At Antwerp
she and her travelling companion had fallen into the hands of a low-
lived compatriot, and she called me to her rescue.
One of the actors of the company happened to be in Paris, and I
sent him to Antwerp with two of my friends. After numerous
difficulties and thanks to the police, they were able to enter into
communication with Hanako and tell her that they had come to take
her away.
One evening she succeeded in escaping with her companion,
and, with no baggage except the little Japanese robes which they
wore, they took the train for Paris.
Hanako had been obliged to leave behind her little pet Japanese
dog, lest by taking it away from the house she should arouse the
proprietor’s suspicion. They reached Paris shrouded in the European
cloaks I had sent them, which were far too long, and hid them
Presently I found myself in Paris, manager of one of the most
gifted Japanese artists, but, alas! with no company to support her. I
was puzzled to know what to do with and what to do for a kind,
gentle, sweet little Japanese doll.
I first tried to find out if some one would not engage Hanako, then
an entire stranger to Paris, and a small, a very small company for
one of the minor theatres.
I received from one of the managers a remarkable answer. If I
could guarantee that the play which Hanako would present was a
good one he would engage her.
The play? Why there was no play. But I was not bothered by a
little detail like that, and I explained that Hanako would offer a
wonderful play, one that was easy to understand whether you knew
Japanese or not.
Then I signed a contract for ten performances on trial. A
contract? Yes, it was a contract. And I had not secured my actors
yet. And I had no play yet. I had, altogether, Hanako, her maid and a
young Japanese actor. I was not discouraged, however. I undertook
to find another actor. I secured one in London, thanks to an agent.
Then I went to work to construct a play for four characters. There
were two major roles and two supernumeraries. The result of my
efforts was “The Martyr.”
A great difficulty now arose. The question came up of procuring
wigs, shoes, costumes and various accessories. But here again luck
helped me out. They made a very successful first appearance at the
Théâtre Moderne in the Boulevard des Italiens. The play was given
thirty presentations instead of ten and twice a day, at a matinee and
in the evening. Presently the manager said to me:
“If your actors have another play as good as that one I would
keep them a month longer.”
Naturally I declared they had another play, a better one than the
first, and I signed a new contract.
New stage settings, new costumes and new accessories were
necessitated. The result was a new tragedy called “A Drama at
While the new play was running the manager of the Palais des
Beaux-Arts at Monte Carlo made a very important offer for my
Japanese, for three performances. I accepted. The troupe left for
Monaco, where they gave twelve performances instead of three. In
the meantime a small theatre, that of the Musée Grevin, proposed to
engage my Nipponese for a month in a new play which was to be a
comedy. To suit the purposes of this theatre we wrote “The Japanese
Doll.” Next the Little Palace offered a month’s engagement for a play
that was to be a tragi-comedy. There my Japanese played the “Little
Japanese Girl.” Finally they went to the Treteau Royal, where Mr.
Daly engaged them for their six plays, a circumstance that compelled
me to increase their repertoire by three new pieces, “The Political
Spy,” “The Japanese Ophelia,” and “A Japanese Tea House.”
Hanako finally began a tour of Switzerland with the company. Mr.
Daly suddenly wanted Hanako to appear in New York, and to break
off this trip I needed more imagination and took more trouble than in
writing a dozen plays. Then I was obliged, still on Mr. Daly’s account,
to break an agreement for a tour in France.
Such is the history of my relations with Hanako, the great little
actress from Japan. As it is always fitting that a story of this kind
shall end with a wedding, I may say that, conforming to the tradition,

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