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ETascerit Learning for Lift Regular Full - Time MBA - PGPBM Pest echt Pro MBA - PGPBASDS MBA - PGPSCM. MBA - PGPDM MBA - PGPEX rime Bxccutve Mangere Contents * Vision & Mission Poge + + From The Chaicmaris Desh Popes. bars Of Governors Page? ‘sihdustey AcsHeinic Advisor Vowel Page? + Te Ups Page 9 sefaculty Profile Page 1013) ‘Pentreprensurship Pape 14 + Beyond Boundaries sfiiernational Exposure Pag 15 + Placemien Process Page 16 Ss 2 Why companies recrit BIBS Students Page 17 £ Medeor Speen’ Page 16 «.goxporau Speak Pader9, *itorv crate cami: Page 20 + MBA-PGPBM, Page 22-25 + WBA-PGPBASDS Page20-29 + WBA- PGROM Page 30-33, + MBA-PGPFM, Page 34-37 + MBA- PGPSCIA Page 38-41 + MBA- PGPEX Page 42-45 + iiffsrucire Rage #8 + BIBS in Media Page 4s, ee Me acares Page 50 + Alumai at BIBS Page 56 + Admission Procedure Page 55. Our Vision 1, which hen Wanspres to Our Mission t Tearning students succeed inthe fastchanging development Reciunmecr Mm neray Thoughts Lead to Knowledge. Terese contre co BS eNO PNB ey Ty eee Cee ee a oe ee ea ee en ae ee eee ea eee eo ee Seed Pr ee cee eee eo eee eas eee ee The corporate world can be very daunting for the nprepared. Ik becomes very Important tocreste industry -ready managers who, slong with he required ksiowledge, ee he oe ae nara Pete eres oe etn a eens ‘actual world using real life cases. This gives every student the power of Experiential Pere ee Mri ote cate eccrine res Our challenging rogram with is cutting-edge realism, prepares every student to be Soe eae ei centr eee as ad innovative, not only grounded in both theory and practice, but also have 2 ‘can do’ pce tre se ete We love to love our students. Our students are at home in our nstiite, ‘The faculty i= their guide, our corporate leaders their mentors and fellow students their support ee eee er et ee eae This's the beginring of lifelong network. You stand now at ajuncture of uncertainty. Pon ar ee ener tame \with our intense course work, practical approach and training, will give you that abilty poe ‘50 | welcome all of you to come and be a part of the BIBS family sc thateven youcan ca oc aero Cee Seed ______ Board of Governors Prot. Debabrata Mitra Dr. Subhajit Bhattacharya Mr. Vidur Ki Member Member Chairman, Department of Commerce Department of Business Admiristration BBs North Bengal University MOI. Murshidabad Mr. Prahlad Rao Mer. Subrata Dutta Prof. Sitanath Mazumdar Member Member Member Director Directar Professor ‘Thomas Assesment Standard Chartered Bank Department of Management Calcutta University Dr. Tanmoy Dasgupts Menber Department of Business ‘Administration Burdwan University (Our Role i to create an environment which not only simulates learning but also provides an enr ching Ietine experience Mr. Vidur Kapoor hair ARS ____Industry Academic Advisory Council [At BIBS, we have always focused on Ms. Alokananda Mukiver (Mr. Jayant Kataria Mr. Prakash Pandey cresting dustry ready managers right Senior Sales Manager HR Kot Regonal HRHesd| tom ey one Theor te ety = ste The anh et of ee @9 & ‘Anindya Sengupta Mr. Manmest Singh ‘Mr. Sandip Paul ‘Regional Head Detar Sales HRB iar ‘mr, Arnab Chakratorty ms. priya Gurnant (Mr. shivesn singh ‘Snir Brand Manager ‘aes Trane Head Bisinss - HE amazon Publicis [@entonai| Ms. Preeti Ouggaraju ‘Ms. Smita Chakraborty foginal Menager- HR Nor) Talert Acaustion Zotal Manager - Marketing Sohne Pret socuties Curriculum designs in partnership with industry professionals will ‘ensure that students from BIBS ote industry ready team Day One Mr. Debargha Ded Regional Marages-HR Worth) Core Academic Team companies n india stadentsthrasgh their learn Prof. Jayeeti Saha has been grooming Aviaion ang heeptalty Aspirant for mors than 17 years. She has teen 3 traner in Grooming ard SoFt sis fr 19 years in the Industry With 14. years of experience Prof Bhattacharya has worked with organizations lke Gigraup and Aposiay Finance. Ho has been a corporate trainer for several years primarily with Banking & education, Prof. Sen has tremendous experience as a facuky for Businose Anaiytce and Date Science having taught at prestigious instiutions and mentored thousands of ‘students inthis el, Prof, Sinha is our Math Wiaard, hugely respected for her soft but effective teaching methods. With mare than a decade of teaching experience or MBA