Unit 9B - Task 5 - Ss Sheet To Complete

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 Task 5

2. References
At the end of your essay, you will need to include a reference list in APA style. On this list, you will
have to include every source that you quoted, summarised or paraphrased. As APA style is very
specific and detailed in its layout and format, it is suggested that you work through the Purdue OWL
Workshop on the link below.

Task 5
Write out the full reference of each of the following resources. Please refer to the
Purdue OWL workshop link above to help you fill in all the elements.

A book written by Wolfgang KOHLER in 1929. The title is “Gestalt Psychology” and it was published by
Liveright in New York.

End of text reference

Kö hler, W. (1929). Gestalt Psychology. New York: Liveright.

1. A book written by Vaughan RAPATAHANA and Pauline BUNCE in 2012. The title is “English
Language as Hydra” and it was published by Short Run Press in London.

End of text reference

2. An article on the BBC News website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39040146) written by

Paul GALLAGHER on 22nd February 2017. The title of the article is “South Korean Women to Live

End of text reference

3. An article posted on NBC Miami website (http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Teen-Doctor) on

16th January 2015. The title of the article is “Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital”. The
author is unknown.

End of text reference

4. A journal article written by Vilayanur RAMACHANDRAN and Edward HUBBARD in 2001. The title of
the article is “Synaesthesia: A window into perception, thought and language”. The article appeared in
volume 8, issue 12 of the journal called “Journal of Consciousness Studies”. The article was printed on
pages 3-34.

End of text reference

5. An online journal article written by Daphne MAURER in the year 2006. The article’s title is “Sound-
Shape correspondences in toddlers and adults”. The article was published in volume 9, issue 3 of the
journal called “Developmental Science”. It was printed on pages 316-322. The online article was found
at: The article was found at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16669803

End of text reference

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