Asynchronous Activity 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur


1. Research and present the status of drug abuse and misuse worldwide.
Drug abuse and misuse continue to be significant public health issues around the
world. The patterns of drug abuse vary across different regions, influenced by cultural,
economic, and social factors. The following are some key points:
Opioid Crisis
Several countries, particularly the United States and Canada, have been grappling
with an opioid crisis. The misuse of prescription opioids, along with the illicit use of
substances like heroin and fentanyl, has led to a surge in opioid-related overdoses and
Stimulant Misuse
The misuse of stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, remains a
concern in various parts of the world. These drugs can have severe health consequences
and contribute to social and economic challenges.
Cannabis Legalization
The status of cannabis has been evolving, with an increasing number of countries
legalizing its medical and/or recreational use. While this has potential economic benefits
and may reduce the burden on legal systems, concerns exist about potential increases in
cannabis misuse.
Synthetic Drugs
The production and use of synthetic drugs, including synthetic cannabinoids and
cathinones (commonly known as "bath salts"), continue to pose challenges for law
enforcement and public health agencies.
Global Initiatives
International organizations and governments are actively engaged in efforts to
combat drug abuse. Initiatives include prevention programs, harm reduction strategies, and
law enforcement measures.
Impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has added complexity to the drug abuse landscape.
Disruptions in supply chains, changes in social dynamics, and challenges in accessing
treatment services have affected individuals struggling with substance use disorders.
Treatment and Harm Reduction
There is a growing recognition of the importance of treatment and harm reduction
approaches. These include access to rehabilitation services, needle exchange programs, and
overdose prevention initiatives.
2. Report the drug scenarios in the Philippines.
The Philippines has been grappling with drug-related issues, and the government
has implemented controversial measures to address the problem.
War on Drugs
The Philippines, under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, launched a
"War on Drugs" in 2016. This campaign involved a strong and often controversial approach,
including widespread anti-drug operations by law enforcement agencies.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


Extrajudicial Killings
The anti-drug campaign has faced significant criticism due to reports of extrajudicial
killings and alleged human rights abuses. The methods employed in the drug war have been
a subject of both domestic and international concern.
Drug Rehabilitation Programs
In parallel with law enforcement efforts, the government has also emphasized drug
rehabilitation programs to address the root causes of drug abuse. However, the capacity of
rehabilitation centers and the effectiveness of these programs have been points of
International Criticism
The human rights situation in the context of the War on Drugs has led to criticism
from various international bodies and organizations. Some countries and human rights
groups have called for investigations into alleged abuses.
Drug Trafficking and Trade
The Philippines, like many other countries, faces challenges related to drug
trafficking and the illegal drug trade. Geographical factors, including the archipelagic nature
of the country, contribute to the difficulty of law enforcement efforts.
Public Opinion
The government's anti-drug campaign has received mixed reactions from the public.
While there is support for addressing the drug problem, concerns have been raised about
the methods used and the impact on human rights.
Policy Developments
The Philippines has undergone changes in leadership and policy directions, and it is
essential to stay updated on any shifts in the government's approach to the drug issue.
3. Identify the factors that influence substance use and abuse among youth, young
professionals, adults and the elderly.
Substance use and abuse can be influenced by a combination of biological,
psychological, social, and environmental factors. These factors can vary across different age
groups, and understanding them is crucial for developing effective prevention and
intervention strategies. Here are some key factors influencing substance use and abuse in
different age groups:
1. Biological Factors:
 Genetic predisposition to addiction.
 Neurodevelopmental factors, as the brain is still developing during
2. Psychological Factors:
 Impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors.
 Mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
3. Social Factors:
 Peer influence and pressure.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


 Lack of parental involvement or supervision.

 Exposure to substance use in the family or community.
4. Environmental Factors:
 Accessibility and availability of substances.
 Socioeconomic factors influencing living conditions and stressors.
 School environment and academic pressures.
Young Professionals
1. Biological Factors:
 Continued impact of genetic predisposition.
 Changes in brain structure and function due to aging.
2. Psychological Factors:
 Work-related stress.
 Transition challenges and identity formation.
 Co-occurring mental health issues.
3. Social Factors:
 Workplace culture and peer influence.
 Social events and networking where substance use may be prevalent.
 Social expectations and societal norms.
4. Environmental Factors:
 Access to substances in urban environments.
 Economic stability or instability.
 Availability of recreational activities and alternatives.
1. Biological Factors:
 Age-related changes in metabolism and tolerance.
 Co-occurring health issues and chronic pain.
2. Psychological Factors:
 Coping mechanisms for stress and life changes.
 Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
3. Social Factors:
 Social and family relationships.
 Life transitions, such as marriage, parenthood, or divorce.
 Socioeconomic status and employment stability.