stadents she's revered for her guidance byl our students. " ‘Afwr a rewarding stint in the corporate Prof, Chatterjee has more than a decade of Is.a very talented Communications faculty fané Martor vith = never say cle atte, Uihichsheimbbes inher students Prof. Data hee to hor credit. more than 15 years experince in he corporate word inthe Tell of Macken and Rota. Sho uses hor ‘conorate experience to guide students in Marketira andRetal Prot Shashane has expevience of more than Ti yearsin teaching farce. He ha tale more then 3000 students in nance He has iso mentored stedent entiepreneurs in Starting successful fnancal starvups ‘word, Prof, Das ‘ollowed his passion of teachingwhich now spans over5 years Hels know forhisindept anayss ¢fsubects and ishence sfaveuritewithhis students ‘an academician with over 20 ye Dr. Mita Senguptahas more than rich years of exporionce in HRM_AMter hor corporate stint, she has been associated with several felucation platforms for teaching core HR and General Management 2 top ranked professional in Finance his passion for teaching crove him (0 take on felucation ae his career for which he lds the testimony. af training over 45,000 Candidates spreadoverthelast 15 years As 2 curious and data driven digtal media [Sratogist, Prof All’hes been training and Inentering individuals in cgital marketing for foe 5 years now in various indostees tke Telecom, I Fantasy Sports end insurance 8 of feaperience, Prof. Vishwanath has Been an excellent mentor forthe students, grooming and motivating them toperform better every ‘ime for ther fnalplacements | Celica ma Toad De ee ee ee eee eee Ce ee eee oe eee eee eee mes Re eed ey Ce ee et eco Core Areas: Human Resource, Retail Management Mr. Amit Burman| Zonal Head - SBI Capital Securities Oe ee era Cee Cay Se nee ee eee? Core Areas; Businass Analytics & Data Science Ree Cee ea Re ce Cee eee ras De ey Core Areas: Human Resource, 08, Communicatian a eee eg eee Le ate aaa Cn ee eer) eee ee aad Car oe’ oat Ce vn or ee ied Cte Ne ne Core Areas: Mutual Funds, nvestment Francial Markets Ce ue can Ce een er ey Legends who have insipred BIBS Students ‘Mr. Bhaichung Bhutia ‘The Entrepreneur's Entrepreneurship earning cycle We at BIBS strongly balleve thatacademic rigor only cannot create a business leader st tomorrow. Our difforentation In practice comes from ensuring that our suconts Tecone ‘sl-stters'~ abiity to sense opportunties, think onthe feet. act with fats, lead and esecute. The Entrepreneurstio Cell was thus designed for our students with doar objecives st: ‘The Entrepreneurs: Nurturing students looking to start thar own businasses ether while studying on campus orafter completion of thee course. ‘Thought System Enhancement: As parte this we ceatoa culture of developiegan entrepreneurial intraprenearal mine tin ou siden. Iiswolves + Opening neminate Creatve Tanking + Idertifcaion cf Opportunty Stratosphere a + Branstorning es colaborative groups business networking: Adequate networking is essertia for thasuccess of each and tverybusress and at engal inst of Bushes Studies we ensure atthe student Supported by ‘Connects with Angel nvestersand Projet Conuitants | te || NEN Ultimate Start Up Plan NEN Center of Excellence NEN ha beget ware ennratin pioneting enero di crentingtetrown busiessvenures stufentsMigtupsceateaproducto-sevice | Entrepreneurship’ They have accepted the BISS mowule of thattheypantolunchasanEntepreneutal tat -ap They areguidedandmertored | tenchirg and tanng on Eetreprenershio and row wil use to meicueuly research Te value propestions,fersity. market Gynamics and | GiBS'a.a focal panto farmer tan ahers Tiswil nvole tinctonaiy of ersart-ups fvalutonof US isdoneby some the mosthigh | SIBS Faculy and mentors tine other Indiiduas and proie ventrecaptast sngelinvestorsang enteprenersof county ongansatiors uncer he MEN network artup Pla sot te USP Campettion ‘Co-Founder ef WON Moras wine wr Sees Davai Trasrossing the BIBS 5 dents Beyond Boundaries International Exposure BIBS Students with Students from the Hamburg Business School, ormany id iS ae 21BS Students at Te Global Excange Programme with MOIS Singapore Campus International Conference in Dubal, UAE » Toy with viyesagar Unversty Placement Pre Evaluation |} Placement Test (PET) Talk ‘Summer Placements —__—— Placement Process The 3 Tier Placement Cell We have a dedicated Placement Cel, continuously working to provide the best placement opportunites > fur students, The Pacement Cell works in the following Rteeture ‘Dur Plarenent Team has srona induity network ane association with most ofthe tp Corprates in West Benga S$ —_—_———— By way of aur onal Placemat Network (NPN) ich trations The Efficacy of our placement Call can be validated by the Phenomenal Pacemants Intact, More than 10% of the MBA batches nave bagged. International Final Placements year - on - year. ‘The Placemert Committee (PlaceComm) ‘The entire placement pracess, be it for the Summer or te Final Placements, ismanaged ty a group of dyoamicstudents under the placemest committee. These students manage the entre Interviews and ever joining frmaltis. This one of the most Denial experiential exercises done by Stusents at BIBS. This activity sives them practical and real tine exzosure to planning Ressurceurlisitionand perfect execitiontechriques. Final Placements Placement Evaluation Test (PET) Studentsneedto appear for aPlacement Evaluation Testor PETfor ther placements. This two-part Evaluation which covers ihe theory asa writen examination fllowed by a GO and Pl thathelps in the final gradation ofa students. This process is undertakenby very stunt fr ther Summer and Final Placoments Pro-Placement Tall ‘The pre - placement talk or Company presentations are an ‘pportunty fer the conpantes to interact with tne students Understand thei expectations and inform them about the job ‘equiremants andthe job profiles offered. Al companies that vst ‘the campus whether it is for summer or Final Placamentzintersct vith the students before conducting mterviews Summer Placements AAS an integral part of the MBA curriculum, students have to undergo’ Summer Placement Project inanorgenizaton er 12-15. weeks. This is acritial step in zstudent’sifecjcleasitheps ther ‘ealze the nuances, tricks and survival strategies that they nees to be cquioned wih for theircareers akead. Students who are able to achieve high strands in their summer provets may be given a Pre Placement Off (PPO) by the company that conims their fal placement after completion oftheir MBA programme. Final Placements The Final Placamert at IBS Wes to achieve tanspareney and ‘objectivky in the process. AS per the PET ranks and the requirements of the companies, students are then shortlsted for the Interview Procass ef the company that may comprize of Aptitude Teste, Group Discussions and Personal Interviews: Companies after completion of the Interlew Process may hand uta “spat offer" tothe studentor providea Firal Selection List'to the institute subsequently a Why companies recruit BIBS Students eee erat iene ne eae Renee ee ee ee ad Preece eiietie eal reer ee eel ert ced Se ee en ett ee eee et eee ee ee tae te eeeeectiel tet ee erie eae Se eee eee eer eee eed Cee ee sere eS eon tc Oe ee ee ee ee ar eee eb eae eee pence tetera ests crete teen secre eta ce De et ee ee eee kee ee ee ee ge ee eS eee See ee era etaen teeter eeredemheeaeneaeae inetd eee Cts Doe ae ee ee ee en Frere. sensi sist raver rene ew reinersa eon Be ee en ee ee oe oe ee Cent hn eta et rrr i rea area teatro nnn T Stn teat ni rey sy 2. An iteces placement raadinees prgramene carting wih rece i» groming, ax well a Interview propio (ich inehoe mic spatingeenttone cil See ene ees ten ebe ay Dee nee ee eee en Ire a peerings pacer peree pe pepe fc veer oy seni ne. IL ATO OL Pesaran inner sNe Ce ee et eae eee ee ee ed eee nee rec Taner ee Rete ante eee ee eee eee ed Goce rec nC ete Te RA Pee Se need Chie tte Ina Ary, crea Corporates Speak ‘ery cova The team at 3/85 fave lieben vr arm apne wes vey ment” Me. reima Roy ne fore students from hare. me Moran WAN 1 keg the 88S acer war of theracian etn th wey in te Ieigtnce, nowielge ant matty ~\C Sidney sna getomme wel Mi NN he stds that we ave rate he ceca tat we hav eae Steuart nracanaanesniceas | elie ayia hah and re gts MO na he Yue semen of oypoate Sandan Bark twas a wander exauence to ‘howl tae wert hsnest gow ur start unrunwe ° | @i@>| ae G5 EGER co He EO ot 7 & Def BiGBialovdcle | Pieecmde ___MBA - PGPBM Be OS SS SS Advantage Jeintly certfied by Yeung Indias, Cl provides students the learning of business an¢ leadership threugh programs ,mentorshi and projects i Coote ras Cee eee ee aaa ee ee ee ee Dooce tnt er feral none eet tien tonnes ee ree a eee eee