4. Environmental Factors:
 Accessibility and availability of substances.
 Cultural and societal attitudes towards substance use.
 Legal and policy influences.
1. Biological Factors:
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


 Changes in metabolism and medication interactions.

 Increased susceptibility to the effects of substances.
2. Psychological Factors:
 Coping with aging, loss, and health-related issues.
 Co-occurring mental health conditions.
3. Social Factors:
 Isolation and loneliness.
 Retirement and changes in social roles.
 Bereavement and loss of peers.
4. Environmental Factors:
 Availability of healthcare and support services.
 Accessibility of substances in healthcare settings.
 Cultural attitudes towards aging and substance use.
Knowing these factors helps tailor prevention and intervention measure to specific
age groups, considering the unique challenges and vulnerabilities associated with each
stage of life. It's important to note that these factors interact and influence each other,
making a comprehensive and multidimensional approach essential.
4. Define and differentiate the terminologies used in drug education.
Drug education involves the use of various terminologies to describe substances,
their effects, and related concepts. Here are definitions for some common terminologies
used in drug education:
Drug - any substance that, when taken into the body, alters its function physically and/or
Substance Use - the consumption or ingestion of any substance, including alcohol and
drugs, for various purposes.
Substance Misuse - the use of a substance for unintended purposes or in ways that can
lead to harm.
Substance Abuse - problematic or harmful use of a substance, often involving patterns
leading to impairment or negative consequences.
Addiction - a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and
continued use despite harm.
Dependence - a state where the body has adapted to a drug, leading to withdrawal
symptoms upon reduction or cessation.
Tolerance - diminishing effect of a drug over time, requiring higher doses for the same
Gateway Drug - a substance considered less harmful that may lead to the use of more
potent or dangerous substances.
Harm Reduction - practical strategies to minimize negative consequences associated with
drug use.
Withdrawal - physiological and psychological symptoms when reducing or stopping a
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


Psychoactive Substance - any substance affecting mental processes, including cognition

and mood.
Designer Drug - synthetic drug created to mimic known substances while evading legal
Overdose - consumption of a substance in quantities greater than the body can handle,
potentially fatal.
Recovery - process of overcoming a substance use disorder, marked by positive changes in
behavior and well-being.
Dual Diagnosis - presence of both a substance uses disorder and a mental health disorder
in an individual.
Enabling - behavior that supports or allows someone to continue their substance use.
SCHEDULE I High potential for abuse, no Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy,
accepted medical use, and Methaqualone, and other
lack of accepted safety for highly dangerous drugs.
use under medical
SCHEDULE II High potential for abuse, Cocaine, Morphine, Opium,
with accepted medical use, and other substances with
but may lead to severe high abuse potential.
psychological or physical
SCHEDULE III Moderate to low potential Ketamine, Anabolic
for abuse, with accepted steroids, Buprenorphine,
medical use. and other regulated
SCHEDULE IV Low potential for abuse Diazepam, Midazolam,
relative to substances in Alprazolam, and other
Schedule III, with accepted drugs with lower abuse
medical use. potential.
SCHEDULE V Low potential for abuse Cough preparations
relative to substances in containing less than 200
Schedule IV, with accepted milligrams of codeine per
medical use. 100 milliliters or per 100
grams, and other low-risk
Intervention - a structured approach to help individuals recognize and address their
substance use.
Relapse - return to substance use after a period of abstinence.
Peer Pressure - influence from friends or acquaintances to engage in substance use.
Detoxification - process of clearing toxins from the body after substance use cessation.
Sobriety - state of being free from the influence of substances.
Gateway Theory - concept suggesting that the use of certain substances may lead to the
use of more harmful ones.
Substance-Free - a lifestyle or environment without the use of any substances.
Pharmacology - study of how drugs interact with the body.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


Recreational Drug Use - non-problematic and intentional use of substances for enjoyment
or relaxation.
5. Define a matrix on the classification of drugs on RA 9165.

Republic Act 9165, also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
in the Philippines, classifies drugs into different schedules based on their potential for
abuse, medical use, and dependence liability. Here's a simplified matrix to illustrate the
classification based on RA 9165:
It's important to note that this classification is specific to the Philippines and may
not align with drug classifications in other countries. Additionally, the schedules and
criteria may be subject to amendments or updates, so it's crucial to refer to the most recent
version of the law for accurate information.

6. Develop a infographics material on penalty for drug abuse, misuse and overuse based on
R.A. 9165.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


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