eee eS Setar een en eae CO een ee ee ee eee cers este eee eens Te ea ee Cee ee em ee ea ee Peseta this Fee ec ee oe ee ee eee oe oy Petree rates une ie tS ecco eee ea Done es acer me ea i eer ea Ce on ne Ie AC oo eer Ne eee Ooo se ea eeu ea a Ce ee ee eee Ce en eee eee eee ee ee pease een re oot eee Geet rec ett etait Sere oe oe ee ee coe es Becerra seri De ee he nt a eee ae Ear en Programme Structure Samester1 Semester 2 ‘Semesters 3 and 4- Major afta ca seve Marketing Human Resource Deeaiaiees Fccmrndcntea” Atta | “Dame Det Ne eee |e Siasasnowernoaes caeccitommennte | |r enor neine Semcon ose mann ‘oeuMeacie a eam | eee pia {Masertesrs Se - eta ana ee ee) oy [ee ee (On completion, the student gets » Regular Full-Time degree affilated to Vidyasagar University,A NAAC accrelted, WB State Government University, recognised by UGC, Minisuyat HRD of the Govt. of inca, recognises fo @ government job or higher education in Inia Or abo. Ae anintagral part ofthe Confederation of Indian Industry (CI, Young Indians Vi JOINT CERTIFICATION rmoverient for indan Yeutytoconvorge, ead co-crasta srdiiuencelnala stare For 125 yeas, Cllhas been working on shaping India’s developmentourney continues tpprosctvey iraraform indin indistry sengagementinrationsl development 2 epics mira naet, ¢ Placements YI (cH) Students sartcpate in, worksbops, neusty wists & the Youpindane Confederation finan Industry sessions from visonaries@ leaders ndia'seconcmy. 425 Years - Since 1895 7 With more than 9,100 Cll members, students gain fom the ~ Inowladgeand mentorshipof those people who matter Industry endorses MBA - PGPBM “We are impressed with BIBS Students Excalletiniatives taken by providing bestinclansleerningeneronment aswell as career opportuities tothe students. Wishing fora great fuzure forall the BIBS Studentsare wonderful Theyhave been mertoredandgroomedin very high ondard andar sare they witexeel in thei careers.” scents of 888" Mr. Sandan Chakavorty (3 Michelle O'S harmanane Marogers it ‘A international Logit Ue. (TATA croup Company) # BFC Kingdom MBA - PGPBM_VS OTHERS ‘The comparison chart below enumerator advantage ofthe MBA. Post Gradua programmes nngotfered Programme ia Bushoss Management versus other sila Exchange programmes understand the gobal validation of your Inanagemert sila MBA- PGPEM Others Regula Ful Time MBA Degree Yes Marbe Giahe fo Sonne = yb Mos Ga js eau a Fal Ge abt conlenton ofersan war ta ot Cetin nc edasoment ct you abies by an ° ® ee eae industry wide respected body, which 5 open sors inal placements ‘ahnng in specialised ss with Tranng fr Placements by ndisvy placement sipportat the endot the || expers fom Sri, Rellgas Dabur Ne ogronme and mony more Optorel ceiceions by one of Geb ‘Secaeeen Hearkats Business neh) ‘business schools in the world that will No. ‘Online a an ohstink open doers to global opportunitios Tn arson of tenn w BBS eam ny Dane tnrougm mausry | So'gaemty don. Ths ges tents mites initia idea the practical understanding of business: Advanced certifications from global MS Gifice from Wicrosatt, Digital a * Marketing from Gocgle 8 Busess No ater Analytes frem IBM Ceamn at htenstonal iaiiterice Ineo Learning wih Stent a es ener P Entreprensurship Development BIBS 3 an lnstittiona member of NEN and helps promote enirepreneurship as stearcen Students ao rained, mentored todevelop startup ideas hat can be eenvertad toactual busnessee Focus only on academies and jab ‘ented Tearing Extensive taining fr Final Placements Rigosrous trainng on Communication Sus, Aptitude, Psychomotry alorg with Limited Final Placements talored to individual ‘student skills and sectoral preferences Pacers ave offered i diverse sectors based on stadent skills and Very limited end fora sleet few only We hired fer Sales Interns from BIBS, we had an overall good exzerience, The students were ‘enthusistic, and the corporate reations team was very helpful and cooperative. nthe mterrship, the Interns showed ween imerestin picking sp new things. The projects turned out fo be welland we were ‘abe te find good talento joinus for full yme rates." Giirg \conenmn mors Mr. Vishal Didwania | HRBP-East RECRUITERS SPEAK Ps More than 10% of the MBA Batch has bagged International Placements. aot (A. Acvinb Pars tare Capgemini ae x Inchustod Bank y KevENTER ~ U E few Mondeléz, {

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